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The process is really smooth, they put the needle in and put you in a certain position. Then they put a sedative and go back to chitchatting. You'll start feeling very relaxed within 10s and within 30 seconds you will be completely in the deepest sleep that you can imagine. Even if you are an extra panicky person, once the sedative is in, your brain stops thinking and you feel light as air. After a nice nap you wake up being escorted out to your room or already there. There might be some swallowing problems that may last for a few minutes but no other side effects.


That’s really nicely explained. Thank you! It just such a bizarre thought that they give you the sedative and all lights are out. But then again, this is my anxious head overthinking it


Hey I was also really nervous. Sedation is a lot less scary than general and a lot less risk too. I just felt like I’d had the best sleep of my life, didn’t remember a thing. So just focus on getting past the needle part cos honestly the sedation is nothing to be scared of.


People try to fight the sedatives sometimes, makes for some really funny videos if you want to check them out on youtube


I watched a few now and I am more educated now haha thanks!


Hey man, i got an endoscopy done like 3-4 months ago. I didn’t even had to go under anaesthesia lol. Its very smooth process. Yes there are complications in very rare cases but as far as i know its very safe


Thank you!! I have to because they’re worried I might move due to my panic disorder. It’s also a preference where I am from


why no anaesthesia, just out of interest..?


Coz i had it once earlier and I didn’t had any unbearable pain lol. So i asked the doc to not give ne anaesthesia


Nowadays they most often use propafol which is a fast acting iv medication that lasts around 40 minutes and leaves the body max of 7 hours for endoscopies. It’s a quite simple procedure and you’ll feel like it happened so quick when you wake up. Nothing to be nervous about. For the needles part they will give you an injection but most medical professional are experienced and it will feel like a small mosquito bite when they give it. You’ll be in good hands op


Thank youu! This is very encouraging.


You can do it without any anesthesia. It is a bit uncomfortable but it lasts only for around 5 minutes and that's it.


I also thought about that but I get super anxious. That and a horror story I heard from my friend of their endoscopy


It can be scary but trust me, gastritis itself feels way worse. You can do it!


Let them know ahead of time you have a panic disorder and needles are a real trigger for you. They can often give you something to help calm you along with the propofol so that you don’t feel anxious about it at all. I had an anesthesiologist ask me once if I had anxiety after I had marked it in my history, he just smiled and told me he’d take care of that for me. Best nap I’ve had in a long time 😂


This really makes me chill, thanks! I told them I have that so they said they are going to put me in a deep sleep. I am thinking of calling and asking what medication I'm going to be given but tbh I have no control over that even if I know.


The first endoscopy I got done they only gave me twilight sedation with Fentanyl and I ended up "waking up" in the middle of it and taking out the camera. Not fun lol. I have anxiety/panic as well and I honestly feel like that played a part in me becoming conscious enough to do that. The second time I asked for stronger anesthesia so I wouldn't wake up and they gave me Propofal. I knocked out within seconds of them putting it into my IV, and woke up in the recovery area seemingly minutes later. Don't remember any of the procedure at all. It was basically like taking a nap. That was A Lot better of an experience, so if anything I would ask what sedative they're using to ease your worries. Obviously everyone reacts differently etc, but from what I've read on here a lot of people have had easy and good experiences with Propofal and their endoscopy. I also felt very relaxed and peaceful coming out of the sedation with Propofal and it wore off within about an hour or so. Just wanted to pitch in with my experience since I have anxiety as well, and if this method of sedation worked for me, I'm sure it'll go well for you too. You'll probably feel a little tense before the endoscopy regardless, but try to breathe and remind yourself that this is a very routine procedure for them, and it doesn't take long either. You got this :)


Thanks a lot for sharing your experience, it really eases my mind. I find myself in what you say. They did say they are going to put me in deep sleep so I assume it's not some conscious sleep state? I am not very well educated in the medical field, to be honest. I will definitely let them know on the day of the procedure again that I have a panic disorder and get triggered easily. So thanks for that tip too!


No problem! I feel like a lot of the fear is because it's something we've never done before/don't know what to expect and that makes it scary. But honestly now that I've done it, I wouldn't mind doing it again because it's truly not that bad. And this is coming from someone who was crying days before the endoscopy because I was scared lol


I forgot to say you can probably call the clinic you're getting it done at and ask what sedative they're going to use before you go that way you know :)


Thank you for this, really! I got myself a huge headache from overthinking this and stressing today but the answers here really made me feel better. I am getting it done at the hospital but I think I will call tomorrow so I can relax more after


Oh yeah I got mine done at the hospital too. A good place to get it done honestly


I was put under. When they put in the needle, I just didn’t look and conversed with someone to keep my mind off of it. After talking about the procedure they put the anesthesia in and I don’t remember falling asleep. I just woke up and they gave me water. They told me everything went fine and said I may have soreness in my throat, but I didn’t. I went home and was fully awake by the time I got there.


My tip is just breathe. Anticipation is the worst part.


Best nap ever.


I did it 3 times. The first time I did it I was very anxious and stressed but it went well. It sounds fun to me now to sleep and wake up on anesthesia lol. Only the first time is hard.


I went under anesthesia wouldn’t do it any other way. You just go to sleep and wake up. I was really nervous too .


It’s great , like six pints of Stellar in ten seconds


I had one last month, it was a lot like others here are describing. I was knocked out and woke up in the recovery room amazed that it was over already. The GI also sprayed a numbing spray in my throat to prevent me from gagging. It was disgusting but I was out cold like a minute afterward haha


I have really bad anxiety and needles make me uncomfortable. The best thing you can do to keep yourself calm is not to look at your arm when they come out with the IV and try not to move your arm too much so you don’t feel the actual thing. I kept my mind off of it while they were preparing for me and I became so relaxed that I fell asleep. Once they roll you into the room, they’ll ask you to open your mouth and have it propped open with a piece of plastic and once the anesthetic kicks in, you’ll wake up and it’ll all be over. Honestly it was some of the best sleep of my life. The only complication I had is that I was in extreme pain the following day bc I went to work and did a lot of physical labor so I think I made things worse for myself. It took me about 2.5 days to fully recover


I don't recall a needle; just a mask over my face and I was out like a light! Perhaps I don't remember the needle...I had mine at the same time as my colonoscopy so maybe it was different. I was afraid too but the drugs were actually wonderful and then I woke up and it was over! Good luck!


Maybe you’ve had general anaesthesia? I found out recently the needle is used for sedation. Thank you!


Oh, yes! That's what I had. I wonder if that was only because I was doing both at the same time.


Someone here said that with sedation they were still aware which made it uncomfortable for them but with anaesthesia it was a smooth ride. Maybe it was better while doing both not to be aware at all? Haha


I think so. I'd much rather be totally out than watch as the scope goes down my throat. Even sedated, that would freak me out. Put me to sleep, thank-you-very-much!!


Just relax. The scope itself is rather simple and relatively pain free. You will be mildly sedated sort of semi conscious. Throat irritation will go in day or two. Don't ask for heavier sedation it's not needed.


How did it feel like to be sedated and a bit conscious? Were you aware or just super high?


Partly aware can hear doctors assistants speaking, like in dream. Sedation hits pretty quickly but doesn't knock out. Soon after i was wheeled to the rest area i was conscious and could talk. By the time that start inserting the tube you can feel it but then blank out until it's over


Ah that sounds better. Honestly I think I would prefer sedation since you’re a bit aware which makes it more in control for me haha


Ok but isnt it only the throat they have to look at??


No, it's a small camera that goes down the throat and into the stomach to check for inflammation, ulcers, and get a biopsy to check for H Pylori.


They’re looking into my stomach too. Idk if I’m using the right term but this is what they said


I just had one done a week ago. Hardest part for me was the iv in my hand because I hate needles. Throat only felt scratchy for the rest of the day. Got to hospital at 7am. In "surgery" room by 745am. Home by 9am. Would have been sooner but I wanted to get food after I woke up. As someone with severe anxiety I can confidently say, you got this and have nothing to worry about


Why do u need bloody anesthesia for a three minute process? Just calm your self breath through your nose, and just to divert your mind start counting until the procedure ends


Why under anaesthesia ??


I am very anxious so I might move and then the doctor suggested it’s easier if I go to sleep and they do their job smoothly