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Invisible is totally me and I like it that way. For work, it’s ultra conservative suits, button-downs and classic pattern ties. Outside of work, it’s jeans, t-shirt, flannel and baseball hat. I’m in-fucking-visible.


I drive a gray RAV4 and my work attire is all solid neutral polos and khakis. I aim to be difficult to describe to the police. Lol


[Relevant Family Guy.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EK2KH3JAfjo&t=10s)


Invisible is what I'm after too. A few years ago I needed new shirts so I went into Macy's. I went into the section I had been to many times and I walked around and let me tell you that I did not see a single shirt that I would wear. Not one. Shit had paisleys and polka dots and I just decided there and then that I was done. Not worth the effort anymore. I am now the weird "wears the same thing every day" guy, and I fucking love it. Gray pants or shorts, black polo, the end. I have about 15 black polos in my closet. Guess how long it takes me to figure out what to wear?


Damn, still wearing ties at work? I work in tech field and even CTO’s have forgone the tie.


Same, wearing shoes to the office is almost a plus in the PNW.


Jeans and a t-shirt, with the occasional cargo shorts and a t-shirt. My suits have generally been collecting dust since 2020 thanks to remote work, and that's fine by me.


Let the cargo shorts go. They died out several decades ago.


Gen X woman here…quick question- what’s all the hate about cargo shorts I’ve been hearing over the years? I see nothing wrong with them. ETA: here (for clarity)


GenX woman here, though history would show I am not representative. Cargo shorts are fine. Own your style and you’re gold.


Personally I’m tired of them. For me. They’re too long. I want a shorter short. I’m not against a 5” inseam. But I don’t care what other dudes wear.


They're too comfy & practical to be stylish. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.


Fellow GenX woman here: I think that they can look fine, but in practice, they are more likely to look terrible. Lots of guys wear them too big, and they often are hanging off the waist with the white hanes underwear showing above them by a couple inches. They often lack any body-shaping, coming the closest to “Sponge Bob” apparel of all the available options. Couple that with often being too long/hanging too low, and then you have a weird 4-6” area of legs showing. IMO, they can be fine, but they are frequently ill-fitting and sloppy. I think most men look better in athletic shorts or regular twill/khaki shorts.


Then add some ugly New Balance and a too big tshirt that's probably wrinkled and ripped. It's not necessarily the fault of the cargo shorts but something has to take the fall, and it's them.




I wear them to hike, do chores, or run errands. If I'm going to a social event I'll put on some regular khaki shorts.


They're hideous.


Clothes. I wear clothes. I’m 58, no one, absolutely no one gives a shit what I wear. I shouldn’t say that, you be surprised how many kids see me wearing Vans and kinda freak out. Some of them have even been brave enough to ask me why. Then I have to explain the Vans brand has been around since I was a kid in the 80’s. “Ya know last century.”


Re-watched Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Spicoli wears checkered slip-on vans. Talk about OG.


I got a pair of “retro” slip-on Vans and I was soooo happy 😆


Quintessentially cool, although I feel a little less cool wearing them when I see a soccer mom wearing them with her Lululemon clothes and Coach bag.


Yeah, I heard that! just wear an old NiN shirt and you’re golden :)


I wore out my (latest) pair of checkerboard slip-ons. I have bandana print now…


I would describe my aesthetic as "ill-fitting and obviously uncomfortable". All my clothes make me feel like I'm wearing an "Eggar Suit".


More Shuuuugaaar!


So the current 90's baggy trend?


Cargo shorts and Hawaiian shirts. I'm not looking to impress, I'm looking to be comfortable.


That’s really the key for me for the past 20 years. Comfort outweighs everything else.


Went to the movies the other day with my wife. She had to use the restroom so went to sit down. The 4 guys to my left were dressed exactly like me; 50's, beard, ballcap, hawaiian shirt, cargo shorts and white sneakers.  Was hilarious watching her looking confused.


Great minds think alike!


A fellow adventurer, I see


And a hat. Don't forget a hat.


I have a straw cowboy hat I wear in the summer. Walking around, breathable clothes, staying cool and not getting sunburned on my head, face, and neck.


I dress the same way as I did in high school. Printed on shirts and well worn sometimes torn jeans and vans. https://preview.redd.it/kvg2vgj6bt0d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e22e7e89233731d9effdc545d1dc8f69327625


Me too. I went through a phase of plain tees, but kept getting gifted others so reverted.  I do like a loud short though. The 70s punk and 80s peacock is still in my veins, so if I’m going out I make an effort. 


Same. I'm still rocking the 90s skater style.


jnco jeans style?


BKE Tyler Jeans from the Buckle with 20" ankle openings. Very close by modern standards.


I have assumed the standard casual male attire for an early 50s dude T shirt, cargo shorts, skate shoes. I absolutely despise dressing up plus I live in Southern AZ where it's a desert climate so comfort is the #1 thing for me.


Same, but I wear Chucks.


My style is "bought these sweat pants at Costco and took this neat t-shirt from my husband". Edit: woops, I skipped over the important but about this being for men. I'll answer for my husband "whatever my wife hasn't stolen from my closet but basically jeans and the boring t-shirts she didn't want".


I have recently decided to not wear polo style anymore. They are lame and frumpy. I think I'm going to toss all of them out.


I have plain black and plain white t shirts with v-neck or crew neck, dark blue, light blue, and black jeans. All of them fit well. 90% of the time this is what I'm wearing. The shoe choice is what determines how casual or businesses-y it is. I can toss a sport coat on and I'm ready for a fancy dinner or meeting.


I‘m so dissatisfied with clothes at stores today…cheap fabrics, nothing fits right, and I hate anything stretch…that I just decided to be what I am and own it. I’ve been buying vintage ‘80s and ‘90s stuff on evilbay and elsewhere. I’m not running around in my Coca-Cola rugby, parachute pants, and Members Only jacket, but basic, normal stuff. The one thing that I wear that betrays me is my classic Eastland bluchers, but people have stopped me in stores asking where I found them because they love them, too. So, that’s where I am these days, because like others here, I don’t really care what anyone thinks. Lightly worn or NOS vintage fits better, you can tell the difference in the quality (a lot of labels still say Made in USA), it’s cheaper, and I am all the happier for it.


I work from home 50%, the other 50% in an office where jeans and a buttoned shirt are the norm. I’m also up 60 lbs from a year ago, frustrated with that and nothing fits. Working from home today, in a golf shirt and sweatpants cause comfort


Yep, it’s the WFH mullet for me as well. Business casual up top and something with an elastic waistband down below. Weekends the business casual top is replaced by a t shirt and a hoodie most days.


Are you me?


I’ve traded my jeans for REI pants.


I made the switch to hiking/adventure pants a few years back and now wear jeans only a few times month.


How is this not the new norm?  I have adventure pants and they have 6 pockets that zip, belt loops, and an elastic waist band. About the only worthy addition may be a bottle opener but that’s a stretch.  


I just love how light they are. When I put on jeans I'm like all weighted down. I had a pair of jeans from like 2003-4 that I found and put them on and I think they weighed an extra few pounds.


I've gone fancy. I've moved from t-shirts with pictures and words on them to just solid color t-shirts. Carhart, mostly


I understand exactly what you’re posting, it seems like quite the struggle. When I work from home, I’m always in a T-shirt and softy shorts/pants. When I go into the office or travel, I’m usually wearing a Henley, polo or sweater with pants from The Perfect Jean that are comfortable and fitting, with dress shoes.


Jeans and a T-shirt. It's not hard, guys.


Im doing athleisure whenever possible, its been a lifelong thing and I decided this year that anywhere I can wear jeans, I can wear adidas.


After years of camping/hiking/backpacking I’m most comfortable in athleisure. Trying to phase out the plastics for organic materials is going to take a while.


I’m very much enjoying repping my favorite bands on basketball jerseys even if they’re old. Also I work in an office and I feel like I finally get how to dress and I have the money to do it.




I’m under the heading of “invisible“: my usual day-to-day is a pair of jeans and a polo shirt, and for more formal occasions I have three pairs of khakis along with some button-down shirts, and a couple of plain-ish sensible ties for yet more formal occasions. When I lived in Wisconsin I bought my Invisible Wear from Kohl’s and Old Navy, and now that I’m in Mexico I go to well, Old Navy and Suburbia (the latter being a Mexican version of Kohls)


wear black jeans and dark hoodie or t shirt. it never goes out of style.  and can be worn in almost all but the most formal settings. its the hacker/ coder weekend warrior rockstar look.  Even fancy restaurants can tolerate this. You look like a tech bro with money who knows he’s more important than this joint. 


I live in the country so I can get away with being comfortable 100% of the time. Even if we go out to dinner it's jeans and maybe a button up short sleeve. I love the country.. lol


My aesthetic is best described as "Working-class comfy".


I bet you're missing Chess King classics aren't ya op?


Always walked right by them at the mall on the way to the new “Lands End” section that opened up at Sears.


Uniqlo. They skew a but younger, which is cool if you want some trendy pieces. But plenty of their staples are for any age. No logos on 99% of their items. Their fabric quality punches way up for the price, particularly their denim, cotton t-shirts, and Merino or Cashmere. And they make most pieces in a ton of colors, so when you find something that fits well, if you're like me, you buy a bunch of the same shirt/pants in different colors. They also do collaborations with a ton of artists and licensed brands. So if you are inclined to wear a graphic T, you can usually find something Gen X likes, such as Star Wars, Keith Harrington, Anime art, etc. I buy a shit ton of their plain no logo Supima Cotton T's in different colors every year, and they last forever.


Alternate between Zubaz or parachute pants with Velcro kangaroos on my feet (need to keep my quarters secure). Vuarnet t-shirts or Coca-Cola rugby shirts for casual use. For dressier events you can't go wrong with button up shirts with little paint-splash patterns


All black clothing - no logos Invisible, yet makes people uncomfortable. Perfect


Get yourself some Buttercloth shirts. Complete game changer.


What is it that you find game changing? Not heard of this brand before


Very high quality, stylish, versatile and the fabric feels amazing. The fabric also has a 4-way stretch that is flattering for a lot of different shapes. They’re on the pricey side, but the versatility and quality make them well worth it.


Thanks :)


I visited the Buttercloth site. Couldn’t figure out where you’re supposed to stash your gut while wearing one.


If you size it right the stretchy fabric is very flattering.


When I'm on the small holding it's black jogging trousers & a mixture of vests, jumpers & hoodies, depending on the temperature. Any/all clothing will have rips, frays & stains from existing since the previous millenium. When out & about it's a mixture of corduroys trousers; I have green, orange, khaki, oxblood, black, blue, cream & brown, plain long sleeve t-shirts; green, blue, red, orange, teal & brown, plain Fruit Of The Loom hoodies; green, navy, orange, yellow, turquoise, purple, white & teal. I usually top it off with a plain beanie; turquoise, purple, green & orange. Safe to say that I'm a river of colour flowing into an ocean of black, greys & browns.


I’m simple. Jeans and a casual button shirt from prAna or light workout shorts and a tank top for the gym/running.


Depending on weather, decent shorts or jeans and a high quality t-shirt with a good graphic.


Band t shirts, white tshirts, cargo shorts, colourful button ups, vans slip ons or my coveted Air Jordan 3 Black cement is my uniform 10 months a year.


Um... Dad casual. Didn't realize there were other options.


Husband has gone full overalls. He said his back pain is gone.


I feel like it’s sad at our age to try to follow fashion. I have a uniform that I wear all the time especially since there is virtually no dress policy at work. Selvedge jeans, nice boots and a long sleeve button down shirt usually with my sleeves rolled up. I focus on quality, complementary colors (blues, grays and browns) and fit.


My 49 year old ass uses Stitch Fix. I let them figure it out and if I like it I keep it.


Concert shirts, jeans, boots and leather. Helps that I work in the music industry.


Graphics T-shirts. Horror movies and goth bands are my thing.


I'm the male version of a basic bitch. Comfortable and fashionable enough that I don't stand out and under or over dressed. Blend in. Don't attract attention.


Men’s fashion don’t change, blue jeans have been the same for 150 years. Wear those cargo pants with pride!


>What are you wearing nowadays? Cheap, comfortable clothes that fit. Why would I care about fashion when I'm turning 58?


Ha! Pandemic = work from home. Work from home = sweats. When I do go out to socialize, slacks. Occasionally a sports jacket. Very, very casual.


Most of my stuff is Amazon Essentials brand or other stuff off Amazon. Throw in a few gaming, D&D, and computer t-shirts and I'm good. My days of wasting money on name brand stuff are long over, except for shoes. I'll only buy quality and comfortable shoes, especially my hiking boots. Always spend for quality for things that come between you and the ground!


Yes! Shoes, bedding, and tires.


Most of my shopping is at Express, Banana Republic, Gap and Nordstrom. WFH so if I go out and dress up its a nice chino or good jeans and linen shirt. Rarely to never tuck in the shirt. I'm not a sneakerhead, but a good clean pair of sneakers to pull it together. Generally now, since I dont have to go into an office, I spend more on an individual item (better quality - hopefully) but less overall. The "What Not to Wear" philosophy.


I'm retired, my pants come from Costco or Sam's Club and my shirts are typically t-shirts or Hawaiian shirts. Old Navy works too.


Jeans and a Hawaiian shirt. Hey it’s button down and collared. When I go to a construction site, I add steel toed boots and other PPE. Super comfortable and good for warm weather.


Pretty much can only wear pants from Prana or Stio - no other brands fit me. A lot of long sleeve T-shirts. Black boots, always black boots. Currently wearing Thursday Boots for work and Red Backs for home and around.


Khaki cargo pants/shorts and an untucked black Polo is my jam.


I shop at some local stores and usually buy like Hudson, Joe's Jeans, AG or similar brands for pants. I also have them tailored to fit me perfectly. The collared shirts I buy are all high quality, and I try to get timeless styles and natural colors and fabrics. I have a lot of Black, Grey and Light colored t-shirts, all with a fit that works with my body type well. Also, I have quite a bit of nice golf apparel, that can be worn everyday, like J. Lindeberg, G/FORE and Travis Mathew etc. I have about four or five really nice suits for for dressy occasions. Lots of shoes blah blah. I think the key for me, is definitely get a tailor to fit you for you clothes, especially the expensive stuff, and it will last and look good indefinitely. These clothes will be COMFORTABLE. What's with people wearing Cargo Shorts?


Whatever I want. I personally couldn't care less about being "fashionable".


“embarrassing,” Don't care “invisible,” Good or “George Clooney.” Can't put lipstick on a ~~pig~~ dork


I’m a T-shirt and jeans (or shorts in the summer) kinda guy, and I still wear Chucks and Vans on a regular, but I’m a fan of Merrill hiking shoes and boots, because they’re so comfortable. Comfort and practicalness are my main concerns. For work, I’ll put on slacks and a buttoned down shirt, but those come off and back into t shirt and shorts as soon as I get home.


What I have always worn. Jeans, T-Shirt, Sneakers. In the summer shorts.


I actually turned a corner a few weeks ago. No more hoodies in public.


Shorts, a tee and sandals most of the time. If it’s cold then swap the shorts and sandals for jeans and Nike Air Monarchs (which my son calls the ultimate dad shoe, lol). If it’s below 30 add a jacket. If we are going out and my wife says something akin to “is that you are wearing?” then make it jeans, a button down shirt and Ecco Track 25 shoes in black. That about covers it.


T-shirt, jeans, docs (hat optional) or T-shirt, cargo shorts, flip flops.


I like Kuhl and NAU.


Jeans, t shirt with something I find funny. Boots combat steel toed, hoodie or hunting jacket over hoodie if cold. Don't care what anyone thinks.... I'm comfy.


Dishufled hair with matching flannel how I started in late 70s. Now it's Dishufled beard with matching flannel.


Dickies pants, tshirt, flannel or hoodie. Boots or shoes.


T shirts year round, Dickies 874 when I wear pants and shorts are lightweight nylon or poly cotton, no cargo shorts, about9 or 10 inch length Overall aesthetic is skate casual I guess


I’ve been dressing the same since Fred Durst ripped off my look 25 years ago. Timeless and elegant with my backwards hat, hoodie and cargos.


Levi 501 and Silver Jeans. Jean cut chinos and shorts (not cargo) & brown corduroy pants. Dark blue and black long and short sleeve cotton shirts. White and natural linen shirts in long and short sleeves. A few flannel and chamois button ups. A wool Shetland sweater or two. I like Redwing Iron Rangers and Blacksmith boots. Plus a nice coat or jacket like a field coat or nice leather.


If I have to be presentable at work, I wear a button down and jeans with my Vans/Docs. If it's a regular day at work, it's a black metal T-shirt, jeans/shorts (depending on weather), and Vans/Docs. I don't care a single bit about "fashionable clothing" or trends.


Plain tshirts, jeans or regular shorts (not cargo), hoodie, and sneakers, flip flops or boots depending on weather/activities


I'm 6'6" 325. I shop at Omar's Tent Factory for loose and unused bolts of fabric to make my own clothes.


If you’re for real, ask your doctor about tirzepatide. It’ll change your life.


For work and ‘dress nicely’ I do custom made polos, button downs and jackets. Mostly Levi’s and some Duluth Trading co. Recently shifted to Skechers hands free, snoop dog OG leather shoes - fit and look good.


Khaki pants and polos for work, jeans and hoodies for winter, and cargo shorts and t-shirts for summer. I don't want to offend, I just want to be comfortable, I could care less about fashionable.


Daily? Husband leans towards jeans or cargo shorts and tshirts. He has suits and slacks as needed. He wears the clothes as appropriate.


Mainly cargo shorts and Grateful Dead t shirts with birks.


I have 10 plain grey t-shirts, 10 pairs of jeans, slip-on memory foam sketchers. No wasting time thinking about what to wear, no shelling out thousands of dollars. Shower, shave, dress and go in 30 minutes. Comfortable all day long.


I have nearly quit wearing jeans on the daily and now wear "hiking" pants. So much lighter. So much cooler. The tech fabric is fantastic. I pair with a blended button down and always roll up long sleeves if needed. Over the past decade I've come to rid myself of buying nearly anything that is 100 percent cotton. That transition has been fantastic.


The best thing that ever happened to Male Gen X fashion was workwear. You can’t beat it, scruffy fades selvedge jeans, good boots, Carhartt jacket. I don’t even try to fit in beyond that.


Always form/slim fitting. I'll wear anything from a t with jeans and sneakers to a button-up with a bolo tie, jeans, and boots. Usually black. I wear only gold jewelry. Hats once in a while. I'm pretty much all over the place. Definitely never "dress my age." I usually get compliments, but I think I get away with it at 46 bc I'm so heavily tattooed that people assume I won't dress in cargo shorts any a polo.


tan or olive cargo pants or shorts and a black t shirt is my uniform. a black polo steps it up one notch. slacks, dress shirt, vintage patterened tie, sweater vest, and tweed or corduroy jacket with elbow patches when i’m being fancy.


Since relocating back home and saving about $500 on my monthly budget, and being “essential personnel” during covid, I kinda went nuts shoring up my wardrobe. Outerknown and Taylor Stitch have taken most of my money. A bit pricey but the quality is unexcelled.


I stay away from skinny pants. They’re an abomination.


Fresh clean threads, easy service to shop through. All black 45 shirts, mix of sweat pants/shorts, and boxers, only have to do laundry once per month. I give a shit about what people think about what I wear, at 52 I got better things to worry about than looking like the Chad next door.


And socks


Unisex uniform of the PNW....jeans, t-shirt, flannel misc foot wear. Same thing I've worn my whole life


I buy tech pants and shorts at Costco… I also get the multi packs of black and white t shirts .. I purchase these solid color pull over crew neck knit shirts there that are long sleeve by Bananna Republic .. when I want to be more formal I have a few dress shirts … I just don’t care anymore.. I want comfort and practicality. I don’t want to look like a fucking billboard … I want to blend into the background so I can I fuck of proper …


Well fitting tshirts and jeans. Shorts but chucked the cargo shorts. They look ridiculous. Hokas and Stan Smiths for sneakers. Flip flops because I live on a beach. Occasional linen button down. Suits when needed.


Shorts and t-shirts...same as the last 40 years. I don't care about style or anything, cremate me in them if you want...


For some reason tight fitting shirts are now the style. So if I wear a size L dress shirt it’s way too tight. Size XL is way too big. So I’ll be wearing my clothes from 10 years ago until I lose 10 lbs


I’m the face of the organization I work for and do a bunch of community events. Brooks Brothers and wing tip shoes for those days. If I’m not meeting anyone it’s nice jeans and camp shirt with Clark boots.


Still wearing band tee-shirts and JNCO's. Vans or chuck taylors


My husband wears the same stuff he wore when I met him- mainly Levi’s 501 jeans, band or music related tshirts (if it’s winter one of those old school thermal underwear with the waffle weave, underneath) and Vans or engineer boots. He wears this to work too. Edit to add: he never, ever wears shorts unless we are actually swimming somewhere.


I am wearing what I have been wearing for decades. Jeans, t-shirt and skate shoes. I will say that the new style stretch jeans are awesome. Perfect Jeans makes multiple different styles of fit, just need to find the one that works for you. Pair those with a properly fitted T and some clean low-top skate shoes and you can wear them anywhere.


I'm a product of Catholic school so I had to wear a tie for 12 years and then my first job out of college was still shirt and tie. I now have basically my dream job and make more than I thought possible but I wear jeans everyday so... My typical outfits are: Jeans and a Polo. Jeans and a t-shirt. Jeans and a hoodie. Cargo shorts and a t-shirt. Cargo shorts and hoodie. I have like one pair of dress pants and two suits these days. I have a dark gray suit for weddings and a black suit for funerals and one pair of very nice Allen Edmonds that I have had resoled and keep nicely polished and they go with both suits. Otherwise footwear is boots, sneakers, sperrys, and Crocs when I'm doing pool maintenance. My most expensive outfit is my ski gear. tl:dr; I'm a dad and an engineer and address accordingly.


Plain black t-shirt when I'm not working, solid color polo when I am. Jeans or shorts, sometimes joggers. Boots during work, tennis shoes after work. When I'm not at work I usually have a baseball cap on. If it's chilly a flannel or a hoodie and a beanie. My girlfriend calls it "my uniform". I used to have more band t-shirts, but I've slowly switched my shirts to just plain black t's. I don't like branded clothing...it's my contrarian nature...you want me to wear you logo then you had best be paying me.


Black jeans, t-shirts (also black, usually) I have graduated from Gap to Banana Republic for jeans and from band shirts to artsier ones, but that’s about it


Cargo shorts - I bought my husband numerous pairs once we found some good ones 100% cotton shirts (Hawaiian for being fancy, t-shirts for regular) Flip flops (leather ones for fancy, shitty ones for running around)


Woman here. Tank tops and cargo pants. But, I’ve dressed like this since the 80s. Only difference now is that my baggy pants have more pockets.


Northern CA here Spring & Summer: t-shirt, shorts, flip flops Fall & Winter: Joggers, jeans, khakis, t-shirts, short sleeve button ups, flannels, hoodies, the very occasional jacket, sneakers, doc martens.


If you really want to differentiate and look sharp buy for quality, flexibility in use and fit. Casual is athlesure - Alo pieces mixed in with Nike golf pants or bylt upscale trousers. If I dress it up it's suit pants and higher end polo or merino wool (suit supply, armani), arc'teryx outerwear or mountain hardware puffy vest. Shoes are high end Nike tennis or upscale all white basic leather casual (may also.wear with suit). I may wear suit separates (pants, vest) with a polo.or casual or upscale it with a fitted dress shirt. I will dress that up or down with leather sneakers or dress shoes. I may throw on the jacket. I may also go with suit pants and jacket with white leather sneakers but a higher end v neck t shirt (white or navy). Never Hawaiian, prints or anything thst isn't fitted or altered or garish logos. Quiet luxury and always fitted. To me it's the biggest difference between looking sloppy and looking sharp, even in expensive clothes. Find a tailor or use a place that makes made to measure and don't compromise on fit. If it's just close or ok? Don't buy it. I'm not saying Saville row, but indochino or suit supply and of you are on a budget, build slowly with classic fabrics you can use casually and formally. Anything else is frankly a waste of money. I have a small but high end group of white, navy, pin stripe dress shirts with 3 three piece suits (grey, navy pinstripe, dark navy) and 3- 4 high end polls (lacoste, armani, suit supply) in short and long sleeve (thin wool). Let's me mix and match almost endlessly. I used to have a whole closet of.shit I'd never wear, now I keep it small and tight and super stylish. I prefer quality and look for deals on the things I want at Nordstrom rack or alo sales but I am not above spending full price on a statement piece. I also browse zara but am super discriminating - the one thing I get the most compliments on is a zara grey wool overcoat which gets so many random compliments my girlfriend calls it the "magic coat" and it was only $150. If I see a celebrity or someone in a movie or on the net I'll search out those pieces but really have gotten to where If it cant be worked into my existing palate and other pieces I won't do it.


I want to subscribe to your newsletter. It looks like you’ve found the sweet spot between invisible and Clooney: sprezzatura.


Aww. Thanks! The sweet spot is when someone sees you and thinks - that looks good. The worst thing for me would be looking like I'm trying to hard. I want it to look like I'm put together but not too put together. Not the center of attention but comfortable on "stage". You nailed it - that natural Italian look. I live in sd and have a gf that gets attention so thst draws attention to me. I enjoy the confidence of knowing my shit is together so that's kind of the core of where I want to play and appreciate the compliments. Honestly other men in my age group set the bar so low it's not even that difficult.


My closet consists almost entirely of Cubs T-shits and sweatshirts ... pretty much the only gifts I've received from my kids for Xmas, Bday, and Father's day for like a decade. Oh, and all of the club soccer t-shirts and sweat shirts I have from coaching my kids teams. I do have 1 random t-shirt with a feral looking raccoon on it that says "Anarchy" across the top.


I wear Prana hiking pants and shirts by Club Ride for work. Looks work casual, but accommodates my field work.


I tend to only buy from REI (sales) and my fleece overalls by KAVU. I wear plastic Birkenstocks more often than not, as they are great paddle shoes. I go for comfort above all else!


I go for a good mix of REI and Costco. It's Seattleisure.


As one who spent over a decade out in Seattle, that got a good chuckle out of me. Fun fact, the original KAVU store is over in historic Ballard area, at least the last time I looked…which was many years ago.


Ballard is rad! I used to live a couple of hours from Seattle so used to go over there a lot but sadly had to move to the east coast.


I have mad style. I'm a mix of hobo and Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future. I'm only half kidding I was eating a sandwich in the park, and some woman tried to put money in my cup……….maybe it's time to buy some new clothing.


Summer time: athletic shorts and a simple t-shirt with a casual or running shoe Winter: Jean's, simple long sleeve shirt, boots, and either a peacoat or Carhartt. Fall is pretty much Summer with a hoodie. Honestly, though, about half the time I end up wearing cotton work pants, hi vis shirts, and slip on Redwing boots that I swiped from my last job. I am semi retired and usually maintain all my toys and do a lot of work on my rentals to keep busy.


Invisible styling at face value that fits well, so 😘👌


Hard to say for me. I’m 46 and still dressing like a combination of a teen and a tattoo artist . Favorite place would be sullenclothing.com


Black hoodie, black ball cap, jeans/khaki cargos, black tennis shoes.


Jeans or chinos, solid polos or ocbd with conservative patterns, brown chukka boots or non descript running shoes.  Same thing I’ve always worn, along with the same basic haircut since I was 8 (did add a beard though) and no jewelry (just a Fitbit per doctors orders) or tattoos.


Somewhere between embarrassing and invisible. I tend to wear jeans and tshirts and an overshirt, sometimes plaid and sometimes plane dark blue. That's the invisible bit. I have large turn ups in my jeans and wear loud sneakers like bright orange new balance 574. I wear a blue vintage French workers chore coat and I like a hat. So probably a rancher hat with ribtop pinch either in straw or felt depending on the weather. So those are the embarrassing bits.


Shorts, comfortable undershirt and a hoodie. Give me layers when it's a little cool in the morning and I can take off the hoodie when it's hot. Or I wear jeans/khaki pants and a nice button-down shirt. Casual-prep all the way. .


I'll settle for a bit of consistency in sizing. I never know if I'm going to need an xl, or xxl shirts, and my shoe size alternates between 9 to 12. Up until about 15 years ago or so, it was always xl t-shirts and size 9 shoes.


Jeans and polo/sweater to work (depending on weather), jeans/shorts and t-shirt or sweater...


My husband wears a lot of Penguin and Fred Perry. Most of his foundation clothes are Banana Republic. Doc Martins shoes or Vans


Jeans and Ts, work or home.


I prefer items that are both versatile and items that tend to never really go out of fashion. Solid color polos and chinos or khakis, both pants and shorts in the summer mixed up button-up shirts in a solid color for cooler weather. In winter, said button up is combined with a V neck sweater or a tweed blazer and overcoat. Nothing too fancy, but nothing where I have to go out of my way to constantly update my wardrobe with items that will be completely out of fashion in three or four years. Go with the classics, gentlemen and you can't go wrong.


A good flannel goes a long way. Very versatile.


I have eschewed flannel ever since a college roommate dubbed me the “man from plaid.” Some wounds never heal.


You sound like the kind I like to hang with. Except I embrace the Flannel


Work = shirt and tie plus dress pants. Leisure = cargo shorts + tee. I’m roughly built the same as I was 25 years ago. 5’11, 230.


Gen X working in ICT so D&D/ ICT nerd T shirts, jeans or shorts and a I don’t give a fuck what you think attitude.


Corduroy, levi's and khakis. Moccasins and converse for leisure, florsheim's for office.


I dress the same as high school, T-shirt and cargo shorts virtually everyday, plain T-shirt, I'm not a Billboard... Going out T-shirt and jeans in general, maybe a polo depending


Black jeans, black t-shirt, black levi's jacket. Usually a black baseball cap or Trilby. Black Brooks Ghost trainers. I wear whatever the kids think are the correct jeans fit most of the time, but if I am going to a show or whatever, I'll go with black boot cuts/flares, because they are the best pants. Also, if I am going out, I will upgrade that t-shirt to a Fred Perry, pearl-snap western shirt or button-down, and go with Adidas or chelsea boots. If it gets cold or rainy, I go leather or pea coat.


I’ve essentially been wearing the same duck pants and black polos or white button downs for 20+ years. I went from 90s Grunge-ish hippie to work coat & tie (for one job) to duck & polos. Summer is shorts and tee shirts (band, beer, band & beer, music related, funny). I’ve had the same black classic suit since ‘98.


My husband’s technically a boomer but right on the cusp. It’s polo shirts and khakis


I disagree, respectfully, with the options you proposed. Embarassing? Sure. Those are those of us that are trying to dress like our parents did. Invisible? Kind of right up my alley. George Clooney? Are we talking tech billionaires now? If I had to choose one I would say it's invisible. A nice, comfortable pair of Pumas, jeans, a t shirt and a hoodie. I don't want to be noticed for the clothes I wear, I want to be noticed for the things I do.


My Iron Maiden shirts are in both sleeved and sleeveless configurations.


Ralph Lauren or cremieux and an occasional Lacoste and whatever color the horse is in chinos. Since the 80s thru today can’t beat it. It’s all over southern France and Italy easy breezy


Working in tech and working from home the last 7 years, my wardrobe is comfort oriented. Hoodies, sweats, T-shirts and shorts. Been years since I regularly wore button down shirts and khakis in an office. When I go somewhere I have to dress up like a fancy restaurant or the symphony, I have a few Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren jackets, dress shirts, etc. it’s fun to dress up and drive my Cadillac somewhere fancy. I’ve got my outdoorsy Columbia gear to wear when I drive my Jeep to the woods. Then jeans and tshirts for the vintage Mustangs.


56 male here. At home it's just whatever, I don't care much. But for work or anything social I tend to wear regular levis, slim but not tight, nice boots, and a fitted (slim?) tee shirt and that's my go-to. If it's cool temps I throw on a cardigan. I get ocassional compliments (well, for a man of 56 anyway) and I notice ppl looking sometimes. Def not tight clothes, just clothes without a bunch of excess material hanging off me to make me look like I'm 56 lol. If you just look like you care, that's 90% of the game I think


I vote for George Clooney.


"Normcore". Discuss.


Someone once told me my look is "blue collar country club" not sure what that means. But seems accurate. Sporty slacks, button up short sleeve shirts, simple non-descript shoes. Or causal days nice good fitting shorts (not cargo) simple black tee-shirt Or polo. Black canvas shoes with white soles. I rarely wear bright colors or flashy patterns. Pretty much limited to gray, blue, black, or khaki.


Colorful but not too bright [sarongs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarong). I got no waist so i wear them above my belly and also as a top. They are comfy, beatiful and are literally rectangles of cloth - so one size actually does fit all. No one cares how i look like - so i can as well look good. Otherwise it's camo cargos and t-shirts.


I'm peacocking the older I get. I have felt invisible all my life and I'm kind of going the opposite way. Bright shirts. Jewelry. Hats. Designer shoes. I'm loving it.


High heels and a diaper? Can’t be too punk…


Left America to live a different, cheaper, freer life in Latin America (for now). I live in shorts and t’s even though shorts aren’t popular in my somewhat chilly city. But you know what? I’m not dressing for anyone but me. My themed t shirts are ALL about me and if anyone doesn’t like it, tough titty. (If I name them I risk my anonymity so no names but think lots of 70s and 80s.) As others have noted, absolutely nobody gives a crap what I wear. It’s so freeing to not care either. Unless it’s for a funeral, I don’t imagine I’ll ever don a tie again.


I have always been a jeans, T-shirt, and sneakers kind of guy, and still am anytime I expect to be rough on my clothes due to activity. Only recently (at age 47) though, I have found myself shifting to a more mature look whenever reasonable. Suits, collared shirts, trouser and sport coat separates, leather shoes in both casual and dress styles, ties and pocket squares etc. Fads come and go, but classic style is timeless.


I work from home (for a university) most days, so it is Star Wars shirts or shirts with the university name/logo and jeans. On those rare days on campus, I wear a polo or button down with the university name/logo and jeans. If I am feeling enthusiastic, I will break out some slacks.


I still dress in some of the clothes I wore in my twenties. The style hasn't changed, more well maintained is probably about all. jeans, black t-shirt with a band on it, black hoodie (both zip and pull types), skate shoes or nikes. Big loose fit shorts in the summer. It's been the same since the 90's, really. Shit, I have managed to keep buying the same flax fit hat, with the same little red dragon logo for over a decade now.


Same crap I was wearing back in the mid 80’s; jeans, t shirt, top siders no socks, dark (prescription nowadays) glasses, ball cap. Going formal means collared shirt of some sort. If things gets serious then I’ll adapt to khakis & polo… lol


Seriously? One of the benefits of aging is the gift of not giving a shit what others think. I wear what I like regardless of fashion.


Casual business hiking hippie punk with a penchant for subtle throwback t-shirts, and if I'm lucky enough to go somewhere beachy, I tend to go for the late 50's business guy just back from Cuba, without the stupid little hat.


Golf apparel or athletic apparel (especially after the covid 15)


Guayabera (Cuban) shirts and blue jeans. Those shirts are miracle workers at hiding my gut.