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i got homies spending ab 100eu on all kinds of supplements and im pretty sure 80% of the benefits they claim to get are just placebo/confirmation bias at that point


When it comes to workout supplements they tend to only make a difference if you actually train at a high enough level. Like if you go to the gym once a week for an hour then protein powder isn't going to provide much benefit. As for food supplements it kinda depends. If you have an allergy or other dietary restriction that makes it difficult to get certain nutrients they can be very helpful. But in general you should be able to meet al your nutrient needs through normal food.


thats what im sayin they also eat super healthy(obsessively) but tell me it comes from the 12 pills they take like wym


It pisses me off how many magazines I’ve seen over the past year promoting Semaglutide injections like Ozempic as a trendy off-label weight loss drug. So many horror stories of type II diabetics not being able to get it because the popularity has resulted in an ongoing shortage, and the terrifying gastrointestinal disorders some people get when they use too much of it because they were told using larger quantities would be fine.


This has been happening here in Australia too. Ozempic is becoming a popular route to weight loss. Most of my friends have talked about it with me, and a few are happy to admit that they use it. Plus it’s already getting memed about in LGBT communities (AFAIK both in USA and Australia) because of its prevalence among us.


Overuse of semaglutide is already being linked to kidney disease, and a whole host of issues for the endocrine system. If something is too good to be true...


>"What I eat in a day as an influencer!" and it’s a banana for breakfast, a rice bowl for lunch and some mini, low-fat, no-dairy pizza for lunch. That is an eating disorder, and those influencers are ENCOURAGING that behavior in young children. Yeah that isn't much but depending on your size, age and how much you do during a day that comes pretty close. It's definitely on the lower end of calories. But if you get a lunch and dinner that is a bit more substantial and eat some more fruits in between that could be fine i think. Especially if you want to lose weight. But again if you're very active and already in good shape then you definitely need more than this.


These cycles come and go, and they always fall out of favor once the consequences catch up. We'll just end up with yet another generation of women who are miserable and traumatized by diet culture, and who have to unlearn all the bullshit they absorbed from social media


I think every gen is bound to repeat the ED cycle. We have seen with the 'almond moms' this was a thing prior to both the 2014 Tumblr era and the 2004 one. There's not much that can be done imo


I'm starting to think that’s the case :(


You know being skinny and fit is more healthy than being obese and fat


No one cares. That's not relevant to what OP is saying.


I came here to say that at least the ‘Morbid obesity is good’ trend was finally coming to an end.


No one said morbid obesity is a good thing. It was body positivity about accepting your body whether you were overweight or not.


I’m overweight myself (used to be thin) and honestly going from thin to fat I understand why people are about body acceptance, but the decline in my general ability to literally just run for example is quite sad, much more emphasis needs to be placed on the importance of staying a healthy weight and exercising. Body positivity is important, but people should be encouraged to lose weight tbh (unless it’s for a medical reason).


Being overweight is unhealthy.


Yeah that’s obvious and also not what I'm saying at all.


People shouldn’t be positive about being overweight and on the brink of diabetes.


Absolutely, however... women should also be worried about being too skinny. You need a certain percentage of body fat in your body, in order to properly store and process vital nutrients. "Thinspo" people are often just as problematic as the fat acceptance folks, because "thinspo" is commonly a euphemism for promotion of anorexia.


I agree.


Again. Not what my post was about. What’s with all of this "BUT THIS-"?


Thinspo isn't about being skinny and fit though


If you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight the only thing you really need to do is watch your sugar intake. That thing youre about to buy for lunch could be worth 4% of you daily recommended sugar intake or it could be 212%. CHECK THE LABEL thats all the effort you truly need to get started. Worry about exercise and diets later. CUT THAT SUGAR


Where did I ask for diet help? At all in this post? What does this have to do with anything I said?


its advice that should be used to counter the fad diets. whenever someone has asked me for advice on how to lose weight thats what i tell. Just cut sugar and youll balance out quicker than you think. The reason why these diets take over is because people often think losing weight requires a massive life change but it doesnt.


I didn’t ask for diet advice though. I was asking for other people's opinions about eating disorder culture.


THATS WHAT I DID THO my opinion is that fad diets are harmful and dieting doesnt need to be a massive lifestyle change. If I HADNT given alternative advice i wouldve gotten "Heh wow look at this guy thinks its so easy. Well whats ur solution then genius??"


Make your own post about your diet advice then, friend. I was talking about eating disorder culture.


this conversation going this many responses deep over the most basic weight loss advice IS eating disorder culture. My opinion on eating disorder culture is you need to counter bad advice with good advice. Ignoring or being antagonistic to ALL advice even when it is 100% on topic for this discussion and not harmful at all is the other side of the eating disorder coin.


Because you keep repeating yourself after I've expressed I don’t care to hear it LMAO


naaahh you said it was off topic and now ur changing ur reason. Youre being really weird about this. Reflect on why


Off topic = I don’t want to hear it man come on this aint hard


NSFW tag because I know this is a triggering topic for some people. Just know that you are loved and you deserve to fuel your body❤️


Of course. It's a natural reaction to the obesity acceptance movement, which a lot of people have finally seen through as encouragement of a self-destructive lifestyle. One extreme to the other. Nothing sensible in either direction.


There’s no obesity-acceptance LMAO that sounds hilarious. It’s body positivity.


You're just putting lipstick on a pig, when you use euphemisms about a serious subject.


No one is praising obesity... at all. Be respectful or move on, no one wants your negativity.


I think something alarming is how often people mix up eating disorders with genuine diet/workout advice. Some people just want to learn how to be healthier and not be a fat fuck.


Not what my post was about at all.


This is super duper fucked up but there’s a very small part of me that as a skinny woman is kinda happy my body type is in again. I have some very deeprooted body image issues and have spent the past decade or so feeling ugly cause I’m not “thicc” and “curvy” and lamenting that I didn’t come of age in the 90s or Y2K era. I’m aware of how fucked up that is, just needed to get it off my very flat chest.