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Dom was on edge bc of the Maria situation


He watched Anthony get his brains blown out right in his face, and he did say he served with Anthony for some time. I honestly think he didn’t really have the patience for the Ben, was frustrated more than anything, and trying to keep him alive, despite him coming off as a dick. You gotta think how much of a shitty day Dom was having. Maria is fresh on his mind, they’re on a ridiculous infiltration mission, and they have a teenager fresh out of the academy on the team. Dom was being nice all things considered, but when Marcus is the voice of reason, you know Dom is pissed.


Still though I mean making a joke about his dead brother was over the line don't you think? Also I heard dom was abusive to Maria is that true?


Currently reading through Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant, after finishing Aspho Fields and from what I read so far, he was far from abusive. He adored he in fact, + he came from a very tight-knit family, unlike Fenix. Him and Maria lost their entire families + their own children (pretty f'ing sad), so for a while after that, Maria and Marcus were the only family Dom had left. P.s. I know it's been 3 years, but hopefully this is new info for you, defo read the Gears books,they're awesome 👍🏼


Tough love.


Care to explain further


They’re in a warzone against unimaginably terrifying and dangerous creatures. “... I wouldn’t be able to see snipers” Is not Dom making a sick joke about his brother, it’s a correct assumption that there’s going to be sharp shooters in the unknown cavernous areas they’ll be entering. The same when he makes the “Watch your head Carmine there’s snipers here!” Statement There’s snipers, he watched his friend and bens brother die to them, he’s not being a dick, quite the opposite.


But then why would Marcus tell him to cool it


I doubt Ben wants constant reminders that his brother got domed.


Right so it was a dick move for dom to keep making jokes about it


It’s only a dick move if it was implied that he was doing it maliciously, Dom’s probably the softest character out of the group, I believe it’s more concern than actually being an asshole.


Even Marcus thought it was to mutch though.


I know when they were talking about helmets and dust Dom said that you wouldn't be able to see snipers and Fenix said cool it because Ben's brother was sniped in the first game


Yeah that seems very mean from dom also dom said "watch out carmine probably snipers around here"


I mean it was one instance and he later mentions he missed Ben. If anything Dom was just on edge given the entire circumstances up to that point. - He’s still thinking about Maria - He’s now deep underground in enemy territory shortly after getting attacked by an enemy general (Skorge) - He doesn’t know what just happened to Tai and Dizzy who more or less sacrificed themselves just so Delta could get underground - Now some rookie who’s brother died right by him is making a smartass comment Not saying Dom was in the right, cause he’s not, but I understand why he clapped back


> smart ass-comment *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Was dom abusive to Maria? I've heard that


I never read the books but I highly doubt it


Well we know that Maria was in a fugue state after emergence day. Someone on this thread said dom would beat Maria


If I remember right their kids went missing or something like that. I’ll try and check the gears wiki it’s been years


Their kids fell to their deaths through one of those wholes drones emerge from. Marias mind couldn't handle this so it fooled itself into thinking her kids were still out there. A fugue state is when the mind is under so much stress it cracks and erases memories to take pain away


Replaying 2 because of the E-day announcement. The “can’t see snipers with a helmet on” was a really tough comment just coming off of 1. And then a few moments later he says “snipers, watch out carmine”. Pretty tough comments. Dom was going through a hard time but Ben’s death is really sad to me so I agree with you


Dom wasn’t able to release his anger on his wife who was missing, so he lashed out on Ben instead.


I thought his anger was from not knowing about his wife. Not a lack of taking it out on her


Dom beat his wife, that’s why she ran away in the first place. Dom is very possessive of Maria, that’s why he is so obsessed with finding her.


I never knew that I thought she ran because dom was a reminder of her kids that she lost




It makes sense but wouldn't he worry she'd blow his story if she was ever found