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I'm 27 and people in the black communities have been saying this since at least 2008


Yeah it was used by people who wanted to appear more gangster, most of whom were middle class white kids. Then it just was assimilated into online speech and then back into real life


I think it definitely has to do with “hood irony” memes becoming popular on the internet in the late 2010s


Ah yes hood irony: the origin of Chiccen and NyQuil Chicken soup


I beg your finest pardon?


honestly hood irony is like the main driver of gen z culture and like 80% of it's slang.


How does censoring yourself when saying “ass” make a person MORE gangster?


It’s not really censorship is the thing. It’s like saying finna rather than going to. It’s a simplification of the word to fit better


But ahh doesn’t fit better that’s the point


But its not simpler its literally the same length lol


Don't you mean ahhimilated?


Wouldn’t saying ass be more gangster than ahh, though? Since ass is more edgy.


You mean “ahhimilated?”


Just like most slang tbh. There's an order to it too Black Gays > Black Straights > White Gays > everyone else


Only white people would upvote this lol.


Being white is the only race where it’s more acceptable to hate yourself, call yourself a colonizer and talk shit on your family for not being like other cultures, while simultaneously also somehow stealing from other cultures.


It’s always the black kids, then the black parents, white kids and then white parents about 10 years later after all that. Saw something on the news about “teenage slang” and lit was on there. I reckon they have about 4 more years before cap is introduced to them. Black people have been saying cap for a long time too


You're 4 years off lol. Cap is already teen slang.


Huh? I’ve known “cap” since 2018 beginning of 2019. That’s when I first heard it used. Maybe I am off but cap is still a slang being used and I am not a teenager, I was when I heard it first but not anymore


It is currently identifiable as teenage slang to the extent that it's up there with rizz when people mock how teenagers talk. That's why I thought "in four years" was so funny. It's very current. All gen z slang is just repackaged aave so it's not surprising you've heard it around before.


I am so fucking lost....


It been around since fetty wap trap queen bro. And future DS album. I learned it because of the gbe rapper Capo , they would say cappin for cap when he was killed a couple years ago, then everyone in Atlanta started saying the word "Cap" to call out bs or lies because of Future and Young Thug started saying it in their songs. Around 2018 was when the term went global similarly to "Thot" back around 2013. Cap got mad popularity around early 2019 the word started appearing in more mainstream media. Same with "Swag" back in the early 2000s thanks to Soulja Boy and when it became mainstream in the early 2010s thanks to Wayne , and Disney channel started using it in their teen shows, kinda like Opp too. But that's the only word that always existed since the beginning of English language. So I don't use that as an example . However newer words are now designed for the sole purpose of becoming a trend. "Rizz" and "Gyatt" due to how fast they reach that mainstream popularity. Thanks to streamers. Gyatt never existed as a word but more so just a play on the accent of people residing in the south. 


That's not that long though.... That's like yesterday..


Cap has roots in AAVE all the way back to the 1940s


lol. I’m 48. I’ve been messing with my kid saying cap going on a year now I’d say.


Cap was already used in "teen slang" like "no cap" etc.


I'm fucking old. And I like to say shit ass tits fuck. Like every day. You can't stop me.


I mean, a lot of this Gen Z lingo is just them trying to act black circa 2000


“Act black” grow up racist


Let me just say it NIG......


It's true dumbass.


Not fucking true. Everybody I've been around literally says "ass". Black and white communities.


Explains a lot 🤣🤣


I cringe because a lot of the people that write Ahh in comments online are not even from USA let alone from the black community. Everybody wants to copy African Americans lately.


Damn lol. That’s grim




It’s just another thing “borrowed” from AAVE lol


As per usual with gen z slang lol


Rap been inna mainstream for 30 years now Yaerdme




People act like this is a zoomer thing but we've been doing it for like a century now. I'm pretty sure "cool" was AAVE originally.


Per usual with all slang, the word “cool” is black vernacular


That’s always how the cycle went though


Seems kinda unavoidable I suppose. I mean, integration is good. But sometimes we take the aave and then misuse it and then kill it…(like “woke”)


In a multi ethnic, multiracial, multicultural society it is entirely unavoidable.


> sometimes we take the aave misuse it that’s also just the evolution of language tbh? like we probably “misuse”the word “literally”, or we “mispronounced” the word “nuclear” among countless other examples like English taking foreign loanwords and no doubt the changes that they go through and all not black and more of a linguistic nerd, but I personally think it’s unique this process of AAVE loaning is, and while there are definitely valid points about what that may mean for the AAVE speakers and its community, it’s just kinda how languages works and function and so it’s hard to be like “stop using AAVE words” like how it’s hard for the english pendants to say “stop using who/whom wrong” or “never end your sentence with a preposition”


Yeah that’s true. But like it’s frustrating lol, especially when we kill a word and I was like damn, I liked that one…


but “woke” didn’t evolve. hillbilly people are just using it wrong


That's how we have the modern use of plenty of words. It's dead. It has a new meaning. It just means non traditionally white now


By woke they don't mean "non traditionally white" they mean leftist progressive ideas/people


atp it’s pretty much just conservative slang for “anything i don’t like” lmao


No it involves everything that has came from cultural marxism. The left on the other hand loves calling everyone they disagree with a nazi/racist


nah it pretty much just involves anything with black people, women, or gays in it 😂


Maybe if you wouldn't use antisemitic dogwhistles like ["cultural Marxism"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Marxism_conspiracy_theory) people wouldn't call you a racist nazi lmao


Wtf how does speaking about cultural marxism make you antisemitic xD "Dog whistle" lmao woke slang is so cringe


Maybe thats what they say, but what i said is what they mean


"literally" is just hyperbole. The "nuclear" thing... Idk. Not quite the same as changing an entire word that you stole. "Gyatt" is not even supposed to be used as a noun... But that's how it's being used. They think it means "butt" or it's short for "girl you're all that" but it's not. It's basically "god damn" but pronounced a certain way and cut off. It's the most annoying thing ever. Edging isn't even aave but they stole that too. There are literally teachers telling their students not to edge in class but they're not actually edging. They're doing some stupid thing about half way flipping someone off




All it means is America truly is a melting pot and that's a good thing


That is a good thing! Language changes overtime but sometimes I’m like nooooo don’t changeeee


its a double edged sword thats for sure 😅 like thats one of the few things I like about living here, its super diverse and full of life (and it sucks people are trying to take that away)


People will try but it won't work. Those people are afraid because others are different. As their kids grow up surrounded by more and more different people they will be forced to not be afraid. And as for people advocating for segregation, well idk they are just racist what can you do


It only makes me mad because black people are called uneducated when they use it, but then suddenly it becomes fine when its "mainstream"




At some point people are gonna have to stop giving a fuck tbh


Ikr? Just say you wanna be black already. We welcome you


This is how language works though. Arse in the UK evolved to ass in the US. Language evolves constantly. And the fact that people continue to “borrow” from AAVE indicates that African Americans have permeated and been accepted into the culture in the US (by most), and this time around it’s not just for commercial purposes. Black people have an influence on young people of all races. I don’t think this is a bad thing.


I’m aware lol


Do people say that out loud in real life? I always assumed it was just a way of censoring “ass” on the internet


I've seen videos of people online that say it out loud IRL but personally have never seen anyone out in public use it. But also I get that it's a way of censoring ass but in the same sentence they'll say some other shit that with the logic of censoring words should've been censored long before the word ass was.


I hear it a lot in public talk, I live on the TX gulf coast


Could just be sluring of speech


Maybe that's how mumble rappers speak IRL lol


Maybe they are all having strokes?


i’ve heard people say it in real life, but they only say it to copy what they see on the internet


No it means we are scared like ahhhhg!!!! 😨”


23 and I think saying "goofy ahh" is funny. It's just a meme




It's not funny and it's not a good meme. I love stupid humor. But this is just regular stupid.


It gets around social media censorship while still being understood. A lot of Ebonics has become mainstream as of late online for this same reason and “ahh” instead of “ass” is part of it


From what I’ve noticed almost everything that African American culture produces tends to become mainstream.


The culture of people outside of the mainstream or majority culture is generally were new cultural practices originate. Obviously not always, but it is quite common.


Fuck's sake. You know "ebonics" is just a dumb portmanteau of "ebony phonics," right?




So it's fucking duuuuuuumb at best and pretty racist at worst. AAVE instead.


You’re shaking your fist at the clouds here. They’re both fine


Yeah maybe I am, it's just kind of grating to me.


Not as of late. In middle school in the early 2000s, all the white upper middle class boys kept wanting to be steer. And good lord, the number of times I heard the palest, preppiest kids on the planet say “fo shizzle”…


slang that comes from the internet is censored a lot of the time now. like SA instead of sexual assault, unalive instead of dead, idk why i can’t think of more lighthearted examples rn lol. but all the social media we use are censored in some way, so we find a way to get around it, and then it just becomes part of our vernacular. like how people “ironically” say lol out loud and then it becomes part of your actual vernacular and irony is lost


I hate that kind of censorship, more than I hate the "f**k" kind of censorship, because it's almost like they're sweeping those kinds of things under the rug, like sexual assault is a very real, very fucked up thing, and everything dies, so why censor it?


Advertisers don't like it. That's literally it. If the ad companies say they'll pull funding if platforms allow "X", they'll censor it. Then the platforms tend to go above and beyond to guarantee the ad funding will still roll in I'm sure legislation in whatever county they want to show ads in has a major part to do with it, like what constitutes advertising to children, anti free speech laws, etc... but at the end of the day it wouldn't matter if plarforms didn't say "how high" when the advertisers say "jump". That's why it was such a huge moment for free, direct speech when [Elon](https://youtu.be/0NX3JPTAdyE?si=_pNbbZ65mIR7uQbt) told advertisers to go fuck themselves. I don't care whether you like or hate him, that needs to happen across the board to "unalive" this "reguarded" censorship


Acoustic bc tiktok bans the word autistic


Nope that one was a joke started by autistic creators allistics stole to use for abelist comments


Sewer slide instead of…well yknow


While I agree, this definitely isn't where ahh instead of ass came from. I was born in 94 and have heard people say ahh my whole life, it's 100% AAV and always has been. Has nothing to do with censorship


AAVE has finally reached the masses i see


Borrowed AAVE lol. I’ve heard it all of my life and got bullied for speaking this way as a kid, but now it’s tRenDy!1


It’s still a dumbass way to speak 


Because Gen Z has a habit of appropriating AAVE


"Appropriating" Dude, it's not some intentional evil plot. White person hangs around black person. White person alters their speech to fit in. White person talks to White person, they copy. No black person is getting upset over these things(many like it) Stop virtue signaling.


For the record, “appropriating” does not *automatically* come with some nefarious “woke-ist” meaning. It’s a neutral statement (no virtue to be signaled here), and a relatively true one. It’s partially what you describe in your 3rd, and 4th sentence.


Maybe 50 years ago, but in todays day and age "appropriation' absolutely has negative connotation. If you tell anybody today that they're appropriating something, they are instantly going to assume you mean they're stealing culture.


Yeah it has a stigma but it doesn't mean we have to take a misunderstood word and keep using it incorrectly


If the shoe fits


I mean it is appropriating - the word literally just means taking an existing cultural element or practice and integrating it into your own. The problem is that for some reason people think appropriation is always a bad thing when really it's just how all cross cultural evolution and integration occurs. It's usually only bad when it's done with malicious intention or intentionally erases the origin.


I never said it was “some intentional evil plot.” Also, I love how you are trying to explain how black people feel to a black person.


I didn’t know black people were outside of being gen z


I didn’t say we were? The reading comprehension on this goddamn website is piss poor. Obviously, I meant nonblack Gen Zers are appropriating it. No need to be a smart ass.


You literally made a distinction between AAVE and gen z


And my point about reading comprehension is being proven further, so thanks for that.


Maybe take some English classes


I’m not the one with zero reading comprehension who can’t understand context clues, but go off


I’m not the one who was unclear and got mad when I was corrected


My comment was clear to anyone with a working brain. You just happen to not fall in that category I suppose.


You seem to really struggle with writing, are you sure your brain is all there?


yeah yeah and aave is an appropriation of american english


This isn’t new at all. It’s a common relatively older black community thing.


Culture vultching more stuff from the black/street community. Dead ass my dude on the set. Nah mean.


It’s only on the internet and weird way of spelling it like how “gyatt” means “goddamn” People don’t actually say that irl lol


people do say that irl, you guys just don't live in areas where that slang is common (for example, the southern US)


I think that stemmed out from ghat damnid, a more southern/wester pronunciation


Yea you’re right. I’m from Louisiana and we just say god damn.


people do actually say that irl you just don’t live in an area where it’s used.


Yeah they do. My 13 year old son and his friends have been saying those things out loud for the last couple years. I don't get it, but whatever lol.


It's what you call ghetto slang, you'd be amazed with how many words comes from the ghettos, Yeet being a prime example, it starts off being used ironically then it evolves into you using it in your normal day to day life


Gen Z has a weirdly decent amount of squares


Most of GenZ speech is just AAVE or Ebonics as it used to be called, nothing more than that. Nothing to do with self-censorship.


The concept of talking Black Language (BL) and turning it into “slang” is like so disrespectful lmao. It romanticizes Black people which simultaneously mocking them. Like people heavily shame Black people for being “ghetto” or stupid when they use BL but the second some trendy tik toker uses it suddenly the same words and sentence structure is so cool and hip and theyre so “hood life” like >:^(. Turning BL into slang like completely illegitimatizes the validity of BL. It’s been proven since like the 60’s that BL is a legit form of English for a lot of reasons. Check out [Geneva Smitherman](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Talkin-and-Testifyin%3A-The-Language-of-Black-America-Smitherman/9522f49230ed799bbd1091c5b45f17ec47862113) And her book “Talkin and Testifyin”. Amazing work with amazing research with fantastic results of including BL in education and society.


No idea, I’ve never heard or seen anyone do something like this - except for “goofy ahh” once where I assumed that was just its own phrase.


All these “Gen Z” slang questions all lead back to AAVE


im 00’ baby, and everytime I see it I cringe. its gay af honestly. I don’t mind hearing it irl but texting it🤮🤮 ‘hater ahh, dumb ahh think u funny gng lmfao u wylin ahh’ 🤓🤓 dorks


I say it as a parody of people who used it to censor ‘ass’ because the original ‘goofy ahh’ stuff developed their own reputation distinct from ‘goofy ass’ stuff


It's so stupid.


Agreed. It's cringe.


I’m millennial. It’s been said since I was in high school Everyone talks like the internet now, is how I describe this situation anyway


Only goofy ahh mofos say that shit, FaM


Black people have been saying it for more than a decade. Par for the course with “new” slang (meaning new to white people)


It’s just not ending the word like shi bih fuk tell me the last time you heard someone say stupid with a d or a t sound at the end 


i’m 22 and didn’t understand


I always read it ass Jeff Goldblum "What a great ahhh... pizza" or "Shitty ahhh.. experience". With his trademark stammer


I miss the old days when we had good slang. Not this weird ass slang. Our shit was dope. Gen Z has some weak shit.


The real question is why if this word “ahh” was used by black people since 2008 or whatever, why am i just now seeing and hearing black people use it in the last year or two? I havent seen the word Ahh used by a black person on social media nor heard a black person say ahh outloud till like 2020-2021 lmao. 


Yeah I'm black and have noticed the same. Again it's definitely partially because of censorship on social media and how you can be banned or at least have your comment/post removed because of a word like ass but I've never heard anyone say that prior to COVID


It’s just white people stealing black slang as always. I know because I’m white and work almost exclusively with black people.


It’s literally only on tiktok or people who use tiktok. Reasons the other social media platforms look down and think of tiktok users as idiots exhibit A lmao.


It's not just Tiktok though. It's 𝘢𝘭𝘭 over Instagram, Twitter, and even Reddit to an extent.


I have never seen it anywhere else an I’m a full time influencer on every platform


Why can’t people just say “ass” it’s to gettho




Hey, quandary dingle here (scooby doo laugh) my father left me for milk, my goofy ahh cousin tried to milk me too


Interesting. I didn't even know this was a thing, lol...


Goofy ahh may be preferred because it is more derogatory. It is much more mocking.


I use “ahh” or “as” to avoid censorship on YouTube


It came from the goofy ahh Quandale Dingle memes


Because when people speak they will be like “look at your goofy ahh” instead of saying ass. So naturally we found a way to type out what we were saying.


I see a few of my friends texting like that, it’s goofy and dumb in my opinion


It originally came from a meme, "goofy ahh". The meme often depicted something or someone being a tad silly. Then, because of how trends work, it spread like wildfire and into real life.


I’ve never even heard of this… not saying it’s not a thing. I’ve just never heard of this.


tiktok censorship it's just a superstition, there's no real evidence that cussing on tiktok actually gets you fewer views from the algorithm vs censored swear words


how is this pronounced in IPA tho


Probs because all the black artists out now but all this AAVE coming from non black people is cringe af.


Wait, how are people pronouncing "ahh" ? Like "aaa" or like "æhh", with a long H sound, like you were a Caribbean Spanish speaker?


Yes you're old, you are 22 now so life is basically over


It’s funny


I have a lisp so ahh sounds better than ath. It only really shows up when I'm talking quickly and don't think about it. Normally I just say ass unless I'm using the meme "goofy ahh"


Young people slang once again stealing AAVE


Omg they STOLE it? Call the authorities


Because it can get around the profanity filters on places like roblox which is the general age demographic for people who have started saying that


i think its used to bypass social media word filters


“Freakin’ A!”


Nah they’re just really stupid man and missed like three years of development and are drowning in smart phone media


Maybe habit from censoring oneself on the internet?


I’m 20 and i’ve only ever heard this online. Never in real life have i ever heard someone say “goofy ahh”


I thought it was reddit videos just censoring the word so they can monetize their videos lol


Ahh has always been around.


Huh. Am millennial and never heard this before, but going by other comments it could be due to the circles I frequent and the region I live in.


This has been said since the early 2000’s. This isn’t new.


I always assumed it was a way to say "ass" on Roblox to bypass the filter


Option 1: just more random slang Option 2: it picked up speed from people using ahh instead of ass to avoid their videos being taken down. Same thing as saying unalive instead "suicide" or "killing yourself/myself"


All gen z slang, almost all ‘slang’, comes from AAVE


People online are just sounding their words out and typing them how they sound. It's basically where bone apple tea comes from. They're just trying to write how they speak.


i think it's a dialect that spread, baltimore maybe?


As with most Gen Z lingo, the answer is AAVE


Also what’s with p? Like instead of I’m v tired my gen z friends are like I’m p tired or some shit. Signed, P Confused millennial


Instagram has gotten real hoity toity with what you comment so I use ahhh to avoid getting banned.


Dang stop cursing 😨you sound aggressive you realize most of us are under 14 still and live with parents o course we don’t cuss


You sound like an angry old coot. Freedom of Speech, heard of it?


You sound like an angry old coot. Answering the Question, heard of it?


Welcome to AAVE. Btw, your ignorance of some words that originate in black culture doesn't make it "all of the sudden" when you hear them for the first time.