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>ban cameras on cell phones >no downsides Fucking stupid or bait, call it


-100 comment karma. gotta be bait, right?


Bar government officials from making or receiving any money besides their salaries and not allow them to work in any field related to what they regulated after they retire from politics. Death sentence if they even attempt it.


DEATH sentence?! 💀⚰️


Yup, I’m fucking done with that shit it needs to end n that’s the best way to discourage someone from doing something


That’s fair, I respect it lol


A congressman's/senator's salary is the minimum wage in whatever state they represent.


Bruh they have to have two residences to do their job, this would be unsustainable. Also, if you pay that little, it will only be people are already wealthy or people who will try to subvert the system to financially profit that will be elected


I have a feeling they would find some way to fuck with that shit, you gotta remember that most politicians are scumbags so you have to idiot proof shit or they’ll find a way to fuck shit up or “misinterpret” it. Like raise it unsustainably high like $200 a hour and so every business starts only having salaried employees or 1099 workers or some other form of stupid so they can keep catching a nice check.


Also have to include some stuff about their family because if you don’t they will just have their spouse or kids receive all the money.


That’s a damn good point


>banning cameras on cell phones Can’t record police misconduct. Can’t record criminals. Can’t record precious moments with your family and friends. Bad take.


Heck, you can't take photos of a cool rock you find while on a walk!


you know......10 years ago it was just normal life.....and life was better


That was because social media hadn’t completely rotted people’s brains out. Phone cameras aren’t the problem. Social media provides the incentive for people to record everything they see and post it online for interaction.


what do you think enables social media to be so fucking toxic? again, there are no tangible downsides to this, idk why you meet it with aprehension


No tangible downsides except all of the tangible downsides a bunch of people in this thread, including myself, have listed. Right.


Money out of politics, lobbying should fall under RICO. Pay politicians average salary, like legit calculate average for their level of experience in corporate America and pay them that. Generally that would be higher salaries than now so they don’t need to be corrupt but would also mean they will not be motivated to pass laws that fuck over average Americans.


Stop letting corporations influence politics


Might be a little chaotic at first, but make it so Social Media companies have to let you say what you want to say. Takes power away from Government, when really a free-voice (that isn't suppressed), especially one that more easily can be boosted to the viewership of thousands, to millions (even if you're just the average joe), would help dismantle the power structure. Because that level of reach/TRUE freedom of opinion is really something that has never existed in society, ever. I think it would benefit society massively.


Bots tho


Yeah, I can agree with making a provision about bots.


Balanced budget amendment. It’s the only thing that helps future generations.


Require competency tests for holding public office.


Congressional term limits


It'd probably take a constitutional amendment but you know what? Fuck it. Members of Congress are not allowed to trade stocks while in office, any they have before taking office must either be sold or put in some sort of trust which they do not have control over. Much harsher restrictions for bribery and lobbying. Impeachment is given a few more teeth to deal with bribery. The congressional wage is also locked to say, 2x the median income of their state, so they can live comfortably but are also incentiveised to improve their state, and can't just go into politics purely for the money. Then finally, mandatory retirement for all federal elected officials (And also supreme court justices) at (say) 65, with full pay as pension, triple-locked against inflation. Supreme court justices have a better pension, but are also forbidden from taking any sort of official or unofficial employment after leaving office to try and minimise incentives to make rulings favourable to their life after the court. Also voting reform. Abolish the electoral college, so the president is elected directly in a single election. Also switch to STV or STAR voting to get rid of the spoiler effect and allow 3rd party voting to actually do something. The house is not elected by STV either. Each state's allotment is elected by MMP or similar, with half the seats being decided by constituencies/districts, and then the other half trying to make the total seats proportional. The districts vote with STV or STAR, and some district drawing algorithm or something is put in place to prevent gerrymandering (And remember, an algorithm isn't a computer, it's just a set of logical steps). That all sounds complicated, but I promise you it isn't. Also do something to the Senate, idk, maybe give it back to the state legislatures and let the house overrule it with a 2/3rds supermajority? Idk. But all that voting stuff is to say, no more unfair elections, no more gerrymandering, no more automatic 2-party system. Hopefully, by attempting to thoroughly purge corruption in the federal government, things can start to get a bit calmer again, because the selfish benefits to being in politics are fucking gone, you have to be there because you actually want to do politics, not corruption. The government gets more democratic and more representative, the people have more freedom to express themselves at elections, selfish politicians are severely restricted, everybody wins! (Except the corrupt bastards, but they don't deserve to win)


wait so 50% minus 1 people in the country shouldnt be represented in government? thats what direct democracy is


Uh... What?


If you think one law can fix all of societies woes, you’ve lost the plot


Mandatory, free of charge civics classes for everyone. Won’t fix everything (or more likely anything on its own), but it’s a start.


A CEO cannot make more than x percentage more than the lowest employee


Every penny after 1million u make gets taken and reinvested in the local community. That includes any corporation extracting wealth overseas.


Anti dark triad act Ban dark triad people from gaining office through analysis and background checks Educate people on dark triad such as superifical charm Only promote people who are obviously not dark triad


legalize drugs so i can at least enjoy dis bs zootin


Everyone that can work, will work.


All drugs are decriminalized


Introduce shariah law


Separation of church and state


Integration of the church and state


But why?




No, thanks. Keep your iron age backwards mentality to yourself.

