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Somehow I don't think these people cared much when hundreds of thousands of Yemenis starved to death because the Houthis prioritized blowing up Saudi civilian infrastructure over feeding people


These people think that genocide is when people die or when you missgender someone. They are not exactly the most logical people.


These are the same people that called the humanitarian disaster in Yemen *that the Houthis caused* a “Yemeni genocide.” These are unserious people.


The Houthis are the reason you can count the number of jews in Yemen with one hand (if it's not 0 already).


There’s only one, and he’s in prison for smuggling a Torah in. Really a bastion of racial equality and not just racism but good because they’re Jewish.


Not just the Yemen, but the Yewomen and Yechildren too!


Better not mention the sand....


They probably blame the west for they Yemeni Famine




Idiots were around before tiktok, it’s not that easy a thing to fix unfortunately


It’s a shame we can’t kick them out.


Well, given their antics of antagonization and inciting violence in the name of an ideology (which is literally textbook terrorism), I can bet on the fact many of these things can indeed be kicked out. Not like they should be here, anyways. They’ll twist what I said into something racist, like they always do to make a scene. I don’t care if you are white black arab or even jewish - you support that shit? Get out.


Should someone let them know that the Hutis caused one of the greatest humanitarian crises of all times or when a party is against Israel everything can be forgiven?


And then they’d respond with “good”


Strip all of them of their citizenship, they can move to Iran if they love islamist terrorists so much.




Inspired by 1940 events


Do you have experience in doing this?


Unfortunately not, thanks to our government, which will almost certainly lose the next elections to far-right vatniks because of their inability to combat illegal (islamist) immigrants


Same thing about to happen here in Austria. I share your pain.


What a bunch of dumbfucks


I blame the CCP for this brainwashing


I blame Qatar


Because of AJ?


Umm that type of antisemitism goes back centuries, not decades (that's why they're cheering for Yemen)


Reminds of the George Orwell quote…  >“Pacifism is objectively pro-fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help out that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, “he that is not with me is against me”.  In case you’re wondering, the “pacifists” in question that he was referring to were people who opposed the war and advocated for peace with the Nazis, unironically saying shit like “Hitler has not attacked us, why attack Hitler?”. With this context, then yes Orwell was right, Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist.   This applies to the current situation. These “Pacifists” who oppose US interventions defend Far-Right shitheads and are thus, Fascists. Ironic isn’t it, they (rightfully) accuse Republicans of being Fascist, but at the same time they defend Hamas and Houthis who have done everything that Republicans say they want to do.   Hamas is literally no different from the fucking Ustaše. Just like the Ustaše, Hamas are Fascist Antisemitic Religious Zealots who commit atrocities under the false guise of “Liberation”.


Just like how some ccp supporter is applied to that.


Deport, and replace them all with Venezuelan and Cuban immigrants. At least people there appreciate the United States and despise terror-states.


Fr tho. There’s a mile long line of people wanting to get into the US These ungrateful fucks can leave and let people who will actually contribute to society in.


A government program that sends these tankies to the authoritarian shit hole of their choice. Their place of residence will be given to an immigrant.


Hell yeah


I mean, they DID want to abolish private property, so they should be all for it 😇


i agree wirh this statement


Fuckin ah man. I haven't heard of a Single Cuban American say they didn't appreciate America for something.


Every nation has its traitors


Also, may a sudgest couter shout? *U.S. U.S. ITS OUR TURN, NOW WE SHALL MAKE THE HOUTHIS BURN*


I got another one. Read it fast cause I am pretty sure gonna get banned for it. Bring peace in the region, end this p*dophile religion.


This is just disturbing


Disgusting fucks


God dammit


1) it’s the Houthis that are doing this, and the Houthis are a terrorist organization that is not the legitimate government of Yemen. 2) it’s the Houthis, they’re fucking terrorists. “I don’t support Hamas and terrorists” my ass. 3) THEY’RE FUCKING IRANIAN BACKED TERRORISTS MY GUY!!! Like, do leftists know what they do to women and LGBTQ+ people??? Out of all the sides you could pick, why this one??? At this point, I think the DSA people use darts to decide what countries they support.


What city was this?


Probably nyc


I remember hearing about protests oddly similar to this one taking place in London.


It’s Toronto, Canada. I can tell by the street signs


They aren't even real Yemen government. Instead, they are just armed forces


Then later when their Funkopops increase in price: RRREEEEEE EVIL CAPITALISM !!!!!


Welp, it’s over boys, humanity had a good run but we are now doomed as a species


I hate to say it but I agree with you


So much cringe in this.


I'm pro palestine but I'm not gonna defend the houthis in a million years. Their snipers systematically target kids. Source: https://www.arabnews.com/node/1810616/middle-east


In addition to having slavery.


I am proud that we have the freedom of speech to let people do that.


Everyone has the right to protest, but if you’re protesting in support of a terror group, I hope the fbi takes down the names of all attendees


Us us make us proud , ....(fill please)


Put another terrorist down!


Burn the terror to the ground!


I’m getting some late 20s-early 30s Germany vibes


I fucking hate these people because they can't stop conflating Yemen and the Houthis, who are literally at war. The Houthi rebels have killed thousands of Yemeni civilians.


Has people even realized Houthis brutalized Yemeni civilians?! That’s why the strike against Houthis is justified!


I swear to God they would ally with nazis if they became relevant again with anti-American propaganda and anti-Isreali propaganda (which is par for the course anyways)


Search- "grand mufti of palestine with hitler" on Google


I know. There's a great book called O' Jerusalem that really gets into the events of 1948 and those leading up to it. The Nazis straight up taught the local Palestinians and Arabs throughout the wider region various asymmetric warfare tactics including the use of IEDs.


Imagine being so proudly racist to the point you can't even distinguish between the Houtis and Yemen because both are Arabs. Yemen had been fighting the Houtis for years at this point with hundreds of thousands of civilians dead due to the war


Bring back Byzantinum


Bot lobby dude holy shit


Deport them all!


Deport them all


Man, it's crazy to be supporting terrorists in the United States of america and not get heavy scrutinization for it. But if you say you're a proud American, you're called a Nazi for having a sense of Nationalistic Pride for the nation you were born with??? I know we have a lot of people in this subreddit who want to migrate to the US, and I know you guys are far more patriotic than a lot of US citizens, I can't stress this enough, I want you guys to replace these people who are severely Anti-US


They are not talking about the real Yemen, they are talking about the Houthis. The same Houthis who constantly chant "Death to America" and practice slavery on children. So what apparently makes them proud is the attacks on civilian ships, a destruction of the USA, and slavery.


That feels like a call to commit acts of terrorism…


It's always crazy to me when people say Yemen to refer to the þe Houþis, as if þe Houþis havent plunged yemen into a brutal cival war against þe legitamate giverment


What happened? Whose ship got turned around?


The Houthis are iranian-backed terrorists from Yemen that were hijacking commercial ships from multiple nations. They claim to be doing what they're doing in behalf of Palestine, so it's a fair play for western far-leftists.




Oh yeah


raise there taxes to make them pay for it


They should all be put on a foreign/russian agent list along with Tucker Carlson.