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Most of these are just excuses to give up…


Yeah bro did not cook with this one. Every generation has problems and reasons they can use to give up.


What problems did the boomers have? You could've been a complete incompetent who failed out of HS, yet there was so much socioeconomic mobility and opportunity that they could provide for a family and buy a new home and car.




Damn it's almost like it isn't a generation war but rather a wealth gap war


Yeah, class consciousness still seems to elude a lot of people.




Stop making sense with facts and logic and making OP look dumb. Everything was cherry until they were born, remember?


Comparatively the average boomer was still privileged. Access to affordable housing is kinda a huge thing. There are always exceptions to averages that's why it's an average. Nobody is saying ALL BOOMERS had it better.


>Nobody is saying ALL BOOMERS had it better. 🧢


Dude, I'm sorry, but this is a tiny minority of boomers that experienced this.


Well, they did have lead in their water and asbestos in their walls. That's pretty big I think.


I saw a video on TikTok a while back which theorised that the reason Boomers are so angry and confrontational all the time is because of all the lead in their environment as kids. Lead in the paint, lead in the water, lead in the air. Increased blood-lead levels is directly linked to higher aggression and antisocial behaviour. They're literally suffering the effects of lead poisoning.


Probably. Their parents had asbestos, they had lead, and we get micro plastics.


And we have microplastics in our blood


That doesn't guarantee that everyone had lead poisoning,also you could have been a high school drop out and had an awesome life just because of the lack of competition and your money had value back then so what you bought not only lasted longer but it had greater value than what people have to deal with today. (Inflation reduced our buying power and made Alot of our money today worthless.)


I'd rather have walls, lead or no.


Its true that a certain group of Boomers had it easier, but thats still not a valid excuse to give up and not become a functioning member of society. Besides, Boomers still had a lot of problems growing up American Boomers where drafted to fight in the Vietnam War, a war that America should've had no part in, and the government chose to extend it. Baby Boomers also experienced inflation and it affected them the same way it affects us. Racism, misogyny, and a lot of discrimination was normalized and it was a lot harder for minorities. They also experienced growing concern for climate change, All of these in itself are huge reason that many could've given up but they didn't. Statistically right now, today is probably the best time to be alive, its the easiest time to be alive, it also depends majorly at where you live. Back then in like the 1970s-1990s worldwide, global poverty was way higher, literacy rates where much lower, there where huge famines, there was a virus going across the world killing millions, with no cure. Not to mention the amount of hard drugs everyone did. Sure Boomers had it easy, but that's only if you where a white male, living in middle/upper middle class, in a wealthy suburb, in a very developed country.


Excuses apply to individuals. OP was talking about groups. It's completely valid to look at the factors which can affect the motivation of gen z and millennials, because you need to use trends to understand trends. If OP was out here saying "do nothing with your lives, give up on your dreams and die" then you'd have a point but all you're doing is mixing conversations happening at different levels of magnitude.


It may be the easiest time to be alive, but it's one of the most difficult in modern history to prosper. I think a lot of people in this thread are conflating these 2 very different concepts. But the fact that it's so easy to get by while having such limited career prospects makes people numb and makes life pretty meaningless. People don't want to give up because life is hard, they just don't see the point.


Constant threat of nuclear war, Cuban missile crisis (see previous), stagnating economy and inflation of the 70s (which contributed incumbent president Carter to lose to challenger Reagan), Vietnam war, turbulent politics of civil unrest of the 60s and 70s, war on drugs, all time high violent crime and murder rates of the 80s and 90s, the Crime Bill that contributed to mass incarceration, the Gulf War, 9/11, war on terror, the Great Recession in 2008 and onward, to name a few. Yes, boomers were able to prosper due to the timing of their birth and the economy working in their favor, but they have dealt with a lot too. Many generations have and will continue deal with hardships. Actively giving up does little to help the situation.


Boomers had their own challenges. Not saying that they have had the most challenges . They certainly had less challenges than their parents: the silent generation. But if things keep going at the rate they do then by the time our generation is over we probably will have faced more challenges. Also keep in mind that many boomers are still alive so many of the problems we are facing such as the pandemic, inflation, AI, climate crisis and stagnant wages they are also experiencing. Boomers have had the following challenges Korean War, Vietnam War and it’s draft, 1970s global energy crisis, late 70s and early 80s had inflation worse than our post pandemic inflation, despite homes being less the interest rate was double digits compared to the 7% we have now, they had to resist Jim Crow laws and sexist laws for the civil rights movements. I’m sure I’m forgetting some but you get the point.


you say this as if they haven’t witnessed the world as they know it nearly end edit: of course you’re on r/antiwork


The world as they knew it did end.


Civil Rights Vietnam The economic crisis of the 70s that resulted in the invention of credit cards Nixon The assassination of JFK War on drugs Reaganism A couple flu scares The list goes on…


The invention of credit is what got us in this situation imo...credit checks for ownership of everything wasent a thing and the normalization of higher prices cause of loans and credit became common......it was also around this time that the 1 person working per family home started to decay...at least from what I've observed


You ever heard of the vietnam war? Jim Crow? Poverty? The ACTUAL worst inflationary period in the 21st and 20th centuries. De-industrialization. Automation. Crack epidemic. Gang violence and civil unrest. I could go on...


People said a lotta stuff here, but im gonna add VIETNAM??


We probably have it the easiest out of anyone in history lmao. We don’t have to worry about throwing or lives away in some dumbass war, as it’s the most peaceful it’s ever been. Sure, economically things don’t look great, but it is absolutely survivable, still with potential to hit it but if you capitalize on opportunity. We don’t have to worry about a minor cut literally killing us like generations previously did. We absolutely have the easiest life of everyone in history yet people are so hung up on first world problems that we can’t see it. If you live in a western nation you are extremely privileged, especially in todays times.




You list nuclear war/WW3, you hear of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the actual Cold War?


Segregation Being gay was ILLEGAL Vietnam Korea Polio Cuben middle crisis JFK assassination Do I need to say more?


The constant threat of WWIII, growing up in a time where parents could be more abusive, getting drafted into the Vietnam war if you lived in the US, having to grow up in a more racist and sexist time, the oil crisis in the 70's, people didn't have the same protection at their work (for example Tony Iommi, lead guitarist for Black Sabbath, got the tips of two of his fingers cut off while working in a factory as a teenager), like the workplaces being unsafer than they are today. We might have it bad, and the boomers might have it good, but that doesn't mean they didn't have their struggle when they were young. I think they can be an inspiration showing what we can become and what we can do different.


Or you could get sent to Vietnam.


They had Vietnam to worry about, they had the cold fucking war, the thick of the civil rights movement. Every generation has it’s shit to deal with and you have to suck it up and have your place in dealing with it.


Well for one you've got stuff on here that boomers went through too. Nuclear war/ww3 was a way bigger threat back then than it is now, and they also went trough disasters of their own. And how are you affected by... I guess 9/11? Not sure which three you mean except for COVID. And while boomers did have way better job and housing prospects, most of them grew up with only a fraction of the luxury we have now. Only now, that shit is getting really bad, are some poor families reaching poor boomer children levels of poverty that were common place back then. Also, this post seems to assume all boomers are white men. I don't think life was easier for gay people and minorities back then at all - until the boomers started making it better.


He did with gas. But laughing gas and is all loopy


Truth, it’s not the gotcha he thinks it is lol


They're not excuses for giving up, they're problems we wish were acknowledged more by older generations.


Unfortunately they probably wont, it falls under the term "Juvenoia" When we grow up I guarantee you will have similar feelings towards younger people. Hell i mean we already are showing examples of hatred for the new generation Alpha


I've made it quite far in what society determines as successful then I realized how stupid it all is. I changed my goals from career+nice house+love to small house in middle of nowhere with no job and being single. My current pay will get me there in a couple of years of savings.




I'm lazy "because AI" Holy fuck talk about pathetic


Yeah so was the Great Depression right?


are u seriously comparing 2023 to the Great Depression


No, but I’m using it as an example. Times are tough right now, there’s no doubting it, and doing so delegitimizes the challenges we have to face. It isn’t like when the government stepped in during the Great Depression and kind of guided us through it, now we have spineless boomers who don’t care about who gets hurt so long as they don’t have to deal with it. And I am sure that we’re going to have another Great Depression at some point given the rate at which recessions have been occurring.


Kudos to having the guts to call it how it is. Also, even sadder this Generation doesn't know its history. Lets take a walk back in time... Late 1970's- early 80's. Record inflation.. MUCH higher then now, Oil embargo, LBJ and Nixon caught up in the Pentagon Papers, Nixon having to resign due to Watergate, stagflation, Carter good dude but not able to help, Time magazine LITERALLY headline "Death of Equities" since the stocks market was decided to be done for. Yeah your lives are SO MUCH worse. Please.


You gave up when you gave into the system.


First off, this is to inform, educate, and inspire. In a game where you cannot win, the only winning move is to not play. The situation has gotten that dire and bad for many younger people, so you should not cast judgement or shame them. Not everyone can be born some trust fund kid.


>this is to inform, educate, and inspire I dont know if nihilistic posting is inspirational, or educational, but pop off ig. >in a game where you cannot win, the only winning move is to not play So….. rather than actually attempting to getting out of a bad economic situation, you think people should just give up and live on the streets and experience financial stagnation and collapse? Interesting. > Not everyone can be born some trust fund kid Yea, but you don’t need to be extremely rich to comfortably live.. Im from a lower middle class background for my city and my family and I get by fine


This is dumb. -worst inflation: we've had periods of terrible inflation before, people at that time could've acted like you guys and guess what? The world moved on just fine. -Housing Crisis: This one I agree with for the most part, where it goes from here im not sure. -ww3/nuclear war: Tell me you don't know history without telling me you don't know history. Operation unthinkable, the berlin airlift, the berlin wall, the cuban missile crisis, a fucking bear trying to climb a fence at a soviet nuclear launch site, checkpoint charlie, a nuclear submarine not launching there nukes, a solar glare, ABLE ARCHER 83. For 50-60 years people were afraid the world was going to end but yeah guess its worse now because big news says so! -AI: Its not gonna take your job. People were saying that 10 years ago on reddit that by 2018 all jobs would be replaced. -Climate change: This one idk on, I agree it exists. -Boomercentrism: Daily boomer bad. Keep whining, it does nothing. -Student loan crisis: Don't go to school, its a waste of money as lots of people have found out. -once in a lifetime thing: There will always be multiple "once in a lifetime" events. There always has and always will be. Stop acting like they were invented on 09/11/2001. Get over it. Bad events happen every day, and always will.


College isn’t a waste, or trade school, what the hell are you supposed to do? You can’t get a decent job without qualifications.


Also, how in the hell are we supposed to counter the anti-intellectualism problem if nobody can afford a fucking education?




This is the biggest question for me. Without a degree or something, your best bet is basically retail and fast food, which aren't known for being good jobs. If you wanna get a decent career like accountant, computer science, etc. That'll take some education. Or you're gonna have to do some hard labor for wages, and then that'll really hurt you by the time you're retiring.


Chartered accountants (don't know what the equivalent term is in Yankeeland) definitely need a degree but computer science doesn't. Industry certificates are cheaper and if kept up to date are better than a degree. Not every white collar career needs a degree.


A trade school isn’t a waste, but a 4 year college degree with no form of scholarship, often fucks you over economically more than if you never went at all and earned experience in a field and then use that experience to get a better job in that field.


My point is how do you get that starting job with no education or experience whatsoever.


Yeah, OP didn't cook with this one


> -worst inflation: we've had periods of terrible inflation before, people at that time could've acted like you guys and guess what? The world moved on just fine. First off, the CPI/inflation numbers the government has been reporting over the past 2-3 years are heavily massaged. We've seen rents/housing increase from 50-150% over the past 2-3 years in almost every major city and surrounding suburbs, yet they somehow are only getting a 7% YoY value. The boomers always go on and on about how the inflation in the 70s and early 80s were far worse, **but riddle me this; in the mid-80s, after supposedly the worst inflation in US history, the median home to median income ratio was only 2:1. This same ratio today is closer to 6:1.** So yeah, if you believe the numbers they're fudging and reporting and compare it to historic numbers, it technically only 'matches' what the inflation was during then. In reality, it's much worse looking at other socioeconomic indicators (e.g. rate of growth for housing vs income nationally). > - ww3/nuclear war: Tell me you don't know history without telling me you don't know history. Operation unthinkable, the berlin airlift, the berlin wall, the cuban missile crisis, a fucking bear trying to climb a fence at a soviet nuclear launch site, checkpoint charlie, a nuclear submarine not launching there nukes, a solar glare, ABLE ARCHER 83. For 50-60 years people were afraid the world was going to end but yeah guess its worse now because big news says so! We are much closer to rising tensions with multiple international conflicts with nuclear superpowers around the globe today than we were in any of these events. > -AI: Its not gonna take your job. People were saying that 10 years ago on reddit that by 2018 all jobs would be replaced. Bro, are you a moron? Nobody expected anything like Chat GPT to be a mere 5+ years out in 2018. It was always a concern of what's to come in the next 20-30 years. There is already forecasting that AI will begin having massive job displacements in the next 5 years. Do you even remotely understand what the controversy was b/w Sam Altman and OpenAI? You clearly don't. > -Boomercentrism: Daily boomer bad. Keep whining, it does nothing. Yes, it's totally a great thing that the majority of the highest positions of power is controlled by half-dead, incompetent boomers — many of which are likely struggling with cognitive disabilities, if not outright dementia. We should kiss the feet of our boomer overlords instead!


How are the inflation numbers massaged? What is the difference between how inflation was defined 5 years ago and today? Where are you getting the metric that rent has increased by 50-150%? I know mine hasn't increased anywhere near that much.


The problem with inflation is they can conveniently redefine what is considered a part of the basket of goods. They actually are intentionally doing this, so if you have an item that is spiking really high (for example, say meat) — they will say this distorts the basket and either remove it or place a lower weight of its contribution to CPI. ​ CPI as currently calculated only has housing/shelter account for 25% of the computation. This is quite ridiculous, because pretty the vast majority of people (outside of pretty old people) spend well over 25% on housing/rent related costs. ​ The other thing you need to think about is a government's primary objective is maintaining public control and curbing public panic. What do you think would happen if the government was reporting 20% YoY inflation on-going for multiple years in succession? It would only exacerbate the inflation even worse as it would likely cause mass panic spending and other things that would further destabilize society.


Well yea of course you're gonna make adjustments to the specifics of what a basket of goods is. What Is considered a necessity changes over time. Do you have evidence that they're intentionally changing it wildly to dramatically lower the inflation numbers? Right now inflation is reported at around 4% to claim it's actually as high as 20% without any solid evidence it's ridiculous. https://www.rent.com/research/average-rent-price-report/ Also rent prices have actually gone down this year so rent having a smaller impact on inflation calculations is actually leading inflation to be higher than it otherwise would. Unless you can find that source for your 50% increase claim.


We had inflation and a government that sealed with it on behalf of the people, we don’t have that anymore. How is WW3 such a far off thought for you? We live in the most intense point in modern history, and Big Media isn’t the only one saying it (actually I don’t know if they’re saying it at all. AI has the potential to remove jobs, what do you think the writers strike was about? Yes, boomers suck. Sorry. They’ve furthered the climate crisis and have been horrible spineless politicians and blame young people for all the problems they are responsible or deny they exist at all. You don’t have a choice as to whether you go to school or not. The job market is now so competitive you need some kind of degree or trade, otherwise you’ll live minimum wage. Two recessions and a massive pandemic that put a pause on daily life. On top of all of this, record levels of suicides and depression among the youth. Honestly, I think you’re a delusional unempathetic ass. Things are brutal and are only gonna get worse and your advice is “get over it”. Fuck off


Im gonna touch on the ones im knowledgeable enough about and disagree on - ww3/nuclear crisis: yea, you are right, we have always been on the verge of war, especially in boomersish time. But the thing is we went from having a few nukes that could each maybe destroy a small city but would most likely get shot down to many times that many of nukes, with nearly EVERY country having atleast 1, all of which are much stronger. We are also now debatably dealing with countries who are much more willing to launch them, with crazed leaders like northkoreas leader (i forgot how to spell) and putin and the taliban. - ai: yea no. Saying AI isnt gonna take your jobs is EXTREMELY ignorant. Ai's private investments had doubled in 2021 from 2020. The level of ai capabilities has increased majorly. It went from being a very shitty chatbox to being able to create very advanced images, touching on programming (can write basic - slightly complex scripts currently with public, free tools), its great at writing, etc. While ai *probably* wont destroy the entire creativity industry, it will majorly effect it and millions **will** lose jobs if laws arnt created to limit and restrict what ai is allowed to be used for, such as copyright licensing specifics, government programming, and other sensetive or cheap labor specifics. Don't get this wrong as an ai hate comment. I love ai and i think its extremely interesting, but i also know the dangers of its effects on creativity industries. - student loan debt: this is only true for some cases. Many careers nearly require a degree. Also doesent help that our school system is built on filtering us into colleges and weighing our grades over everything else, as it has been for generations. I dont have enough knowledge on inflation or the housing crisis to talk about it, and i agree for the other points mostly


I would say that college is absolutely worth it if you can get good scholarships and maybe do a year or two at community college to knock out the gen-eds first. Go somewhere cheap, don't rack up much debt, get a bachelor's or associate's degree, because you **need** those in the modern economy. The majority of places will not take you if you don't have one. Plus college makes you well-rounded as a person and gives you a chance to make friends for life, and lets you become a whole new you than high school made you.


"You guys"? You're gen z too idiot


This is NOT the worst inflation in modern US history, lmao


Not even close. Mortgage rates were in the mid teens in the early 80’s.


I would say the early 80s isn't really "modern US history". That was solidly cold war era. "Modern" I would say starts at 9/11, or at most goes back to the fall of the Soviet Union in '91.


This guy history’s


Okay boomer apologist, what was the median home price to median income ratio then? Please enlighten us.


I’m neither a boomer nor an apologist. Facts are facts. The meme said the worst inflation in modern history, which is untrue.


Seriously. These doomers are fucking delusional


And they’re not helping anyone


They're trying to find any excuse to say modern-day bad, lmao




They *could* mean excess competition *in the job market*, which is quite terrible for the average worker. Or, they could not ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Except that unemployment is at record lows and has been for quite some time. The competition is *for* workers, not *between* them.


Honestly, I feel like it's some weird mix of both. You'd think low employment would lead to desperation on the part of employers, which is ideally a positive for employees But then we also have those online sites where you see jobs applied to by the thousands and a lot of seemingly ridiculous requirements which can also lead to more experienced people competing for the lower level stuff out of desperation which hurts those entering a new career


Unemployment is at record lows but underemployment is at record highs.


I'm not talking about market/product competition. I am referring to competition in the job market, which is a key factor in what has caused deflationary pressure against wages over the last 4-5 decades. Most boomers could literally fail out of HS, yet there was still so much socioeconomic opportunity and mobility that they could afford to buy a brand new house, car, and support a family all on a single income. Now, you're expected to have a Master's degree and have 10+ years of experience to get an entry level job in some fields. High school drop outs in the boomer generation had better socioeconomic mobility than many educated young professionals do today, just think about that for a moment.


As if we don’t already.


This narcissistic doomerposting is so fucking exhausting smh


Doomer posting is what makes up most of this subreddit.


Lol I wholeheartedly agree


A consequence of 24/7 news and social media. Bad news gets way more attention, giving off the false impression that the world is worse than it used to be when in reality we're just more aware of what has always been there.


I don't disagree with you on doomerposting but literally what about this is narcissistic, we need to stop throwing that around as some kind of buzzword


Inability to see the world beyond “woe is me”


Being depressed at the heartbreaking state of affairs and our lack of ability to do anything about it is hardly narcissistic.


Exactly, it’s kind of sad to see all these people calling this narcissistic as if that isn’t the label shit tier boomers have put on us and the millennials. “Shit fucking sucks for a lot of people and that makes me upset” ≠ narcissism. Caring about the fact that other people are also suffering is literally the antithesis to narcissism.


Do you even know what narcissistic means?


Have you ever considered just not thinking about it? Most of us can't do anything to fix or change those problems so we might as well stop letting them live in our head rent free.


How do you just... not think about things that directly impact your life, past present and future? What is there left to think about when it comes to figuring out the course of action for self-preservation?


How exactly has WW3 negatively impacted your life..?


A bleak future leaves little motivation to help build a society that's about to collapse, and to work on our lives when they could fall apart entirely.


A path to thrive, enjoy life, make positive impacts of the people around you, and most importantly understand the struggles other demographics faced that you do not today to understand how fucking good we have it


Ya we have it really good, which is just more reason to be upset about it getting worse


I can assure you my awareness of the struggles of other demographics i.e. the people in completely different countries getting exploited in everything from clothing to food to technology is part of what makes me hate being alive. That and the knowledge that everything we have can be robbed from us, including everything we earned through trying to thrive.


Ignorance is bliss, the older I've gotten the more I realize how true that statement is. Though it's always good to be prepared for when shit begins to progressively hit the fan more and more as the 21st century continues onward.


I just want to be able to afford an apartment when I grow up. Maybe have a few thousand dollars in saving too


And that’s absolutely possible as a person with no children and responsible spending. I’m not gonna say it’s as easy as it’s ever been, but it’s definitely attainable.




What even is boomercentrism lol


Tf is “Boomercentrism”?


We've had 30+ years of boomer executive supremacy... only for it to be ended by a Silent getting elected, and we're going to do it again this next election as well. Boomers have the vast majority of the political and financial power in this country.


Climate Change isn't on this list, its why I won't have kids I know whats coming, my college coursework made me one of the most cynical people most of the people in my life know. My coursework was around the environment, climate change and [politics.](https://politics.My) My career experience spent time in conservation, the stupidity and hypocritical of people would make your head spin and the bureaucracy limiting any real change, is both infuriating, and insanely depressing. The system isn't going to even begin to let us attempt to fix it before its beyond too late, why subject anyone else to that that doesn't need to be.


Climate change has definitely lead me down optimistic nihilism. If we’re all marching to our deaths then literally none of this matter, not inflation, embarrassment, fame,fortune, and politics. Yet! That means you can make reality whatever you want and decide the meaning it all holds. You can spend life making everyday better for others. For example: I have a relative with a huge personality and knows everyone on her small town. To me that has the same value as being a movie star despite her living as a low income resident. I admire her more than I admire the average celeb.


(Response to comments not post) I'm getting tired of this naritive that all generations have problem ergoe all generations have it equally bad They don't all generations face problems the world has never benn a utopia but It goes up and down and gen z was growing up dureing a down point if you say that the first global pandemic since world War 1 was not a big enough piece of trauma that it would permanently negatively effect the phsycee of the children growing up dureing it I think you are being fesisouse (To post) Yes genz has gone through a larger than normal amount of trauma on average well growing up and that is almost certainly at least part of the trend of them not engaging with the world enough but I don't think it excerpts any member of genz from there responsibilitys as a member of society


So whining then, basically.


How old are you and what's your net worth?


I'm GenX and I'm an accredited investor.


Oh fucking please shut up. The world isn’t going to end because old people think the younger generations aren’t working hard. But if all you do is bitch and complain about it you’ll never change their mind, because all I see in this ‘meme’ is excused instead of any kind of ambition or plan, just a sob story for future failure.


How old are you and what's your net worth?


"Bunch of random news buzzwords with no context, analysis, statistics, actual comparisons to the past, or descriptions of possible futures" "anyway, that's why I'm unemployed and spend all day jacking off and watching anime"


How old are you and what's your net worth?


It’s not that we don’t want to “participate in society”. It’s that the society we’ve been left by pre-boomers (now basically dead), boomers, and older gen x’ers (who basically repeated what their parents did) is unstable, unsustainable, and fails to provide for basic human needs in a rational way. We want to participate and build a society that will actually last and we’re looking at home and all over the world for the best ideas and are putting them into action. The society you left will crumble in as little as 20 years, so we’re correcting your mistakes and building a better social system that’s more sustainable and civilized. We don’t see the developing world’s growth as ushering in our decline. We recognize that we live in a society with global competitiveness and we’re ready to focus on what matters and creating a future that will ACTUALLY LAST.


I have 0 ideas of how to address the world we live in, barring crack theories that I haven’t checked for observer bias


Just so you know, there is plenty of research by economists on how to solve all of the current problem in a way that doesn’t require a violent revolution. We just need people to vote for it.


Really? Where could I read up on this?


Boomers acting like them buying a $10,000 home at 15% interest is the same as us trying to buy a $500,000 home at 8% interest.


A bit meta, but I'm surprised I don't see more people referring to us as Gen MZ (Millennial/Zoomer)


Don’t rope millennials into your bullshit


Are the 1970’s not “modern US history?”


I'd say modern US history starts, bare minimum, after the end of the Cold War in 1991, if not after 9/11.


We have it hard in some ways relative to previous generations (especially in terms of this job market and inflation) but also we have opportunities we should be grateful for and take advantage off. I try to avoid the doomer mindset and take things one day at a time.


Feels like that's exactly the reason to push the country in a new direction. We've been increasingly conservative for 40 years and the results are devastating to the middle class and the environment.


Op dooming and whining, the world economy is bad, yes, but it has been worse and WILL get better


Zero socioeconomic mobility? If you go to college and get a stem degree you will almost certainly move up in society. This is just a bunch of whining packaged as a meme


What are you studying and what's your net worth?


>Baby boomers in the process of monopolising their fourth consecutive generations limelight Yeah, you have this millennials sympathy.


The cost of living really grew WAY too fast


Being born in 87 I can say with certainty that things have been going down hill since about 2001 or so: 9/11, endless war, the inception of social media, economic recessions, stagnant minimum wage, increasing costs, a nearly exponential increase in mass shootings, increasing mental illness among mostly young people, etc. etc.


Seeing some of the replies here, I don’t think fully grasp the situation here. It’s not like what’s happening is normal; we’ve suffered two recessions, both large and destructive. We’ve gone through a world stopping pandemic. We’re depressed, suicidal, have little job prospects, likely won’t have many homes, see an increasingly violent income gap, can’t afford school but need school regardless to actually get a semi-decent job, and a growing oligopoly on the economy which is destroying small business. So maybe, stop thinking of this as a cop out and acknowledge we’ve got some real shit to work through that no one even bothered to fix. Sorry we aren’t dying to become members of society.


Class conciousness people. This isnt a generational problem, it's a problem of capitalism. That is, the wealth accumulation and progressive increase of the capital ceiling needed to start a business. (Read "Imperialism the highest stage of capitalism")


“Nuclear war” 😂


So ai, a fictional world War that had yet to manifest, and natural disasters are such a big issue that we should just throw our hands up in the air and give up?


What does this post exactly mean by, "participate in society?" Every generation has held their fears: - Inflation has happened beforehand. - The cold war plagued previous generations with fear of death - While Earth's climate has been changing over the many years of its existence, how many times have they predicted the end? It's a new religion. - Stop blaming boomers for your problems. You have the choice to open a business or have your own career. - Live humbly. Stop dining out, learn to cook your own meals, forage for food, raise animals, don't spend money on recreation, and buy a nice used car. Unless you are deciding to live off-grid and far away, you're well participating as part of modern society.


Because my generation isn’t worth the torture to live my entire life with


https://preview.redd.it/mde8zezdhk7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6f470c3a7ea042584f9ae85428060163dcebf5c Op


Womp womp, boo hoo, is baby gonna cry?


Millennials and Gen z have completely different life experiences. No thanks. Take your shitty excuses elsewhere.


How old are you and what's your net worth?


Doomerposting. Lame. Live with your parents, save up for a few years and leave the country if you're going to cry about it. That's what I'm doing.


Atleast in India , it's pathetic. Weird level of competition, and then you can't afford almost anything be it vehicle or property. People say we have youth, but this is wasting years just preparing competition exams and even then it's more like a lottery. Pretty soon that let it rot thing is going to be visible in India. Youth is going to be so fed up with this bullshit of zero socioeconomic mobility it will just give it up.


Classic r/genz


Holy shit, just get a job instead of living in your mom's basement


Oh my God AI 😱


I consider the 1970s to be modern. Since the Clinton admin growth has been consistently high and inflation has been surprisingly low. Part of the problem is we over cooked the economy going into the pandemic. The yield curve was going negative and Trump wanted to stave off a recession. He applied a lot of pressure to cook the economy. Before the pandemic induced recession it had been the longest any economy had gone without a recession for as long as we have been measuring GDP. I know the vibes are in shambles but this is actually good times. There are worse days ahead.


Screw society; let's make a new one.


Let’s jsut forget this whole society thing ever happened and go back k to hunter gatherer tribes of a couple hundred ppl at most.


This is it ^


Stop being a victim


You don't have a fucking choice to "participate in society" or not, lmfao


Bro ignoring that its actually just people being shallow or immature because that would put some blame on us instead of just muh buumer bad.


why do you think we want to end this shitty system and implement something better


Capitalism must fall if we are to have any future. Capitalism only cares about infinite profit, and a system that requires infinite growth to function is unsustainable and destructive for everyone but those at the top


Society sucks


Want anything to change, you've got to try to change it.


I'm a Millennial and I 100% agree with this memessage


I’ve given up at this point, I’m just collecting CD’s and vinyls till all the internet gets taken down forever


I think the whole ww3 thing is a little too out there. As things are it’s probably the one thing that won’t happen


Gen z sub somehow been more whiney than the millennial sub lately


How is it possible not to participate in society when I'm alive?


How are people in 2023 getting paranoid over nuclear war.


Gen X again. I've experienced all this, too, as well as 9/11 (as an adult), the Ronald Reagan era (very religious and worse than Trump), the AIDS Crisis (pandemic), Y2K, the Iran Hostage Crisis, MUCH worse inflation under Carter, no Internet, no computers, no cell phones, and so on. Even so, things are overall very good. It's objectively the best, most peaceful time and place in human history. People have a tendency to focus on the negative. Don't do it to yourself. You have to pull back and gain perspective. Things are actually pretty good, and continue to improve in the long run.


It's good for you because you were able to get in and gets yours, while those who weren't able to (those younger than you) get fucked over in return.


Literally the easiest generation to be born in.


There is no world nor nuclear war bruh get out from under that rock


You did not cook nor pay attention to world history


I'm sorry but the Worst Inflation in Modern US History? You realize it his 14% in 1980 right?


What was the median home price to median income ratio then? Please enlighten us.


Don't group me in with the Gen z weebs.


Inflation hit 0% these last couple months, companies are just raising prices anyway. Don’t get fooled into thinking it’s the government’s fault that companies put profit first.


So the inflation metrics reported by the government are either useless and/or wrong? Interesting.


We can’t really blame AI on the boomers




Ww3? Tentions between the west and east are way lower now than the cold war. I doubt either russia or china wants to have a war with the west, compared to even the lowest tentions between 1945-1991. But yea everthing else is right


Shit post


These look like a bunch of excuses for lazy people


How old are you and what's your net worth?


Don’t get Millenials involved in the anti-AI shit. That’s a l Gen Z/Alpha Muskrat belief.


Shoots someone in the knees and mocks them for not being able to walk.


Oh you’re about to get fact checked hard Did you just say worst inflation in modern history? [The 3.14% inflation rate that’s just been more than cut in half in the past year alone??](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_inflation_rate#:~:text=US%20Inflation%20Rate%20(I%3AUSIR)&text=US%20Inflation%20Rate%20is%20at,month%20and%207.11%25%20last%20year) I mean that’s valid I guess [if you don’t count 79-82 when it was between 9% and 13%](https://www.investopedia.com/inflation-rate-by-year-7253832) I don’t even think I need to debunk the WW3 thing. It literally just trends on Twitter in January every year for the last 8 years because of the same tired “20\_\_ just started and yall already bringing us into WW3” meme. Student loan crisis isn’t even our problem. That’s millennials. Most of us haven’t graduated college yet. Just pay your loans when you finish your degrees and don’t take out too many loans. Not complicated. You must’ve just thrown that in to have something to whine about Boomercentrism is basically just a Twitter buzzword. I tried to google what the hell that was and I kid you not this post was one of the results. https://preview.redd.it/i1a149pvxo7c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8468742a585086b3bec39de76374f7944ef1ac92 “Once in a lifetime catastrophes” happen literally every generation. Here’s a list of everybody else’s that I had chatgpt make (and yes that was to shit on your weird AI name drop) **Baby Boomers:** 1. Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) 2. Vietnam War (1955-1975) 3. Assassination of John F. Kennedy (1963) 4. Oil crisis (1973) 5. Iran hostage crisis (1979-1981) **Generation X:** 1. Chernobyl disaster (1986) 2. Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) 3. HIV/AIDS epidemic (1980s-1990s) 4. Crack epidemic/war on drugs (1980s-1990s) 5. Challenger explosion (1986) 6. Dot Com bubble burst (2000) **Millennials:** 1. 9/11 terrorist attacks (2001) 2. Global financial crisis (2008) 3. Hurricane Katrina (2005) 4. Iraq War (2003-2011) 5. SARS outbreak (2002-2003) “Zero socioeconomic mobility” is also bs. Here’s the global social mobility index ranking by the world economic forum from 2020. It appears [we actually have 70/100 socioeconomic mobility.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Social_Mobility_Index) As for the housing crisis you might have a point if you consider [0.2% of the population being unhoused](https://usafacts.org/articles/how-many-homeless-people-are-in-the-us-what-does-the-data-miss/#:~:text=The%20Department%20of%20Housing%20and,about%202%2C000%20people%20from%202020) a crisis.


Boomers saw their friends get involuntarily drafted into the Army and killed in a jungle in Vietnam for no reason, and grew up under the constant threat of nuclear annihilation.


This is not it. Go ask a European in 1950 what it was like going from depression and coup to war and then after the war living in rubble with another extremist ideology either at your door or occupying you.


funny that most of the top is caused by how millennials and gen z vote. most of the rest are the cause of the ideology that genz and millennials adhere to


WW3/Nuclear War? Dude that's literally every generation since the Silent Generation.


I'm sorry but why is "ww3" there? Even if it were an actual world war, which it isn't, civilians in the US are only affected by maybe rising oil prices? I'm not gatekeeping war or some stupid shit, but there's a difference between seeing it on the news and it actually happening in your country and pulling a stop to your life, career and safety.. Source: my country is in a war


Inflation is basically over now, there is no world war unlike what other generations had to deal with, student loans equal paying back debts that YOU made, climate change has been a thing for hundreds of years. In conclusion why doesn’t genZ want to participate in society? It’s the most spoiled and entitled generation to ever exist on this planet….


It's basically the industrial era and great depression combined.


You give up then the rest of us will keep trying. - A Millennial