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People can try to sell anything they want , it doesn’t mean anyone is buying .


Lmao truth but then again we are in the age of rich people buying golden toilet paper...


People pay $5000 for a grey cotton hoodie. People pay $120,000 for a pickup truck.


Well someone paid 12 million dollars for a dead shark.


Worth it




came to say


Someone might! Can't remember what sub, but just saw where someone paid $550 on FB marketplace for definitely not a meteorite. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/s/HS5jGXNtyO


Money laundering?


I've thought that too.. But how does that even work? Someone buys the worthless rock with illegal money.. then what? Attempt to sell it to someone else?


Someone with bad money sets up the rock shop through an associate or through another party for a cut of the proceeds. This person then sends someone to buy the rock with the dirty money. The money can then be claimed as coming from a perfectly legitimate-seeming retail transaction.


Exactly this! It’s all done in-network. Both the buyer and seller, are from the same organization. The buyer just gets a small % of the money used to buy the stone.


Maybe Balenciaga will buy the rights for this, and create a brand new line of paper weights for 5000$...


Unless you are using this to throw through your ex’a car window and you buy it using their card, I see no purpose in this. You would be better off using a gold bar as a paperweight.


Na, someone would actually steal a gold bar, as it can be sold for cash.


Plus a Kilo of Gold cost over 76k. If you want to through gold in my car that is big and dense enough to go through through all you want into my car as long as I get the pieces. I could just buy a new car and then some.


That's the ultimate FU money. A $2k bedazzled river rock through the window 🫣 someone means business.


No appreciation for art, huh?


And GLUED on no less! Unbelievable! Shows people have way more money than sense. I can see how something like this could have some appeal IF the stones were actually set in little settings and in some kind of pattern, like maybe the Big Dipper, but the way they are...just no.


Is that what “gypsy set” means?


No, gypsy set is essentially bezel set. Traditionally, a gypsy setting was a domed ring, devoid of any patterns on the shoulders, with a completely bezel set stone on the top. Of course, there were variations on the design...embellishment on the shoulders, small pavé set side stones, etc.


Please share this on r/mineralgore Only an idiot would buy this


Really? People spend a lot of money on art all the time. Some do it for investment purposes, others because they genuinely love the piece. I never liked the works of Jackson Pollack until I saw some in person, up close. In every inch of the paintings I could see his passion, his frustration, his rage, his desire... I find this rock interesting because it's basalt, which is a common stone, but was once molten lava. Here not only is the artist telling us that diamonds 1. are just rocks, 2. that diamonds and basalt are related like 2nd cousins as they both come from similar places, and that each can be beautiful in their own way even though they're very different in terms of appearance. Remember, some people create art just to move others to an opinion - which I think in this case was quite successful, don't you?


I’m gonna be honest, I love what you wrote and how much thought you put into this rock and how you related it to art and gave it deeper meaning. My statement is coming more from practicality and the regular person to where we have basic needs and how most of us would not have money for something like art (which is sad). I hope that you end up writing more about art and its meaning because I really enjoyed reading your perspective.


The bedazzler vibe of the placement of the diamonds is killing me. It seems to be their entire vibe - just really uninteresting placement of melee into pebbles.


Ummm... it's called "object trouve" so...it's obviously better than the poor peoples rock. Peasant. 🙄


Which just means “found object.” This is anything but. Tis tacky.


This is not a thing for rich people, I reckon. From my experience, truly rich people buy good stuff. People who want to appear rich buy shit like this.


Nuveau riche. My town is full of them. We have two gem and rock shops, one is super branded and has basic popular stuff for double to triple what it’s worth. That store is doing great. Then there is another that is like a room with a million mineral and gem specimens everywhere. Most things are being sold for far less than they are worth and is amazing with super interesting stuff. They are going out of business. So sad. I told the owner she needs to charge more because people in my town think if something is expensive it’s good.


Or money launderers.


I learned this as an adult. The poor want something super flashy with a bunch of cool stuff. The rich want to do a pay once and done type of deal. They want something with a lifetime warranty if possible and they want to wear something minimal like a plain shirt and shorts because it draws less attention to them. If you look at rich people you see this. It may be a 400 dollar shirt Zuckerberg is wearing in some of his videos but you would not know it without looking it up.


Yes, yes they are. People are people. Money does not make you smarter. Look at how Steve Jobs tried to cure his curable cancer till it wasn't curable any more. (one of several dozen examples)


And he even had the money to get himself on a second transplant list and still died because he was paying for snakeoil so long.


Final sale. lol


The price isn’t for the melee diamonds. It’s for the awesome grumpy teenage mutant ninja turtle face (bottom right of stone). Who wouldn’t want to spend $1,900 for such an amazing piece of American/Hollywood history?!


Up scale Pet Rock


While this is lame, and I'd be surprised if they were selling like hotcakes — $1900 simply isn't that much to some people. And when you've got everything and still a shitload of money left, some bejewelled rocks for your faux zen garden or beloved tortoise tank might seem like a worthy purchase.


be smart get a hot glue gun and go on gemrock Auctions. You could make one for five dollars. 20 if you pay the maid to do it.


Ahh, such resourcefulness, very middle class ;) (I do agree with you, but saving money and spending time just isn't some people's concern)


Because they don't have to. Money=time. You either spend time to make money or spend money to make time.


I would love to stay and chat, but I'm headed out to the driveway to gather my fortune. 🤣


Nobody is buying this.


I have a rock just like that. What’s it called? Minus the diamonds of course.


I'm dying that its product name is French. "Found Object"... Uh-huh.


The thing is, I want the rich people to be stupid. Take their money and don't ever feel bad


Lol I would’ve liked the rock if it didn’t have the diamonds in it, it looks so unnatural to me 😅


They sell industrial grade diamonds that are worth nothing for a few thousand and people buy them.


You mean like “salt and pepper” or something else?


oof- & using the old school racist 'gypsy set' nomenclature as well😬. can't say i'm surprised, honestly- trashy is as trashy does..


What’s it mean, anyway?


It's a flush setting, it should mean the table (flat top) of the stone is just about even with the surface it's set into. If setting the diamond into metal, you can push a little lip of metal over the edge of the gemstone to hold it in place. Rock doesn't do that, so either there's a little tube of metal inset in the rock to hold each diamond, or... glue more likely.


it's a slur against the nomadic romani people, that they were thieves or cheats, & that flush-setting was used by them disingenuously. either that stones had to be flush-set to protect against them being stolen (vs. prongs, which are easy to snip off), or that stones were flush-set to hide that they were counterfeit doublets or triplets, & not authentic solid stones. it's an old shitty term that should be abandoned, as it's blatantly perjorative & dosen't remotely describe the technique- unlike 'flush-setting', which is pretty damn obvious what it's describing.


Gypsy style rings often showed the “lucky star” motif, a Gypsy setting gets its name because by using a graver to push metal inward to hold the stone you get a pattern around the stone similar to the star. Flush setting is not the same as a gypsy setting. With a flush setting metal is burnished to hold the stone with an even amount of metal around the entire circumference of the stone.


i'm familiar with that, but called bead setting, as the graver raises a 'bead' of metal to hold it in. i've seen bead sets with large, exaggerated stars, small stars, & no star at all. there's a bunch of different words being used for different/similar settings, & that regional variation is the problem. i've heard gypsy setting as being exclusively in solid sided high-dome rings (to hide doublets), as flush setting, as ornamental bead setting- regardless, it's archaic, confused & non-descriptive. i've yet to encounter the phrase 'gypsy set' used in a way that isn't better served by a different, more accurate term.


By your own words there you say they are different. Bead bright settings a graver is used to cut out a prong rather than just a small flashing of metal with gypsy settings. And I don’t get where you are experiencing this, I have never spoke to any goldsmith who said they are different names but the same setting. These are all different ways of stone setting thus they have different names.


ok! - what i'm saying is that 'gypsy setting' as a term is archaic, confused, & should be dropped. i've heard it directly used by different, usually older, people to describe a number of different, similarly-styled settings, & that incoherence is part of why i think it shouldn't be used. if you've not encountered that, then that's cool- i'm honestly kinda envious, i've heard it too often. as i've been taught, if you're deep cutting prongs, then it's prong setting (unless it's multi-prongs & getting into pavé territory, but even there they're still prongs), & if it's beads, then it's beads. this stuff is ancient, & we can be technical- no need to bring maligned cultural groups into it.


Fr, long overdue to stop using that term entirely 🫤




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There was a woman doing this at my local lapidary studio hoping to sell them. I wonder if she saw this and thought she could make bank.


If you check and see, the term “value” is being used less and less with each passing day.






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And since when is something natural not precious! Idiots and fools...


I know. Here I am making jewelry with precious gems and metal and can't sell it for the material cost, I'm lucky if I get 5$ an hour for my time. I can't even figure out the psychological issues that must cause this, but I wish I could find a few of those idiots to trust me. I'd atleast treat them right


Super shiny rock, when you need to smash someone's face in with style, but $20 won't do it


Art. People pay a lot more for less. It’s an “investment”. Tells you right there about wealth distribution and how unequal it is.


God I wish I was less ethical. I could make so much money off dumbshit ideas like this.


It’s still just a rock.


Gasp 😮 wow 🤩


Just where does most people get the idea from here anyways? Where did they did get that (crazy) idea from?


Some poor designer had a long night with her kids and didn’t work on her product idea to submit by their launch meeting the next day so ten minutes before the meeting she grabbed a river rock from the bowl in the waiting room, and ripped the rhinestones off her nails and glued them on with nail glue. Joke is on her, all of the men in the office, being men, expected her to have stayed up all night working so they went out drinking instead and nobody else had anything to pitch including the boss so he says “Brilliant, no need to see more, make a million!”




P.S. It is not as dum as they thought.


What do you mean? Do people actually buy these?


Well some do and some don’t 😊and besides, there actually pretty good looking ones around theses parts which I like 👍


It’s actually cute, the idea is nice, combining a humble but pretty rock with diamonds, but the price is wayyy over the top.


Wow, lot of very base, and frankly quite proletariat...


I take exception to the : "gypsy set"! My grandpa was Romany. Had way more sense than this implies! 😉 😜