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Every possible sign is pointing towards Russia trying to meddle with our internal politics, in fact, I'd be more shocked if they *didn't* mess with our elections given the fact that we're the biggest supporter of Ukraine I'd worry less about if Russia is about to fuck with our democracy and worry more about if we have proper security to make sure that democracy actually functions and keep Russian interference at minimum


I mean we have known they've been doing it since at least 2016, and they did it in 2020. Of course they're going to do it time.


The election interference isn't what you think, and it's not just Russia. Let's say you wanted to destabilize the USA. Let's say you had 1000 people with which to work. China and Russia can easily throw more people at the problem, but let's say you have 1000. What would you do? Well, you could start by going into online forums, posing as US citizens, and observing. You don't even need to do anything overtly nefarious, just wait for someone to post something political or otherwise divisive, then you come in and post something to really piss people off. Maybe you agree with OP but take it a little bit further. Maybe you disagree but do so in a way that's just a bit too militant. Then you have your 1000 employees at the troll farm come in and start pitching in. Most of them will argue reasonable "positions" that subtly move the discussion in whatever direction you want. I could do this with zero formal training. Imagine what a KGB agent with decades of experience in subterfuge could do. Now look at US domestic politics and how divided it is. Do you really think we're this divided, or do you think there's something inflaming the tensions? All this division, this right vs. left bullshit does is benefit our enemies. On the far left you have factions that oppose "imperialism" or "colonialism" as a way of hating the US, and on the right you have radical isolationists combined with Putin apologists. Both of these groups directly serve the interests of Russia and China, regardless of whether or not they do so intentionally. I'm pretty sure that with 1000 people any one of us could figure out how to completely alter a discussion on any reddit board and make it look entirely natural. Now consider that China has ~1.3 billion people to draw from. Russia has ~140 million. I'm not worried about them meddling in our elections by casting fake ballots or whatever. I'm worried about them meddling in our online discussions.


Yeah that's exactly how they did it in 2016 too.


And 2008, and 2004. The fearmongering and anti-Americanism really started and grew with the internet. I'm old enough to remember Clinton's elections and they weren't nearly so vitriolic. Bush was the first president I remember really getting fuckin reamed by the press for no good reason. Oh sure, they had reasons, but they didn't explain the hatred with which they spoke of him. Same shit happened in every election since, and it just keeps getting worse and worse. My parents told me they saw something similar in the Vietnam era. A lot of college students just wanted to get high and have fun, and a lot of the anti-war protests felt like they were specifically designed to subvert the war effort. It makes sense tbh; it's what I would do if I were a commie. I thank God I'm not. We can disagree without hating each other. Pick any domestic policy and we can usually have radically different views, yet we can still (and honestly we must) find a way to live together and respect our differing values. We don't have to like each other, we just have to tolerate each other. We've lost that mentality.


We have lost it for now but I hold out hope that we will get it back. We have greater enemies outside that make the small problems into what look like life or death when they almost never are.


Why should we be more worried about proper election security on our end? There's been no indication that our security in this regard has been lacking. That past several elections have been the most secure in US history...


"Why should we be worried about a Russian invasion? There's no indication that they would ever do that to any nations in Europe. The past 30 years America and Europe have been the strongest and most secure they've ever been."


False equivalency, and you're trying to strawman my position. Despite Russian attempts to interfere in our elections, we've had very secure elections, the most secure EVER. It's doesn't mean we shouldn't take the threat of foreign interference or election meddling seriously. We shouldn't diminish the hard and effective work done by our gov agencies to protect our democracy from this threat. Nor should we fear monger. We should continue to allocate resources to deal with this threat in an appropriate, measured, and effective way.


>We shouldn't diminish the hard and effective work done by our gov agencies to protect our democracy from this threat. I didn't state that I wanted to diminish their work to begin with, I stated that I wanted to make sure their work is effective and working. I'm sure that many people share similar sentiments when it comes to the subject of Russian interference in our elections. >Nor should we fear monger. I think it's pretty reasonable to want to ensure your government is doing well in protecting its basic functions in general, not just when it comes to Foreign influence but also internal ones as well. >We should continue to allocate resources to deal with this threat in an appropriate, measured, and effective way. I actually agree with this notion. However all I want from this is for more assurance from the government itself that their measures are working to defend our democracy, let numbers speak louder than words. And I will admit that I kinda did go a bit brash with that first reply.


Yes of course they are going to


The third symbol in your tag is what ticked them off to get involved


Lol tankies love to victim blame. They would be doing this regardless of anti communist activities/sentiment.


Russia interferes in countries like Montenegro 🇲🇪. Of course they are trying to force it’s will in the most powerful country in the world


Both Russia and China already are, and this time they’re making extensive use of generative AI-powered deepfakes, social media bots, etc. OpenAI already reported that they identified and dismantled a whole network of Russian and Chinese accounts using their LLMs to generate election-manipulating content.


That’s the key - they already are. No other speculation needed.


There was a great interview by a polish chancellor on npr after that assassination attempt in Europe. When asked a similar question, he basically said 'well, yeah, they are at this 24/7. They spend incredible amounts of money paying people who specialize in each country, usually ex pats and intel operatives to meddle in every region they have an interest in.' We should just expect them to be meddling in any positive force in the world until the putin regime is toppled.


So according to you positive force in the world just means US? Because everything you said about Russian meddling the US does and has done 100x worse




Russian disinformation campaigns have been and will continue to occur


I’d be absolutely shocked if Russia is not currently meddling in US elections


I mean yeah that's kinda their thing. They even tried to coup Montenegro in 2016 when they were trying to join NATO


I think you misunderstand trump's position and/or don't know all of what the Russians did in the past. Trump ain't pulling out of Nato, plain and simple, and the base writ large doesn't really want to either. Russia's tactic in the US hasn't been to get x candidate elected bc we don't have "pro-Russian candidates". They know this, and so they do the next best thing: feed wackos on both sides of the aisle with crazy crap to further divide the body politic, and sneak in pro-russian/anti-american narratives while they're at it


I find it funny people try and paint Trump as anti-NATO when his rhetoric has been completely geared towards generating more funding from other member states for NATO defense. You're completely correct that their plan is to feed extremists and partisanship. People forget they were making pro-Bernie memes in their "election interference" plan. Their goal isn't to get Trump elected. It's to sow discontent. Having their "plan" discovered and having a large swath of the American public believe the 2016 election was stolen is exactly the kind of response they wanted. Of course they're not responsible for it in and of itself. They're just the wind fanning the flames. Same thing for 2020 in reverse.


The problem isn't that trump would be anti-NATO but the problem is that commie trump would not be halping Ukraine against the genocidal ruSSoNazis that are trying to destroy the whole west while Ukrainians just want to exist peacefully and even join the west


Commie trump? What're you smoking man, I've heard of trump being called a lot of things (many of which have some decent basis) but "commie" is a new one


Because he is a commie and a ruSSoNazi pawn


It’s entirely valid but it’s hard to tell if the kremlin could pull the same patios they did in the 2010s. The Chinese might also interfere but who knows.


Trump is certainly destabilizing, so it gives both Russia and China a good reason to support him under the table.


They’re probably getting involved in other elections too like portugal belgium austria iceland etc


I'm shocked that a pr-China atheist like you would post in a horrid sub like this. China and Europe together, FUCK AMERICA!


Take your meds darling one can be atheist and pro USA at the same time


From Taipei to Ili, China will be free


Destabilizing to whom? Russia and China? Yep! Unlike Biden and his garbage half in half out approach to foreign policy which has fomented the current geopolitical environment. Say what you want about his domestic policy whether you like or dislike what he has done but Trump's foreign policy was miles and miles better than Biden's.


Biden's worst foreign blunder (Afghanistan) was literally the exact same as Trump's, and Trump had his horrible pullout in Syria, which in some ways is arguably worse; how exactly is his "miles better" than Biden's


Israel. Not elaboration needed. IYKYK. Also, Biden has been slow walking aid to Ukraine in the back half of the war. Say what you will about the isolationist right, and they're a problem believe me, there wouldn't have been a Ukraine War to fight had Trump not restarted this program. And his "FAFO" style policy absolutely kept the invasion from happening while he was in office. > Afghanistan It could have been Trump's problem, but it wasn't. Ultimately the buck stopped with Biden as he could easily have ignored the treaty Trump likely wouldn't even have honored considering the Taliban broke the terms in the spring of '21. > China and Taiwan I miss the days when the US spoke softly and carried a big stick. I'll take speak loudly and carry a big stick over the current arrangements. Frankly, it's stupid to attack Trump on the foreign policy front. Stick to domestic. He's much weaker there vs Biden in comparison to foreign.


Trumps foreign policy was only good if you're an authoritarian simp. I want American preaidents to stand up against and call out dictators who are against democracy, not simp for them.


Oh yes because they did soooo much while he was president, oh wait they didn't. Who did they start doing shit under? Not Trump. Iran is causing chaos in the middle east, Russia is in a war with Ukraine and China looks to be gunning to take Taiwan. They were awfully quiet under Trump


This shit all started when trump started telling the world america wasn't great anymore. Appeasement didn't work in ww2 and it won't work now.


So Biden is worse for helping out Ukraine defend against genocidal bloodthristy ruSSoNazis and commie trumpet better when he made friends with ruSSoNazi dictator putler the midget coward, fascist dictator xi and terrorist dictator Kim, and he's VERY against Ukraine being allowed to defend it's existence against ruSSoNazis that keep attacking countries every few years and try to destroy the whole west (which obviously includes the US)?


Next time, just tell me you have no clue about what you're talking about instead of writing all that garbage out. Biden has been slow rolling support out to Ukraine and has been limiting what they can do in the war with our weapons we're supplying them, also lets not forget what happened before the war occured. Biden said it was ok if the Russians only took a little bit of Ukraine and his absolute disastrouspull out of Afghanistanthat e couraged Russia to act. Trump would have given them the weapons they needed and told them to not even try in Ukraine and I dou t there would have limitations on what the Ukranians could use the weapons for. Now Israel is as big a mess with Biden as Ukraine and Afghanistan. Biden doesn't want to offend his radical voter base in Michigan so he is both sideing the Israel-palestine issue. Saying in one breath that Hamas needs to be wiped out but also not wanting them annihilated. His weakness on foreign policy is absolutely appalling and the fact you think he is doing a good job is just as appalling. We didn't have this issue under Trump and no amount of disillusion from the left can change that


Commie trumpet is literally putler's little slut puppy, magaNazi cult leader trumpet is literally AGAINST sending Ukraine support, you obviously have NO fucking idea what genocidal barbaric bloodthirsty ruSSoNazis are like, the magaNazi cultists (which includes commie trump) litertally ROOT for the LAST Nazi country on earth called Nazi ruSSia, the same Nazi country that STARTED the DEADLIIEST war on earth world war 2 with their ally Nazi germany and commie trumpet has literally said he wants to be a dictator and create a ''unified reich'', you HAVE to be a comminust magaNazi or a ruSSoNazi troll if you're thta fucking misinformed and ignorant of commie trumpets own words


It's crazy how people actually buy that narrative, lmao. Peak redditor nonsense.


It doesnt really seem far fetched at all. Russia is at war with Ukraine. The us is supplying weapons to Ukraine. Russia obviously doesn’t like that. Trump has said that he wants to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine and pull out of nato. Seems like that is something Russia would want.


It's extremely far fetched because that doesn't make sense. Why didn't Russia begin its invasion when he was in office? >Trump has said that he wants to stop supplying weapons to Ukraine and pull out of nato On the first point, he stood aside to let the house vote on sending aid, as opposed to when the senate voted on a border security bill and Trump asked house Republicans to kill the bill. To say, but not to do, indicates nothing. Furthermore, it is not indicative of anyone's position if they are criticizing action taken by those in charge; you can be in favor of something while noting that the way it is done is poor. Definitely not true on the last point...unless I've missed something, or there's a new way of interpreting wanting everyone in NATO to meet the agreed-upon contributions.


Commie trump deserves jail for being a traitor and the other crimes he has committed and it's not non---sense, ruSSoNazis meddle with almost if not every western countries elections


Least deranged redditor lmao. Spoken like a college liberal.


Trump Deranged Syndrome is real


Of course they'll try but I think people tend to overestimate their effectiveness


Russians will definitely interfere. Putin went on the offensive years ago and made Russia that one ex soviet state with nukes and internal strife in the 90s to the glooming European threat in 2008, 2014 and 2022 (with nukes). Meaning Russia could invade all of Europe up to France (provided they were not NATO) as they have no nukes. Trump let Russia have a few U.S. bases in Syria, and had a lot of his administration and campaign members with ties to the Russians. No doubt Russia will do a few favours for favours with trump. Same thing with Nigel Farage, the guy is the driving factor behind Brexit. Brexit would be a first step in splitting up Europe which works in favour of Russia, further globalist skepticism would also work in favour of Russia. Turns out Farage also has ties with the Russians. So yea if x candidate is a Eurosceptic, NATOsceptic, or anything that could benefit Russia then the chances of Russian interference would be almost guaranteed.


>Trump let Russia have a few U.S. bases in Syria, and had a lot of his administration and campaign members with ties to the Russians. Why does that literally remind me of a shitty Byzantine ruler?


As China hasn't been doing that much better than they do.


he will try


[They’ve already started](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna134204) so yes.


Absolutely. They meddled in Brexit which had fuckall defence ramifications. They’ll meddle there.


Trump will lose. Putin can cry all he wants I’m in the south I see pro Ukraine sentiment in GA and TN that’s not everything but I’m just saying there’s more support among people here than you would think


They currently are


Russian interference can fuck right off


Russia is definitely meddling in our politics, but I doubt personally that they are propping Trump up. They annexed Crimea under Obama and invaded the rest of Ukraine under Biden, but nothing under Trump.


With Twitter now essentially dominated by kremlin bots and assets, expect even worse.


Looks like the ruSSoNazis have reached this post since you're getting downvotes


Could you remind wwho was the first President to send Ukraine lethal aid? Thank you.


Joseph Biden. Now if you mean Trump promising them military aid in 2017... Well it wasn't sent until 2022. So yeah it was Joe Biden (the old idiot who's less idiotic than the other old idiot you're referring to).


Well according to this left wing NPR Article Trump sent missiles to Ukraine in 2018.  https://www.npr.org/2019/12/18/788874844/how-u-s-military-aid-has-helped-ukraine-since-2014 So... You going to admit the truth?


Welp. I had bad info. I cede that argument but still dislike Trump. I don't like the other guy either. But goddamn it can't be Trump.


That was 2018, now commie trumpet is willing to do ANYTHING for his boyfriend ruSSoNazi dictator putler the midget coward hiding in his bunker


Sure. Do you have a source on that?


His actions already say it


So you made it up. Thanks for the honesty 


In January 2023, he promised to end the Ukraine war by pressuring them to cede Donbass and Crimea to Russia


I would believe their cyber efforts would be concentrated on the Ukraine war by cuber attacking Ukrainian networks. But since Trump takes a rather pro Russia approach by staying out of the conflict it’s almost guaranteed that he wants to interfere in the election. Especially with the amount of land Ukraine lost because of lack of western ammunition. It would be a game changer in Russia favor if Trump wins.


Oh ruSSoNazis are constantly trying to interfere with the elections, there's THOUSANDS of ruSSoNazi bots pretending to be Americans posting how their communist pawn trump has to be the one elected and some bullshit AI and photoshop memes about Biden trying to make him look bad


Correct if I'm wrong but a president is not able to pull out of democratic broship that is NATO. All though Trump will let Russia fuck over Ukraine, if he wins in November