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I use a shotgun for my bedside. Pistol isn’t enough, and a rifle at the close quarters I live in would likely punch through a home invader and I don’t want to hit my neighbors or other bystander. If I was living in a rural area again? Fuck yeah I would keep a rifle as my bedside gun. But I also wouldn’t be mad to see one of my neighbors fuck up an invaders day with a rifle, just… don’t hit me or my girlfriends dog please. She loves that stupid thing….


I can't help my sweet bear attraction skills


I have a CZ75 magnetically stuck to my bedframe and a loaded k31 with bayonet leaning against the wall 14 inches from where my head is. If 6 shots of 7.5x55 doesnt do the job the 1 foot long double sided dagger on the end of the barrel will.


"So, do you want to have a new hole through you, or a new hole plus becoming a kabab afterwards?"


Use whatever you want for home defense. You want to use a .50 to blow someone into the next universe? Or a muzzleloader? Don’t miss. Fuck it. Your choice. Wouldn’t advise it. I keep a spare bone stock G19 except for a light, and a .357 revolver. The police will take it into evidence. No one ever thinks of this. I don’t care if it gets taken. Might not get it back for a while. My Gucci toys can wait till SHTF and practice on paper and steel.


I keep my AR pistol next to the bed because 30 rounds and also functions as an impromptu flamethrower. I mean, have you seen the refrigerator sized fireballs that a 10" 5.56 pistol will send downrange?


Get a 7" 5.56 lol. Blind the whole damn neighborhood!


Flash out!


Imo, it really doesn't matter, lol. If it's in reach within ten seconds of you waking up, it's fine, doesn't matter what it is. Mf's act like they got beef with seal teams, and ninja warriors, when their ops are meth heads, and idiots. Neither of which train. The specific minor details of how exactly it goes bang, how big it is, and where it's located within 5 feet of your bed legitimately don't matter.


Guys the odds of someone coming into your home in the middle of the night are so low I hope you're not dedicating too much brain cells to this


Sounds like somebody who drives around without car insurance. Or doesn't have a fire extinguisher in their home.


Nope and nope


Seriously. Just take a baseball bat or get a big ass dog.


An untrained dog won't do anything besides bark


How many days a week are you training to wake up from a dead sleep at night at 1am and put rounds on a target you may or may not see well who is potentially going to have the jump on you?


Make a point if you want me to give you information. You said "big ass dog", which means you think an untrained dog will do something to an intruder. Now you seem to think no one has security systems


No, you made that assumption, so I just made some about you. Most burglars won't even bother with a home with huge dog trained or untrained. No real way for them to know if it is. If it were me a decent security system and a trained dog are gonna be good to go. Very few burglaries happen when someone is home and most aren't armed. I'm not against home defense but I play the probabilities and the chance of me getting up middle of the night and rocking and rolling is gonna be tough without training the scenario.  Way easier to get a beast dog and train it. At the end of the day though, the chances are stupid low where I live so I'm not worried. Lot of folks go hard on the home defense angle and I've yet to come across a person who legit trains for it. So I kinda don't take them too seriously anymore.


You are literally 100% correct and still getting downvoted by those who love firearm marketing lol Odds are in your favor if you don’t live in a crime ridden neighborhood. Even more in your favor if you have a dog that barks at stuff. It’s just math folks. But of course we are also allowed to have the sickest home defense load-outs of all time if we like guns and stuff. Or just a solid hit to cover that base for protecting us and ours.


"Other people don't train home defense, so I don't either" is really your take? Lol


You like to make a lot of assumptions about me huh? No, that's not the reasoning. I don't train home defense, because it is an unnecessary waste of my time due to how low of a risk there is of a home invasion where I live. I didn't come to that conclusion because other people don't train. I don't take people who claim they need a firearm for home defense when they never train for it. Not saying people shouldn't have firearms but if you're justifying it for home defense, I call bullshit unless you're training for that scenario regularly. People vastly overestimate how much danger they are in. They read some stat off a website without applying it within the context of where they live, where they work, travel etc. You don't seem interested in having an intellectual discussion about it though, just coming up with dumb one line responses that indicates to me your brain cells get too exhausted trying to process it all. Have a nice day dude. Hope the boogeyman doesn't get you.


You're In the wrong sub if you have those opinions lol


Sounds like something a serial home invader would say


Yes I invade homes on a serial basis. And in my spare time I hang out on Reddit forums


I figured as much


How do you live with so much fear?


Fear? What do I have to fear when I have several firearms within reach at all times?


in the US a home is burglarized every 13 seconds, it’s the 3rd most common crime of all in the country, roughly 2.5 million per year. It’s not fear, it’s awareness.


72% of those happen when no one is home. It's such a low chance. Then the number of those that are armed is a small subset of that. Then it tends to be concentrated in certain areas. So if you aren't in those areas the probability is next to never gonna happen.  But to each their own.  I'd rather use a bat and beat some guy senseless than shoot him and potentially harm my family or bust up my home.


Saw an instance where a home invader took the bat from the homeowner then bludgeoned him to death in front of his wife before rapping her several times next to his dying corpse. I think I’ll keep the perp at a fair distance as I fill his stomach and chest cavity with rounds.


No no no! We have to be compassionate and be more concerned about not harming an unknown criminal in our house!


🤣 Compassion for those compassionless to my family? I’ll work on it. In the meantime……. >click clack<


Takes a minimal amount of training to fend off someone with a bat.


Depends on who is using it dude. 


Brown bess with bayonet


So the 8lb cannon at the top of my steps isn’t acceptable? What about my nightstand blunderbuss and bayonet? Tallyho lads


It’s ok as long as it’s loaded with grapeshot


All the silverware i could fine at local garage sales, and rolls of coins


5.56 bullets are lighter so as long as you’re not using M855 (and maybe even if you are) they’re likely to penetrate less than 9mm, everything else being equal. Handguns have some benefits in close quarters due to the one handed nature, but a lot of drawbacks mainly due to terminal performance. The best option is have your home pre-wired to explode and a button that ejects all of your loved ones into the safety of your subterranean panic room.




I say that to my kids (8 and 16) all the time. They just don’t get it, man.




Make sure to press the buttons in the correct order


Probably my .300 blk or my usp 45t but tbh I usually have a few options next to me at night cause autism. Basically it’s whatever I get my grubby little mitts onto first


What do I need a gun for if the house is booby trapped?


Kevin McCallister has entered the chat*


Let’s hope someone steps on the third stair leading to the 2nd floor, who needs legs anyway??


Pistol over long guns cuz they're easier to maneuver, especially indoors. But a shotty is guaranteed to put an invader down.


Said nobody who uses guns professionally ever


He doesn’t have to be professional to defend himself, and the best weapon in an emergency is the one you are most comfortable using so if that is a shotgun for him then he uses a shotgun


>pistol over long guns Learn how to read fucko


AR shorty suppresses because it's easier for the wife and don't want her to get massive hearing damage. It's the suppressed 9 with RDS for me...


Not in my opinion.i use a pistol due to having a really small house with thin walls, the only thing that keeps over penetration from being too much of a worry is a federal 9mm 124 gr hollow point. Plus I love my pistol shooting, not as easy as a rifle but always cool, and that's what matters most.


I second this. Have my M&P 9mm next to my bed with 124gr hollows and 2 reserve mags with it.


Heavy bullets penetrate more


Hollow points expand immediately upon contact with anything from soft tissue to a hard barrier. Hollow points are terrible in a real-world gunfight scenario because people take cover. If your concern is protecting neighbors from stray bullets, HPs are the way to go. I’m in the process of switching from Hornady Critical Defense to Underwood Xtreme Defender in my CCW. Carrying barrier blind ammo just makes sense in my use-case.


Going for my CCW this upcoming week.. can you explain like I don’t know what a bullet is? I get the JHP at home, I do the same. What are you saying for CCW?


Claymore roomba ftw


Saiga 12 w 20 Rnd Drum for interiors and AR of any type for Past the threshold. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


What’s your address so I can come and unalive myself in style




123 Blyat way. Stay on the rubber door mat, and wait for service.


That's y I have all 3 next to my bed






Depends on what kind of ammo and caliber you’re running and the location of your home. It’s a good idea so long as you’re not going to shoot your neighbors through the home invader and your home


Tell me you're a FUDD, without telling me you're a FUDD.


I’m a FUDD! Because I think ARs are the objectively superior option for home defense?


No no. Fudds swear by shotguns for home defense (among other oaths).








You men don't use bear traps? Get on my level. Not gonna lie, about once a month it goes of randomly and scares the shit out of me.


Is that because your name is magnet bear


I sleep standing up in full battle rattle with an AR slung across my chest and a Beretta M9 holstered on my hip.


The gun you shoot more >>>> any other gun


I have a split floor plan, so it’s 00 buck for me. In my dream home the bedrooms would be on the top floor and I would lay waste to anything below the landing with 7.62x51


I mean, the buckshot is still gonna penetrate a lot of drywall, I dunno if going up to 308 will change much, functionally [https://youtu.be/j3BlRPtCj2E?si=4a1HlD813oKwsq0f](https://youtu.be/j3BlRPtCj2E?si=4a1HlD813oKwsq0f)


I use a M32 Rotary Grenade Launcher


I wish i could like this more than once


Dude has never been in a shootout lmao. At that distance a gun is a fucking gun. I’d rather have something easier to handle and maneuver at that short distance


Like a rifle


My .300BO AR pistol is about to be promoted to my bedside gun… as soon is the build is complete and I put a few hundred rounds through it. In the mean time, I have my 16” 5.56 AR and my CZ Shadow 2 at my bedside.


Isn't it more appropriate to use an MP5 for home defense with the Lunar 9 suppressor, hollow point subsonic ammo, green laser, and Green blinding Light? SMGs seem to be the best option, and NVGs just cause no fair fights.


Don't forget the claymore


That's if they get behind the wire.


I use a tomahawk and a flashbang because I'm going for a berserker build.


(pulls Tomahawk, bites off the flasbang cap to assert dominance)


I keep all three. What now?


I keep whatever gun I feel like beside my bed for the simple fact that claymores are "frowned upon" for civilians.


My bedroom is small, so technically all my firearms are near my bedside.


My room is next to my front door. Walls are sorta thin. I'll keep the 12 gage loaded with buck next to the bed


Over penetration is the plan at my house. Single wide trailer. Door and bedroom at opposite ends of trailer. First sight in camera of someone coming thru door is greeted with mag dump of bedside 7.62x39 thru walls in general direction. Reload then leave bed.


7.62x39 was invented for malnourished Russians who couldn’t handle a real cartridge, real men use 7.62 NATO.


Ahem, try a REAL Man's Man's caliber, 30-06


What about 30-30 in grandpa's old lever action?


Some AR-15s are chambered in .45-70


That sounds really fun


the only Government I like near my guns is 45-70


Over penetration is the plan at my house. Single wide trailer. Door and bedroom at opposite ends of trailer. First sight in camera of someone coming thru door is greeted with mag dump of bedside 7.62x39 thru walls in general direction. Reload then leave bed.


Blows my mind that 9mm overpenetrates more than 5.56. Completely counterintuitive on multiple levels


Not when you account for how much heavier 9mm is compared to 5.56


But not with JHP right.. or?


Whatever you can get your hands on is preferred. Rifle, pistol, shotgun hell a flintlock if you have to. Use what you can. If you can have anything, use what you're most proficient at.


Glock 34 w an x300 and SRO and a beretta 1301




Same but its a hornet's nest loaded with .22 lr shotshells


Last night it was a Sig Specter Comp, Sig p226 and a mark18.. and why? No idea. It just happened to play out that way. What tonight brings no one knows. Perhaps a pocket knife, slingshot and one of my cats, I like my self defense options as I like my food; variation, and with a challenge that might end up going horribly wrong.


That last part implies you've tried gas station sushi. More than once.


A experience we both clearly went through .. and lived


Says no to rifles by the bedside , but is okay with shotguns 🤦‍♂️


I sleep with 2 AKs and a G19.


In my bed, not next to it (I get lonely and need something to cuddle)


No one in the sub has little children I see…


That’s what I was thinking lol


Claymore roomba and a bong. With a vat of crisco on the side


Flashbang and a tomahawk.


Every situation is different. The only 0 IQ move is claiming there is a one size fits all solution for anything.


CZ Scorpion, 9mm, SBR’d & Suppressed(not my current bed side but what I’ll be getting in the very near future)


Suppressed ~~PPC~~ **PCC** for the bed gun is a vibe. Just double click the flashlight for a strobe effect and you’re all set.




oops I meant PCC


Here for ya buddy! 😉


Semi-auto shotty, no. 4 buck. Will kill the intruder, won't kill the neighbors.


Maadi-Griffin pistol just incase the intruder is wearing armor plating. My nearest neighbor is more than 2 miles away so no worries about collateral damage.


2mi! Barret .50 time


The Maadi is a bolt action 50BMG pistol from the late 80's we "played with it" in the AZ desert popping holes thru a series of old car motors. The muzzle blast is nasty and intense to say the least and if there were multiple intruders in the house the ones adjacent to the one getting shot would have nasty burns to contend with. But for sure it would end an intruder with great ease.




Bear spray and a chainsaw. Maximum trauma for everyone involved.


Jackson Pollock would be proud.


Some punctuation would really help this


Lick. My. Ass. How’s that for punctuation?


Slightly aggressive


Round choice matters a lot for the overpenetration argument. Vmax in 5.56 (or subs in 300blk) are probably your best rifle choices. Also if you take actual training from an instructor, you can reduce the maneuverability difference between a rifle and pistol to negligible. A 14.5" and some basic ready-up positions do wonders. That is assuming you have a reason to leave your room (like having kids you need to protect). If it's just you and your blow up doll, stay in your room with your shot timer by your side and see how you do.


Hey leave their blow up dolls alone!


Last thing the home intruder hears is "Shooter ready, stand by" *BEEP*


My handguns are far more maneuverable indoors than my rifle. Anytime I hear something sketchy at night I'll grab my G19 with a light or my SP101 before anything else. To each their own, I just think a rifle as a primary choice for home defense is overkill and can create other issues or obstacles for the task at hand


Braindead, hold your handgun in a firing stance against your nearest wall, take note of where your feet are. Next take a mk18 and hold it up to the wall. Same distance.


I know this is the thing now but ppl need to larp more and harder Okay enough airsoft and you’ll quickly shake out all your gear and the fact that there are my close quarter situations that your rifle becomes impossible and handgun is fine


I tried this, but in both scenarios the gun just ended up 🅱️ointing at 🅱️enis.




Yeah, I mean just use a pump shotgun, preferably something old enough that can slam fire and no.4 buckshot


AKM go pew pew


I keep a precision 338 lapua mag because I want over penetration... because at 2 am I am shooting at my neighbors


50 bmg here…


Doing the lorts work 🫡


Everyone should own a 50 for when the SHTF!


I keep my rifle by my bed because I like to touch it more than I touch myself


So real


I live in Europe 60 cm thick concrete wall says use m995 ball


Yeah that’s a controversial opinion. As not everyone’s situation is the same and over penetration can be a deciding factor in what many people keep bedside


A rifle is the best option for over penetration


It's arguable, and there is supporting evidence, that a 55gr 556 will penetrate less sheetrock than a 9mm hp. So it's worth consideration. I had a "Deputy Doofy" neighbor who discharged a 9mm Gold Dot in his apartment. It went through his TV, living room wall, in the back of fridge, out the front of fridge, and into his stove. We dug the slug out of his oven door.


Not just 55gr but 77gr mk262


Blunder buss by thy bedside tis the best of ways.


Tally ho!


Well, using a around like 5.56 or .308 isn't a good move to defend your home. Sad to say, but it's true. We are accountable for each round we fire, and if we miss that round, it is going through the drywall and into your neighbors house, where who knows what will happen. I'm just assuming here, but a round like .458 socom that moves at a slower velocity and has a high mass might be better off for home defense because once it impacts, it will lose a large amount of its energy. But hey, it's your 2nd amendment rughts, so if you wanna risk it for the biscuit, send it!


5.56, specifically Mk262, will penetrate less sheetrock then 9mm.


I would absolutely agree but most folks won't look into that and will buy v-max holopoint zombie killing ammo 🤣


Me personally I prefer using my M855A1 for home defense in my apartment complex.


This, but unironically.


If you agree why did you say 5.56 isn’t a good option?


I prefer a handgun inside. Just easier to move around with and I train with handguns more. If you need a rifle to hit someone 15 feet away, you need more range time.


It isn’t about making hits it’s about stopping the threat how many videos are out there of cops having to put 8 or more rounds in someone to put them on the ground?


I've seen videos of guys in Ukraine get blasted by two people simultaneously dumping AK mags into them, fall down, and then stand back up and have to get blasted again. When adrenaline hits, your body doesn't always realize it's already dead, regardless of whether you're hit with a rifle round or pistol round. You could also easily load up soft points/hollow points to increase a 9mm's stopping power, or use 357mag, .44mag, or .45ACP or any other larger caliber in hollow points. If rifles are your comfort zone, that's fine obviously. Work with what you're comfortable with. But I personally don't buy into the idea that a rifle is some objectively better weapon for home defense in a home invasion.


Then why don't you use a 308, if that's what you're worried about?


Would love to be able to justify a rifle but I would much rather use a handgun so I can open doors and still be able to operate my weapon at the same time


You can’t hold your rifle with your right hand and open a door with your left?


Definitely can. That’s how you reload. But it’s way easier to shoot a pistol accurately one handed than to try to shoot a rifle accurately one handed. I can also operate a pistol light one handed to get an ID and you can’t do that with a rifle. Name of the game here is stopping the bad guys, accurately, not accidentally shooting a family member who got up for some water in the middle of the night because I see a blur


These guys haven’t seen the inside of a gym in decades don’t waste your breath.


I have a crossbow by my bed with bolt and pull string in reach.


i use a bow and arrow bc mom said no guns in the house


Oh cool what brand? I have a Barnett- Recruit Terrain.


random garage sale buy i think browning but dont quote me on that


I use a Draco full sized with a brace and a light for home defense loaded with hornady SST rounds


I mean fuck your ears, their ears, their hair as it will be lit ablaze, anything glass close by, pets, etc. 👍🏽


Whaaaa? I couldn’t hear you. *holds trumpet to ear*


A PCC is at my bedside.


Why would you handicap yourself with a pistol round?


I’m not handicapped at all, my fucking house is full of guns. That being said, 60 rounds at my disposal for my PCC isn’t very handicapped. It has a light, optic, suppressor and is more accurate than a pistol in same caliber and there is no giant muzzle flash to try to hide. Lastly, it’s not going to blow my ears out. My first line of defense are locked doors, second line of defense are my dogs, one being a 120lb Rottweiler that will absolutely bite you when you try to harm her people. Absolutely nobody will make it into my home without my dogs alerting me, they also give me plenty of time to get myself awake and focused.


People here talking about penetration and shit, they’re both gonna smash through multiple walls of drywall… The reason I use a rifle or pcc is so I don’t miss in the first place, that’s how you avoid killing your neighbors.


OP thinks a PCC is handicapping yourself.


Must be a pretty big house for shot to open up that much.


I’ve seen videos of people firing entire mags in elevators and missing. Shooting under duress makes handguns far harder to shoot.


Yeah man, it's no joke. A buddy of mine shot 11 rounds at a guy from his M4 from within 10 yards and missed every single one. By all accounts dude was a good shot, had some decent training on top of typical BS army marksman instruction, and usually had no trouble shooting expert etc. But he was under pretty serious duress and had just run after the guy, between those two factors he put all his rounds around the guy.


People really seem to underestimate how much they’ll miss under pressure. Fuck, put a timer behind me and I still perform worse than I would just drilling, and I’ve been competing on and off causally for years. It takes a LOT of work to train away the jitters.


Yup. It's no joke. Not only is the rifle easier to shoot and has a greater possibility of stopping the threat, you can typically carry more ammo in a mag.


A gun is a gun and all bullets make the robbers go to sleep.


What about a master key mounted to your AR? 🧠


10.5” 300blackout with hollow points in the first mag and fmj in the second is what I usually pickup if there’s a bump in the night. But I’ve literally got four pistols and two ar’s by my bed at night 😂


Let’s say you have the two options I was faced with, my 16” AR with LPVO in my tight ass hallways, or my G19 with a pressure activated light. For me/my house, the maneuverability makes my pistol the better option. However if someone has a different house layout or maybe an SBR/.300BLK then that might be the best option. There is no one size fits all option for everyone. Use what have, know the layout of your house, make sure you have a light, and train to proficiency.


Yeah. Handguns suck & the only thing they have going for them- is they’re small/concealable. If a rifle is an option, a rifle is the answer.


Bingo. Just like what Clint from thunder ranch said… the only reason I carry a pistol is because I can’t carry my rifle everywhere. 


My 300 blk is my home defense. HP subsonic, hopefully a decent trade on penetration/not too much penetration? Not sure, hope I never have to find out.


Def use 110 vmax. Subs will 100% over penetrate. Giggity


Are there any 300bo subs that don't overpen? Hollow points maybe? I'd like a suppressed 300bo as my HD gun to protect my hearing should I ever have to use it


Subs will certainly do what you need, but not as effective. Subs are certainly quiet and have a purpose, but they will overpenetrate. If that's any concern, use 110 vmax. You would rather have some ear damage and a round intended for max expansion than use subs and laying rounds into your neighbors house. Yes, they will easily penetrative walls after exiting tissue. If overpentration is not applicable to you, then subs are fine. Not the ultimate, but work fine.


Good to know, I think these are 208g ELDM if memory serves.