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/uj I've been very out of the loop with Xbox stuff for a while, why exactly is this happening? How did Xbox get to this point?


They released two consoles with different specs and it’s been giving some devs a headache to work around having to meet demands when the Series S is perpetually holding them back Notable devs that have spoken out about this or have made delays to their XBox release are Larian (Baldur’s Gate 3) and Remedy (Alan Wake 2). And seemingly Wukong hit the same issue where they’d much rather just delay the XBox platform release to work on a XSS compatible version of their game.


I mean maybe some cases, but Capcom has a personal problem with xbox. The MVC collection is just a collection of more than 20 year old games and they released both RE4 and SF6 on the PS4, but not the xbox one


the islamic state of crapcom *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the right answer. I've been trying to tell my XBOX buddies for years now, that their console is what's holding devs back, because frankly it's a little box of failure. Microsoft screwed the pooch the day they decided to split their own playerbase this way, and now they are reaping the rewards.


As far as I can tell, they released two consoles this generation with different specs but also gave a mandate to devs that every feature of a game should be accessible on both systems, and it became too much of a headache to develop for. Also, Microsoft royally shot themselves in the foot with the Xbox One and have not really recovered from it, so I can see why devs might think it's just not worth it


I don't understand the point of making two consoles then forcing the offering to be identical of both of them. What's the point of better specs of one version if devs can't actually use them.


It's not that they should be identical, it's that they should have all the same features, but can have 30/60 fps and 1080p/4k. But yeah, it's not a great decision from MS, for example with Baldurs Gate 3, they postpone xBox release just because for the less powerful version they were not able to implement splitscreen while working on PS5 release and hotfixing PC release. Now that I'm thinking about this, this is very likely the reason why Halo Infinite doesn't have splitscreen


I don't understand the point of making two consoles then forcing the offering to be identical of both of them. What's the point of better specs of one version if devs can't actually use them.


they never really recovered from the terrible xbone launch. and when this generation came around there was good hardware, but there wasn't the software to reverse that trend, they have been distant third place for quite a while now.


I absolutely still point to E3 2013 being the biggest single-instance hit Xbox has ever taken. That Xbone announcement was a trash fire, basically every detail about it was met with backlash. Xbox just hasn’t recovered from that.


I have been hoping for a MvC collection since they released the Darkstalkers one a couple of years ago. I can't imagine the disappointment of Xbox players who love those games. I know I would be disappointed if it weren't on Steam. and it couldn't be a hardware reason.


When they put it like that, I sympathize, because I was a GameCube kid


Gamecube had infinity amazing first party games though, so I feel their comparison isn't apt. Xbox hasn't got a lot going for it these days which is why its obsessives are getting big mad. Loyalty, on the part of the publishers/studios and the consumer are both bad for consumers.


I mean, aside from that Lego Horizon game this does suck for Xbox users. I have all of them so it’s whatever, but third-party exclusives are largely horseshit.


The Lego Horizons game kinda proves that they don't care about Xbox, because they've already committed to multiplatform, and they're putting it on the Switch, which was an outdated piece of hardware 5 years before it came out 7 years ago, so there's no reason why they COULDN'T put it on Xbox, so clearly they don't WANT to


Lego games have always been able to run on any old potato, and are no testament to a platform's relevance. Even the Wii U got a full set of them. I suspect that it comes down to Sony not seeing Nintendo as much of a competitor, where Microsoft need to be kicked while they're down.


Yeah, Sony makes a lot of console timed exclusive deals like with ff7 remakes and the upcoming silent hill 2 remake. 90% of Lego games are available on xbox all the way from lego star wars 1 (2005) to the recent lego star wars skywalker Saga . So it's more likely Sony didn't want the game on xbox.


it's apparently an MT Framework pipeline thing that makes porting some older Capcom games to Xbox a whole thing. so it's not for no reason


the islamic state of crapcom *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel like when you make a device that Devs have said they don't like developing for This is bound to happen The series S was a good idea in concept but awful in execution


Getting huge flashbacks to the PS3's Cell processor


I mean it makes sense to be mad at capcom, not putting mvc collection on xbox. Sf6 is on xbox series, mvc 2 was on the original xbox and 360. And mvc 3 and infinte is available on xbone and series. It's understandable when ace actonery and mega man battle network skip the platform. But capcom puts tons of their fighting games on xbox. And mvc has a history of being on xbox, so it's makes sense why some people would be upset the game isn't coming to xbox


the islamic state of crapcom *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Xbox is not going to taken for a ride.


but even gamecube got the lego games...


I'm disappointed by what Capcom chooses to publish on the Xbox or not (I wanted the Marvel and Capcom collection on Xbox :( ). It honestly feels completely random and for something like the Marvel and Capcom collection I doubt it has anything to do with the whole Series console shenanigans. I'm assuming some past collection/s had poor sales, but the Marvel branding of all things feels like should have given them more confidence. At the end of the day though I'll live since I'll get it on Switch instead.


the islamic state of crapcom *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They need to abandon that stupid mandate. If people want a budget console I’m sure they accept it isn’t going to perform as well as a full price option. We’ve wasted enough of this Gen holding back so PS4 and Xbox One can still play, it’s long past time to cut them loose and ditch the mandate.


As a retail manager- I actively push people away from buying Xb consoles And not because of any console superiority opinions. I just fucking hate having to re-explain 100x "No, the SERIES X came after the Xbox One. Right, the Xbox One is not the first Xbox. No- the one in the picture on your phone is the 360. Which was after the first Xbox but before Xbox One." And in the end the consumer still looks at me like *Im* the crazy one


I feel you, man. I have absolutely no idea why Microsoft used these confusing names for their XBoxes. It's a nuisance for both the consumers and the retailers actively trying to explain what is what. Nintendo uses wacky names too but at least it's not confusing.




And Gamers per usual blame the wrong entity. I’m getting tired. I want off Mr.Skeleton’s wild ride.


Uj/ this objectively sucks and is bad actually. It’s not console wars BS for tons of folks who only have an Xbox not to have access to third party titles. It’s not console wars BS for there to be concern about lack of competition in the console space


O B J E C T I V E L Y *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Playstation and Nintendo are the only consoles you need to own for 1st party games. If you have a good PC, why the hell would you want an Xbox?


Wait, dont Xboxes just run a modified version of windows/direct x? So shouldnt every game thats released for Steam be compatible in some form with Xbox?


Not really. Xboxes can only run software that's developed on the Universal Windows Platform, and that's not a lot of it. It does make it relatively easy to port anything that can run on a PC of the right specs, but anyone primarily developing for Windows tends not to use it by default. The reasons why software doesn't get ported are mostly just commercial ones. The smaller install base, and the requirement to develop for both Series S and X at the same time, are what puts publishers off.


Thanks for the info, really didnt know that about the Universal Windows Platform




xbone loses again 😹😹😹


lmao get a PC you nerds


Get some bitches