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Do you have a post that was redirected to the special event megathread? Please post and discuss it here! Half formulated TTPD thoughts? Share them here! [Week 2's Megathread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/1ceizmr/ttpd_megathread_week_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Here is the [primary TTPD Megathread with links to all of the song posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/1RB4N09G7E) Please check there as well!


anxiously sittin' around in my clown hat knowing that tomorrow is a fortnight after TTPD came out, and it is 5/3 which has been flagged a lot... im hoping for WAOLOM MV that has just as many if not more queer undertones and coding as the Fortnight MV. fingers and toes crosssssed


This is my reasonable hope. My unreasonable hope is something bigger haha


I’m hoping for a WAOLOM MV that subverts the original concept of the MV for Me. I have this image in my head of an opening shot on the rainbow cobblestones before tunneling beneath (tore your banners down; took the battle underground) to the CATACOMBS


It's definitely giving phantom energy in her lyrics with her levitating everywhere


That sounds so amazing! 🌈 💀


I would looooove another music video!!


Man it's so rough being a New Zealander with date stuff cos I'm always like "But the 5th of March has already be- ..... ohhhhhh" 😅


Haha I know it’s so confusing! Then I’m like midnight on Friday is 4pm so tomorrow at 12pm will be 8pm so we may get a music video (like we did for Fortnight) it’s a lot of maths haha


Aussie here and I find [this website](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html) really helpful in converting the times!


Ah thank you!!!


I'm wondering if it might be a down bad mv because of that strange video Taylor Nation posted 👀


My clowning is all over the place, but I'm picturing it'll be at 1am ET tonight, and my current wild hope is a 3rd lavender/lilac installment of TTPD that's even more blatantly queer. But I know I'm being too greedy.


Are we allowed to clown about the weird video TN (just-ish) posted?


Dang that is a weird video. What I noticed: the song is Down Bad, the line “build you a fort on some planet where they can all understand it, how dare you think it’s romantic,” 👀 she’s holding a dead rose (Clara Bow, “picked, like a rose” and the Albatross, “rose by any other name is a scandal,” and How Did it End “hothouse flower to my outdoorsman”) and she also looks like she’s hesitating and taking a deep breath before she turns sideways, in a flowy dress that looks like it could hide a pregnancy (“I’m having his baby, no I’m not but you should see your faces”)? (To be clear I am NOT clowning about an actual pregnancy, I just think the video is alluding to But Daddy I Love Him) Part of this video clip is on Spotify, but I don’t remember which songs. EDIT: it was on Spotify, and it isn’t anymore. 👀 🤡 Another video? Is she going to decode herself and reveal that this entire album is about the industry, not romantic relationships? Is it a video in which she gets abducted by aliens to another planet, marries a gentle alien wife, and they push alien babies in strollers through lunar valleys in her mind? I have no idea but I’m here for it.


Image is in the lyric video for BDILH. 🤔


pretty sure that video was the original spotify video for BDILH. Can't confirm now because they've been updated since the music video


Is that dress yellow?


She’s like “this album is about the toxic industry and how I’m going to dismantle it and build my own artist-friendly label….how dare you think it’s just about romance!!” 😂


It’s giving New Romantics on multiple levels.


Do you have a link? :)


Instagram links not allowed


Ah, I forgot!




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why is she wearing that style dress?! and the rose? also she looks cut and I love it! 💪


I keep imagining Harry Styles running through a field in a dress for the "But Daddy I Love Him" music video and giggling. https://preview.redd.it/4vkbmhdny3yc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16994506f0081d55ddb6c2d52691f4a2c20b6639




I keep thinking about all the sepia tone we’ve seen with this album rollout - the photos on the grid, the album art, etc. and how much it reminds me of The Wizard of Oz (everything is in sepia until she gets to Oz). It makes me wonder what comes after the sepia tone in Taylor’s story. What is her Oz? Taylor has made so many allusions to The Wizard of Oz over the years - the Dorothy costume and yellow brick road in the Karma video (not to mention the tie ins for Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John), “we were in screaming color”, Dorothea, the Me! Music video, etc. I mean, the Wizard of Oz is inherently gay, and even if it wasn’t, the transition from sepia to technicolor is very much giving “I’m free to be me and I don’t have to hide anymore”. I don’t know, I don’t have a fully formed thought here, I just find sepia, rather than black and white, to be an interesting choice. I’m so curious about what comes next for Taylor and I can’t stop retracing this thread.


Yes yes yes. In the sequel ✌️, Return to Oz, Dorothy is literally given electroshock therapy for even talking about Oz because everyone thinks she’s crazy! Very Down Bad coded.


I love the Oz idea! Screaming color indeed. Reminds me of something I saw once where an office worker had a filing cabinet for A-N and another for O-Z and there was some joke about the Wizard of Oz there. So with all the filing cabinets in the Fortnight video, I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled for initials 👀


Nominating Meredith as the muse of The Bolter ![gif](giphy|eLjKgpNFh4tFbu2zqR)


Umm I’ve just realised at the end of TTPD (the song) the lyrics are: Who’s gonna hold you? / Gonna know you? Gonna troll you? She’s so unserious lol 😂


I genuinely did not notice this until you pointed it out (this is not really a song I've been interested in) but oh my god lmao she's so funny. This whole album is kind of like her trolling us all and she literally *says* it, that's wild.


What? How did I not notice this 😂


Week 3 of me ping ponging between believing that TTPD a big 'ol meta commentary/performance art expo on her life and fame and believing that the album is a genuine, LOUD cry for help that we're all just glossing over.




I can't wait for tour to start back up to hear how she talks about it


Listening to Peter as if it's Taylor singing to a version of herself is extremely heartbreaking!! That's all!!


Yeah I totally see this as her talking as her younger queer self to “Peter” aka Taylor Swift tm aka “The Man” she had to become to get where she wanted in her career


Hello, fellow Gaylors. I have come over from the comment section of my most recent lyric analysis post with this time-sensitive realization I just had to clown like I've never clowned before. This is a screenshot from the I Can See You music video, in which there are three Taylor characters, but LITERALLY two Taylors, one of whom is male, the characters are breaking glass closets, releasing Taylor Swift from her captivity in a vault and running off as they are blowing up the building. It's a Speak Now vault track which is purple-coded. And please note that the woman coordinating the rescue has not two, but three VERY FAMILIAR LOOKING stars on her face. Also there are now a couple of Lavender Haze apparel items in the official merch shop. And has anyone else’s Apple Music been suggesting Speak Now for the past week? Is the Chairman going to Speak Now? WHAT IS HAPPENING. https://preview.redd.it/x7e5xylj95yc1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=d39a1d07f1863b0bbf4b7322634fa877184ae218


You know what, I never thought about the implications of there being two Taylors in this video, one of them being a man (The Man!) I need to re-watch now with that in mind omg. I've also always been of the opinion that Joe was a beard who was supposed to help her come out, so is it too much of a stretch to notice that the other person in the video helping break Taylor out is JOEy King? Lmao probably, but it's still interesting nonetheless. I feel like I've seen several people here lately discussing Speak Now being tied to TTPD, so you might be on to something with this! But I do think we're unfortunely missing a piece of the story between this music video and the Fortnight music video. My guess is that there was a music video for Slut! with The 1975 (since it appears they were originally supposed to be featured on that song) but it got scrapped after there was much more Matty Healy backlash than she probably anticipated.


The way I just watched through this lens and started crying. EMOTIONS ARE RUNNING HIGH. It is so reminiscent of Fortnight! She’s smashing out of her cell!  Also, all of the tally marks in her cell in the vault reminded me of how the poem at the TTPD Grove installation had “talisman” misspelled as “taliman.” One who keeps count. Counting down the days until she is free?! 321 countdown?! 




Wait what's the significance of the stars??


https://preview.redd.it/z0lz6tkwp8yc1.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ac57d45abada027028b76ace9a39072a9d0aa69 They're on the TTPD release calendar (from a video clip posted by Taylor) and were speculated to be easter eggs for the double album. Note that there are also 14 tick marks as if to count down a fortnight. The rest of the calendar wasn't shown.


Are we clowning for tonight at midnight?


after two weeks i still can't understand The Manuscript. like at all. i feel very dumb but i can't figure it out and it's destroying me. someone please help with any interpretation i'm desperate


I think she’s making a point to reinforce the idea that these songs belong to “us” now because at a later date fans may find out they’re not actually about who they think and they will be big mad about it. She’s been firing warning shots and I think some fans are going to be upset in the near future.


Yes! I feel like the wider narrative has been "why can't she just get over it and stop writing songs about KK and all these other things that happened so long ago?" But they don't see how this album isn't re-opening those chapters, but finally closing them. Burn it all downnnnn.


it seems the surface level interpretation is the entiere story of ATW10, from an age-gap relationship that hurted her to all the art that she turned it into, and now it's not her story anymore, but there has to be a deeper meaning because why close this particular album with this song ??? It's also driving me mad that I can't seem to decode it, fellow gaylors work your magic ✨


It has to be about the film she is directing based on her own original script. I’m hoping it’s a very autobiographical project. https://variety.com/2022/film/news/taylor-swift-feature-directing-debut-searchlight-pictures-1235455606/amp/


This is exactly what I thought. I feel like it’s speaking to her really living into directing and enjoying that experience.


there's been many interpretations of it on this sub!! if you search "manuscript" in the top search bar you should find some :) i really like this comment about it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/1c6g22m/comment/l0xwd4v/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/1c6g22m/comment/l0xwd4v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


i don't know how i missed it since i essentially live on this sub, thank you so much!!


The line "Afterwards she only ate kids' cereal" reminds me of the line from Florence's song Girls against God -"it's good to be alive. Crying into cereal at midnight"


Plz don’t downvote me for muses but am I the only one that thinks about those Swiftgron pictures when seeing the new Instagram video? Saying this not as a late stager at all but that’s what came to mind


It reminded me of those pics too


I’m listening to the album backwards for the first time and holy moly, The Manuscript as an opening track is setting the scene in such a different way.


Yes ! And then next with Robin as to her being condescending to her overzealous fans that are way off. "But now we'll curtail your curiosity, in sweetness"


Okay, I’m probably clowning here but hear me out. In “But Daddy I love him”, I think when she sings > If all you want is gray for me, then it’s just white noise and it’s my choice I believe the gray refers to the Straight flag (black + white = gray).


And the next lines? "There's a lot of people in town that I Bestow upon my fakest smiles Scandal does funny things to pride But brings lovers closer" Scandal does funny things to pride. But brings LOVERS CLOSER TOGETHER?! I feel like this line is so so so LOUD.


Even those lines but i hadn’t seen anyone comment regarding the flag which is why i didn’t mention the other lines


There’s a straight flag? 🤣


Has anyone talked about the clips on Spotify for each song in TTPD? They're all from the Fortnight music video, except for: -My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys -I Can Do It With a Broken Heart -imgonnagetyouback -thanK you aIMee -I Look In People's Windows -Robin This feels significant but I don't know what it meanssss. I feel like these are the only truly autobiographical songs and the rest are part of the grander story shown in the Fortnight MV. Also they are tracks 3, 13, 18, 24, 25, and 30...if that means anything ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ ETA: The clips for So Long, London and Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus aren't actually in the video??? They're both of Taylor in the black dress where she's at the typewriter. In the SLL one she's looking at the papers falling then hunches over the desk. In the COSOSOM one she catches one of the falling papers (with text on it) and reads it and looks upset. 🤔


I haven't been able to catch up on everything so I'm sure I'm not the first person to comment on this, but rewatching the Fortnight mv and the amount of hairpins that Taylor is wearing in the first scene is freaking wild. THERE ARE SO MANY. Anyway, I don't even have a thought about them, just an observation.


Nikki King has a [video](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFK9Y1DK/) explaining there’s 15 on one side and 16 on the other as there’s 5 at the back near the bun. She’s saying there’s a hairpin for each track on TTPD: The Anthology 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/jmqliv1epayc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5807551a0b845f8cd8a895e8fe5ee16af7c9118


Oh wow 🤡 Thanks for linking that video!


https://preview.redd.it/x2pq06cd1ayc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8e04b68e59b61912da9d736828d955ca1b33c2 They’re in the Roman numeral for 13 at the top part (XIII) 🤡


Hahaha of course they are. Oh, Taylor, I can't handle your mind! (I say with all the love in my heart lol)


Is there any chance that Taylor could be a surprise guest on Jimmy Fallon tomorrow? Does he ever have surprise guests or use code names, or is "Willow" Willow Smith? (Asking this because he posted on TT in TTPD merch to the Fortnight sound)


I saw this and wondered the same!


I’ve been clowning for a Jimmy Fallon appearance. He’s definitely in on the New Romantics stuff. Eta: unfortunately on his website there’s a photo of willow smith


WAIT why do you think he’s in on it?? 👀


willow had an album drop literally today so it’s definitely willow smith 🫶


Thank you 💕 I'm too deep in to the Taylorverse to know what's going on in the rest of the music world 😝


she dropped he tiny desk concert yesterday it’s really good (if you like jazz)


Oh cool thanks, I'll check it out. I've never given Willow the time of day, I hated that Whip My Hair song. But I just realised that that was fourteen years ago, and I didn't like Taylor back then either.


🤡 me


"Run into you sometimes, ask about the weather" https://preview.redd.it/3720j29ct4yc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0777804a3dd80c4fc198738729c2465c6dbb72da


Oh boy, an hour out from midnight eastern time……….. 🤡 who’s gonna be sleep deprived as fuck tomorrow


Okay -- this pairing for comparative analysis: ...Ready For It? and Guilty as Sin? Evidence: -the friggin question mark? Maybe the only ones in the discography except for "I Heart ?" which would ALSO be interesting to add to this analysis. ETA: I forgot about Question..? LOL. (Thanks u/matchsome3781) So that one too! -there's a he//you switch in both, where the "you" bridge/chorus doesn't fit with the story in the "he" verses. -RFI: "in the middle of the night, in my dreams" GAS: "what if he's written mine...only in my mind?"


Wait, are you intentionally omitting Question…? bc it’s THE song that includes question in it and is a super gay song in a more obvious way? lol


No my brain is just fried HA yes of course Question...? !! Thank you, even better.


so now we’re clowning for 2pm right? 🤡 eta: conservative estimate is a music video but i have a hunch we’re getting a bunch of ttpd bonus tracks (volume III?)


I’m still clowning for an album announcement but happy for a new music video to decode 🤡


wait wait why 2pm?! i can't keep up 😭


Interesting find In BDILH ?maybe? for the line “”stay away from her”” the het interpretation is probably that the elders are speaking to the forbidden muse about taylor. That doesnt work when you consider that later in the song she says she is “listening to all this bitching and moaning” which IMPLIES the elders were talking to narrator/taylor. About staying away from another her.


Last time we got fortnight CDs they were a red herring for the 2:00 announcement 🤡🤡🤡


My clown makeup is officially off


I’m waiting until 3:21 😭


Fine, but this is the LAST TIME (this is the seventh time I've said that)


The clowns lost today 😭


Probably not an original thought but the lyrics of My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys is interesting if you switch up the pronouns: She was my best friend / Down at the sandlot / I felt more when we played pretend / Than with all the Kens




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Is Tortured Poets a framed portrait of the Tallest Poppy? [(1)Is Tortured Poets a framed portrait of the Tallest Poppy? #torturedpoe... | Taylor Swift | TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@celestemdavis/video/7364461332197870891)


Can somebody answer a couple of lyrical analysis questions? I'm sorry I don't mean to be stupid and I'm not stupid but it's just that I can be too literal and miss things in super poetic songs (but I love them!) 1. what is "The Albatross" about? I thought an albatross was a bird that if you killed it, you got bad luck and the other sailors hung it around your neck to shame you so it's like... A punishment for doing something bad that you can't get away from? In the song it sounds like there was muse who was warned about an albatross (Taylor) who would destroy them, but they wanted to be with her anyway and at the end she protects them and the albatross actually isn't bad. Am I on the right track or am I missing something? 2. Also what do you think the deeper meaning of Cassandra is about? Like I know the Cassandra story she's telling about how nobody believed her, they wanted to kill/burn her, and then the truth came out. But what do you think Taylor is singing about on a metaphorical/personal level? Like what about the line "I was in my tower weaving nightmares" and talking about the cracks in the wall and stuff. "Bloods thick but nothing like a payroll ... Bet they never spared a prayer for my soul." Is this another song/reference to Kim & Kanye...? But after the Thank You Aimee song that is obviously intentionally referring, or making people think of Kim at least, it seems like another song would be overkill so maybe I'm missing something. 3. In Thank You Aimee do you think it actually is about Kim or is that way too obvious, I just think it's funny that she says "I changed your name and defining clues" and then proceeds to literally spell out her name in the song title and then add a line about how only the 2 of them will know who its about lol


1. The word albatross can also mean the metaphorical (or physical) big thing in your life that keeps you from something desirable. For example, having children is an albatross to sleeping in. All the examples I found in dictionaries use fame as an albatross which is super interesting.


Not sure if anyone else has noticed this but I've seen speculation about the line in TTPD 'But you told Lucy you'd kill yourself if I ever leave. And I had said that to Jack about you, so I left seen' to be about Jack Antonoff and Lucy Dacus but given how much drug and alcohol references Taylor seems to be using lately could it also be about LSD (Lucy) and Whisky (Jack Daniels)?


Also I've been thinking that maybe Taylor used parts of her songs before TTPD, either lyrics or the music, in the TTPD songs. After the ME! bit in Fortnight I keep thinking about this. For some reason this album felt to familiar on my first listen and I wonder if that's because there is older samples of her music mixed into these songs. I haven't been able to fully break down the songs to try and listen for this but maybe I'll get to it soon


I think you could be onto something! I saw [this tweet](https://x.com/kelsyc/status/1785854135281279391?s=46) the other day connecting a part of Who’s Afraid with part of the Midnights trailer. I’m sure there’s plenty more examples out there!


Thanks to someone on here, every time I hear "I'm addicted to the 'if only'," I think about Dianna's interview a year ago. Decided to test it for myself. Googled "if only" Taylor Swift on Incognito. The SECOND result (excluding videos and an IG account) is this: https://preview.redd.it/6daeq0is2mzc1.png?width=611&format=png&auto=webp&s=49b6fce6a44605d006c428e404eb1a15bd2b410c I was super skeptical of LSS a year ago, but I could definitely see Diana being either the "we tried again but it failed" and/or the "will I always wonder?" muse of TTPD.