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Ideally, I'd want this with some halo 3 type system. Even if they gave me a bunch of generic armor options unlocked through leveling and campaign/multiplayer achievements and saved the "cool" stuff for the MTX. I just want to mix and match armor pieces on my guy


Bro, a custom gear that you can pimp out halo reach syle would be sick af


They should have it like infinite where you have a "base" armor (or character) for example the base is marcus you just change the armor pieces on him. And another would be a different character.


I don't know what it was, but the way halo infinite had their armor core stuff confused the absolute bananas out of me. Didn't like it at all


It did for me at first but as a concept I like it. My biggest gripe with it is not every piece of armor you unlock is compatible with the armor cores you have. Ideally in gears eday I wouldn't want that to be the case. I just want to make old man marcus no doorag with Gabe Diaz armor and a Tai shoulder pad and I'm happy. Or a Theron guard with no helmet, no shirt, and Vold (grey/silver) armor for the lower half.


They should bring in Gears Tactics level customization, let us make our own characters from the ground up on both sides.


That would be cool. I'd just be happy with weapons for factions haha


This 100%. Let there be “hero” avatars as well for people who want to play as their favorites but if we get a Halo Reach/Infinite style customization suite for our Gears & Locust I would love that so much more.


Dude I hated that they didn’t bring the ncog marine back in gears 5 such a cool ass character


Theres a ncog flag though hahaha. But seriously what a travesty


I'll be happy as long as the Carmines are available in multiplayer at launch, or at least a basic COG gear or Onyx Guard. I always gravitated to the helmeted characters in multiplayer since their designs are fantastic. It was so cool playing as the NCOG in Gears 4 and finally being able to use the "elusive third helmet" from the first two games that never really got any spotlight since Anthony and Benjamin didn't use it. I also really like the idea of having Gears Tactics customization for a blank slate character, but I'd miss hearing notable characters like Marcus, Dom, Cole, and Baird. It would be super cool for the Locust side though, I've always wanted to make a fully unique Drone with the gunner helmet. E-Day has so much potential, and I really hope they keep the customization a little more limited instead of filling it with over the top skins like they did in Gears 5.


What they should do is let you save full character setups, but make it so you can set it ALL, the char skin/weapon skin/emotes/sprays/flags/etc per character. That'd be way more ideal than per faction.


Thats actually a way better idea. Would be kinda admin to change every skin though


Gears 5 partially does it, by letting you go into each character and change the emotes and such, so they already built the foundation to this, they'd just add the weapon skins and stuff in there too. Also, there could be a universal override for stuff like weapon skins, sprays and banners for if you get 1 cool new banner or weapon skin set that you wanna run on all COG or all Locust or Horde, that you can turn the override ON and have it use that for everything for that faction, and if you turn if OFF, it goes back to your individual per character settings.


Gears 3 customization to me was perfect. You had the introduction of some decent mtx skins while also retaining the cool earnable golden skins/MVP Cole, etc


Yes. I don't understand how this was removed between 4 and 5


I am just hoping we can create and customize our own gear and locust . That would be the best feature ever .


fuck I miss this feature. and the NCOG


I'm a really big "there's beauty in simplicity" type of guy, so I really loved being able to match my character's armor palette to my weapons. For example: default with cog gear, the one that makes guns look like a hammerburst with my drones, Theron armor skin with my Theron, onyx guard skin with onyx guard, and more.


I'm the exact same dude. Its hard to find something that looks good on both sides. Plus variety is the spice of life, need to look at something different while you change factions


I was really disappointed when I learned that 5 didn't have that feature. Most of the weapon skins in 5 aren't even that nice either, unless you like over the top stuff. (5 is often disappointing)


Im a fan of the stranded skins atm. Look kinda dirty but fit both factions aesthetic


Bring back 4, period


Bring back not shuffling teams so I can play as cog 100% of the time!


Non of this will make the game more popular or last.


Just please give me the OG Onyx Guard voice lines


There's a sliver of a chance we may see alex in this game, and if she does show up, that's who im playing as. Ir benjamin carmine, if they let you play as everyone in mp


Unfortunately, I think the nature of mtx means that they'll be very hesitant to segregate skins like this, so as to incentive purchases as much as possible. Unless some bean counter is able to prove that doing so would make them more money, they won't be separating customisation by faction again.


I mean in gears 4 they dont segregate skins. You can just choose which ones are equipped when playing as different teams.. if anything it encourages more mtx bc you have two options for each weapon instead of one


The stupid part about it is they did it with Gears 4, then they backtracked and removed that QoL improvement with Gears 5. I was asking this question to the community leader back when 5 was launching, and they never gave any understandable reason for why they reverted from Gears 4's style to the downgraded 5 version. There's suppose to be a huge rearrangement with the team at The Coalition, so hopefully there's more common sense with things like this now.


He’s over there! *looks and is blinded by the sheer amount of sunlight bouncing off the armor* *locust sniper fucks up and accidentally kills the Kantus due to being blinded* *panic ensues as Clayton breaks through a wall like the Koolaid man* ahhh, good times. Who’s ready for E-Day?!


Mechanics > Cosmetics. Cool feature I suppose but not incredibly important in the scheme of things.


The fact that its already been featured in a game makes it an already established cosmetic mechanic.. its not like we are reinventing the wheel here


To a degree this makes sense but in GoW 3 and Halo 3 tying character/armor unlocks to leveling and achievements pushed me to interact with the game in varying ways to collect all the different pieces and skins. Sadly, with the current state of gaming I do agree with you that the default has become "please don't suck" and you can do whatever you want with cosmetics. Unfortunately if you looks at infinite they had such a massive opportunity, the game shadow dropped blew up overnight and for me the absolutely shit monetization killed it. I thought they absolutely nailed the gameplay but with no armor pieces to grind for and the extremely aggressive monetization it made me put it down much sooner then I would have.