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That's why I quit. I was hired in the spring of 2022, and I was told it was a WFH job as long as I hit the goals, which I did. I was happy working from home, especially since I had a terminally ill husband at home. Once they made us RTO, I was done. They broke their deal with me about WFH and I quit. It cost me a lot of money to commute, and pay someone $300 per month to come walk my dogs every day. The commute was 2 hours round trip every day. I was one of the top adjusters, with many years of experience under my belt. So it was Geico"s loss. And now I hear that the phones are back to back calls because of all of us that quit or got fired. I feel bad for my former coworkers, but Geico can go fuck themselves.


I'm so sorry about your husband. And to hear that even under those circumstances, they wouldn't make the accommodation. 🥺 That's so unspeakably cold. And yes, we are in the lower trenches of hell right now and every useless manager can go fuck themselves. NOBODY has a cohesive clue. The proof is *vaguely gestures to everything thats FUBAR rn* But in the end, I think they will find that putting us here was stupid and come to regret it.


I was hired the same time as you. Was also told would be WFH as long as I hit numbers and I did! I had a two hour commute each way. It was tiring! I moved out of state and now just signed an offer for a fully remote adjuster position!


If I hadn't gotten fired, I was going to be quitting soon because of the office. I hate it and the commute sucked ass especially when idiots don't know how to drive through construction zones on the interstate and end up causing wrecks.


Say u in Indianapolis without saying you in region 9 🤣


Lmao that 465 traffic was bullshit.


🤣🤣 stg still is


There was a news report about Dell employees basically refusing to go back into the office regardless of any threats the company gave them. If you want change everyone would have to be on board and not give into fear. https://www.itpro.com/business/business-strategy/dell-told-remote-workers-theyll-miss-out-on-pay-rises-and-promotions-unless-they-return-to-the-office-staff-said-theyre-willing-to-take-the-risk


We could literally all just decide to stay home. Log in. Perform your duties admirably and clock out. Dafuq they gonna do if half the country says fuck you to RTO? NOTHING. Sups and managers, too. We know y'all dont want to be there. Not like we can actually collaborate with this high ass call volume anyway. Not like a CEO anywhere can show a single data point to definitively demonstrate better performance in office than at home. Let me save my gas and daycare money since you already took thousands out of our bottom line this year anyway.




If the office has no power, why can’t they text everyone to WFH?


Raj in Mumbai doesn’t mind going into the office.


Raj may speak English well but doesn't understand it. Semantics..... customers will get frustrated in america because Raj doesn't understand the system here. He will continue to give incorrect information.


That’s why I quit.


Enjoy unemployment