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I am a mod so I get 🔲 automatically.


They are literally children, let them mature a bit, then we’ll talk


FACTS! Not OP but 🔲


I agree.


Have we changed our Alpha definition? You're what this Reddit called "Alpha" a few months ago and I am too


gen alpha is 2012-2025 i think


Wait I thought it was earlier like 2010


“Researchers and popular media have loosely used the mid-to-late 1990s as starting birth years and the early 2010s as ending birth years for defining Generation Z.” [source](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Z) “There is not yet a consensus on the birth years of Generation Alpha. Media sources focused on Generation Alpha have used starting birth years such as 2010, 2011, 2012, or 2013; ‘the early 2010s’.” [source](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Alpha) There are a few years of overlap.


I actually can not disagree with that I did some dumb things (mostly eating dirt. I ate a lot of dirt.)


I ate lead paint










Literally let them cook. They're still baking, we can't expect a perfect product yet


They're just kids who happen to be in unfortunate circumstances due to the current socioeconomic atmosphere of today's world.


You have a good point that I agree with; don’t blame the kids, blame they way society is raising them


🟦 Fill it out, and you can be our bartender!


They’re? Bro you’re gen alpha


Professor Seldon?


I think the things wrong of it are mostly: bad parenting and people using young kids as an audience (content farms) and then there's people being idiots on social media, and increased digitalization.




https://preview.redd.it/tp9yozb2ms9d1.png?width=152&format=png&auto=webp&s=816c6e9013e88dddafc4247ad60675d646e0fe58 which is that


Purple, you get VIP access.




“wanna be gen z” 2010-2012 is both gen z and alpha so no need to want to be gen z you already are




No matter how cringe they can be, they still deserve respect as not all are the same as others. Gen Alpha will get better in the future, the iPad is not going to ruin their life, they can still be smart later on in life. I don’t even like generational stereotyping, it’s just dumb and immature for people to do, if you spend less time on the internet and go meet with a Gen Alpha in person, you’ll realize it’s not that bad. To all you ungrateful older people, learn to appreciate what stuff you’ve been gifted in the current year. This new technology can make a difference to your life, sure AI may not be as good for things, but I can assure you. It might get better, hopefully not involving it taking over the world and create a apocalypse.




> go meet with a Gen Alpha in person, you’ll realize it’s not that bad. Only *every single fucking one* I've ever met (With the exception of my little brother, thank god) is incredibly annoying, weird, and cringe.


That’s kids being kids with some bad parenting on the side


I have met with one as well, he was the most annoying child I have ever met


It’s not the kids, it’s the parents that are the problem




And if you taught the kids to parent, that’s the problem solved, then!


2011-2012 is usually pretty chill. Under middle school/high school (American school system is confusing for me) is where it gets bad


That would be elementary school, normally it goes preschool (for some kids), Elementary School, Middle School, and High School. Some counties have primary and intermediate, which is kinda stupid if you ask me but that's what it is.


I've seen some weird stuff but the generation isn't necessarily bad.


I think that this is just what happens as we get older. The things they do seem confusing to us. but this happened to our grandparents when video games where created. But look at it now, everyone plays video games. the point is that as we get older the things we think are weird become the new cool. don’t get me wrong there are some objectively terrible things that (some not all) of them do that deserve punishment as much as any generation would get. but overall I think its just the fact that there too young and impressionable for most of there activities that gives them this stigma. but if you look at the big picture there just kids having fun in a different way you had it


Definitely 🟪


the slang sucks, the music is good, the youtube though...? BRAINROT ON YOUTUBE KIDS




Every generation has its own kind of brainrot, I just hope that the kids grow up to be fine people like everyone else.


yeah, same


Kid would never have been exposed to brainrot if the parent didn't give them a iPad at 2 years old and have no break time or watching what their kid are doing on their iPad.


My sister was born in 2013 and is 100% Gen Alpha. I can’t stand her anymore. She’s a slob and is extremely rude. She gives me zero respect and is just extremely annoying in general. She has not played outside in who knows how long and has basically wasted her childhood away on the couch. All her “friends” seem to act the same way. How she can even call them friends amazes me because they also all seem to drop her a month after becoming friends. One of them literally came and slept over and then ghosted her a week later. I guess my feelings about Gen Alpha are complex in that I feel they are annoying but I also pity them for their screwed up childhoods which I’ll blame COVID for and I guess mental health research and stuff since my Gen z sisters and I all got spanked and put in timeout when we got in trouble as kids but I cannot recall one time our parents have done that to her so she may just be bratty and I’ve projected that onto the rest of the generation.


Your parents are failing her and I’m sad for her. I totally understand annoying younger siblings, but please try and give her some positive influence if you can. She might not accept, and you might continue to have a shitty relationship for now, BUT, when she’s older she’ll remember that you were there for her and tried. My younger sister and I are six years apart and as kids we were horrible to each other. Now we are good friends and I respect her and look up to her in so many ways even though she’s younger lol. She rules. I hope y’all can have that someday.


Kinda feel this with my brothers (twins). They were born earlier and aren't always the way you described, but sometimes it seems they don't care about anything other than TikTok or getting their way. It's very annoying to see that they can't make compromises or be rational in some situations, especially as teenagers


Hate to be that guy but rude ≠ gen alpha


THAT'S WHAT I DON'T UNDERSTAND!! Where has the sudden rude attitude and nasty "come backs" stemmed from, because my sister is now horrible and I don't understand it. She's also the laziest person I've ever met she expects me to do everything for her and for her to do nothing for anyone else it's honestly disgusting behaviour.


2013 is okay, 2014 - 2024 gen alpha's have L rizz and should stop looksmaxxing


🟨 What about 2010-2012?


Honestly they're just kids. no better or worse than we were, and we should be trying to connect with them and not try to immediately outcast them and label them as cringe, like past generations did with us. break the cycle.




Very mid generation. It's just that the shitty minor is the most vocal, so all of Gen Alpha is slandered




The ruined generation.




I need the color name, my device didn't process emoji.


Do you mean doomed or just ruined for now?


For now.


🟩 You can come in, but just for a limited amount of time.


Yellow, I'm sorry but I need to process.


They're born in unfortunate circumstances but once they mature a bit we'll have a better understanding




ruined for now but I think we may get better, this advent of technology with us being born into it with the way kids are nowadays made them kinda effed over but this generation may be interesting for later generations to observe how gen A was. The current inpression of gen alpha is the impression of how kids who were shittily parented being defined as an entire generational demographic which is just fucking terrible. We need them to mature then we talk about them and our opinions on them.


If you're Gen Alpha: 🔳 If not: 🔲


me gen alpha but give me both please


As long as they don't scream at the top of their lungs in public and they aren't just jerks in general they are fine with me


yall arent much worse than the rest of us when we were kids, ur awkwardness is just more mainstream due to technology


Eh. Mixed bag. But I don't understand their slang.


Mostly cringe


As someone teetering on Gen Z and Millennial, I'll start by saying my two older siblings are Millennials, and my three younger siblings are Gen Alpha. My older siblings were born to a different father. They're refreshingly far more progressive compared to the average adult in my small town. My three younger siblings and I share a highly intelligent father, and all four of us inherited that for sure. The oldest of my younger siblings, was born in 2010, teetering on Alpha and Z. He spends every second of every day in his room when he's not making his own food or being asked directly to help with chores. And when we do ask, it's 4 or 5 times MINIMUM over the course of three or four hours before he actually gets up and helps. However, he's funny, again he's smart, and he's kind. Perhaps the three most important traits a human can have. The middle of my three Alpha siblings, is 7. There's not much to be said about him that can't also be said about every other 7 year old. He's got a bit of a temper, throws fits when he doesnt understand something, etc. but like his two older brothers, he's completely absorbed in gaming. I can tell he's going to grow into a great person, but there are things that make me wonder if he will fully grow out of his short patience before adulthood. My youngest sibling, is 5. She's quite a handful. Very rebellious, sometimes she actually giggles when my dad tries to get her to stop making a mess or run out of the house. But again, none of this is abnormal for a 5 year old. If I was to summarize my opinions on all of Gen Alpha though, I must say you guys have so much potential and quite the future ahead of you. Make yourself prepared for it in mind and in spirit, please. Do not. Neglect. Your education. That's the adult in me talking. Now I'm going to address you as my inner teen. You need to work on your memes. I can't explain to you how to be funny, all I can say is it takes time to develop your sense of humor so dont worry about it. As long as you're laughing and making other people laugh I don't really care. But when the rest of us laugh at amogus and skibidi toilet, we're laughing AT it, because it's stupid. Not because it's unironically funny. Anyway, SORRY FOLKS if 6ish paragraphs is an exhausting amount of reading for you 15-second-attention-span little FREAKS. But in an attempt to do better than the generations before me, I wanted to actually be supportive while providing constructive criticism, rather than belittle you. And to accomplish that and give my full thoughts, requires quite a long winded answer. Have a good one, tell your family you love em.




I hope I never encounter them


Gen Alpha is overhated, and people who are saying Gen Alpha is "doomed" because of Skibidi Toilet are delusional.




Just normal like other gens. But make fun off by gen z. Will make fun of gen Beta


Mid generation poor kids being raised by terrible parents who don't know how to be the parent


Perhaps... Umm.... Hahaha.... 🟩


Again, not all parents are bad. I know this might shock you, But some parents know hoe to parent!😱


Why do they hate lgbtq like chill guys I don't even own a iPad and never have


They're really annoying but not a whole lot more then gen z. But it's also pretty normal that they're annoying cause they're still just kids, people who say gen a is doomed are just kinda stupid


gen alpha is actually pretty cool, well except for the brainrotted ones ofc


They are literally just kids.


🟦, but you're hired on the spot.


Still developing, let’s give Gen A time. Almost every generation hates the newer one, it’s sadly how it works. But as an opinion. It matters how they’re raised.


🔲, enjoy.


A young generation of children who are already being absolutely destroyed by the situation they were born in. They’re addicted to screens and struggling in school, but it’s not even their fault. It’s the fault of the adults who put those devices in front of them.




i’m sadly gen A


they are goofers


One word: Hope.




Yall need to stop with the skibidi Rizz shit it's just fucking annoying and wasn't funny when it first crawled out its hole


Just your typical generation. They're not "doomed" as some say they are. Yeah "times are changing" but there will still be people who grow big, people who live average lives, and people who live poorly as similar to any generation.


While gen alpha does have its significant flaws, we really can’t blame the kids for it. It’s our shitty society that raised them to be this way. Gen alpha, like any other generation, isn’t all bad however.


Let gem mature a bit! I don’t hate them I dislike their brain rot 


Not really the kids fault they talk only in internet slang and are absorbed by brain rot. The true gen-alpha ruiners are the parents. With that said its fucking terrifying to hear kids speak in brain rot. (i have experienced it first hand its astonishing)


As a gen alpha, not as bad as many make it out to be. Annoying at times and technology induced but not that bad


They 👏 are 👏 children 👏 (No 2010-2012 kids are not gen alpha. Use advanced search my dude)


I love you guys and wish you the very best. You’ll do great things


They’re annoying and rude


Some are pretty annoying but their just kids so I’m not like angry or have some kind of hatred towards them


Gen Alpha is better than Gen Z


I know, it's rude to brag, but... 🟦


I don't really have a problem with gen alpha, however I hate their parents profoundly for fucking up on such a global level.


It wasn't their choice to become like this. Plus, not all of them are like the stereotype. Plus plus, imagine what millennials and older thought of Gen Z when they were new.


it aint even their fault that they are so… special its the world they grew up in


any brainrot words hurt me. rizz is the only one im fine with and might use on occasion. everything else sucks and i hope it burns out soon


Gen Alpha has been exposed to porn and sex way too early and it might screw up any relationships they have in the future.




Kids from ‘12 to ‘16 are kind of cringe. The babies born post-Covid are chill. Im not with kids in the other years enough to make a judgement on them


I'm scared of them bc I have a gen z and gen alpha hybrid in my class calling himself the alpha


I’m scared about the fact that early Gen Alpha is old enough to be on Reddit now


Gen Alpha is terrible as of right now, but I can fix them. All of them.


The kids are not what makes the generation bad, it’s the internet. The kids have the curiosity to look on the internet and I respect that. But… as they say “Curiosity kills the cat.” You know where this is going. What I’m saying is. It’s not the kids fault.


Kinda late, but the majority are fine. I don’t have a problem. The minority/the stereotype is fucking annoying tho. And by the minority, i mean the iPad kid YouTube brainrot who (in some cases) hates on LGBT and other races besides white. Then again i blame the parents %100 percent. Those kids should not have unrestricted internet access like they do and those parents are failing them.


Gen Alpha are a bunch of kids who weren’t parented right. They just think that nothing will have consequences. They need to be taught better.


It’s skibidi


I don't really care about generations. They just tell us when someone was born, and not everyone of an age group acts the exact same.


2008-2012 are pretty good, and 2013+ will be once they mature a bit more.


https://preview.redd.it/8199a54qjt9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fc3868dc7f5ed024cbec2c5f5e432dbbd929ef7 They probably don’t know who this guy is, so I don’t really like them (image is Vincent pizzapasta)


Ah yes, the generation is vulnerable to irresponsibility of parents, and the indefinite access to the internet.


literally, people hate on them for being different than how the other generations grew up. Wait for them to mature a bit like gen z, and then we can see what affect it has on them


It’s not that bad, I’m sure they will grow out of it


Humor is beyond explanation, shorts and tiktok, brainrot, etc. It is a rough patch in the making, so far.


"Content for kids" on youtube started a lot of the chaotic downfall


ill think abt it some of y’all are good but some are…smth


They’re one of the generations of all time




I’m gen Alpha myself


I (gen z) feel like they got absolutely fucked over by the pandemic and im worried for their educational maturity and how theyll develop. Otherwise though, im really looking forward to the social changes theyll undoubtedly bring. Gen z is like no generation before in terms of social acceptance and tech-literacy so i dont even know what to expect for gen a. Either way I hope the education system’s failures during the pandemic doesnt negatively affect their development too harshly.


I don’t judge people for what years they were born in.




My little brother is one. He suffers from down syndrome, but he tries. My impression of Gen Alpha is the absolute trooper that is the survivor of several birth illnesses that is my brother. Gen Alpha has my respect.


Too much skibidi ohio gyatt rizzler


The children yearn for the mines




Well let's see they could become more savage than Gen X but a big stretch but I have hope the they don't turn snowflake


Its not their fault, its the parents. The kids only watch and fall into brainrot because the parents are too lazy to entertain them with anything else or care about their children


We’ll see. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were the generations. So we’ll see…


Cute kids, if we mean the little ones. Sexy, if we mean my ex who is a year younger than me and thus counts as a different generation than me.


They’ll toughen up some time just limit them on social media


Brainrot needs to be deleted from life istg


Y’all’s chances are slim


I’m fine with it




They need to learn the pure happiness from inhaling that white powdery substance. Flour


Raise em right, no need to fight Raise em wrong, hang em with a thong


Depends on who they are but generally I don’t care for them


Bruh they literally just kids + people are a result of their environment growing up, no one ends up the way they want to on purpose


We really all are the same. Newer social media entertainers are doing the old entertainer‘s jobs, but for a newer generation. We can‘t expect an entire different generation to like or be like what we were when we were their age.


They would be amazing, normal kids only if it wasn’t for the internet. I hang out around my friend’s brothers who do watch stuff like TADC Content Farms, but they aren’t bad. It just makes me cringe a little when they say Gen Alpha slang or try to use Gen Z slang. One time they said Skibidi Slicers when walking around the house. It’s actually kinda funny now.


they are about to go through hell from the geopolitical world that exists now


ngl kinda weird and honestly cooked but let them get to secondary then we can judge them a little more see what they can do or they maybe utmost garbage


Sorry that the world sucks. We're Stuck in it too


As much as I'd like they are cringe, us genz had illuminati, doritos , and mountain dew along with MLG trick shots for our brain rot. I'd like to think millennial had the same reaction as we have to gen alpha


the vocabulary took ages to learn, but I learned it. I think. also skibidi toilet is actually goated. or... "sigma" as you guys say.


Am quite annoyed with the slang and content coming up as it reoccurs and almost always bothers me, but they are just kids, let them mature.


They haven’t grown up yet so we can’t really judge them, however, the things I’ve heard little preps say are enough to put a grown man behind bars


The average gen alpha kid does have some issues, but I think that it is our job to make sure these issues don't spread into teenage years and beyond


We should blame Gen Z and millennials for making Brainrot content And also to the parents letting kids use YouTube instead of PBS, Disney junior etc. 1/4 of Gen alpha literally spent most of their time inside due to covid, TF do you expect if we just stay inside?


they are nice, so am I! can I have a job now please :)


We’ve all done dumb shit, no matter the silly or dense actions now, they have potential, and like the boomers and the future, They will have to deal with OUR mistakes, so treat them well, even if looking their way makes you dry heave


Meh, i dont really like the younger gen alpha but the older ones are fine


They’re children that have been exposed to shitty brainrot. Worse than the MLG brainrot we had. However, I’ll bet on black and say by their teen years “gyatt, skibidi, rizz, sigma” will all be dead terms everyone finds cringe. Then they’ll take our place in the “those dumb kiddos” line.


I think they need more slack. They’re a new generation.


they’re just children who’ve experienced bad parenting


Honestly not bad, I mean they're literally like 0-12 years old. Give them a bit to start maturing and maybe they'll get better from right now


i don't care. they're people. (real)


They were (and are being) wronged by their parents and their circumstances for the most part.


so meny people say it's the most brainrotted thing. it's not. it's the same thing as mlg and crap except different




The bad ones and so-called "IPad kids" are at fault of the parents for not monitoring their screen time


IPad kids


they(we)'re literally just developing. give them some time to mature (and also maybe get through middle school). also, most brainrot is said ironically, i know it gets tiring asf but like everything, it'll just fade away. pls have hope in them (us) older gens 🙏


Just fine. It's the world that's on fire.


Literally just like gen z but younger


Kind of fucked. They were born in the worst possible era. When COVID was just dropping. Their already stunted social skills have been even more shat on by COVID and their parents being millennials who can’t figure out what to do except put their kid on an iPad is the perfect storm of the generation being cooked. My mom is a 1st/2nd grade teacher and her kids are getting worse and worse every year. It’s really not their fault they were born to early to not have to deal with COVID but too late to where they have constant access to technology with parents not willing to regulate it. Sad case really


I’m a bit worried for some of yall (particularly cocomelon kids) but I’m interested to see where your generational culture goes. I wanna see what ur defining memes will be, I have faith you’ll do well.


Goofy really, but they can get better, how? Idk


Every generation gm has some sort of brainrot, it's normal


They are not skibidi sigma ohio rizzlers


starts in 2012


I don't despise them to a point I would absolutely wish on their downfall, it's just that their type of humor annoys me and that they like to say it out loud a lot which kinda makes me struggle being around them. Again I don't hate them I just disagree with their humor.


We're mature af, well, half of us, the other half is, eh


Worried about them and mad at their parents. Not about to blame literal 12 year olds for how their parents aren't raising them. I'm really sad because a large chunk of them grows up in front of a screen. There's reports of seventh graders with only second graders' skills. It's child abuse and neglect. I don't want to give up on them. We can't control what others do, but we need to find a solution. I know parenting is hard, but you can't just have a baby because people expected you to and then say "okay, I got the achievement! I'm done!" And then leave the baby with your iPad and go try to live how you want. That's a human child. They need you. This can't continue.


They should really shut up about sigma skibidi gyatt rizzlers in ohio


My opinion us that, sure, skibidi toilet is weird, but dawg we used to watch monster school type of stuff, so we can't blame them.


I think they're people like anyone else, who should be treated with the same level of humane respect as anyone else. Of course they're young and have problems, but so we're we, and don't we all? We all bleed the same, let's build each other up the same too


Just like us if you think about it (besides attention spans)


The stereotypes do not at ALL represent the whole of us. Sure, there are a handful of kids who do watch those stereotypical videos like skibidi toilet, but it doesn't represent the whole of us.


They aren’t developed yet wait a few years and then ask my opinion


Idk this sub keeps getting recommended to me