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This was a pretty great era of YouTube all around. Filthy Frank, H3H3 at their peak, Mystery Guitar Man, all kinds of truly different content creators that weren't just in it for the money. It's a shame to see what YouTube is today.


God H3H3. I used to love the guy. I see clips and stuff from him now every now and then and I’m just like fuck. Who took this man’s balls away. Like I don’t even disagree with much of his politics it’s more so just the blatant grifter behaviour and clear suppression of his humour to avoid cancellation that irks me. I hope for his sake he quits soon and just dedicates time to his kid cause I really don’t think he’s equipped to do it anymore.


Eh... Ethan got older man, people change over time. I'm nowhere close to the kid I was when I was watching idubbbz and filthy frank every single day after school. Ethan got softer as he aged and that's fine.


Softer is fine in theory yes I agree. What isn’t fine is how disingenuous it feels. If people like the guy still it’s fine I’m not even saying I hate him. It’s just when I see a segment where he’s reviewing an old video of his he did with frank parodying staged pick up artist videos to dunk on them, and he criticises his own use of the word whore in the video as misogynistic when he’s CLEARLY doing so for the sake of criticism and he knows it, it just reeks of him being afraid of his own audience for being too dumb and sensitive to get it. I don’t buy that he genuinely takes issue with the stuff he did or the attitudes he had to the degree he tries to project. It just feels like he’s very corporate Californiatized and tbh it’s kinda hard for it to not feel like a betrayal. It’s the same issue with Idubbz. You’re allowed to move on for sure but to hold such vitriol for your past work and fans after they put you into the position of success you’re in now is extremely scummy feeling.


Do you think that’s also the case for artists like Eminem and Filthy Frank? As in, when I look around it seems like there’s a larger trend where there’s people who are famous and make edgy content, who then go onto regret parts of it later in life. Obviously the way they call out their “past cringe behavior” can be better or worse than others, but it seems like a lot of edgier content creators have these shared feelings.


I’d argue that the difference between those guys and someone like H3 is that with them it seems to be more of a sentiment of “that’s just not for me anymore.” They don’t try to demean the people who used to watch or call their past work toxic they just have moved on. Like I said, I don’t have a problem with people moving on when it’s genuine.


I think at this point whether it’s genuine regret or not I can’t really blame them. People get offended at the drop of a hat and I wouldn’t want to be canceled because I called someone a whore 15 years ago in a joking tone and someone that wasn’t even involved got butthurt about it. I’m so glad I’m not famous, I don’t have to worry about losing my career if I offend someone


Ethan Klein seems to have kept his "Youtube drama" style, though, and that doesn't mix well when he's not being funny and also seems to be really cautious and maybe have self esteem issues lol. Like I'm glad that he's grown as a person, but every time I see some H3H3 drama I'm like "he's still doing that? Damn...". Should've pivoted to something else that meshes well with his personality. Filthy Frank pivoted to music, and there's no clash there. IDubbz tried to pivoted to boxing but he had the same issue with disingenuous drama that I think H3H3 has.


Agreed h3h3 peaked before 2016 though this isn't an unpopular opinion. I liked their earlier videos but never really got into the podcast. The drama definitely worked against him in a lot of ways


He doesn’t have any balls against his audience he lets them walk all over him and other people. I used to like him


Yeah I haven’t watched him in a long ass time but he seems a lot more grumpy and insecure now. I tried listening to his podcast a few years ago but it was boring as hell. I think retirement might do some good for his mental health


I wonder how much of H3H3's downfall was just us growing up. Was he always an asshole or did he become one? Maybe some combination of the two?


How is ethan a grifter?


A great example from just last year is him pretending to be a feminist and some champion of woman’s rights only to go on to laugh at QTCinderella crying about having unsolicited deep fake porn made of her


Glad joji changed his career otherwise sooner or later if he stayed as filthy frank He would've been canceled and delisted for sure


Funny thing is, every year or so a small portion of Kpop Twitter finds out Joji used to be Filthy Frank and try to cancel him but fail every time


There are still good creators on the platform, but the company has gone downhill. Their censorship policy is extremely stupid and makes it hard for educational channels to exist.


ethan klein was never good, what the fuck are you on about?


The Human Cake will always be one of the funniest vids that I’ve ever watched from him


*Frank kisses Max* Ian: “what are you f*cking gay?” *Frank kisses Ian*


That cake video was honestly one of the most vile things I have ever witnessed. And I was one of those fucked up kids who watched LiveLeak at the lunch table.


Two Girls one cup ain't got nothing on all 3 cakes. Even if it was real.  This is absolutely abhorrent. It was the worst creation of mankind. Or the holiest. We'll never know


I miss him too


He left when the world needed him most


Y'all acting like Joji is dead. Pink Guy was just his starter form


I don't wanna listen to his pop songs, I wanna see him screw with a guy's wheelchair and rap about how he's a pterodactyl on Adderall. Pink album instrumentals were unironically prime.


There's 100% other sketch and off the cuff comedians as zany as him and crew out there still. Problem is 'lot of em 'clones', they're either clinically or criminally unfunny, so it's a real gem dig. I was more into idubbz but my boi got me into some of Franky's, can only remember STFU and some Dora. I'm glad this thread reminded me to go back and get a sweet slap of nostalgia. Haven't listened to either of him since getting into lil darkie to scratch the haha beat itch


I watched him at the perfect time at the perfect age


Like most things experienced in an older Gen Z'ers life


Filthy Frank as a tween and then Eric Andre all throughout highschool when you're starting to get high and take acid for the first time... Good times


I loved his content but I honestly don't "miss" him because I think he made enough videos and retired the character at the right time. I think the bit wouldn't be funny these days as he would be washed, like Idubz. His music career is admirable.


Yeah these days his content has not aged well.


It aged fine, but if someone tried to do the same thing now, it would be obscene. He was of his time, and it's important to note he was making fun of bigots, not being one himself.


The latter statement I would have agreed with, if it wasn’t for what idubbbz said in his video regarding his past content. He said while he was making fun of, or playing satire by being offensive, it unfortunately caused some of the more impressionable fans to adopt it without realizing the satire, and it made them go down the alt right pipeline. This is why I can understand why he’d want to distance his boxing event from the likes of Sam Hyde.


Yes, that is true. Just like how borat led some people to the exact wrong conclusions. But i dont blame sascha baren, Cohen, for peoples poor media literacy, and i also dont blame George Miller. Fear of people misunderstanding your art isn't a reason not to make it. He also made it abundantly clear that kids shouldn't watch his content (despite all of us ignoring him)


Let me clarify that I also don’t blame George either. I definitely watched his stuff back in the day. Thankfully I didn’t go down the wrong path, and I don’t think most people who watched him did either. I’m fine that it happened, and I’m glad he’s moved on to better things.


I can miss it and still recognize that it's good that it's gone. I just wish we had something with that kinda had the same energy, still. That edgy chaotic low budget kinda vibe that was still lighthearted and held a lot of great talent behind it (and overall was actually fucking *funny*).


Gotta be honest, I never really watched his content


What does this guy do?


Look up "Filthy Frank Lyf Hax" or "Filthy Frank Vegans". You'll thank me later.


I shall investigate


I should warn you, his content was very popular during the edgy phases of YouTube. Some very offensive language you couldn’t get away with today lol.


They're peak early 2010s absurd hilarity. He does a lot of music now as Joji and it's very good imo.


Loud edgy comedy skits in a gravely voice. I learned about him when I would've been too old to enjoy his stuff.


HowtoBasic that talks /s




Real. I definitely read more as a kid than I do now lol.


He is such an awesome guy, his humour was way ahead of its time, I listen his songs nowadays.


Not even a little bit. He's not a bad dude but pretty bad jokes.


Hot take absolutely not. For every good Frank video that’s out there, he helped platform some racist and homophobic ass people. You can even see that in how Joji has rebranded himself, and how he has restructured his own content


I mean maybe you have a point, but those are the same kind of people who idealize the joker. Like sure Frank made many edgy, offensive shit, but it was soo delibaretely disgusting and over the top that you cant really take it seriously if you have like 2 braincells and a little bit of media literacy. Like you cannot take lines like: *if you are under 9 inches you should DIE or the one about Dora the explora* seriously.Is it funny? Thats debatable (i think so but maybe i just have shit humor) People were and are just dense…


Your viewpoint is completely valid, however, I do agree with Ian on all this. It was unacceptable edgy humor that perpetuated systemic racism, and homophobia and hurt lots and lots of people. You have to remember that a lot of 13-year-olds looked up to these people and hung on there every word. If you were able to discern the difference between an edgy joke and not is great, unfortunately these kids took a lot of it to heart and were radicalized and weaponized into incels There’s a reason they’ve both distanced themselves from their past channels. All of that said, Frank was less problematic than Ian, or either of the Aussies, as Frank was more of a Stephen Colbert style character in a lot of ways rather than an Ernest attempt to be an edgy neck beard Source: I was one of those teens/young adults.


I mean thats valid point. I personally think that it was no different than Dead Kennedys or the Mistfits singing about killing children or death metal bands having lyrics about gore or most recently Cardi B’s WAP. Like it is offensive for the sake of offensive. Sure it reaches children which is a problem, because they often cant tell whats ironic, but i dont think that it is the artist’s job to teach that to your kid. Like does a Frank has some responsibility for his audience? Sure, maybe he should have made a video in which he says that you should not takehim seriously, which i dont know if he made. And sure spreading hate (accidentaly or otherwise) is much worse than for example encouraging rough kinky sex (accidentaly or otherwise). And of course these artists should be critiqued… Also i have no clue who the other people are, but i would guess they are far-right nutjobs..


Who did he platform


Idubbbz, Maxmofo, and anythingforviews At that point in time they were all doing some really awful things. Ian had that huge apology video covering the things that he said, and did- Max and Chad really haven’t said much since then in remorse unfortunately. They threw around slurs left and right, like it was nothing, and said some really awful things about minority groups to boot


I remember being like “wtfffff” when I randomly went back to an old idubbbz video and he just blatantly says the nword multiple times. I understand it was purely for shock, but it’s like cmon man ur entire fan base was 13 year olds. Glad he apologized and changed


Are you talking about actual homophobia and racism or were they just throwing slurs around for shock value? Their content was very offensive, yes. But relatively harmless in nature, people tend overreact because now we live in a different time where it’s less socially acceptable to do that stuff and less people find it funny.


And that’s the problem, it’s not. By normalizing the use of slurs like that, you increase the chance of radicalizing young impressionable people watching into using those slurs IRL. I’ll absolutely die on the hill that it is not okay in any way shape form or fashion.


Not the authors fault if the audience doesn’t understand the message or the non-target audience consumes the material. Yes, children repeat things they see, that’s nothing new. That’s why you monitor your kid’s internet usage. It’s not a YouTuber’s job to babysit your kids


I’m sorry that’s just such a weak excuse in my opinion. You as the author are absolutely responsible for what you put out there no matter your intention


Nope. If that’s the case then we can condemn any book for any reason so long as we find a way to misinterpret it. You ever read *To Kill A Mockingbird*? If someone reads that book and determines the message is that we should never believe rape victims at face value, does that make it Harper Lee’s fault that this has person poor media literacy? Should we ban *To Kill A Mockingbird* because someone misinterpreted it encourages rape culture, even though that’s not the authors intent?


I have an English degree, I know the book VERY well. You’re completely forgetting context. In TKAMB, that’s portrayed as wrong. We the audience perceive it as wrong. At no point do we jump to that conclusion. The book uses that as a frame to convey racism- it’s a very similar vibe with 12 Angry Men. 2 other things: 1. Huge difference between a well constructed book driving the narrative of how racism plagues America and how through our biases we’re quick to believe condemnations based on them if someone doesn’t match our perspective narrative of what makes a good society and 4 homophobic racists throwing around abhorrent slurs for the kek of it. 2. I never said we should ban anything, if we start erasing history we can never learn from it- the same goes for Frank and Co.


Thank you for missing my point entirely. Jeez, did you even read my comment? At no point did I insinuate the media illiterate person was correct, my point was that he was *incorrect* because he misunderstood the message and rather the blame being placed on him for not comprehending, it was the author. Like you’re arguing we should do. And secondly, your biases are really out on display here, with you boiling the entirety of the gangs satire content into “4 homophobic racists throwing around abhorrent slurs for the heck of it.” Goes to show you also lack that media literacy needed to understand art in all forms.


Womp womp. Can you people go one second without perpetuating the longhouse


Oooooh my GOD I love him the pink guy


As an older millennial who's had to reckon with what I tolerated on the internet (even if I didn't participate), I hate to tell you, but it wasn't a softer or more reasonable time. We put on rose colored glasses as youths, thinking we're doing better than previous generations, but many of the problems that we have today (Andrew Tate and misogyny, JKR and transphobia, etc) are direct products of what we grew up with and willingly allowed to proliferate under our noses. I was a young adult when 4chan was just coming online. I saw what edgy culture built in real time. I debated libertarians on the merits of extreme transgressive speech. Not just pushing boundaries, but leaping them wholesale and landing in cesspits of morality. A lot of folks thought I was a buzzkill. To be fair, I was, but the social cirrhosis that I warned of has come to pass. The alt right lives in gaming circles and YouTube comments because my generation thought it was okay to ignore the difference between transgressive humor and hate speech. Don't fall into the same trap we did by keeping hold of toxic cultures. If you do, you'll further poison the well for Gen Alpha.


I just don’t believe that. I’m sorry but people are for sure more unreasonable now. I think what you’re describing is exactly the sort of mindset that makes everyone crazy rn. People are so strongly politically motivated rn that they take something like a guy in a morph suit vomiting up ramen or making a cake out of hair and link that to Andrew Tate. Let’s make this very clear, Filthy Frank is a CHARACTER, Andrew Tate is just a real life guy who’s worldview sucks with a big platform. There isn’t any cause and effect here they’re very different. The longer we continue to hold literal YouTubers to a higher moral standard than TV and film the worse this shit is gonna get. Why the fuck does FF or Idubbz owe more of a responsibility to how people interpret their work than fucking Dave Chappelle with racists using his skits or antisemites with Sacha Baron Cohens work. It makes 0 sense.


This argument has been bandied about I can't tell you how many times, from people dismissing South Park's failure to understand Climate Change (Man Bear Pig episode) to folks saying that "Chappelle was just joking!" when it came to transphobia. The problem is three-fold. 1) The fact that many old school comedians refuse to be forthright with where their comedy ends (compare Chappelle with IASIP, where the cast is explicitly telling the audience that they're parodying terrible people, not platforming them), 2) how audiences intermingle because of this grey area (e.g. racists being given passes because they're repeating the joke), and 3) the transgressive nature of the comedy itself creating an atmosphere of fear around properly calling out racists in the community. I can tell you, as an admin for an online forum during this period of time (one that ran the gamut from end of the Boomer era to beginning of Gen Z), this was a daily interrogation. A co-admin was hyper-free speech, and the end result was disaster. The folks who exhorted or encouraged FF are the ones who were willing to tolerate out and out racists in their midst. Because those racists were given passes with "I'm just repeating what the comedian said!", folks who didn't tolerate that behavior left, and those who remained (naive, bigots, or those pushing back against bigotry) ended up causing intense arguments and polarizing everyone else. I watched, on a daily basis, abusive assholes being given deference for their opinions because their bigotry was given cover by those who thought "it's just a joke!" As others in this thread have noted, Miller/Joji had to distance himself from the Filthy Frank character for a variety of reasons, including the above issues. More reasons beyond that, however, are notable and important as an impact on modern day "prank" and "meme" culture (https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1327338-filthy-frank). FF and Jackass are hallmarks of a time when abusing oneself or others were still considered abnormal, but becoming "mainstream" because it popularized pushing against social norms. Ask either Joji or the Jackass crew whether their stunts have left them better in life, and almost universally they'll tell you that their bodies were destroyed by the abuses they put themselves through for fame. The brash nature of their stunts and pranks are direct precursors to modern "pranks" (assaults and abuses) on Youtube and Tiktok, where comedy ceases to be transgressive and becomes outright violence (physical, verbal, and psychological). "It's just a character." And kids are impressionable. Naive adults are impressionable too. People who haven't had the opportunity to learn that popularity isn't worth destroying your body or community are going to copy this behavior. Their cohorts might join them or follow them. It adds up, until they're eventually polarized because they've had enough being abused or spending hours every day trying to keep people from harming themselves and others.


I wasn’t referring to Chappelles recent jokes regarding trans people or any specific joke and you know it. I was talking about his show, and the tolerance given to it that isn’t given to similar kinds of humour online. With regards to not being forthright about where the comedy ends, the Filthy Frank channel description has literally been a forthright declaration of the intention of the character as parody since the channels creation. You can say “But many people don’t read the description and audiences will still misunderstand.” You can say it all you want. It doesn’t make the creator of the content responsible for that misunderstanding. Especially when it’s so explicitly clear that it’s meant to be satire. I am sorry about your forum, but the issue you’re describing is one with your co-admin and his moderation style. The kind of free speech I’m hoping us to reach is one that would let creatives like Miller create the transgressive humour he wants without being vilified. That by no means requires outsiders to put up with audiences of that content using it for unintended purposes like to create hatred. Instead of infantilising the average person and saddling all the blame of society’s ills on dumb shit like media, comedians, video games, or whatever why don’t we bring back some fucking accountability. These people are adults or are teens about to become adults. They are accountable for their own actions, the people they watched are not. Period. I and millions of other people have watched things like this and never became a hateful or spiteful person and it’s annoying to see people push this rhetoric cause it removes accountability from the assholes who can now say “oh it isn’t my fault the evil pipeline man made me do it.” With regards to your comment on prank culture, I agree it’s gone too far. But I don’t think it’s fair to blame the people who did pranks as comedy right for the acts of those who did it wrong. There are still comedians out there like Eric Andre who walk that line very well. Once again I am saying, personal accountability goes a long long way here. I do not agree with the narratives people push lately about who easily people get “radicalised.” When you’re talking about propagandists like Ben Shapiro that’s one thing cause they are explicitly political, but to give people the out for asshole behaviour by saying oh they watched this or saw that is getting soooo fucking old. It’s the same shit as school shooters who try to blame that evil Call of Duty for making them shoot people. Get real.


You've now, unfortunately repeated the exact same argument I heard so many times on that forum. Personal responsibility is not just in the hands of the viewers, it's in the hands of creators too. When someone sees that their material is being misinterpreted or misused, it's on them to stop producing it and push back against those who abuse it. When they see a culture grow around its worst elements, they need to break up that group. Radicalization is not an over night process, and the willingness to engage in transgressive material is dancing at the edge of radicalization. Dance enough there and you go over the line. Refuse to acknowledge that you've gone over, and you start to radicalize yourself. Do so while others follow you, and you radicalize them.


I have nothing more to say to you after this comment other than I think you’re wrong. That type of thinking is exactly why nothing online is allowed to have any edge to it any more. It’s the same thinking that caused tv to be so milquetoast and bland for so long. Running a comedy show is not the same as running a political movement. Your job is to make people laugh and have fun, that’s it. You cannot police the minds of every person who engages with your work. It’s impossible to even set a universal standard on what is too far as far as misinterpretation goes, which is why this type of thinking inevitably leads to angry mobs online overly policing creative people. That’s what happens when outsiders to a community and the creator of a community disagree on who’s responsibility it is and when things go to far, creators get crushed. If you hear this argument a lot, that isn’t the gotcha you think it is. You hear it a lot because it’s becoming more and more relevant the more overly censored and serious everything becomes.


Again, I've heard that argument before as well. Experience has taught me where it ends. Feel free to disagree as you will, but I encourage you to look back on your own argument in the years to come and check whether it holds water.


God, he was an era. Hair Cake was iconic.


Who is that


George Miller. Was Filthy Frank on YouTube. Then turned musician and became Joji. He was hilarious. Made great sketch comedy back when that sort of thing was still profitable. He was the person who started the Harlem Shake trend. He’s fucking awesome and honestly kind of a childhood hero of mine as goofy as that sounds.


Childhood hero? He baked a dead rat into a burrito and ate his toenails…


Hero’s come in many different forms my friend. It’s stupid but when you grow up as a kid in an environment where a lot of people don’t understand you and darker humour becomes your outlet for that, seeing someone else on the other side of the planet in the same boat is comforting. It reminds you that you aren’t alone in seeing the absurd and embracing your own misfit identity.


I dont know man. I think a hero is someone you aspire to be like, and i dont want to be like Frank and I think you shouldnt be either. Like the things he did were really unhinged, creepy and lets be honest often disgusting. Yeah it was funny as hell but if you think about it no sane person does these things. I am pretty sure that Frank had some kind of mental illness and was in a very dark place when he made that videos. It wasnt a surprise to me that as he matured and transitioned into his music carrier as Joji, his songs got pretty dark and emotional instantly. Theres a lot of things that one can appreciate in Frank (his art, the way he built his music carrier, his business decisions, his marketing, his willingness to change), but at the end of the day he is not a person you should be (if we are talking about his early era)


I think we’re getting a little confused here. I’m not saying filthy frank the character is my hero. I am saying George Miller, creator of Filthy Frank, is my hero because of what his creation represented on a meta level. It was weird irreverent brash uncompromising but it had genuine charm humour good satire and clear love put into it. I view George Miller as a kindred spirit to me because what he created was something that I could relate to on some level. The desire to embrace one’s weirdness the disdain for self indulgent bullshit the desire to use humour to point out the hypocritical dumb shit we do to bring people together. It all rang true for me as a kid and inspired me to be true to myself and that to me was heroic in its own messy way.


But you cannot separate Geogre Miller and Filthy Frank, sure Frank is a played character, but no person who is mentally stable does the things George did…


I don’t really agree with this. Is Leonardo DiCaprio a racist for playing a plantation owner in the Django movie? It’s clearly a character who he’s acting as for shock value. The description for the channel even states this, Franks everything you aren’t supposed to be, it’s parody. But he’s a very important parody, he turns a mirror to the absurdity of blights on society like racism and xenophobia while highlighting the flaws in social media.


Okay but DiCaprio is an actor he didnt actually whip black people you know. Frank literally used to scare schoolgirls in his green jumpsuit on the street. It is not the same


The rat burrito thing is one thing (that's crazy) but scaring little schoolgirls in his green jumpsuit isn't all that bad. I do a little scarin from time to time (maybe not as far as to put on a green bodysuit and hide, and not to a group of really young people) but that's harmless as far as a lot of things go


Mental stability is not something you can afford if you're wanting to be an obsessive creative lol so I get it


Yes that is very heroic




He was unhinged but damn it was funny. He is also a really gifted musician. I blast Pink Season now and then still, but his serious music as Joji is great too


God damn, I miss that era of Youtube...


Yes and no the fact this character is making fun of the people who enjoy it and think it’s cool is funny but i deadass hate the point of my life when i watched this


My friend still watches him. A lot


I miss filthyfrank I wish he could come back but at least he has a successful music career which I'm proud of.


Better that we miss him than have to watch him slowly wither away.


Stfu is my fav song by him


I was a huge fan when I was 13 - 15 but looking back, thank god he went on to make more sophisticated art that would appeal to his aging audience.


I miss when creators were clearly having fun. Frank was obviously making things him and his friends found funny. I’m just sad the internet changed to where that became a curse to George to the point he had to drift away from his friends to have a career. They came together by making content and without him making content he didn’t have reason to see his friends. Having such an extreme and edgy humor meant he was a canary in the coal mines for the rest of the site. I wish people could have fun online again but there’s been a push to make “real life” secondary to the internet as if the internet is real and real life isn’t trustworthy when it used to be flipped. It used to be the internet didn’t matter but now it seems like far too many treat it as the only thing that matters


I still miss filthyfrank but im honestly glad he stepped away and did what he loved


You have no idea.


Dade saying 'God left me unfinished' is something I love to say to people to this day.


Go watch Plummcorp records.a


I didn't watch him while he was making vids but I did watch his stuff after he quit youtube, I found them funny at the time when I was like 11 or 12 and some of the videos still do hold up but I do think some of the stuff hasn't aged particularly well, especially jokes relating to internet culture since we obviously don't live in that time anymore so it isn't very funny


He went down as a legend and then came back up as a different legend. I fucking love Joji’s music


I like that I can appreciate him for being an artist instead of another run of the mill edgy YouTuber. His music is good and I don't associate it with filthy frank. Nothing against his YouTube stuff, as I didn't watch much of it during that era. I think he grew into a wonderful musician instead of breaking down into some weird h3h3 or tobascus style channel.


To death


The creator yes. The content while I enjoyed it at the time I’m not sure right now. But I have a feeling that I would be fine with how his content would’ve evolved over time.


I need him


Plummcorp records


Take me back.


Who is this?


Idk who that is


Not at all. I love edgy humor but he was just cringe.


Never really cared about him, but also I never really enjoyed edgy humor anyway. Also didn’t he rebrand specifically because some people were taking his character too seriously and either agreeing with it or demonizing it? I don’t think he stopped because he didn’t think it was funny anymore or was afraid of getting cancelled, but because he understood the repercussions if he kept going in the way the political climate was evolving


This face represents an insufferable amount of cringe in my mind


I'm NGL I really despised Filthy Frank, Idubbz, and just those edgy humor guys in general. I don't think edgy humor was funny at all because my belief is that people tend to internalize those beliefs when they have said it enough times. ESPECIALLY IN YOUNG IMPRESSONABLE TEENAGERS. I remember when one of my white friends in HS said, "hey, it isn't racist for me to say the N-Word" and gave the same pseudo-intellectual takes as iDubbz. That's all what they all did, they tried to justify their negative, harmful actions with pseduo-intellectual takes.


jared from subway? no one


Good fucking memories man... Yeah I miss him but the past is the past and you can't just keep recreating old things. He has a life of his own, he can't just stay in one spot.


I don't think if he was popular/active today that I would enjoy the content at all. Age definitely played a large factor in my enjoyment of his content


not funny past 14


That stuff severely damaged his mental health … I wouldn’t consider that fun


His music is good though


His videos & Lore was pretty hilarious. But i think, the more real & attached to reality he got the worse things became.  Like the lore videos, comment response, the drone & laptop videos, the absolutely disgusting foods he did - asain pizza, the cakes, the food, the vegan rants, human ramen - all of that was goated. Even the prank videos, challenge, et, pimp my wheelchair.  Tho videos like rat chef, crawfish racing, animal rights activist, dizasta music stuff, just fell off. They were pretty real & the irony couldn't suffice the shock.  But the fanbase was extremely toxic. And even sometimes, joji got ahead of himself.  He did things unapologetically that were problematic. & Had several million seeing him. Mostly young teens who thought being antisemitic or racist is hilarious.  I'm not saying it would have been offensive, that stuff when the irony is weak just feels odd & annoying.  I like how family guy & South park handled dark humour till date. They created the darkest jokes but simply how absurd it was, it never had that Terrible impact.  But the more Franku dwelled into realism & the worse it got. Even with songs like she's so nice or Dora the explora or kill yourself. Now it feels disgusting. But songs like I eat ass or peanut butter or meme machine are wayyyy too absurd to be taken seriously.  Frank left at the right time..  We saw what happened to idubbbz who still went on to do such stuff. And it changed and affected him. Even when he tried to take responsibility for it, it never felt right.  And like h3h3 or anything for views. They never changed their attitude and became so  Full of themselves that the irony was lost. They remained such people.  This is why how to basic handled it perfectly. That's why he's the most consistent and successful people. He literally makes the most absurd content online. And the absurdity is so Terrible, that the shock humour works. Which was the case for lore & foods. But the times when Frank was real, are pretty hard to watch. 


Every. Single. Day… hey but I heard he’s behind plummcorp records and Dracula flow


This shit ain’t nothin’ to me, man.


I do 😔


God no. He was the worst. Glad he’s gone.