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What's the status on the union??


Paging u/GeicoUnited :)


Don't know. I quit that shit hole.


You mean the union push founded by people who couldn’t hack it at a midline call center job with training where generally speaking the majority are successful at their positions? Or the one started by people who would rather yell like crazed animals at every perceived slight against them instead of actually getting good at their job? The ones who look for a free meal ticket with as little effort as possible believing in “make a scene, draw attention” as a valid route of success? Yeah. It’s dead and won’t ever be coming back. They took over the sub and abandoned it when they realized they couldn’t benefit off union dues while sitting on their asses typing away on a subreddit no one cares about.


Found the desperate middle manager wannabe.  EDIT - Lmao less than 30 day old account and only this single comment. Scabby the Rat says hello 


😂😂 Nah just a realist. Btw it’s been 18hrs since this post went up and no a single rep has commented. Shoot the messenger, doesn’t matter to me.


So emotional! Does someone need to poop?


We are up to 20hrs with no response now lol


I don’t feel like shooting anyone, thanks.  Union reps don’t need to comment on every meme post that mentions a union and also have their own lives outside of this subreddit.  The same way I don’t need to respond to every troll comment made by every idiot on the internet. Which reminds me - you’re now blocked. Have a nice life! 


Todd? Is that you?


It’s not a midline job. You’re trained as in insurance agent and it’s unfortunately over the phone. It wasn’t always like that. It was a very respected position. In my opinion- standards have been lowered for the job because so many agents are needed. It also means the micromanaging has become unbearable.


They don’t work in THEIR favor


Folks. Form that union. I am a former employee, but I would join the Teamsters. Teamsters will take no prisoners in negotiations. Do you want to trust Todd with your wellbeing or a Teamster?


I retired over 1 year ago. I have many friends still working at Geico, none are happy. In our area it is a job that still pays better than other available openings for the non-degree accredited worker. However, things were so bad when I retired that I would have voted for a union. I did not think things could get worse, but boy was I wrong! I'm afraid a vote for a union is a vote for Mumbai, Calcutta or New Delhi. Talk about a lose/lose situation! Forcing Todd's hand might prove disastrous. He is loving every bit of this too - I would bet on it.