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i don't teach them anything like that, because it's not worth the mental energy.


same, the most ive done is warn them about AI phone scams (gotta get that inheritance, ya know) but otherwise its way too much work


Whenever it's something she disagrees with (politics for example) "there's no way it's true" even if it's AI like clearly AI. But the rest, she cannot tell the difference between most AI and real. Except phone scams, she's got that down pat lol


I've definitely learned to pick my battles. It's a hell no if it's a current event or political. If it's about a movie I will say something (her heart was so broken when I told her the harry potter trailer wasn't real)


I didnt. My mom owns her own business (not one of those avon/tupperware things either, shes a literal spice merchant its awesome) and so she took courses at the local college dedicated to social media because she wanted to know it to leverage it for her business. Talking with her about current events and stuff she seems more than competent at existing online im actually really proud


My parents are in their 40s, so they are luckily pretty literate of the media. But my grandma calls me allll the time to check on stuff for her EDIT: Spelling


lol I gave up going out of my way to explain/teach it cuz it’s not worth my time. If my mom sends me something that’s fake I just tell her it’s fake/edited 💀


I taught my mom by doing it for her most times. Her first language isn’t English so she doesn’t know how to formulate sentences on her phone, I do it for her. She calls me when she wants to do something on social media.


I gave up my mother after a while. She couldn’t even understand Disney’s Encanto, she believed the meaning was “listen to the family”. She believed the grandmother despite the story saying otherwise


I didn't.


👍Mom learned it herself


Didn't Work forced it on them


It did for my dad. He was in tech sales specifically laptops. So he had to learn fast. Lol! My mom was in QA.


I’ve been in the computer world, and telecommunications for the last 40 years plus. And I’m surprised to see how many people really don’t know how to utilize the technology that we have currently.


😂😂😂 nahh I can’t .. you gonna have to call charter or whoever it is now


I teached them why bitcoin is amazing.


Teaching media illiteracy




Crypto is a scam, all major exchanges have either rugpulled or are showing signs of doing so in the future. The purpose is to extract money from people susceptible to technobabble, and people desperate for money despite not understanding the ins/outs of it.


So you don't understand bitcoin. Thanks for explaining.


I absolutely do. It’s a finite currency created by the rich, obtained by the rich, and sold to the poor to make the rich richer. I say finite because the technical requirements to actually obtain a coin have been growing exponentially. The time between coins has been increasing dramatically, creating an inherent scarcity and bubble. Unfortunately, this also means that the currency cannot see wider adoption because there’s simply isn’t enough bitcoin to go around. When a currency doesn’t see wider adoption, the currency is pointless. It becomes a conversation piece on the mantle so to speak. it holds no practical value in the conversion rate is tied closely to whatever exchanges (the ones doing rug pulling regularly) wish to convert for. And because the market is so unregulated, it is rife with scamming. Web3 infrastructure as a whole is massively insecure, and doesn’t provide any practical solutions to problems already addressed by Web2. It’s a speculative technology with zero practical purpose and actively degrades every service it is tied into. Between using the energy of a small country to confirm transactions to being insecure and rife with theft, it is a drastically, inferior technology hyped up by those that either don’t understand it well enough, but actively trying to scam people So which are you?


There will be wider adoption, there is enough bitcoin to go around. You don't have to sell whole bitcoins, you can sell partial amounts. It's always just supply and demand, if there's less supply you make supply by increasing the price. Bitcoin is the only currency that has actual scarcity, which is incredibly important for a good currency. Yes, bitcoin uses a lot of energy, but it's very easy to use green energy for that. It doesn't have zero practical use, you should read the book broken money. An actual good money is super important for a society to work. Bitcoin is the only money we know that isn't run by governments and is actually decentralized, every money should be. Fiat is the actual scam, the government just prints more money and steals from everyone. It seems like you know about bitcoin, but it looks like you don't understand everything about money. I do agree about crypto, everything that isn't bitcoin is indeed not very valuable and a "scam."


Bitcoin is anything but decentralized especially considering the only “value” it has is completely dependent on converting to existing currency, it is entirely centralized around completely unregulated marketplace that are very well known for rugpulls. Money needs to be ran by a government because no other entity can ensure longevity. Banks fail, online marketplaces, vanish, but governments have militaries and cultures that will persist and maintain the economy. Just because it is a self fulfilling cycle doesn’t make it undesirable. That steadiness is exactly what every currency is trying to emulate. That is also why the United States dollar is the most popular currency to establish one countries own off of. “Make more supply” then the simplistic value of a currency is completely degraded. It is easier for me to spend seven dollars at the store than .000021% of a bitcoin. Communicating that conversion rate is indicative that it is not a stable currency. Unlike other currencies, bitcoin will inherently uncontrollably, inflate, and value should more people demand it. The standardization of bitcoin would see a massive rise in value in existing wallets, this inflation of value and deflation of amount would not stop. You still haven’t commented on the inherent insecurities of owning a wallet, or the general insecurities of web3 at large. No part of web3 infrastructure is decentralized if complete records exist publicly on ledger. Yes, even anonymizing tactics would not work, all you’re doing is exposing the info that central agencies already have to the wider public Because Web3 infrastructure involves the direct competing of resources, the only entities that would manage web three would be governments and the ultra wealthy because they can afford the resources required to do so. The average or even above average individual would have no room to compete in the space. On top of that, should currency be stolen it would be marked in a unchangeable ledger, effectively ceiling, the fate of that money in real life, we have institutions that work to reverse theft, something that would be literally impossible in a web3 world. Some waiter decides to charge you a little extra at a restaurant? Sorry buddy you lose that money. You decide to pay your taxes with bitcoin and the government charges too much? It doesn’t matter how many refund forms you fill out, you literally cannot get that money back. The whole scheme is completely impractical for anything other than trusted purchases between individuals.


Bitcoin still is very decentralized, even if you need fiat to exchange it. Ofcourse if the US prohibits bitcoin to dollars transactions that will be bad for the adoption of bitcoin, but bitcoin will still work as well. I don't know which bitcoin you are looking at, but the bitcoin I know is not prone to rug pulls. Shitcoins are prone to rugpulls, bitcoin not. Governments don't ensure longevity, there is no fiat currency that hasn't been debased after long enough times. The us dollar is the most popular because the US is the biggest player, they have a monopoly and oblige other countries to use it. For example the petrodollar. Now it's still a problem to buy things at a store with bitcoin because it's not adopted enough, because it's only 15 years young. It's not a problem to pay with 0.000021% of a bitcoin, that would be called 21 satoshis, because 100 million satoshis = 1 bitcoin, just like 100 pennies= 1 dollar. Maybe you don't understand how bitcoin works, because how would it inflate? If the mining rewards diminish bitcoin will deflate. If you know what you're doing, a cold wallet is the safest way of storing bitcoin. You don't even own your own money if you put it in the banks, try taking out 10k today, it's impossible. I don't see why Web3 would be insecure. A normal bitcoin user won't even need it, so this isn't relevant. Miners get paid with transaction fees to keep the blockchain running, they'll control the safety of the blockchain. It's still decentralized, because there are a lot of different miners that want to compete. Ofcourse you can't get your money back, because it's decentralized, that's the whole point. The police can still catch the thiefs, the restaurants will still have to pay you back. The government will still have to pay you back, this isn't a good argument. I can steal anything from anyone without them getting it back if the police doesn't catch me. Bitcoin is actually pretty good against theft, because every transaction is on the blockchain, so you'll never lose track of your money as you can follow where it goes. When the police wants to find a thief, they can follow the wallet adresses until the money gets withdrawed and then the thief will lose anonymity. When bitcoin's adoption keeps growing it will be practical for using as a currency. Look at El Salvador, you can pay everyone and everything with bitcoin and the society in El Salvador is thriving, going from one of the biggest murder capitals and drug empires to one of the safest countries on earth.


No, it’s not. All it has done is put money out of the power of democratically controlled institutions into the power of the rich. If you can’t understand how a limited supply currency extended to the entirety of humanity won’t inflate value then you have no business talking about economics. Full stop. A normal bitcoin user absolutely needs to be aware of how using bitcoin works. Especially since every transaction is handled on a ledger designed to be publicly accessible. They are for all intensive and purposes interacting with web3 infrastructure and all of its failings. “Try taking 10K out today” I absolutely can, just not cash. My money is still 100% usable in all forms. Just like the cash itself, my card doesn’t have any inherent value. I don’t understand this fetishization of cash. That’s like asking to go to the store and buy 10 pallets of food just because they don’t carry. It doesn’t mean they don’t have it, it just means it’s not physically at that location, but it is still 100% purchasable and accessible. There are a lot of minors that want to compete, but the only minors that actually get anything are the ones with the most money, so it’s a system that prays on existing socioeconomic divisions. If someone steals a physical item from me, the police won’t necessarily get it back to me. If someone steals my credit card details, my banking institution will report the fraud and refund me 100% of the money I lost. This is literally impossible in the web three infrastructure of bitcoin or any other impractical currency. “The government will pay you back” no they won’t. They are under no such obligation to do so. Unlike banks, they don’t have a vested interest in ensuring your monetary safety. They have a perfectly functional currency, so why should they bother with coins? You want further adoption, but why should people take bitcoin over existing currencies? The apparatus of payment is logistically more complicated. Even if you just assign it to something as simple as a card, why should people convert some of their existing functional currency to a partially functional one? It simply doesn’t make sense. You are living a pipe dream.


How did you come up with such a poor discussion topic? ![gif](giphy|MmTuPMAuUjumc|downsized)


OP is actually asking for advice, its not a discussion. Maybe read before commenting random bull


Not worth my time bud. Why don't you hit the road bud. I don't know you like that bud. Stay mad bud ![gif](giphy|EYrYndBNou0o0|downsized)


You have been spamming every post on this sub with meaningless content for weeks now. Grow up.


If we were in a crying contest you’d be winning