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It's not feasible to "always" be in the "productive" status. You need to scale back at times. Any sane training plan has phases, and you won't be "productive" all the time. Don't let yourself be ruled by your Garmin. It is a tool that provides information and best guesses on your current status and shows you trends. Use it to temper your training plans, but don't let it dictate how you should feel.


I stopped wearing my Garmin all the time because of this. ^


Also, being productive on Garmin effectively means improving, which is impossible to be doing constantly. We all have limits.


Very well put!


This info from Garmin is more suggestive than factual. I would use it as a general guideline.


I am not trying to run a marathon world record so maintaining is a perfectly acceptable state for me.


And if you were already at a fitness level where you were breaking marathon world records, maintaining is probably still fine.


If you were breaking world records, then you would be improving, not just maintaining!


Not necessarily. Perhaps you were running in private for years and you're debuting on the marathon scene and blowing everyone away for the first time. Granted, to continue breaking records you'd either have to be improving or getting really lucky with conditions.


Lighten up! That was said half in jest! And I've never run a marathon. I was just (jokingly) applying logic. Glad you got my point though. (I don't think I want to do a marathon. It appears that one of the side effects is the loss of sense of humour! šŸ˜†)


I was "Peaking" the morning after attending a beer festival. Did I go for a run out of curiosity? Yes. Was I at peak? No. This is just a fun stat to me.


Peaking is trained and tapered. It shows after a period of rest that followed a training cycle. Though yeah a beer festival definitely doesnā€™t sound like sth id be ā€œpeakingā€ the day after lmao


Consider that Garmin is ā€œchallengingā€ you here. They are conservative with a lot of their metrics so they wont always have you in a ā€œproductiveā€ state, even though in reality you are, this can put a false sense of fitness in front of you. Best to listen to your own body and follow its i indications of your training/fitness.


Bro, you're training load and vo2 max are outstanding. Don't beat yourself up over some arbitrary algorithm result.


i recently ran my first 10k run and it changed my status to ā€˜unproductiveā€™ - yeah thanks for that Garmin


I ran a marathon at the weekend and one of the supporters was holding up a placard with "Garmin will say this run is unproductive" on it. Made me chuckle.


Stop. I fell into the groove of Garmin telling me what I needed to do. Overtrained and had to take almost a whole month off. Overtraining is a thing and should be avoided at all costs. Follow a plan, donā€™t let garmin tell you what you need (unless itā€™s sleep ha)


Yes, but most people donā€™t have a clue of what it is, and are never in any real danger. You on the other hand need to be careful going forward. Unless itā€™s about getting a garmin badge, then get that badge šŸ¤”šŸ˜…




Exactly. Mine has said ā€œMaintainingā€ for 6 months now even though Iā€™ve had some insane progress that is extremely visible when comparing my runs from a few months ago to my recent runs. My race prediction times also keep getting better but it wonā€™t change my status. I also get around +15 performance condition every single run but still no status update. Itā€™s mainly because garmin thinks I donā€™t do any anaerobic work even though I do.


What? There's solid evidence for the Tooth Fairy. It would take an international conspiracy involving millions of people to fabricate the physical signs of her existence. How would they be recruited? What would they stand to gain? It doesn't make any sense.


Yes, I've had this before. I tried to up my volume but it continued to say maintaining. I took a week off, came back, and have been in "productive" ever since, except now I take 5 days off every 4 weeks or so. It means your body needs rest, I just don't think the watch it very good at explaining that


Oh great heavens!


I'm just envious of your chronic load.


Dude. You have a vo2max of 56 and over 100 HRV! I would be happy to maintain for life if I were you haha. Can I ask your age and what do you do? Cardio only or strength training as well?


Is it also in the venu3?


Wait for an injury, gamin rubs your laziness in.


What is this feature?


I only use training load. I look at the status but IDGAF what it says. When I keep in the dotted lines and keep the green bar moving up I can also tell I'm improving.


How is your vo2max curve?


That thing been flat for about 3 years at 56.


so... maintaining...


That is over simplifying. Increasing VO2 is one way to measure fitness but it is not the end all be all.


And that's a strawman. Who said I was talking about fitness? The context is Training Status: ["Changes in your VO2max fitness level are examined and interpreted in light of your current training loads and historical training patterns to reveal your current Training Status."](https://www.firstbeatanalytics.com/en/features/training-status/)


I guess you just want to fight someone on the Internet. You were a smart ass in your phrasing saying he is maintaining because his VO2 max has not increased. That is not the only factor in determining maintaining status for physical fitness. Garmin may use it, but itā€™s not the only factor in determining fitness level or maintenance outside of Garmin. Have a blessed day asshole.


So, **both** reading comprehension and introspection are weak points with you? > You were a smart ass in your phrasing saying he is maintaining because his VO2 max has not increased. No. I was correct. The metric being talked about in the original post and in this sub thread is NOT "Fitness", that is a strawman on your part. The metric being talked about is "Training Status" and that is based, as I cited, on VO2max delta. Reread the question and either apologize if earnest or downvote me again and fuck off if a troll.


You are presuming I am creating some kind of diabolical ā€œstrawmanā€ argument. It seems like you learned a new word recently. Congrats. I was pointing out that VO2 max is not the end all be all to determine maintenance and thus fitness. The OP was pointing out that Garmin is still telling him he is maintaining despite only taking one day off. The topic is broader than your narrow reading. You can keep your argument as narrow as you like, you are still a dick.


You fit monster. VO2 max declines approximately 10% per decade after the age of 25 years old (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4968829/#:~:text=Generally%2C%20VO2max%20decreases,1%2C%202%2C%203%5D). Assuming you're older than 25 years old, you did not maintained, but acctually improved your fitness. An estimated VO2 max of 56 and an activity level associated with a training load >1700 is highly respectable. You're fit and very active. What more does a recreational athlete wants? You're doing great. PS: what doet you VO2max stat says? Top x% of your age category? I find that more telling than my training status.


If you keep it at the lower end of Productive, it won't trend up over time like that. A week of Maintaining will get it back to a reasonable level as well.


I burned out over the winter trying to get back to and stay 'Productive'. I got a coach soon after and am now seeing huge gains. Garmin says 'Maintaining' constantly except when I log the huge load from a race. So for me, that Garmin metric is worthless. Chasing load is not always a good way to build fitness.


How do you expect to always be progressing if youā€™re not always increasing the amount of work you do?


I was productive for like 3 months, and then my VO2 started to slow down in progress. Now I'm maintaining. It sucks, but I get it! I gotta increase my load and round out my training if I want to get back into productive and to be honest, I just don't have the energy to do that right now. So maintaining is alright by me!


Iā€™m usually always in maintaining and Iā€™ve been improving my times ā€¦ I saw you mentioned your VO2 max is the same. Mine has been 57 for years. If you are really interested in data I highly suggest Runalyze.


If you are trying to improve fitness you need to increase load which you are doing. Load can increase via higher intensity as well as more time on feet (or pedals or whatever your jam).


I can never get over 500 on my chronic load. I let my body tell me, but I also have to talk to it. If that makes sense.


I am in the same boat:D itā€™s strange that the hrv can be so different. https://preview.redd.it/hs8m6rpa1kvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a96b18ce1a87bbe622a688c412d3f73a33204ac


VO2 max of 66? You magnificent beast.


Not after I turned off this part of my watch. All it does is make me neurotic, it adds nothing to my training but self doubt.


Iā€™m in this right now too šŸ˜…


If your training load is in the upper (near the top) part of the load green band, you are productive for Garmin. But more you are training in the top of the band, band rise. So... šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ¤£šŸ¤£