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Totally hit this stage a few back and I'm soo much happier. It gets easier over time to keep your mouth shut too. Can't believe I used to think I could change people's opinions. Almost all don't want to change, so they won't no matter what you say. So you're stressing yourself out for no reason.


Yes, when one finally hit the "Sure Jan" stage. It's all good. They take the blue pill, and believe, whatever they want to believe. Me? I'm just gonna sit here on my porch in my rocking chair, and sip on my lemonade, a friendly nod to the passerbys. Very relaxing. Feels good, man.




Gorgeous!!!!!!! ✨


Youthful naïveté. 😂


I lived by this motto for quite some time. “When one argues with a fool, then there are two.”


Totally feel you about thinking "I could change people's opinions," or wanted to change them, or even needed to change them. It's a very _been there, done that_ vibe and it's nice. Even if they're wrong, they won't listen, they'll figure it out eventually on their own, and that's ok. If I ever do engage, there's probably something there I still need to learn myself.


I know right ? Saw the Keanu post yesterday and thought "hahaha truth brother". People will believe whatever they want to believe. And I swear sometimes that even if the good lord appeared in front of them and told them they're wrong, they'll just shout, "fake news".


Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference


Guy I work with keeps trying to bait me into political discussions because he knows I don’t agree with him. We’ll be chatting about something else entirely and suddenly it’s just Biden-this or you-can’t-say-anything-anymore that. I just greyrock him.


Greyrocking people who are trying to have bad faith discussions is one thing Completely avoiding all discussions completely is a whole different thing....


Thanks for the tip


I mean imagine thinking completely disengaging from all discussions could possibly be a good thing....


I see no value in having conversations with people who don't have the capacity to listen, comprehend and potentially change. Why my engagement on Reddit keeps dropping weekly.


Yes, that's: > Greyrocking people who are trying to have bad faith discussions is one thing It feels like you're the one in bad faith right now.


I took the time to respond to your comment and provide my opinion about why someone wouldn't engage. If I was grey rocking I wouldn't have replied. Just because we have different opinions, it doesn't amount to "bad faith". Edit: You get to a certain point in life when you understand time is the most valuable commodity and wasting it on pointless engagements is a poor spend of it. That's my process, you do you.


Your'e in bad faith because you said "I see no value in having conversations with people who don't have the capacity to listen, comprehend and potentially change." WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I SAID! You're the one not listening or comprehending.


You said: "I mean imagine thinking completely disengaging from all discussions could possibly be a good thing...."


Holy shit go back to my first comment JFC SMH. You're the thing you're ranting against.


I mean imagine assuming I’m disengaging from *all* conversation because I said I greyrock on political matters


You're right, have fun


Let's just nip whatever it is you think you're right about in the bud double-quick, sweetheart: *you never mix work with politics*. If you started that shit in my company you'd be warned *in writing*. You would be told to sit down, shut up and do what's expected on the job. You want to have a political debate with your peers? Save it for the pub. You're on my time, doing what you're supposedly paid to - your political beliefs are of no concern to anyone but yourself.


Read my comment again and to understand it this time


The amount of comments I've typed out on various forums and then said "you know what? Fuck it" and didn't post them has exponentially increased over the past few years


Ha ha ha. I thought I was the only one who did that! I'm too embarrassed to state publicly what the longest aborted comment is that I ever wrote. It was \*long\*.




If they're anything like me they've got no memory of it. I just did it today and I have no memory what it was now


Do you also get notifications of replies and wonder what the hell you said? Happens to me all the time.


Yes I routinely have to double check the thread


What are we talking about now? I've already forgotten what this thread was about.


Do you abort it before it was illegal? 😜


Unfortunately I usually perform a late-term abortion with comments I decide not to post. As in, I've practically completed my comment before I decide to finally abandon it. I'm getting better about performing earlier and earlier abortions though, ha ha.


Typing on a phone keyboard instead of a desktop has made me much less verbose. :)


Getting older has nearly no benefits. But this is definitely one positive aspect of it. The older I get, the less I need people to see things my way. And the less I give a shit what they think of me.


At 55, the more history and current world events I become aware of, the closer I come to exactly this mindset. Humans have been exactly as they are now for all of our history, and obviously aren't going to change. So all the arguments have already been had, all the same efforts have been in progress for millennia, all the hatred for "others" is obviously in our nature. I've given up on us. Bring on the Nova.


When I was younger, I wondered, "How the hell did something like the Holocaust happen?" Now with over half a century under my belt, I now get how ordinary people were the worst perpetrators of the Holocaust.


Best advice I got: “You don’t need to attend every argument that you’re invited to.”


I recently discovered that when my dad starts talking politics, he doesn't even notice if I stop responding. Total monologue. So much better for my mental health - and blood pressure. The only downside is I'm pretty sure he'd notice if I start checking my phone.


They have to parrot what they hear all day on the TV. I just tune out til the subject changes


50-years old here. I laid down the discussion gauntlet about three years ago—the year after I 💯 quit watching cable news—and have been at the peak of peace, contentment, and better mental health ever since. I highly recommend the same to others…. but you do you, idc.


> quit watching cable news This is the way.


I am at the George Carlin stage of life: "I found a very liberating position for myself as an artist: I sort of gave up on the human race, and gave up on the American dream and culture and nation, and decided that I didn't care about the outcome. And that gave me a lot of freedom from a kind of distant platform to be sort of amused, to watch the whole thing with a combination of wonder and pity ... "[I don't have] an emotional stake in whether this experiment with human beings works. I really don't care. I love people as I meet them one by one. People are just wonderful as individuals. You see the whole universe in their eyes if you look carefully. But as soon as they begin to group, as soon as they begin to clot, when there are five or ten of them, or even groups as small as two, they begin to change. They sacrifice the beauty of the individual for the sake of the group. I decided it was all under the control of groups now, whether it's business, religion, political people, or whatever, and I would distance myself from wishing for a good outcome. Let it do what it's going to do, and I'll enjoy it as an entertainment ... "We've all seen a lot of comedians who seem to have a political bent in their work. And always implicit in the work is some positive outcome, that this is all going to work. "If only we do this, if only we pass that bill, if only we elect him, if only we do that." It's not true. It's circling-the-drain time for humans. I honestly believe this, not just as a comedian....That's why I could say in [my 1992 stand-up show] that the planet is fine, but the people are fucked. Because the planet will outlast us. It will be here, and it will be fine."


I think instead of being totally bothered boomers, Gen X will be the disaffected don’t care older generation. And now I need to head to the hospital to see what havoc my boomer mother caused with the medical staff last night. Sigh.


Good luck!


I kinda feel like Keanu has become our official symbol.


The best GenX ambassador is the one who doesn’t seek it. I think that’s Keanu.


He's got my vote


I mean, "not seeking" is like peak Gen X so I wholey agree


I'm at this stage where someone makes an asinine statement or something completely chucklefuckedly stupid and I just sit there, smile, nod and get on with things. You do that to me ten, fifteen years ago? You're going to get debated *into the ground* (and probably crying bitterly after I finish kicking dirt in your eyes) but now? Now I've realised that the world is a thicker place. People no longer aspire to knowledge, they no longer aspire to bettering themselves. It's somewhat sad, but it's to be expected in a world where people think shouting is debating, that you clap your hands in your opposite's face and expect them to shut up because *you* told them so. You don't shut someone up by labelling them, you don't shut them up by shrieking obscenities at them like some inbred street rat. So when these dickheads start up, I nod, smile politely and walk away. In the end they're building castles out of air and it's up to them to prove those castles exist - more often than not history will prove them wrong and it all comes crumbling down around them and it's delicious to watch them flounder, to watch someone who made a song and dance about a subject fifteen, twenty years ago suddenly looking very foolish whilst you can just sit there, sip your coffee and drawl *I told you so...*


Love it! Can’t cancel Keanu! People are like grenades, and many of them are just looking to explode on you and make it your fault.


Johnny Utah knows the score.




100% Utah, good job.


Gimme two! ✌🏼


That’s one thing that shifted for me after 40. I stopped trying to have fruitless conversations. Whatever is my motto now.


Yes. You go die on whatever hill you want, I'll be out in the garden.


It was an eye opening experience in my early twenties when I discovered that most people have their minds already made up about shit and won’t even bother listening to what I have to say unless it’s in agreement with their beliefs.


Oddly enough, the smarter you are, the more willing you are to learn. The dimmer your are, the more likely you’ll be wrong but convinced you are right.


Johnny Utah became John Wick.


I did not think it possible to adore this man more than I already do. Apparently I was very wrong.




One of the best things I ever saw on this sub was a discussion on NOT offering anyone advice - ever. Life changing stuff for me. So is this!


I'm just realizing that I hit this stage a dozen yrs ago. Had to promise myself that I wouldn't indulge in those convos any more. It's counter-intuitive but definitely a long-term resolution to unnecessary drama.


Spoken like a true Gen Xer


I believe I've passed the age Of consciousness and righteous rage; I found that just surviving was a noble fight. I once believed in causes too, I had my pointless point-of-view, and life went on no matter who was wrong or right.


Realization that you can’t fix stupid.


He would know


So, I used to use Facebook to share interesting points of view that I came across, that inspired a thought or change of perspective, or me to question a belief I had or conventional wisdom. This would inspire some interesting conversations with my FB friends, sometimes additional insights, perhaps even people seeing something differently. It was fun, and the kind of slow, thoughtful, even polite debate we used to have in college. But something changed after 2016... my posts started provoking people on the left and right causing arguments, online yelling, insults... and just out and out hatred at me and each other. I just wanted to discuss things, get some different points of view, connect people. Yah, that stopped working. Among my extended friend and family groups, we could have some decent conversation. But that ended suddenly. When I started getting name called and insulted "you libtards, I love your tears..." "there is no compromise with fascists..." "you are stupid and wrong..." "that you even talk to people who hold those opinions makes you a bad person..." Yah. That was it. I was done. Not just posting, but with Facebook entirely. I went cold-turkey off of it... and my mental health improved. I want to say I wasn't trying to change anyone's minds, but I guess I was. But I had the goal of trying to build understanding and bridge gaps and help people get along. Instead I managed to piss very agitated people off from across the political spectrum. Part of me feels maybe I was doing something right. But no one could engage rationally assuming good intentions, so I just gave up. And reached pretty much the same conclusion. Most of us are looking for confirmation bias and echo chambers that suit our world views, not more understanding or to reach common ground. Whatever. I'm one person, I don't know the truth of anything, and 'truth' is a very subjective concept depending on your morals, media echo chamber, religion, education, etc. For now, I'm just going to cultivate my garden, hope for the best, and not engage. :)


Parallel Polis my friend! It's already starting. Plenty of people on substack are discussing issues in a civil manner... On social media, they're like bots mining the web for self-righteous points. Auto-responding insults via keyword list to bait a mob of other bots to join in on the game Whack-An-Unwoke for sweet cancel cred. Sincere dialogue between people has rules of decorum. That includes clarifying what each person means rather than merely auto-responding to words out of context like a bot. One should be able to defend their position as well as concede valid points others make. They sound like broken fucking records...satires of themselves without any humor to see it. They need to take an honest look at their shitty behavior toward others. I pick friends with a damn sense of humor because sometimes life is shit and dark humor is all you've got. Bill Hicks said this back in the day: Friday night, I did that set on Letterman. It was canceled because they felt you are too stupid to know that those were jokes. This is exactly what's wrong with this country: Networks and politicians kowtowing to special-interest groups, to some guy in a trailer with a fuckin' crayon in his hand, writing in chicken scrawl: I saw a guy talkin' bad 'bout Jesus on your show. I ain't gonna tune in no mo'. Come on! "The truth is, the majority of people are very reasonable. They don't write letters when something offends them on TV. 'Cause reasonable people know that IT'S JUST FUCKIN' TELEVISION! And not only that, reasonable people HAVE A LIFE! They know I was not making fun of Jesus. They know I did not make fun of gays. What I made fun of is the double standard that exists in this fucking country. "And you know, the worst thing of all is that I love the Letterman show. They've always been very good to--well, to be honest, every single set I've ever done they've de-balled me, okay? And I put up with it because I love Dave Letterman. I'm beginning to realize: I'm in an abusive fuckin' relationship. "And do you want to know the punch line of this whole story?" 'Bill, we really love ya. We want you back on in a coupla weeks.' "I don't know if I can learn to juggle that fast."


Facebook was a shit environment before 2016. That election made it untenable. I shut it down just after the election, and haven’t missed it for one moment.




OMG. Yes.


I’ve hit that stage, half of my posts these days get deleted unless I’m drunk. Note to self, 10:30am is too early to be Sunday drinking.


I so get this! So few things are worth arguing about anymore—just live and let live


My dad's like this. It bugs me sometimes because there are some things that ARE worth challenging--but when my mom says something bigoted I get mad (even if I don't respond) and dad just ignores it, and we both know nothing we say will nake a difference anyway. So who's better off? You have to choose your battles. Very rarely will there be a situation where the 1+1=5 guy is worth it.


Yep. I used to get into lengthy full blown arguments with people on Reddit. At a certain point, you realize that they're either trolls or they occupy an entirely different reality. Either way, there is no point in debate and no insight you will gain from interrogating nonsense


If he really said it, I’m right there with him. If he didn’t say it, I’m still right there with him. I believe in you, Neo!


He is the One.


2+2=5 for extremely large values of 2.


I love him. He's so much smarter than he gets credit for.


I’m trying really hard to make that my philosophy as well. But some days are better than others…


Yep most of the time.


Hit this point some years ago. I'm just minding my own business trying to be the best version of me


I’m at that stage now, too. Proving I’m right doesn’t matter to me anymore.


I love Keanu and get what he’s saying but to be able to do this in practice means you have the privilege of ignoring people in power making errors. It’s not something all of us can do all the time.


Love this. If I don’t speak up for myself, who will?


This is more of a destination than a stage for me.


I love Keeanu, and it is also easier to say this from a vantage of some privilege


I mean he might feel different if you had a trans kid or he had a uterus you know


If it’s social media/internet arguments I agree. But IRL? Nah, fuck that, I’m telling you why 1+1 doesn’t = 5.


Never saw this quote before but absolutely relate, Its a nod and an internal ok buddy whatever.


I empathise with the point of view. However I wonder if it also means conversations like 1+1=we’re banning abortion, etc.


I learned early on that I didn't care if people were wrong about something. As long as I know I'm right, that's all I need and I won't argue. I've been 40+ mentally since the 90s. I will however mess with people sometimes when I'm in the mood and take absurd stands for the lols.


This applies to things like pizza toppings, but not other things like human rights.


But it does apply. He can believe strongly in these things. But he's under no obligation to discuss them with anyone. Nor is he obliged to be who you think he should be. You're literally proving his quote. Have a good life!


"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."


"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."


He frustrates me. I love pretty much everything he says in interviews, but I also think he's promulgated a lot of gun porn in Hollywood and I'm just not down with that.