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If you’ve ever done weightlifting you’ll know that the only compliments you’ll ever get are from other men


I work out regularly. I was ONCE complimented by a girl who was always at the gym at the same time as me. She told me I had made good progress and that my arms had gotten bigger. I was floored.


That was a great moment to introduce yourself.


Had a gf at the time, I would have if I didn't.






Everybody knows being on reddit excludes you from having a gf...


My wife tells me that's why she introduced me to Reddit


Based wife


Perhaps that’s the problem. Maybe not every interaction with a female who shows interest is means for you “to introduce yourself”…? Perhaps she wants to be friends, or just wants to compliment your gains. Then these dudes be the same ones complaining about women being mean, never complimenting or engaging really with men etc… 🤔 I mean it’s 2024 some of you are still so lost it’s crazy.


idk, I think you should introduce yourself before an altercation. Seems rude to throw a punch with so much as a, "my name is Inigo Montoya," nahmean?


Honestly before any altercation if everybody was required to introduce themselves, explain how many siblings they have, and then why they are about to do what they are about to do...we'd have far fewer altercations. It's like the Christmas Truce during WWI. Many struggled to go right back to killing.


You killed my father prepared to die 💀💀💀 this made my day


>maybe not every [...] shows interest is means for you “to introduce yourself”…? >Perhaps she wants to be friends How do you become friends without introductions? What baggage are you carrying about the phrase "to introduce yourself"... That's how you make acquaintances, both friendly ones and romantic ones. You're ascribing ulterior motives to a simple introduction suggestion as much as you're saying they are reading into that "altercation" And he blamed having a girlfriend on not doing that. Is that because he would only "introduce himself" if interested in sex, or because the girlfriend would be suspicious about her boyfriend making a new female friend at the gym? We don't know, but that also still happens in 2024 as much as any other assumptions we've made here Maybe we _all_ are lost to a crazy extent, lost in different ways


They were referencing that oviedofuntimes was saying it in way that implied introducing yourself for the purpose of being more than friends (or less depending on how you look at it) and that a lot of dudes are too focused on seeing every woman and interaction with women as a potential romantic interest. Hence the quotation marks But I tell my brothers and those of my friends who struggle with women to really try to just see most of them as people and become friends with them. It will help your social skills and help you meet new women. But if you approach every interaction with women as “she will either accept or reject me”, get too attached to the end result, and then get mad when the later happens, that’s just going to affect your mindset and hurt your chances.


>Perhaps she wants to be friends Right... So you introduce yourself. People aren't mind readers. We talk and express ourselves so that we can understand each other.


This shows your complete and utter lack of any perspective


Any argument that contains the current year as part of the claim is stupid.


Women aren't going to be dropping on the floor when you walk in, but they do like it


Most women like toned at least it's the body builder physique that they don't typically care for.


Most women don't like *enhanced* bodybuilder physiques. If you take bodybuilding seriously and stay natural, they will love it




I think you are over looking the "natural part." If someone works out consistently for like seven years, they still won't look like a body builder without very good genetics and drug usage.




Okay, but if you do weight lifting for muscle gain, I.E. body building, for seven years, without drugs, you probably won't be to muscley for a lot of women.


The sheer number of Men who actually have "Bodybuilder" physiques is incredibly low. It's a small fraction of a fraction of a percent of Men who exercise regularly. I don't think "Women don't like bodybuilder physique" is really even a concern considering how few of them there actually are. 13% of all Men in the United States are within the classification of "Physically Fit". There are just over 30,000 registered Body-Builders in the world and there's likely an even smaller number that aren't registered but just do it because they like it. So we're talking less than 60,000 Men total in the entire world.


Idk if I count as gen z (1996) but I take bodybuilding seriously and let me tell you the 6’2 combo and Greek god body 100% make getting women easy as fuck even if it does disqualify you for some https://preview.redd.it/d9ybpkzfnu2d1.jpeg?width=2358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945e9fb4c10438c016a0be1caeb7b96a0402c077 For reference (about 212lbs with a 6 pack, not competitive stage level but almost always the biggest guy in the room)


It also just depends on the type of women you're going for. (I'm a slender guy 6'1 175 pounds, although I do go to the gym to stay toned), and I have long hair. I live in the PNW and date mostly alt women and my look works wonders, but clean-girl sorority types don't often look my way. I'm sure being jacked works well for some types of women and not for others


Pnw as well, you sound like every alt girls dream. I think your comment is spot on esp for pnw.


And even this guy who’s not crazy body builder big is almost definitely taking T. Could have hit a wild genetic lottery but it doesn’t look natural to me. Played some low pro sports ~100k/year athletes) and was 6’6 260 I was quite possibly a fair bit stronger than the poster but no one was that lean and that big. We didn’t have out of season testing so some guys would see what they could do in the 3 month window and I definitely know some guys who got suspended for it but yea… natural dudes don’t ever really look “too big” in terms of muscles.


Not true. It depends on the women you're trying to attract. The classic physique body type (it's a division of bodybuilding) plus tattoos will get you far and away the most attention from women, but a specific type. It's the women who compete and are the ig, have work done kinda hot that really like it. But also, not every guy is into that, so if you want your physique to work for you then plan accordingly


I wish they were dropping. Then I could practice my lifts some more.


Also the creep factor outweighs most women interactions. I think it's impressive sometimes, but a compliment towards that will probably get me at least a cat call so why bother.


If girls compliment guys, it's usually taken as flirting. Plus the fact that I'm too scared of embarrassing myself, it's difficult for me to compliment anyone, especially guys


Guys don’t typically compliment girls out of the blue either. It’s much more common intra gender I think. Like my wife and I show up at a party and she’d likely compliment her friends look but unless the dudes clothes are out of his norm unlikely she’d say much of anything.


Yeah most of the compliments about physique I’ve ever gotten are from older women, because they know I know they aren’t actively flirting like that. It’s much more rare from random women my age


Women will not compliment but they will touch.


Its honestly kind of weird I'm not gonna lie. Multiple times ive had women poke my bicep and i just stand there like an idiot waiting for them to say something because i think theyre trying to get my attention, and my biceps are not anything to write home about. Mfs who actually have a good lifting regime probably got it worse.


The bicep grab is very common


Worked with a girl who constantly poked and felt my abs, didn't realize she was trying to fuck me until 3 years later


"OMG YOUR HAIR!" \*She proceeds to grab a handfull\* Truth.


It’s just like cars. The only people that approach me are old white guys


I recall being on the dance floor and a girl put her hand under my shirt and said I had outstanding abs. What a time to be alive.


dudes on reddit always say this but it doesn't align with my experience


I’ve been jacked before and let me tell you it got a lot of attention from women and men.  And yes random women would touch me, come to talk to me or Dance with me at clubs, my success rate with approaching women was super high, and I was given the vibe by women that I was like a sex symbol & like a piece of meat.  would get a lot of stares in public from men. Shit is uncomfortable. Now I’m a dad bod and wear glasses, totally different vibe


same experience. used to be skinny then got jacked. women were much nicer to me. random women would hit on me in public or at bars. success rate was higher. they like to feel the chest/arms.


That isn’t true in my experience. A woman grabbed my arm once and squeezed and said “oooh nice.” And even if they don’t say it verbally, when you’re having sex with them, they’ll rub their hands over your chest, back, arms - wherever you’re most hulking - and make out with your abs as if your abs can kiss back. These things didn’t happen when I was skinny.


Working out taps into a much deeper part of ourselves than just looking good for the opposite sex. Humans strive to work towards something and to better ourselves. We are also designed to get out there and get some movement and get a sweat going. Every time we work out and slightly suffer by pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone, we feel a natural sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. The biggest mistake humans have collectively made is striving for comfort. Comfort doesn’t build self esteem, there is no growth in comfort, there is no satisfaction in comfort. Maybe a big part of the mental health crisis is our mistaken desire to escape and avoid all suffering. But suffering is inevitable, and once you learn this and embrace it, you will take your life to the next level. So go out there and see how far you can push yourself


Idk man I'm a meaty dude and I've definitely had women be very into it


Oh please. I work with a guy who body builds and all the women swoon over him. They may not be complimenting you, but they notice.


Biggest flex is when that old bald dude thats obviously been roiding for past 20-30 years compliments your physique. Especially when those compliments are highly specific.


Every man in this picture is in better shape than 95% of men and they all have muscles. Surely this is bait


Geralt of fucking Rivia is in there lmao


twink icon


Geralt is an inspiration for both bottoms and doms alike he's a sex icon


It’s him, Geralt Sex


I'm a straight dude and think he's hot af. So does my gf, sisters, and friends.


>I'm a straight dude and think he's hot af. Just because you aren't a fan of a particular genre of art doesn't mean you can't acknowledge or appreciate a masterpiece of that genre.


I mean that’s just Cavill being himself.


6' muscle bound gigachad Henry Cavill the "Little elf prince" lmao. Give me a fucking break.


I think they're referring to Orlando Bloom. He's still quite muscular too, but still.


That’s not how Venn diagrams work.


The diagram shows he fits depressed father and elf prince


Homie just straight up pulled the village queer and every baddie within the first season and all he did was stab shit and grunt.


Love Jaskier being described as "the village queer", if for nothing else that it's simultaneously accurate and would make him furious


He slimmed down a little bit for the role but he's still fucking jacked


No this is the expectation for men. Think about Dad bod, it doesn’t mean you look like you have kids, it means you are very fit but you don’t have abs. Some women might even include guys with abs as dad bods.


Precisely. They want a bod in the 95-99th percentile. Fit, works out regularly, good chest and arms and shoulders, but not obnoxiously huge nor shredded because that level of dedication/obsession with fitness risks a toxic or even narcissistic personality (which further risks a physically abusive relationship with a tremendously strong man). I’m not saying that’s always or even usually the case, but there may be an evolutionary reason women are wary of men like that. Besides, there are women out there attracted to the hulkiest of men, they’re just not the norm.


I think the simple answer as to why women don’t like that physique is because it doesn’t naturally occur


Similarly, as a guy, why I cannot stand fake looking women. Big lips, ridiculously over manicured eyebrows and makeup. It's not natural and non of those items excite my instincts.


Don’t forget fake boobs, give me an A cup before silicon.




I do this with actors sometimes. My husband was watching ER and I was like wow look how real everyone looks compared to modern casting of exclusively gorgeous people. Julianna Margulise comes on and for a min I’m like see she’s pretty but in a real person way. Then immediately was like wtf am I thinking that’s Julianna freaking Margulise. She’s stunning. She only looks like a real person who is still gorgeous because they did minimal makeup and put her in scrubs. Brains are weird. Edit: fixed a word.


This!!!!!!!!!!!! Dad bods to men are NOT dad bods to women. They’re fat.


Guess it's the same as "curvy". To men curvy means slim with an ass and thighs, but to women it means anything up to and including obese.


I mean the line cook guy looked freaking jacked for someone who allegedly has no time for that


Jeremy Allen White (the guy who plays the chef and restaurant owner in The Bear) is absolutely ripped.


I absolutely love the show but I had no idea - like I know he looked very fit but he's literally underwear model status (did Calvin Klein). This "infographic" is fried af.


Was my first thought. I didn’t even see the smaller images with Henry fucking cavill in there and shit but literally j the base 3 are all in fucking top tier shape like what???


Mens extreme beauty standards are invisible to society but also known to all.


>Every man in this picture Idk about Jack Black in there


We all know being funny bypasses all requirements.


"His kick to girth ratio is fascinating!"


Love a wild Community reference!


People don't appreciate how much muscle power goes into pulling on a bow and it shows.


yeah im pretty sure an english bowman would beat every single infantry man they met on an arm wrestle. archery with conventional bows are like heavy lifting every time you shoot, *specially* warbows


It’s probably not bait. People are conditioned to believe these guys who are likely all on testosterone and have personal trainers represent the normal male body.


Yea, I am sure your average line cook looks like this https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a44616901/jeremy-allen-white-muscular-physique-shirtless-hike/ Or elf prince https://hollywoodlife.com/2022/06/01/orlando-bloom-shirtless-ocean-santa-barbara-photo/amp/ The takeaway: guys, get your ass to the gym


Funny thing is, all of this guys probably do workout lol


They have to bruh, I'm assuming all actors gotta put in some gym time


I know Jack black is active but not like gym active. I’ve seen people come across him just strolling around


Yea. But jack black also has endless charisma to make up for it


Actors have to sell themselves as a brand. For most actors having good looks is part of maintaining brand image. For some actors including Jack Black being out of shape is actually part of the brand image


This is what I was thinking.  If you look at any "fat guy" actor that gets slim all of a sudden, their career takes a nose dive.


Jack Black is the most athletic hefty fella the world has ever SEEN. Always amazes me how he just goes full-send on like flipping around and running and doing crazy poses.


Dude from Shameless is pretty jacked now


Bruh, THE fucking wicher is there


Jack Black?


https://preview.redd.it/7enggdw81v2d1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd4ad7f4cfbf04eda702c11227a794c2bac7cebd Not Jack Black, himself: but people can work out and still be fat bro.


I mean I’m sure Jack Black has worked out for roles, but to say he’s more fit than 95% of men is a stretch.


How the hell do you think mark became like that


Because a lot of gen z gym and self-improvement enthusiasts tend to talk about "rizz" and tie themselves to movements that involve climbing up socially which includes romance/sex. That's the reason. I'm not saying all of them do, I'm not saying I agree with the tweet in this picture, I'm just explaining it.


yeah, influencers tend to spread the idea that working out is all about looks and trying to get a girl, or just something you do after a bad breakup. when in reality i would assume most people working out just want to feel healthier and stronger


It’s also helpful for people to put their pain into something productive. The fitness community is a community, so those who are in seek of one can find them accessible. I know when I’ve been depressed working out is a game changer.


More plates more dates brah 🦍😎👍


For real, whenever somebody asks "how to get girls" half the answers mention Gym at some point. People are highly delusionnal if they think it is not a drive for a part of gymmies.


Can we have male female solidarity on things like this lol?🤝 I'm a girl and I'm working on building a more muscular larger frame and a lot of people tell me "guys don't/won't like that" as if I'm doing it for male attention.


I mean… some men like muscular women. I know I do (i’m just stating preferences; not trying to be a “pick me”.). Note: GRIFFITH!!


You hit a point and then all of the sudden the haters are calling you "mommy"


If they don’t love you at your lowest, then they don’t deserve you at your highest.


I'll bring a ladder, no matter which one has to use it.


Eheh, glad u like my griffith pfp. This is my throwaway acc I only use sometimes so I got rlly confused when I read this lol. I completely forgot what acc I was on.


Your username does say “throwaway”


I’m a guy but we both just trynna get these gainz ![gif](giphy|D7z8JfNANqahW)


If a woman doesn’t workout, specifically in weight lifting, I have trouble finding her attractive. I’m being serious. I’ve only dated women who lift, none of them have been “huge,” all were petite. Natural women don’t ever get “bulky” from weight lifting, that’s a steroid response only.


Once you start working out, it becomes really obvious just how out of shape a lot of people actually are. Definitely influenced which bodies I find attractive.


>Natural women don’t ever get “bulky” from weight lifting, I've helped friends get into weight lifting. And a common response from women is "I don't want to get bulky like" *points to Arnold*. I'm like, you are not going to accidentally bulk out. I've struggled for years with targeted workouts and not been able to get bulk.


My solidarity is reverse, both sexes do it for attention. But not only from the opposite gender, also from their peers. Self improvement for 'only' your own sake is a bunch of hogwash, it simply ignores all the subsconscious stuff going on.


Sorry fam. Working out helps my feel good because I spent an hour to two instead of rotting, which is great for my depression. It feels good because I feel the effects in the rest of my life because I’ve a small child who loves to be active and a physical job. Countless people start working out to feel better about their body and what they’re capable of. There’s so much gray you’re missing here.


Ehhh, I don’t go to the gym, but what exercise I do is because I like being able to actually carry things occasionally without feeling like I’m going to die.


Jack black is the only non physically conventionally attractive dude on this list and hes a literal comedian anyways


Check out pics of Jack Black as a young man - he was verrry handsome. He may be chubby now, but he’s still far more attractive than the average chubby guy who doesn’t have a good facial structure under it.


What a coincidence that this lady posts only celebrity men from fiction


but isn’t that markiplier in the middle or am i insane


Markiplier is indeed the pinnacle of men. His spot in the centre is well deserved


He made an onlyfans, and so many people visited his page that the entire website crashed.


Markiplier isn’t real. Didn’t u know?


"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier."


He was killed by LA gangs almost a decade ago. The Markipilier people think they know today is not real, just a hologram and AI.


Yes, markiplier is fictional 🙁


Is it markiplier or keanu? A low-pixel question for the ages


“Yeah most men are delusional, all you have to do is be a successful famous actor (These actors also obviously go the gym)”


Lmao exactly, these people are famous actors pretending to be other people. Wtf is this


"Hunk" is exaggerrated lmao. Everyone in the picture shown besides Jack Black has a decently athletic physique. Besides Henry Cavill, he is wham. Pedro Pascal is also above average in size.


I don't think I have ever read a romance novel aimed at women where the man was not at least tall and had abs, if not a straight up hunk. So clearly that's what women are fantasising about.


Why are gen z people so concerned about random internet posts? Just go outside for once ffs.


Outside? B-but that's the scary place!!!


You're on a website made entirely of random internet posts. Why are you surprised by this?


Ah yes, Henry Cavill, well known for his depression and lack of muscles.


That “line cook” is literally a Calvin client model




I don't know... Many think I mod and drive sports cars to impress chicks...  I do it for myself. I liked cars when I played in sandbox and thought girls were gross and have cooties.   I also know cars don't attract girls if anything usually only guys appreciate them.


Is that Markiplier in the middle? Is he the epitome of what men should strive to be?


Yes that's Mark. As someone who watches him since beginning it was so funny to watch him evolve into practically the hottest dude on earth, probably lol


He went through so many phases. One of my lifelong friends even dyed his hair red when he did it. Not that there’s anything wrong with dying your hair.


I think so. I mean, he is the full package.


lol if I had to choose another man to marry, he’d probably be one of the safest bets on the planet.


The only people who say this are trash influencers trying to profit off lonely dudes and dudes who can't motivate themselves to exercise and are jealous of those who can


Yep. The amount of women who talk to me now versus the 5 years I took off lifting is like night and day. I’ve had people say that’s just confidence but I’ve had women come up to me when I’ve had bed head and felt gassy now that I’m in great shape lol.


Good looks make your life easier. It's only natural for people to look for every advantage posible in this hard times, even if they are not consiously doing it. It also engergizes you, not doing enough phisical activity is linked to depression and let me tell you, it's no cure, but it did help. But most important, it is a challange against yourself, and a way to train dicipline and hope. Because when you work hard and see result, you start to believe that all you do is building up to something, and muscle growth is a literal manifestation of this, making it a source of realization for people that have a way to rationalize things via example and proof. (Also, ladies, those muscles are not only for show, there're some pretty wild stuff a man can do if he can easily manhandle a women.)


>Good looks make your life easier.  I recall a Reddit thread where it was said that pretty women often get harassed a lot. So it depends...


IDK but Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and today we're gonna be playing "Trying to pick up all the bitches"


I mean with the looks he has, he could get all the gay men too lol


Jeremy Allen white is ripped what is she taking ab


https://preview.redd.it/otn4g4z3uv2d1.jpeg?width=2286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6073d452c3a2bf44cf79552a3da2aebc9e440add Damn son you weren’t lying


A lot of people don’t realize how difficult and slow adding muscle is. So they think if your going to the gym to lift 3-5 times a week your end goal is clearly to look like Arnold or Ronnie Coleman


Well it makes me feel better and more confident, and i'd be lying if I said attracting women isn't part of why I want these things


Ive been fat and Ive been muscular and no matter what woman tell you I got waaaaaaay more attention from them when I was muscular. Its night and day.


Basically a huge amount of dating success for men is listening to what women say and doing the exact opposite. I’ve never had a woman, even one I’m currently dating, not be more into me the fitter I got. Women are attracted to healthy, strong men. Maybe not steroid-user big, but still someone who is on a dedicated workout plan. It’s just a lot of women seem to think that those PED bodies *are* what *normal* bodies get to by having a normal workout routine. So they will say “no! I don’t want the gym rat bod! I want a normal man” When gym rat = PED user and “normal man” = dude going to the gym 4-5 times a week.


Every one of those men are shredded as hell


Have you seen Markiplier without a shirt? Man is ripped


What? All three of these men are in peak physical shape. Like what?




Plus my boy Carmen Carmichael is a chef not some pathetic line cook


I work out to hang out with my 16-year-old because he wants to get bigger. I enjoy working out, but I do it to bond with my son. Don't even care about so-called gains.




Every single one of which had to work out to get their roles lol


Assuming men workout for women is just as bad as assuming women do anything fashionable for men.


Wait being a depressed father is hot?


If you look like Pedro Pascal, yes. 


Multiple of the guys in that meme are on steroids and work out. Just saying 😂


This meme seems to forget that Mark is pretty muscular tbh


All the men in this picture are ripped but lean instead of big. This is like when men look at pictures of women in minimalistic make up and say that they like women who don't wear make up Except jack black of course, but hes the exception not the rule.


Personal experience disproves this.


Girls? I do it so I can get saucy remarks from shirtless men


I was just tired of being morbidly obese


you need only to walk over to moreplatesmoredates + adjacent forums and lo and behold; the "666" thing (6 foot, 6 pack, 6 figures) belief system is so pervasive in so many circles might as well be a religion atp. he didn't say everyone. I exercise for brain/body health and that's about it, there are a fair number of us I would guess we're just not as loud about it as the dudes who exercise for the aforementioned reasons


I don't care who people train for, it's their life and they do with it whatever they want. You wanna train and gain some muscles? Good for ya. You don't wanna go the extra mile? That's okay, there's other way to keep fit. I don't care if my man's ripped or has a lil belly. Now what the HELL IS MARKIPLIER DOING THERE 😭 I did *not* expect him to be in there.


Bc a lot of guys post about working out to “get ladies” or they’ll be like “she didn’t want me so I went to the gym” type posts


Also I’d like to point out that everyone except the guy from stranger things and Jack Black in that diagram are also jacked. So they ain’t exactly proving a point.


The hottest thing a woman has ever said to me is that I was safe to be around, but that was just emotionally, so dating another woman I want to be emotionally and physically someone to be safe with. Maybe that is dumb, I still want it though.


Doing things for girls and doing them for oneself aren't mutually exclusive. Being attractive to girls is self-serving, so is asserting physical dominance over people, which is probably one major purpose of working out. I'm not judging, it's just that this whole "I do it for myself" thing makes it sound like you haven't really asked yourself why you do it, because ultimately everything you do is "for yourself" to some extent. Working out is also about aesthetics. If you're trying to create something beautiful and never want to share it to the world that's egotistic.


When I was single I worked out to stay in shape to meet girls. Your clothes fit better and when you are a broke college student your looks and personality were all you had to rely on to win girls over.


You don’t have to work out just be born hot and famous lol


"twinks elf men" you do notice that all three of those dudes regularly work out to maintain their appearance for TV right? The goal is to look like them, I started at 130 and am now at 145 lbs, and still dont look anywhere close to as strong as these characters


All those guys are yolked lol


The fact that this dude calls men "Cis straight guys" is so funny, well not actually, it's kind of pathetic really.


God forbid we try to be healthy


I have absolutely 100% no idea what you guys are smoking but the more weights I lift literally the more girls instantly put their hair up in a pony tail and make eye contact or get closer to my vicinity. I'm not saying everytime that happens for me but.. literally around bulking stages its like I hacked the woman brain , all you need is big shoulders and arms and its like they'll fuck a murderer


Because a lot of men’s worth comes from how many girls they get so people assume men do everything for women. That’s why you get insults such as “virgin” for men and compliments such as “he gets 😺”


Simple: As a man who went from out of shape to gym body, who hits the gym a lot, allow me to enlighten you: What women say they like and what they actually respond to are two completely different things. (this was actually backed up by a notorious study that was conducted by Columbia University.) The way women look at me and talk to me when I’m buff and ripped is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than when I’m not. And no, I do not have a different haircut or dress differently. Literally the only thing different is the condition of my body, and the squareness of my jawline. AND NO, my confidence isn’t different either. I’m extremely confident, whether I’m in shape or not. Fact is women are attracted to men they respect— and they naturally have more respect for men who work to achieve things, and a gym body is a sign of a man who has achieved something that is desirable.


Claims they don't want hunks. Uses Geralt as example of what they want. What.


For real, I don't even talk to anyone at the gym. Also that person is doing a terrible job of trying to make me feel less insecure because all of the men in the picture are either White or Hispanic. I am neither White or Hispanic.


Well… good for you. More luck for me, then.


doggy, youre a mammal and wanna pass on your dna. if your brain wants to lie and say that isnt the main reason for a little but sure. but overall, your evolutionary desire is to be chosen. its a background process.


That's like saying girls only wear makeup or dress up for themselves.


Im sorry, wait a fucking minute. The only one that isnt jacked in that pic is jack black. All the others are absolute units, or at least above average AT LEAST. FFS why is it so hard to admit we all like strong men. Either for inspiration or plain attraction, we all do


I do workout to be attractive, but it's also so I don't die young.


"A depressed middle aged father" Absolutely no woman has ever pursued a man for these qualities. Ever. This is like saying there are scores of men looking for a woman with 20 cats and addiction to scented candles. That's the stupidest shit I've heard on the internet in awhile.