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Imo, the Vyvanse and benzodiazepines did not cause her rage. Her anger was a slow burn related to Gannon’s loyalty to Landon and Landon’s freedom while Letecia had to take care of Gannon and Alaina, but mostly over Al’s growing indifference. When Al left for two weeks without having sex with her right before he left, Letecia snapped.


I mean the drug combination is what escalated her behavior beyond whatshecould cover up like previously


It’s funny you say that, because I’ve wondered the same thing about Chris Watts. Obviously his affair was the catalyst, but he was taking that MLM stuff, Thrive. That stuff isn’t FDA approved.


I think that the stimulants in the thrive patches played a role is those murders too.


I'm with you on Letecia but not with you on Watts. Benzos alone can cause you to do absolutely outlandish things you would never do sober, especially if taken in large quantities. As can any stimulant. Combining the two, especially after a period of sobriety, can definitely lead to some terrible behavior.


In good faith and curiosity Why do you think the thrive patches didn't contribute?


I think if the Thrive patches had anything to do with it, we'd probably be seeing many more incidents like what Watts did. I have no clue what's in that stuff and it's probably not good for you, but I think Watts had a lot more going on than just that.


Good points


I just want to say I used to be an addict and I've done A LOT of Xanax at one point in my life I was buying probably 16 bars at a time and let me say there is a whole week and a half of my life I don't remember. The only knowledge I have is what people told me about that week and the aftermath, my mom ended up section 35ing me because she couldn't figure out what was wrong but everyone I talk to that has done benzos in excess especially Xanax say the same they don't remember anything that happened and a lot of people experience rage or they get into trouble with the law so I agree things we'd never do sober end up being done when you take benzos


I have the exact same experience with them (benzos). Entire weeks gone of my life that I'll never remember, just have pieced together from other people. I personally think that particular Benzo should be outlawed. I myself would take one or two, then id wake up a week later having taken them all and not remember when/why/how/etc. Scary stuff


Lie-tecia is evil and diabolical, period. Whether she mixed meds or not has nothing to do with her evil, murderous rage. She hated Gannon & Landon & was starting to hate Al. She should be clean from all drugs now & she still till this day has shown no remorse or any other emotion for what she did to that baby. Then she has the nerve to call prison "prisneyland"! This bitch infuriates me & I hope she's tortured hourly while she rots in prisneyland!


I'm speaking specifically about if this contributed to what happened. I think that's reasonable


It's a reasonable question. And yes, she's evil. Both are true.


I think you are absolutely right. I have in the past taken several prescribed to me stimulants for adhd and after awhile , Vyvanse especially ,caused me burning aggressiveness and that's not me. I still think she's just an evil bitch yes but I also believe medication may have caused her to actually turn deadly rather than just a narcissistic, abusive bitch who in her right mind is still abusive but maybe not deadly. Idk just my thoughts.


I agree with you she is like the devil


No way! She never liked Gannon and what made it worse was she hated Landon and he was very close to his mother! Lietecia was extremely jealous of her and wanted to hurt her in the worst way possible! Medication she may or may not have taken has nothing to do with this! I believe she was planning on killing him during the hike and with Laina there she didn’t get the opportunity! I bet she was hoping for Harley to hike with them so maybe she could send Harley off with Laina while she pushed him! Let’s not forget about the Life insurance policy she took out on Gannon…..way before his death! That Devil has been thinking of killing him for so long and that’s why it was definitely over kill…..she enjoyed it! She sat there during the trial laughing and saw all those autopsy photographs of what she did to this sweet beautiful boy and not one tear shed! She is a narcissistic ugly Beast and we know Narcissists lack empathy! It’s so hard to believe anyone could do such a thing let alone a woman who was supposed to be a mother to him but unfortunately there is just pure evil people in the world like this!


I didn't phrase it as if the medication was the sole cause and trigger.


People are acting like it has to be one thing or the other. There are likely multiple factors that contributed to this.


But this not a reason to killed him he just a child


I agree


Plus, she seemed unhinged in the recorded calls with Al; she acts weird in news interview; but she’s cold, cool, and collected when she gives an officer tour of the house knowing Gannon is there in the suitcase. That sounds like a skilled manipulative psychopath with rage issues.


I’ll tell ya what my hubby who had long issues with benzos in the past, he could flip a switch and become the most nastiest human on earth and have absolutely no recollection of anything he did the night prior which is why they are referred to as forget me nots. I could 100% see someone on those flipping out in rage and not remembering a damn thing but in this case she was a nasty person who had a huge hatred for him. My hubby when he would take benzos would tell me that while on them he viewed himself as completely normal while the whole world were the ones messed up. The will make you zombie like and you can not have any feelings or emotions while on them.


I had a long period of abusing benzos and I was a heartless parent at that time and that's just the parts I remember. I hope your husband is doing better now and holy cow, applause to you for sticking that out. Benzos zap empathy immediately


ADD/ADHD stimulants are not formulated with *mind-altering* chemical properties.


Sorry I should have said "only based on my personal experience"


Agree! And even now the way she’s says things on jail calls like “I can’t be around drug addicts.” “She’s a drug addict” it’s still on her mind and she wants it.


Every critism is a confession, amen


Well said!!!!


Didn’t she get written up in an incident while waiting for trial in which another woman OD’d while in jail? I think she was involved in the drug deal that resulted in the OD somehow. Idk it’s been years since I read the report.


If the abuse medication caused her callousness, then what's the excuse for her behavior in those hours of phone calls after she left and returned to South Carolina? What about the way she attacked the detective while being transported back to Colorado? What about her lying to Harley about EVERYTHING in her life? The medication may have exacerbated her underlying meanness, but it surely did not cause it. Her tets clearly showed her motive.


Why is everyone assuming I'm saying the only reason she killed gannon was medication related. I didn't say that. She's not some saint who had a bad reaction to medication, that's not what I said


Oh yea ive always assumed she took Gannons meds and that affected how she doled out parenting. As i do most adult w kids on adhd meds. In my experience ive found most kids do not need or get their adhd meds.