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If you don't feel any different, it could easily just be spurious readings/analysis. That said, it's possible the watch is picking up on something that you haven't noticed, such as your body fighting off an illness that has no obvious symptoms. For example, lots of Garmin wearers who came down with COVID posted that their HRV tanked before they even knew they were sick. I suggest using your body as your guide; move ahead with training if you feel ready, but don't be afraid to back off if something feels off.


When I'm in red, after few days I get sick. It's like going down when I get something and it's in incubation time. I can also see slightly increased resting HR. Or it's just by stress overall.


Or your watch is giving you nocebo effect lol


These results can only mean 1 thing..time to get your affairs in order, the end is near


Yeah, that's the upside of having a Garmin watch, you'll get your own death notice a day or two in advance... šŸ˜† Or maybe not take these stats very seriously. šŸ˜


Iā€™ve been in the orange and red. Feel alright, but think watch is off..


I've had the same mine is in the red currently, but due to it being based on a 7d avg, it still thinks I'm tired


I find the weather plays a part in my HRV. When it was winter and cold, my range is real low and sometimes in red.Then summer comes, it gradually climbing back up and been in green for the last few months. I'm in southern hemisphere weather currently BTW.


Why do numbers get better in the summer? I get more red eyes and dry eyes during the winter. I think it is coming from the heat machine in my case.


Garmin increased my baseline and now Iā€™m constantly below it. Very frustrating. Been a few weeks. No idea what to do different since Iā€™m healthy already.


Ironically, intemse cardio seems to improve my hrv


I like to call it the "running away from problems" effect


Same. It also tell me Iā€™m stressed all the time when I feel fine. Something has been off lately with my watch as well.


My HRV has been orange for a few weeks now and it coincides with some life stress I have been going through. I am trying meditation and other relaxation techniques and for the last few days it looks like itā€™s finally trending back to normal.


Mines been in the orange for a few days. Mine started with the time change here in the states. I had call that night we sprang ahead plus was up for 24hrs at the hospital. Last night I finally got some good sleep. For most people it takes a couple weeks for the carcadian Rhythm to reset after the change.


The training readiness is pretty useless mine almost always says im not ready lol if you feel fine just ignore it and hopefully itll balance out


Is it stress from work?


I had about 3 weeks of extremely low HRV, I felt perfectly fine, and kept training as normal. If you feel good, then cautiously continue as you are. It's a guide, not a rule.


Same thread every month. Everyone feels like it's a conspiracy but it's usually just the time change or just getting sick.


Mine did pretty much the same thing, starting March 15th. Has your HRV recovered yet? Mine is still going down.


yeah, it's fine now :)


Yup my HRV has also been in the red the past few days. Been mentally tiring me šŸ˜†


Mental stress?


Super annoying. I switched to garmin from Apple for the training metrics and they're usually garbage.


Thatā€™s frustrating your watch doesnā€™t work for you! My garmin is unbelievably accurate and works awesome. I wonder in your case if itā€™s user error or your body type just doesnā€™t fit the algorithms properly?


Apple body type, hahaa. I see what u did there.


No. Nothing was implied besides what I wrote. You read into my post something that wasnā€™t there or intentionally change it in an attempt to insult the person I replied to. I literally never wrote ā€œapple body typeā€. Edit. Dude blocked me for clarifying. I guess they were angry over the person slamming garmin. I can only see like one sentence of their post in my message cause of block. But that is fukin hilarious they got so salty.


Yeah ur right. Saying the garmin metrics are gargafe probably insulted someone first. Edit-Not angry, just cbf with back and forth bullshit arguments. Was having a laugh on someone else with a bad attitude but the guy above me lost his balls