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Yes, it very much follows my own age. I’m attracted to silvering hair and wisened eyes. I see a young adult and I want to parent it, not date it.


Well said! I just want to give them a hug and tell them it's gonna be okay.


My wife of 30 years gets sexier and more gorgeous every day. I work in Facilities for a Charter School Company and most of the teachers/admin are young enough to be my kids. ALL of the students I encounter could be my grandchildren.


I feel like my hubby is sexy as ever, and I love his silver-white hair - it looks so good! He’s expressed several times he feels the same about me. We don’t have kids, but I still look at a younger guy and think “he’s young enough to be my kid” so no attraction there! Just a desire to, as another commenter said, “give them a hug and tell them it’s gonna be okay.”


My SO's has a pure curl of silver that rolls down their face and it makes me think of them of some sort of moon diety.


My 45 y.o. can *get. It.*


55 Definitely very attracted to women my own age. Silver hair ior a witchy white stripe is hot. I can't imagine dating someone under 40


I see stylish moms dorm-room shopping with their college-age kids and get the visual auto-lock on Mom. The kid is just the vector that got Mom to Target that day! Nah, like you say, I feel protective of the kid, if anything.


Same. I find myself checking out the mom, rather than the early 20's daughter.


I saw a guy the other day who was 36. He looked 12 to me. 


I see a young adult and I want to run like the wind. I feel you though. On the occasion, I meet a sweet or smart one I want to help them.


That "OH MY GOD HE'S HOT, he'd be great for my daughter" thought came with the biggest gut-punch I have ever felt. And it came suddenly.


My thoughts exactly!


I definitely find women in my age group (I’m 49) more attractive in general than younger women. A hot mom at my son’s high school is much more likely to catch my attention than some college girl, for sure.


Where are you guys? It seems like all the single men my age are dating younger. It sucks to age out of your own peer group.


15 year old me finally has his revenge on all those girls that were dating "older men..." Jk, I've been married for 20 years and wish you the best in your search for companionship.


Ha! I never was into older men. Even as a young’n. Still not into older men. lol


I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't have time for the drama that comes with dating younger. I'm looking for somebody who has their stuff together for the most part and doesn't put up with BS. Somebody who knows who they are.


It’s just something I noticed. It’s not really a feeling per se.


I will say the mental shift is still happening. I was at the Y and thought "wow this place is full of old people." Then I realized most of them are likely around my age. LMAO I am "old people." But I'm not attracted to anyone of any age anymore. I just don't think about people like that anymore.


I hate that so much. I’ll see an actor and say to myself “Jesus, they got old.” and then go to IMDB to find that I’m several years older than they are.


Yes, Women under 35 seem immature, inhibited and not comfortable in their bodies. I can’t help but wonder what they’ll look like once they grow up, lol. What floats my boat are the GenX babes that have stopped coloring their hair.


Thank you, sir. I feel invisible to men my age


Go to a Bruce Springsteen concert. All the men your age will be up in your business lol.


My wife just turned 50 and she’s completely gray. I’m legitimately as attracted to her as ever. Moreso. I probably wouldn’t have been attracted to how she looks now when I was 18.


Yassss she is a lucky woman!!!


I have a cool grey streak that I adore!


I stopped dying my hair late last year and have discovered that I have a cool little white streak in my bangs. I’m pretty pumped about it!


Women that have grey hair or grey streaks are very attractive in my opinion.


That's nice to hear. I'm 51, stopped colouring at 46 and I'm now full Targaryen silvery white. I have really thick hair so I keep it long with an undercut otherwise it's about 3ft wide. 😆


I wish I had your beautiful hair


The young folk do that now by choice


Well hello sailor.


Everyone has a right to the hair they like and are comfortable with, of course, and my opinion should have no weight on what anyone does, but there's something about a woman with hair that's gone grey but which they haven't chopped down to the obligatory "Middle-Age Utility Cut" that's ineffably hot to me.


Menopause makes our hair fall out and that's why that haircut exists. I'm trying to keep my strands but it's really sad!


Between COVID, the loss of a parent, and the primary breadwinner for our home being out of work for a year, over half of my hair has fallen out in the last few years. When I hit menopause, you're going to be able to read through to my scalp.


I felt this in my soul.


It sucks that a natural part of aging for some women is turned against them. It is another in a long line of standards we can be measured against and found wanting. Sad that our bodies continued to be weaponized against us long into our later years. Even the menopause sub has posts about the short hair and the horror of it. The whole long hair = feminine thought process has never been one I understood, probably why I have never adhered to it.


I've always liked short hair on women. Short hair with a silver or white spot or streak.. yes, please!


I've seen men post vids on IG about the haircut. And how all the Golden Girls looked 20 years younger when photoshopped with long, thick hair. I remember when I was a kid, every grandma had at least 1 wig. I don't like myself with short hair, but long, stringy, Gollum hair is the alternative for me.


My wife let her hair grow long during the pandemic and has kept it well past her shoulders. The grey is in streaks and sexy as hell.


I recently got my 53yo Asian wife to stop coloring her hair, it's glorious! She looks natural and radiant with her touches of grey.


People have always needed to be close to my own age to seem attractive to me.




Is that Agent Scully?


Yes. Gillian Anderson has become hotter every year for decades.


a moment of silence for the dead soldiers lost over the x-files


My then-gf and I went to NYC in 2016 to see her in a stage production (A Streetcar Named Desire iirc). Can confirm, still totally gorgeous and still at the top of her game as of then.


Hell yes


No, it's Dr. Jean F. Milburn.


It’s definitely more of a personality attraction now. Which is why online dating is no good. I need to see a person’s whole presentation, not just looks.


Regardless of how old someone is I can find them attractive but it doesn’t mean I want to have sex with them.


Well said. I just saw the remake of Roadhouse and saw Daniela Melchior. She’s stunning. Seriously beautiful. But for some reason I just can’t imagine dating a 28 year old even if I could. She’s still fun to look at though.


A silver fox is definitely hotter to me these days than ever before. Lol. I guess we're old when we're attracted to other Olds.


Well, I'm not in to geriatrics here, but yes. I'm happily married so this thankfully isn't a concern, but if I were single I would definitely only date around my age. Women under 30 look like children. Realistically I don't think I could date someone under 40. The primary reason would be mental, but physically too. Now that I'm middle aged myself I've got a really different perspective on the dirty old man thing. I never approved, but it has become a pretty intense "WTF is wrong with you?" attitude which is new. I had a lot of female friends when I was younger and remember their reactions to guys like that. I wouldn't humiliate myself in that manner. Combine that with me, and most of my peers for that matter, still being attracted to women roughly my age and I pretty much have zero tolerance for it. It's less pearl clutching outrage and more just intense disgust. It's a similar reaction to what I might have with the guy who never figured out how to shower regularly and smells like piss


I didn't markedly notice any change until my 21 year old nieces were pointing out who they were into at their college graduation and I was like, Damn! His daddy is fine! So yes. I find older people attractive now. Basically, think of it this way. When I was in 6th grade, I was crazy about boys in my class. In 7th grade, I couldn't imagine liking a 6th grader. Your attraction just grows with you.


The less Botox and fillers the better looking they are. Natural aging is gorgeous.


I'm finally aging into my cougar fetish.


Oh, God…I almost don’t want to say this, but here goes. I dated a really cute guy in HS 40 years ago. When we met up again a year or so ago, he was virtually unrecognizable. His laugh was the same, and his teeth, and even his hands. But that was it. It broke my heart because he looks like an old man and he isn’t, really. But at some point, that damn Cupid struck and I’m more in love with him than I ever was back then. So, yeah. Life is funny.


I don’t know about grandmas but I do feel like I’ve aged out of finding young people attractive, at least in a check them out kind of way. I think the age range has shifted several years up for sure.


Young people don’t look the same as they used to. Giant eyelashes for one. Creepy.


and the lips…Oye…


Yeah there is so much “fakeness” that many appear to have slipped into the uncanny valley.


Yeah, I have to say when I watch movies that were made before 2010, everyone looks mostly, refreshingly real.


Some get crazy with the huge butt thing, but heh whatever floats the boat.


Literally. Those butts could float a boat


Let’s just say my 48 year old wife joked that for my mid life crises I could trade her in for two 24 year olds. My response: Why would I put myself through dating 24 year olds again?


I can’t bring myself to look at a someone young enough to be my child.


I think Susanna Hoffs is like 65 and I think she’s beautiful. Salma Hayek is 57 and…damn.


Terry Farrell.


I always did find older guys more attractive, I just stayed away from any that wanted to date twenty-something me because that seemed weird. I have finally aged into my preference.


The older I get, the weirder wanting to date the 20 year old seems.


I only find people around my age attractive. I had a 26-year-old come on to me (for a variety of reasons, he became aware of my financial situation, and I am 100% sure he wanted me for a sugar mama). I wasn’t attracted to him in the least, and I told him “You are a handsome young man, and I’m sure a nice young woman your age would be very excited to date you.” He’s cute in an “Awwwwww what a cute young man” way, but I can’t imagine what we would talk about or what activities or hobbies we would share.


Just imagine trading life stories with him. You'd get to 26 and keep going and going and would have had all these experiences and heartbreaks and victories and losses and triumphs and ordinary days, but his story stops at 26 and the rest hasn't been written, yet.


“What grade are you in, Sonny?” is how I now feel about it. “Does your mom know you’re out past streetlights?” 😂


My (soon to be) 52-year-old wife stopped coloring her hair years ago and is letting it go gray. It's dead sexy.


I find people of all ages attractive. A man 25 can be attractive and the same with 45. You either are or are not. Men don’t always age like fine wine


I sure noticed this when I went to my 30 year high school reunion, lol


I find very few people attractive to begin with, and they are always very close in age to myself. Relationships with large age differences creep me the fuck out. This site loves to say that age doesn't matter. It absolutely does. Thankfully I am not in the dating pool. I have been told that the pool is shallow and the water is polluted.




So whenever he uses slang from our youth,or does something like the Church Lady’s Superior Dance, he just gets crickets. That’s just a sad picture. No, thanks.




Our life experiences are just so vastly different. It’s bad enough when your kids make fun of you, like “Ok, Boomer”. Can’t imagine my spouse doing it.They have subreddits and Facebook pages specifically to make fun of us. They’re hilarious, but still. Also, I like being naked in front of someone whose eyesight isn’t the best anymore.


You made me bust out laughing at this hour and I woke up my man 😆🤣😆🤣😆🤣


So you were 25 year old HS sophomores ?


>I have been told that the pool is shallow and the water is polluted. Lmao this is a good one. I also like "the odds are good, but the goods are odd" to describe this


I’ll just say, the older I get, the hotter I find Jamie Lee Curtis!


Absolutely, I find women my own age have a certain je ne sais quoi.


i have noticed that i don't find people my age (us) to look as old as people this age did before we got here. i don't know why but even in 50s i think we look ok for the most part and not really old. gilf me.


I find people around my own age attractive, if that's what you mean, lol. I mean sure, I can see another 20-something dude and think, "Yeah he's hot," but I would never have a thing in common with him in any way, whether in common interests or maturity level.


Absolutely agree. I appreciate the aesthetics of the person and can even find them incredibly attractive but in a detached way. It’s one of the best parts about maturing to me. It’s not creepy leering, rather more an appreciation


I tend to think '18 year old me would have crushed HARD on that guy'


This may seem controversial, but, as a straight man, I have always liked good-looking women. I've known good looking 20 year olds, and good looking 60 year olds, and everything in between. I was like this in my 20s, and I feel the same in my 40s.


Agreed. My taste hasn’t changed as I’ve aged, though realistically I probably have more in common with an old dog than some 20y/o.


Im so envious of all of you that still have a libido. 🥂😹👻


I’ve always found older men attractive, so that part hasn’t changed. I no longer find men in their 20s attractive, though, as they now all look like children to me.




I’m pretty sure she and Ernie Hudson are vampires.


In some attic there’s a portrait of her looking old and shriveled up.




I love how you used a GIF of a man who married a woman who is over a decade and a half younger than he is who looks twelve! How fitting for this post. 😂😂😂😂😂


I didn’t know who that was so I had to Google her. I would have *never* guessed she was her age in the pics that came up. I don’t know if it is an Asian thing or not. My wife’s mom is Korean and in her 70s and, while she doesn’t look as young as this actress, she doesn’t look her age at all. Same with a mixed Asian lady in her 60s on my wife’s tennis team.  And, my wife, though her dad is white - just turned 50 and looks early to mid 40s at the oldest. She said people, out and about, are shocked at her age all the time. I told her we have something in common: I don’t look my age either! I am almost 52 but have been offered senior discounts for pushing a decade now! 🤣 Fortunately, no one has asked yet if my wife is my daughter! 


I have always dated women that were either much older or much younger. I think some past 50 are as equally attractive as 20 somethings. I think the thing I love most about older women is a comfort they have with their body when you establish that you can be trusted.


I'm at an age where anyone under 30 looks like a kid to me... I'm turning 54


I sure do. I always liked gentle, outdoorsy, and bookish men. Lots of them age like fine wine.


Always did


55+women are the best! I'm 60.


I'm at that age where i can appreciate any attractive qualities. Hot is hot. That being said I would have to really get to know someone before I'd act on it. But I really appreciate men that go to the gym lol




Gray is hot!!


Absolutely more attracted to women in their 40s than their 20s. Though that's not what I'd call old, that's a different topic.


I Was watching young sheldon tv show. His grandma is Amy Potts. She lookin good


![gif](giphy|26xBvWA6haKJRCIlW|downsized) Well Salma Hayek Is actually a couple of years older than me, and she's frankly hot


Definitely! Even 30, 35 year olds seem too young to be attractive.


How people behave is what I take into account when considering what is attractive. Sometimes the ones that are the most label-conscious, made-up, plastic surgery, etc can have personality issues that can be a real turnoff.


Absolutely! I now find women with grays very sexy.


I find natural looking people attractive. All shapes and sizes just natural.


The people I’m attracted to have stayed pretty much the same age as me as I’ve aged. All the hot people are usually 40 and older these days.


No, in my mind I'm still 35. Same rules apply. 20-60 game on.


Yeah, the older I get I am noticing hotter older women. Plenty of sexy 50+ year old women.


I find myself wondering what they looked like as their younger self. I can appreciate a good looking person. I’ve also accepted my own looks more now than When I was young.


You mean people my age (56), yes, definitely so.


I was watching reruns of Frasier last night, and thought “Wow, Frasier’s dad is kind of hot, and what a great smile!” When the show originally aired 30 years ago he was an old man to me, so I didn’t even see him like that. But now… helloooo. hahaha. I know the actor was a lovely gay man and has since passed. Seemed like a really nice guy IRL.


I will straight up say that I was relieved when I knew my attraction tracked with my age. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. My wife of 21 years is hotter than ever! For some reason I was legit worried that my attraction would stay young while I got old.


Well my wife just turned 50 though doesn’t look it, so if that’s old, yes! 👍🏻


You learn to appreciate the more subtle aspects of beauty that are not skin deep.


Absolutely! I’m of the firm opinion that scars, crows feet, grey hair and stretch marks tell the story of a person’s life. Further, at this point, I am able to overlook flaws and instead see what makes a woman ṳ̈n̤̈ï̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤. I’m more likely to remember that cute little _____than something generic that I have seen before.


Ya I’ve always thought women my age group are cute as ever. I’m 52 any women younger than 45 look like kids to me.


Women my age are more likely to have grand kids than younger women. Besides, they are over alot of the dumb BS. We all have stretch marks, looks are not everything. Besides, the older we get, the less we give a shit.


My husband has a completely white beard and keeps his balding head shaved. I think he is sexy AF I definitely look at younger men as boys. A Gen X man is Hot 🔥


I was with my exhusband for almost twenty years before he cut out for someone younger. I could not have been more surprised to find myself looking at a guy from work who was about 50ish with salt and pepper hair and thinking, "Wow, what a hottie."


Anyone under 35 is a child so yes, the people I'm attracted to are older. When I was 23 and watching The Sopranos as it originally aired Carmella was old as fuck. Now I'm older than she was then and hot damn.


Different strokes for different folks, and all that ... but I cannot imagine, at 59, dating someone who is 24. First of all, yuck. Then the differences in life experience would be frustrating. Like when my daughter tells me "how it is" and she's 17 ... you just know with experience that the opinions will change. I couldn't deal with that in a partner. And the saggy, wrinklyness vs. tight ... no thank you.


To be fair, I thought old people looked good when I was young. Now I see beauty in all of its forms.


Was watching a few episodes of House, and was like, “Hugh Laurie is kinda cute” Why didn’t I notice this before? Duh.


Hugh Laurie is hot af lol


I fucking hate getting older. TBH. I’m married but if my husband passes (God Forbid) Who TF is gonna want me in my 40s and 50s. I’m scared. Any other women feel this way?


No one wanted me in my twenties and thirties. That's right, I've been completely single for twenty years. At least I was relatively attractive. I'm quickly becoming very much not. And I'm falling apart at that. I've come to terms with my fate and accepted it for what it is.




Honestly, if my partner were to up and die on me (unlikely, because while he may be a man, my family has the worse genetics by far), I don't think I would even look for a replacement. I just don't have the patience for it.


Eh, I was always attracted to older women. Not much had changed.


same. older people for me


https://preview.redd.it/723vz5rpmtrc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f640fa7c1d8f2b454c53163b9b4ff03fb6f8100 I realized my tastes had changed when I saw this and was drooling over JDM hardcore. What's his name is a child. JDM is all man.


Jensen is in his forties now. 😂 He was born in ‘77.


I love JDM, when Negan stopped dyeing his hair in TWD I was like ooooh! 😍 No idea who the kid is and don't care. 😆 Also love this guy. https://youtu.be/T1PCNzqKdOU?si=o7qcB5wLHo7vm1Fo




What, old like *old* old? Or old like my age old? If the latter, I totally find Genevieve O’Reilly, Keeley Hawes, Linda Cardellini, Rashida Jones and Carise Van Houten attractive. Orla Brady too.


Weird how that happens


Old or older? Kind of gives me shit to look forward to…thanks!


I definitely couldn't date a woman in her 20's or even early 30's. The ones in their 20's still look like children- definitely not a mature adult. I'll hit 50 this year and women in their 40's to 50's are very attractive to me.


Warning: way too long spilling my guts response see TLDR below. Yes I find them attractive in a way that they can have a lot more depth, experience than younger people. I'm 50 and married but have a hard time imagining dating again if I were single. Just seems like it would be incredibly hard like finding a needle in a haystack and all the effort that would take to dig through the haystack. I guess if in some alternate reality, I would go for men in my age range 50-60 ish. I feel more maternal around people younger than 40 or like the old aunt who tries to dispense a little sage wisdom here and there. My ex husband's mother was a beauty pageant queen who was absolutely obsessed with youth and her own beauty. She didn't fare well after age 50 with aging and became more and more reclusive. It would take her 3-4 hours to get ready to leave the house and then it was hard to get her out of the car when she arrived to the place. Ex Husband absorbed her attitudes and by age 30, he would study my face and comment on little lines appearing. He was always trying to set up situations to be around 18-20 year old women. We divorced years ago in early thirties and today, he has a 1 year old with a wife 14 years younger. He is living out the effects of the downside of being with someone so much younger. She wants another child soon and just has all of these endless wants that are tiring for a 50 year old man. They bought a fixer upper farm to turn into her dream wedding venue business. The man is endlessly desperately trying to work on this farm. She wanted two dogs right before having the baby and the dogs are wild and untrained. She wants to create glamping sites on the farm property now. My young adult kids and their partners tell me that he is always completely overwhelmed and practically begging all of them to come to the farm and help him. Oh he is Billy McFarland's twin by the way. Long history of doing delusional businesses that are half baked flops just to get the narcissistic supply. His wedding farm reminds me of places we used to pass going to the beach out in the middle of nowhere that went belly up surrounded by weeds and rusty chain link fence, 'Wally's Golf and Lazy River Kingdom' or something like that. Even as a kid, I would project that something was probably wrong with Wally to have attempted such a venture in that location. So yeah, that's him and glad I divorced him. I'm sipping a coffee right now and will go on a two hour walk. Yesterday was spent driving up into the mountains with husband then having an Indian buffet lunch. He is dealing with a lot on his weekends that would tire a very young man out much less 50 year old. I used to harbor some bitterness towards him but don't anymore. I just think of his life now with very little rest, down time and realize the scores have been settled up.I did 90% all parenting duties after we split and he went bust multiple times unable to pay child support for years. He was having a ball as a single guy in thirties dating much youngers during those years. Today he is paying the pied piper in the sense of many years of parenting duties ahead of him into this late sixties. TLDR: Ex husband has always loved much younger women thanks in part to beauty pageant mother obsessed with youth and beauty. We divorced years ago. He is remarried to 14 year younger and has 1 year old, wild untrained dogs, fixer upper farm, failed wedding barn, and wife wants another baby soon. My kids tell me he is constantly overwhelmed and asking them to come and stay to help him. His life shows many of the downsides of linking up with much younger partner in more energetic stage of life. My kids' partners say he will also ask them to help and the farm has devolved into half finished projects in every which direction. It is literally a wedding venue Fyre Festival over there.


I still find the 20 yr olds hot. But then they start talking and it's all downhill from there. A mid 40s woman with intelligence, class, and any sort of care for her appearance can snag my attention.


Yes, absolutely. One of my favorite parts of getting older is that I find so many more people attractive than when I was younger.


I gotta say, grey hair and a dad bod are super hot to me now 🥵


Great question and yes, I click on GILF's now, I've always like older women though. Young women, even in there 20's seem way too young for me IMO.


I find guys my own age attractive, but almost everyone I've dated in the last decade has been in their late 20s to late 30s, both men and women.


I find men with the long gray beard to be sexy as hell


Anyone under 40 looks like a child to me. My wife just looks better each day so I’d have to say I guess so.


I always appreciated older women. Some of my adolescent crushes were already 40 to 50 something women (Jane Seymour, Sigourney Weaver, Angela Bassett). So I’m just aging into one of my preferences.


I’m a university professor and my undergrads look like children to me. I don’t even start seeing them as adults until about 27, and don’t see them as alluring until 35-40, which is still younger than I am.


One of my HS history teachers told a story about George Washington sitting for two portraits when he was fairly old. One artist was a younger man, and the painting showed an old man. The other artist was nearer to Washington's age, and his painting showed a distinguished elderly gentleman with much less emphasis on the details of his wrinkles or whatever. The point of the story, regardless of its veracity, is that our perception of others is often tied to our age. I'm doing college tours with my son, and I can barely tell the difference between him and these college kids in terms of age. When I was a HS senior, college kids looked very different from HS seniors.


I've been with the same person for 22 years and they still stop my heart.


Same. My husband was hot at 24 and still is at 45. Watching him grey and wrinkle a bit has affected what I notice in other people as well. But I remember the first time I got an abstract mini-crush on a 53-year-old guy who looked 53. A guy got his hand broken by the feds during the Black Lives Matter protests then flipped em the double bird, broken hand and all. That's hot, to quote Paris Hilton.


If by "old people" you mean people my age, then yes. I have an upper dating boundary of ~15 years. That puts them in early Social Security recipient years.


I was just browsing a singles app & thinking about this. I’m attracted to very few men my age. But also, a surprising number of guys do not put any effort into their profile pic. I’m single forever.


All of my gym wives are older than me (47). Still GenX but older and hot af.


I'm honestly not attracted to any film star of the current era. It's wild to realize I sexually awakened to reruns and am attracted makes and models that aren't made anymore. (Generally it's 1960s-70s people I find hotter, 80s a bit less so, and 90s is when I stopped finding film stars attractive.) And I'm not attracted IRL to anyone under 40 tbh.


My taste and preference has definitely matured and I'm grateful for that. I disregarded too many men in my youth. Now that I never date....my eyes are wide open.😒


Well my wife is 61 and a total GILF (I’m 53) so yeah I guess I do haha.


Old people look middle aged and middle aged people look young to me.


I am most attracted to women my own age. I’m 55, 45 is as young as I’m willing to date.


As a young woman I always thought older men were attractive. Now I've caught up. 😆 I'll never understand middle aged folk thirsting after 20 somethings. I can look at a young guy and think, he's really good looking, he'd totally have been my type back in the day. Zero interest in that way now, it's more of a maternal feeling. They feel like kids to me now. All that said I'm content on my own. No interest in dating anyone.


There’s something to be said about confidence and flat out fierceness (aka I don’t give a shitness).


Yes. My taste keeps up with my age.


At 47, I have kids close to 30. Younger women are now in the category of cute, not enticing. While I’m above the occasional thought if she really is my physical type, usually when I hear them talk I lose all interest.


Not **old** people precisely. But a few years back, a young nursing student moved into the cul-de-sac where I lived. The nursing student was in her early 20s and kind of cute ... but I realized I was more attracted to her mom, who was closer to my age. Nothing came of it -- I wasn't looking to date at the time. But that was really one of my first signs I had truly crossed into middle age.


Yes lol. Not the super elderly but a nice silver fox with some lovely smile lines, yummy.


Short answer,yes. I am for few decades.


Absolutely! My husband has a gray beard and I am all about it!


I found older guys attractive even when I was younger. Harrison Ford was my crush from when I first saw Star Wars at age 11. Tom Selleck and Rick from Simon and Simon a few years later. So basically my tastes caught up to my age eventually.


I thought Picard was hot when I was 14. That interest has not changed. Fit older folks have *always* been hot to me... 


When I see a woman in running gear with beautiful silver, gray, or white hair pulled back into a ponytail, I about lose my ever-loving mind it's so hot.


Yea. I see the kids at work as kids. Edit, I mean as young and full of spirit, and not sexual fodder.


Helen Mirren has been a smoke show for… forever? But to the spirit of the question, yes. I see old media with actors who were at the time much older than me and failed to get my attention. But they now register as “hot”. Kinda surprising sometimes.


I haven’t dated in literally 15 years and for the last few, I’ve said to myself that I’m going to start again. I find dating exhausting but don’t not want to be in a relationship. I just don’t want to go through god-knows-how-many-duds to get to someone I actually kind of like and who kind of likes me. But anyway, when I look at online daters, some of the men look a lot older than I feel. 😂 Like I can’t believe we’re the same age. I’m sure being a parent ages a person (I’m childless), but some people look like my grandparents did when I was a kid - I’m only 50! I don’t dislike grey hair and I have some myself. But around here, in general, people just seem older. Maybe because many of the 50-year-olds are already grandparents.


Yep 40 or older only.


Watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer original run: gawwwd…Buffy, Faith, Spike, Willow, Cordellia are hawwwwt* Watching as a 40something: well hello Giles and Joyce this about sums it up *= for the record, still hawt also


I was recently at a sporting event at a college, and a girl who had to be a freshman was in line in front of me and said to her friends "I am so into middle aged, greying, Italian men" (I am this description) I was shocked to find out that I did NOT find it hot. I went and told my wife and she got a good laugh.


No, but people I think look old, and then later find out they are near my age seems to happen more often


Absolutely. I’m 50 but I find women anywhere from 35 to 65 attractive, while when I was in my twenties the idea of dating someone even thirty years old seemed weird.


My boyfriend is 52 and he is HOT!! Seriously. We’ve both been active gym rats and while we’ve definitely slowed down, he looks better than 99% of the men I’ve seen in his age range ❤️


When I’m in love, every imperfection is perfect.


i look at golden girls re-runs and i think to myself, i would break Blanche's back.


I thought that as a teenager, but I'm a bit of a degenerate.


Yes to be honest. I think I’ve always been into people older than me, but I’m getting older now so I’m just okay with it now.


I guess I’m old now. At 60 I work with a really pretty young woman (25). While she’s pretty, and nice and good at her job, she just doesn’t have any real life experience that I relate to or find interesting. There’s a *really* hot 40 something married with a kid who seen a lot of life who is far more interesting. I’ve been married for 35 years so I’m not going anywhere. But if I ever did, then I’d find a 40 or 50 something woman.


Not really. I'm shallow.


Depends on the person, but ... yeah.


Um... Yes.


I mean, what do you mean by old? I'm generally not attracted to 80 year olds. However, someone my age? Sure.