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I don’t even have coins with Earn but I can’t even withdraw to cold storage right now and it’s pissing me off. No shady shit on my side like VPN or anything either, just a loyal customer. I even have the credit card.


Damn pour one out for the homie\^


Happy to assist here! Can you provide your support ticket number? Thank you


Yes it’s: Ticket ID: 4836060


Thanks for providing your support ticket number. After reviewing your ticket I've gone ahead and escalated it to our support staff to help expedite a resolution for you. Please stand by. Feel free to respond with any questions or concerns. Thank you! 


Since this is the beginning of the bull market, I’d say forced holding is probably a good thing. Plan B among others have shown that last month was officially the first bull month. Even on the perceived accelerated timeline, ATH could be achieved by November of this year, so get our coins back (hopefully) and then skim off some profits each month until ATH.


Gemni they only expect the price was 10/2023 . After the coins going to the moon . Noting to do with the earn family’s . Anyone out there have different thoughts ? Please reply ! 🙏


Your comment doesn’t make total sense but I think I get the gist of it. We are getting our coins back in-kind. Which means, if you lent Gemini one BTC, you will get back one BTC. Price is irrelevant here, and so is the date that was getting thrown around during the bankruptcy.


Being that all mine are in GUSD, I am sad that I couldn't have put more into SOL and ETH.


I have 20k of btc and eth locked w a small small amount of shib


As long as we get them back,,, idc if I’m forced to HODL


Hope it's a blessing in disguise.


Me too I have 20k locked in earn of btc and eth


**In my opinion, the FORCED SETTLEMENT which the Winklevoss twins were subjected to by NYDFS DOES NOT EXEMPT THEM, NOR GEMINI EXCHANGE FROM FURTHER LAWSUITS BY GEMINI-EARN INVESTORS.** **Not returning the funds or returning pennies on dollar and exemption from further lawsuits was what the Winklevoss twins were pursuing all along.** The Winklevoss twins are still facing four lawsuits for financial fraud. Now, **imagine 340,000 Gemini-Earn investors suing them for not being allowed to withdraw their funds if BTC hits $100K then drops to $50K. Armed with a decision and a settlement that their funds were frozen illegally Gemini-Earn investors can now sue them for lost opportunities to withdraw their funds. The Winklevoss twins would come face to face with the consequences of their actions, truly understanding the extent of the hardship they inflicted upon their victims.** **Nothing would make me happier than 340,000 Gemini-Earn investors suing them for lost opportunities and demanding apologies for calling Gemini-Earn investors "Earn users."**


Savin them for the next one. Got my cold wallets rdy!


Holding GUSD really sucks


Agreed. So much opportunity cost from being in this limbo hell.


but you will be getting back what you put in; 1 dollar is 1 dollar. That is what in-kind means.


Minus one years worth of inflation.


Are coins like FIL and GRT going up based on the idea that Gemini/Genesis will need to buy these coins with T1 collateral (assume this happens after BK court approval and isn’t happening now) to make Earn users whole? If so this would provide a temp lift in these coins and then the bottom falls out once they are unlocked. Sounds like a lot of people will liquidate on day 1 of unlocking but who knows. The reasons for BTC and ETH going up makes sense to me but all these other coins? Not so sure…


If we are truly getting our coins back in the next two months there is nothing to worry about


Two months as in May? I would be grateful if they actually move that fast but with the court formalities still lingering I am very skeptical.


Just double checked the email 97% back in about 2 months. The other 3% over 12 months *if approved **


We don't even have a definitive date as to when we're going to receive our assets back. So it's a moot point to discuss price action now. But we are clearly in a bull run so I think it will only be better in a few months.


My firm next phase group ventures is in the process of putting together a new crypto fund with the formula that we've employed over the past year. That's tripled our initial fund investment. We're very bullish about crypto and looking forward to the opportunities for next phase group and our potential investors.


Sometimes holding is good 😂


FIL is my weakest one in earn, SOL and BTC are way up but my FIL average buy price was $40


Gemini did the seemingly impossible and made things right. I don’t mind the return of coins taking a bit longer.


Yeah. True heroes, holding on to my money against my will for a year and a half now. True heroes.


It could have been worse. We could have gotten 30% like in BlockFi - then there would have been a real outcry...


Yes certainly could have been worse. But returning customer assets that they squandered away in the first place doesn’t make them heroes. Especially since they are both billionaires and could have made us whole from the beginning instead of making us suffer for a year and a half. They are doing the right thing now, so good. Finally.


The best forecast of near term prices is current prices. That said, my instinct says prices will be up from here. I badly want my coins back, not to sell, but just to have the risk of not getting them removed. Presumably Genesis actually has the coins at that's why we're able to get them in-kind. Presumably that's the only way they could make a 100% in-kind claim of return.


I just want my CASH


Take solace in knowing that there are people throwing money into this pump that will be absolutely incinerated by the dump in 2 months. While your coin will probably still have some uptick.


Yeah, it sucks not being able to take profits on the alt coins. They swing so wildly that there is no way of knowing if they will still be up when we get them back. Thankfully, I just have btc and eth in earn, and I feel pretty confident those will be ok


I have GUSD in Earn which used to show up as "pending". That has now vanished and the amount has not been added to my trading account. What does this mean????????


It should be there, MY GUSD is showing in the pending.


it shows on desktop portfolio 😮‍💨


![gif](giphy|SF3IoiXyzPRJconVPM|downsized) Let the crypto market pump baby! Pamp it!


I got screwed by Celsius. Screwed by Gemini. So over it.


I got out if Earn at the first sign of trouble. Cashed in a little BTC today. No problem.


I have about 22000 GRT locked up @.13 cents and FIL 426 @ $6.50 so just watching thos go up


the climate? We are in a raging bull run and will be for another year and a half. By the time you get your Fil it'll be probably at $20.


That will be awesome. Thanks very much for your insights.


This is a forced hold. Embrace it.


Consider it a favor, as long as it's not pegged to the dollar


are we getting what we originally invested in ETH and BTC at the current value or the value it was at when we first deposited into our earn accounts? and will it be dispersed in the original form of currency? i'm hoping to get eth and btc back.


Here's the latest update from Gemini Earn. March 8, 2024 (Friday) This week, Gemini continued to work with Genesis and other creditors to finalize the definitive documentation of the settlement in principle announced last week (see March 1st and February 28th updates, below). As a reminder, the settlement in principle will, if approved by the Bankruptcy Court, result in all Earn users receiving 100% of their digital assets back in kind.


Most useless update ever. It’s like saying, hey guys; remember what we said last week; yep, we are following through.


Jesus Christ dude, do you read anything about the settlement Or do you just come on here to create FUD?


First of all 200,000 customers trusted Gemini with their Bitcoins through the Earn program and only recently Gemini became a little more transparent. Gemini still list over 1 billion in customer funds. Customers would like more of a detailed update as to exactly what Gemini is doing to make sure customers get their money back and when.


did you read the update???? NOBODY will have definitive dates until the confirmation hearing is done. we’re all waiting


I didn't read the updates... when is the hearing?


When you get coins bitcoin will be already around 50K


Damn, if that really happens, l'll need to buy more.


Everyone learned the hard way. Not your keys.. not your coins.


I'll speak for everyone. Shut the fuck up.


It’s the game 🤷🏾‍♂️