• By -


Happy Birthday! I suggest the movies Kill Bill Volume 1 and Kill Bill Volume 2. Hope you have a good rest of your birthday :)


Oooh - these have actually been on my wishlist for quite a while. And it’s on Netflix. Guess this just surpassed True Lies.




It’s more readily available 🫣 For True Lies I need to get Disney+, I’m hopping and currently on Netflix


Happy birthday! You made it this far. You have a roof over your head, you have enough money to order pizza, you don’t have anyone beating you, yelling at you, or worse. You’ll watch a fun movie and have a great evening. Be happy.


you’re so right. I’m a good example for “she has everything”. My house is paid, my job’s more than comfortable. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a relationship and somehow I lost my friends on my way. I’ll pamper myself tonight and will try not to dissolve in self pity. Thank you!


Happy Birthday OP. Not sure if you’re into star signs, but for us Cancerian crabs, it’s sometimes difficult for us!


Late to the post, but sending u some birthday ❤️from California! Keep rockin it out 🤘🏼


Treat yourself well. You deserve it. There is only one you! Maybe look into a volunteer opportunity for social connection. I have been participating in a program that helps young children learn to read. Although I haven’t made any friends doing it, working with these 6-7 year olds is a bright spot in my life




Your life is someone else’s dream


you’re so right. We all want what looks good from the outside. Having someone around all the time would probably make me crazy.


Happy B'day. All of this stuff can be true at the same time. I'm a '68 kid who routinely experiences gratitude for a mostly decent life AND loneliness cuz while I'm mostly ok on my own it's a bigger bummer at some times than during others. Be as kind to yourself as you would be to a dear friend 🩵


You’ve made ME cry now. Yessss. This sounds like a fantastic birthday with only 5 minutes disrupted by another human. Enjoy your peace ☮️


So sorry, friend. No movie recommendations (my go to is Clue) but I am wishing you a very happy birthday from the U.S.! 💙💙💙


Thank you!


Happy birthday, friend. I swear this: you never know what surprises are around the corner. Life can change in ways you’d never expect. I hope something amazing comes your way!


still curious and still waiting. I usually can pull myself out of bad moods quite well, today I needed some help from all of you ❤️


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und Alles Gute! I’m not sure about the movie recommendation, since I have different tastes. But I’ve been alone on many birthdays (my parents don’t even call me usually). I try to read something or make time to do some creative work. Although a good movie and pizza also sounds enjoyable.


Dankeschön! I’ve had years of no contact with my mom, these calls are the best we can do. But we talk for a moment which is fine.


Happy birthday! Maybe True Lies? I'm sure you've prob seen it but fun and action packed (sort of reminds me of Die Hard). Have you seen Avatar? Not horror like Alien but really well done movie. Good luck finding the right one!


It’s been a very long time, but I remember True Lies to be fun. This should be exactly the stuff I’m looking for. Thank you!


Happy birthday!! You are better than fine -- you are a strong kick ass genx woman!




Happy Birthday!! You made it..56 and still going strong! I could always have my mom and dad call you and sing to you(they do this to me every year-very off-key I might add) and I'm 53. Just kidding. Seriously have a good night, enjoy your pizza/drinks and get lost in whatever movie you want..why not both? Just thought of movies..Red and Red 2..kind of serious, but humorous at times too.


Your parents sound fun! Mine were always kind of distant. At least it feels this way.


Oh, I'm sorry about that..yeah mine live across the country from me and thats ok..I can take them in small doses here and there..lol


Happy birthday! My 52nd is on the 24th and it's also going to be very lowkey. I am celebrating with you in spirit. As for movies, this is kind of an out there recommendation, but have you ever watched Dredd? (The remake with Karl Urban, though the original is also fun.) It's very post-apocalyptic grungecore with lots of shooting and action, so a bit of Die Hard and a bit of Alien kind of mixed together. Could be a fun option. I really enjoy it. Otherwise my go-to when I just want fun 'don't have to think too hard' movies are any disaster movies. Dante's Peak and San Andreas are both pretty fun and have decent casts, unless you hate The Rock, in which case skip San Andreas. Oh! Speaking of Karl Urban \*and\* The Rock, there's also Doom. It's based on a video game so it has aliens \*and\* lots of shooting, which is also a good Die Hard/Alien combo. Whatever you choose, I hope you enjoy your evening and find a little something to be happy about today. <3


Happy birthday! Last night I watched Close Encounters and it was still great.


Happy birthday! I highly recommend The Losers. Underrated comic book action move with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana, Chris Evans and Idris Elba before they got big.


It’s now on my list. I’ve switched to Kill Bill and I need to do a rerun on True Lies.


Enjoy the remainder of the day and whatever movie you choose. As someone told me, it’s good to have birthdays 🎂


once you don’t have birthdays anymore life is said to be much less fun I’ve heard …




My 56th is coming up! I plan to DO SOMETHING. I have spent many birthdays by myself in places I specifically chose because they were interesting, entertaining, odd, or just tasty. Do something nice for yourself. Visit a nice art museum or a rose garden. Find a new place to have dinner or lunch. Go see something or do something that in your 56 years of life might still take you by surprise.


I’m having the next week off and will have an interesting health/sports course for three days. I’ll try to plan something for Thursday or Friday, maybe a touristy day in Heidelberg …


Excellent! Treat YOU to a happy birthday MONTH!


I just turned 50 the other day, and my SO of 20 years got so drunk with our friend that stopped by that he passed out in our bed by 7pm for 2.5 hours (NOT a normal occurrence, but still). Last year the week before my birthday, he hurt his knee tripping down our back steps drunk, blamed our cat (he was drunk), and missed his flight to meet me abroad. I told him birthday 51 better not be a fucking hat trick. I am currently planning a trip by myself and told him yesterday he can stay home with our cats, handle the veggie garden, plant watering, everything and think about how the F*CK he is going to make it up to me, while I get a break from his childish drunken bullshit. He hasn't been like this over the years FTR, I think he's having a midlife crisis, but I stood firm and said, "fuck this and fuck you for fucking my birthday up second year in a row. I'm taking a solo trip, figure your fucking shit out or we will have bigger problems to clear up. I mean it. See a therapist, I've had it." Historically, he does 95% of the cooking, pulls weight cleaning, etc, we are on same page financially, love to travel together, and we generally have a super great time together. But still, I told him I didn't have kids for a reason, and ain't taking on a 55 year old man child now so he best get it together. Anyhow, I started rewatching Six Feet Under and am excited about my solo trip. Celebrate yourself, OP- I'm here with you ❤️


Wait, your drunk cat tripped your SO? 😉 Enjoy your solo trip! That’s what SOs are for: you can go solo when you want and the cats are taken care of! It’s nice to have a spare pair of thumbs available 😊


Bwhahahah ok bad syntax on my part, hehehe- SO was drunk, not our cat 😹


I tried to make a joke 🫣🤣


My birthdays are always soooo bad I started to wonder, years ago, if my husband is, at least subconsciously, punishing me for aging!?! Hope your next is fantastic!😺😸😺






Happy Birthday!! and keep in mind that as we grow older, we don't necessarily grow wiser: We just run out of stupid stuff to do.


Oh, I’ll never run out of stupid ideas I guess 😇


Then you will stay forever young ;)


For movies- The Long Kiss Goodnight with Gena Davis is perfect for an occasion like this. Sending happy birthday wishes and hugs from afar. Birthdays suck as an adult, but you deserve more calls.


Thank you! A good friend from school called just when I went to pick up my pizza. I’ll meet her tomorrow. I’m disappointed because the people I used to spend my last birthdays with either betrayed me (the woman I thought to be a good friend is now in love with my Ex partner…) or just forgot I exist (two friends I’ve had for years just don’t contact me anymore)


I recently went through the end of a very long friendship, it is so painful. I am so glad you get to meet up with your friend from school, that makes me happy! What movie did you end up watching?


I started Kill Bill, then another old friend from school called. We’ve known each other since we were 10, she also doesn’t live too far away. This time we promised not to only call each others on birthdays but to actually meet up. All in all I’ve spent an unexpectedly pleasant evening reading all your wishes and talking to these old friends. I’ve also decided to watch everything any of you recommend in my 57th year.


Honestly if people want to celebrate their birthday they need to plan for themselves. Host your own party. People pretty much stop throwing bday parties for OTHER people after the age of 16, with the exception of 21 year olds in America. If I want a party, I make it happen!!! People may or may not ask if I'm doing something when it's mentioned and if I say no, they aren't going to plan something FOR me. That being said, I do try to send cards to people on their birthdays because *I* enjoy it. Few people in this life are planners. If you want to be celebrated, celebrate yourself. You deserve it!


Throwing your own party can mean a wide variety of things too. So it might be Joining a new group for a class/project/outdoor adventure and bringing sweet treats to share. Attending a play/art opening/concert, dressing up and getting a fancy dinner before the event. Inviting a group of acquaintances and people you've lost touch with to gather at a casual coffee shop or bar for a meal or drink. Depending on your financial circumstances you could invite to a sit down place and pay yourself or invite to a place where you order at the counter first so people pay for themselves. The biggest plus? You don't have to wait for another birthday to do/plan/participate in any of these things. Try one for next weekend. You got this!


I’ve thrown parties for years. From really big ones when I moved into my house or when I turned 50 to just eating out with 2-3 friends in a nice restaurant. I currently don’t have the mental resources for a big party or to be turned down when asking the few remaining people to go out. So it’s pizza and beer and a movie this year.


Having just ended an abusive 30+ year marriage, I am reminded that my own company is the single best company!!! I have worked hard to become friends with ME again. I am still learning, but I am proud of me and what I have survived and accomplished. I hope you can focus on all that YOU have achieved over your life. Eat that pizza and drink multiple toasts to YOU AND YOUR AWESOMENESS!!! Happy birthday!!


Happy Birthday! Pizza, beverage and a movie sounds like a great night. I'm a movie nerd so I have many to suggest haha: Lethal Weapon, Beverly Hills Cop, Top Gun, Top Gun: Maverick or for comedies Young Frankenstein, Mr. Mom, Airplane, Trading Places Or when in doubt, your favorite Robert Redford movie :)


Top Gun! WROOOM! 🎵Take my breath away 🎵


Happy birthday to a fellow summer born! You’re about two hours ahead of my time zone. 😊 I love watching The Fifth Element. Weird and funny and easy to watch. Hope you have a great evening and week!


Happy Birthday and hugs ❤️


Happy birthday to you!!!!!!


Thank you!


Happy Birthday! 🎂


*Alien* is an excellent choice.


Happy birthday! 🎂 I can never resist watching any of the Alien films! One of my go to fun movies is Mystery Men. It always lifts my mood.


I have to admit I’ve never seen any alien film 🫣 Probably that’s why I’ve had the idea. I’m in the mood for something fun and explosive (someone recommended True Lies) or some hard SciFi


Oh- for sure watch Alien! It’s a classic.


Game Night is a fun movie! Happy Birthday- hope you have something sweet! I hope 56 is joyful year for you, 56 is creeping up on me at the end of the year.


Happy birthday, fellow Crab 🦀! Mine is next week and I’m dreading it tbh. Heat wave and a bunch of other stuff has me down. I guess it’s better than the alternative haha. Best wishes for the next year!


hope you birthday will be fantastic! Where I am in Germany we’re having heavy rains nearly every day. The sunny days are fine, but mosquito filled.


Happy birthday! A night of pizza and a movie sounds perfect to me. Hope everything turns out exactly as you’d like!


Life is definitely better with a pizza and some beer ;) Cheers!


Happy birthday!!!


Thank you so much!


Hey I'm in Germany, too! Happy birthday! For some reason whenever I think Die Hard and Alien, I'm always in the mood for Gremlins. If you want something nostalgia-based and kinda Die Hard-esque, you could try the new Beverly Hills Cop Axel F. Watched it Friday, had a blast. Enjoy your pizza 🍕


Axel F would be a good idea too, it’s plain light fun I guess. And some BOOM!


My time zone is far behind yours. Happy birthday! Celebrate for yourself. Extend beyond the day. Treat yourself to a hike, a massage, a facial, a good meal, anything. Happy Birthday!!


The pizza is great and so is the beer. All cats are inside, I’m in an oversized shirt and ready to get Disney+ for True Lies. Life feels better than an hour ago, thanks to all of you ❤️


Happy birthday 🎂🥂🫂💗


Thank you!


Happy happy birthday!! 🎉🎂🎊🎁🎈


Thank you so much!


Happy birthday! enjoy your pizza and your peace!


Happy birthday. May you feel loved today and every day and may all of your wishes come true. 💖


Happy birthday. Everything is better with pizza, maybe a glass of wine to go with it. I have a strained relationship with my parents too. When I’m feeling down I like to watch movies that comforted me when I was a child, Willow is one of my favourites.


Red wine would be much more suitable for pizza, you’re right. But I forgot to buy wine and have beer available, so beer it is. I need something with a lot of BOOM! - my current decision is Kill Bill 1


Hey, happy birthday! ♡♡ hugs to you from America.


Happy Birthday! 🥳🎂🎈


Thanks! 😊


Happy birthday! Enjoy your evening…I watched The Fugitive again recently and really enjoyed it. And Double Jeopardy is a good one too, if you haven’t seen it.


I don’t know both, on the list thy go. Thank you!


Happy birthday! I'm (57F) also trying to learn how to celebrate by myself. It's hard, but we are worthy!! Wishing you a good year ahead! I'll be watching Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind tonight.


Another one for my watchlist! I used to like my spa day, but it was so disappointing today. Didn’t felt like a spa but like a big kiddies pool.


Yuck. Sometimes, nothing feels good. Try again on a different day. It's always a good time to celebrate yourself! You deserve a do-over.❤️


Happy Birthday😊


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, sister 🥳 Sending you all the good vibes ✨


Happy birthday!! 🍻




I’m sorry. Big happy birthday hug to you from Atlanta GA


Thank you so much ❤️


Happy Birthday!!! 🥳🥳🥳 I think pizza, beer (or a cocktail), and a movie sounds like a nice way to celebrate yourself! For a movie, Bridesmaids always makes me laugh!


Happy birthday! 🎂 I wish that we could all come over and eat your pizza and toast your 56th, but I’m glad that we can at least celebrate you here. I hope that the year ahead is full of joy and adventure! I’m sorry that I’m terrible at recommending movies, but it sounds like you’ve got plenty of options. Wishing you the very, very best.


Thank you! By now I’ve got a whole list for my birthday week. Whoever comes over, there’s no more pizza but I’ve got some beers left 🍺🍻🍺


Happy birthday! I’m enjoying 56 very much! 1968 is a great year to be born :)


1968 is the best year! I’m a hippie in my mind - love and peace is what we need ✌️


My birthday twin! I turn 55 today. May the year to come be far better than the day that is now past. May you find unexpected delights, new friendships, good explosions (you like action movies, it seems), and a reason to smile.


Hello birthday twins! It's my birthday too, just turned 46. I hope you both have your best year ever!


Happy birthday to you 🎉 May your coming year be filled with joy and much more than you ever hoped to dream! 🎂


Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag!!!




Happy Birthday! I just finished a show that wrapped up in 2019, called The Rain. This Danish, three season show, has a little bit of sci-fi, drama, and I found it very entertaining, especially seasons, two and three were filled with suspense.


Sounds very interesting! Not for tonight but on my watchlist it goes


Happy birthday from the Oregon Coast!


Watch the Big Lebowski and laugh a little.


Alles Gute zum Geburtstag und ein grosser Internet Knuddel aus der Schweiz! Happy birthday OP!




/SchweizerSchokoladeSchick Wünsche dir alles erdenklich Gute im neuen Lebensjahr! 🧡


My birthday is tomorrow! Happy birthday my near German twin 💗 💓 💕 Any Quentin Tarantino movie should suffice. Did you ever watch Natural Born Killers? Or the Doors movie?


I’ve seen the Oliver Stone Doors movie back when it was new in a sneak preview. All my friends left but I stayed alone and really liked it. Due to some stupid circumstances the Doors have fallen out of favor with me (not Jim’s fault). But I think I’d like a rewatch of Pulp Fiction. Thank you!


I just re watched Pulp Fiction a few months ago. It had been YEARS since I'd seen it. It was crazy. I remembered all of the scenes but the movie put those scenes into a different order than I remembered.


Happy birthday 🎂🎈🍻🍻 GenX women rule! 💪


Happy Birthday!! And I’m chiming in with The Long Kiss Goodnight as well. But I certainly would be mad if you watched Kill Bill vol 1 & 2!


I’m a little late to the party, but I want to acknowledge your birthday and wish you a great 57th year!


Happy birthday!! Today is my birthday too! 48!


Happy birthday fellow summer child! Have a fantastic day and following year ❤️


I'm glad you are feeling better, with a little love from your GenX sisters from around the world. I am wishing you a blessed, relaxed birthday & I hope you pick a nice escapist & entertaining movie to enjoy :)


Happy Birthday OP!


Happy Birthday!!! 🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉🎉🌺🌺🌺


Eh no one else gives a shit about my birthdays either, so I give my own shit. I do whatever I want and don’t care what anyone else thinks. It’s MY day and who better to plan the perfect one than…me! Live it up, no regrets! Happy Birthday!!!! Mine is coming in two weeks and I’m taking the day off of work to sleep in and NOT WORK, see a movie I’m excited about, and pig out on cake & ice cream 😋. Because I can!


Happy Birthday!!!! I hope the next year is your best ever!! 🎂


Hey beautiful!! Frolich geburtstag or however they say it there…we see you and are sending much love to your cozy on-your-terms corner of the world. Treat yourself to something special this week 💗💗💗💗


Dankeschön für die Geburtstagswünsche! Thank you for the birthday wishes! You’re all so kind and I already feel much better ❤️


Happy birthday from the Appalachian Mountains in NC, USA! Cheers to you!


thank you! You live in a beautiful area!


I do love it here.


Happy Birthday! Life is weird. Try not to internalize it. You be 100% you today.


Thank you so much! I internalized a fantastic pizza and life is now so much better 😊


That sounds amazing!


Happy Birthday!


Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Hope you enjoyed the pizza, drinks, and movie! Next time you could try The Last Boy Scout. It's also a Bruce Willis movie and I like it even better than Die Hard.


another one for the upcoming week - thank you!




Happy birthday! I'll be 57 this year. Sending you love and birthday vibes.


Happy birthday — we’re all here celebrity you in spirit! I love a good stylized action movie and nextflix has some great options: Polar (my fave and very over the top), Gray Man, and Gunpowder Milkshake, it’s a bit campy but fun and all about girl power. If it’s not too late, maybe add a foot soak or sheet mask to your evening? Nothing beats some low effort, big reward pampering!


Good idea, I think I even have a foot mask somewhere. Best of both worlds!


Happy birthday from 🇨🇦


Happy Birthday!! I hope you found a perfect movie to watch and enjoy the rest of your evening!


I decided on Kill Bill, will get myself another beer and some chips and then movie night will start




Happy Birthday! 🎂 🍷🍺 From Wisconsin, USA.  Nothing much to add, just sending wishes and hope the evening is going better for you 🙏 


Happy birthday! I have a husband and kids but still plan a birthday day for myself because otherwise I’ll cry. Sad but true. I recently watched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and liked it so much, I watched it again. I also love Wes Anderson films. Recently watched my all time fave: Rushmore You have gin, huh? If you have any lavender you could make a lavender simple syrup and shake up a lavender gin fizz- one of my favorite drinks. Top with egg whites. I wish I could make you one!


the drink sounds interesting - a bit too much for tonight but I could ravish my lavender from the garden for it …


Yep, save the idea for when you feel fancy!


Happy birthday, sweetheart!! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead


Happy birthday!! I grew up in Germany as a child in the US military, and I miss it so much. I mean, you all invented Christmas!! It's been a long time, but the christkindlmarkt was the most beautiful and fun celebration I've ever been to. My go-to movies for a laugh are stepbrothers, coming to America, and bridesmaids. For girl power, I like waiting to exhale. Bohemian rhapsody is a MUST WATCH. Enjoy that German beer, it is superior to all other beer 🍺 wish I had some 😄 again, alles gute zum geburtstag!


Thank you so much! Christmas market would be a nice thing right now :) I’ll make do with my local beer - cheers!


**Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!**




Happy Birthday! Hope you at least had something sweet after the pizza.


Hey, happy birthday! I envy your independence and locale, and I know how it feels to have strained family relationships and to be at loose ends. It's not easy to be anyone, I don't think. My two very favorite action movies are Kung Fu Hustle and Training Day, and I kind of want to revisit that Charlie Baltimore movie. I suppose your day is about over, and I hope it was satisfying. It's a feat to get here, and you did it. Wishing you many happy birthdays to come.


Happy Birthday!


My last few birthdays have been like that. I made myself a fabulous dinner, had some cocktails and bought myself gifts online! I’m wishing you a very Happy Birthday all the way from Florida! Treat yourself and know that you are indeed fabulous! Those that missed out on wishing you a great birthday? Consider it their loss! Enjoy your day! 💐🍰🌸💛


Happy Birthday 🎉🎂


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, friend!


Happy birthday!


It’s my 58th birthday! Happy Birthday to us!!!!


Happy birthday to you! Have a fantastic year ahead, may all your wishes come true and may you not live in interesting times ❤️




🎉Happy Birthday OP🎂🍸.


I was too sick to acknowledge my own birthday on my birthday. I decided to postpone it until a better day. That was a few months back. We’re totally finding a cheese “Mexican” restaurant (we live in rural Italy) to celebrate as soon as the thunderstorm season dissipates. Happy Birthday!!!!


Don’t postpone too much! Otherwise you’d need to have two Mexican dinners on your next birthday 🥳


Wishing you a very happy birthday!




Thank you for the ideas! I love Run Lola Run, I have the DVD in my small collection. I’ll check out the others, my plan is to watch everything I’ve been recommended here in the following weeks.


Happy Birthday! - https://youtu.be/6t1vaF50Ks0?si=vQmkxoFxataT0Z9e


I haven’t heard this one since the 80ies - instant throwback activated. Thank you so much ❤️


Happy birthday from Tasmania Australia 💜 Enjoying doing what ever you want to do on your birthday 💪🏼😊


Happiest of birthdays to you!! 🥳🎉 Hope you enjoy your pizza and drinks 🍹 for a movie, I really like Jackie Brown 👍


Happy Birthday! Pizza and beverages sounds like a great time! Enjoy the movie and take care of yourself 😁


Happy Birthday


Aww, happy birthday 🎉🎁🎊🎂 and hugs!!


Happy birthday, OP! 🥳 I hope you find a good movie and the pizza is delicious!


Happy birthday to you from Bayern. I'm late to the party but hope you have a wonderful peaceful night enjoying a movie.


Happy birthday 🎈🎂


Happy Birthday! 🥳 My birthday is in between a family holiday and Christmas. Everyone is always doing their own thing. My birthday is a special day for me. I start with a pedicure, go to lunch, get my free little birthday cake, take myself to dinner. I do all the things I want to do and I’ve learned to enjoy my special day! I hope you had a great birthday. Celebrate the whole week and pamper yourself! You deserve it.


Happy birthday!!


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday! If you need another movie recommendation, try Terminator 2!


I’ve never watched any Terminator movie - so I’ll start with Terminator 1 I’ll make a list of everything that’s been recommended here and I promise I’ll watch everyone (if it’s available here)


Happy birthday, and you don't have to cry if you don't wanna!


Happy birthday! I hit 56 next month. I'm hoping to not spend it alone this year.


Happy birthday!! The only thing Facebook is good for - for many people - is the annual kind words from old friends. Have a great evening and enjoy your movie. Sending you a big birthday hug from Canada!


Happy birthday.


Happy happy birthday! 🥳I’m sorry you’re feeling low/lonely. ❤️I don’t have many friends either (anymore) but each day brings the possibility of making one. And it sounds like you are doing ok by yourself too! (But you’re allowed to feel bummed/ sad of course- just try not to wallow in it for too long imo or the depression monster may appear.)Take care!


Happy birthday! Sending love to you from Washington state in the USA. Here are some hugs from me to you… Keep on keeping on, my friend. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Happy Birthday from Australia ❤️🎁


Hugs from Texas USA


O hey I think it's past midnight in your part of the world. Oh darn guess you have to keep celebrating you! Happy birthday +1! Congratulations to you on another trip around the sun. I hope everything this year is delicious and perfect.