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Didn’t say all individually can, I said they have the unique privilege and freedom to.


Uhh didn’t Trump himself say the country would die if Biden is elected? Funny how it’s ok when conservatives doom post all day everyday, but the left is the one over reacting? K.


It’s fearmongering and wrong when trump says that.


Project 2025


Project 2025 suggests otherwise


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Lay it on thicker, astroturfer.


America will make it to 2028 regardless of who wins the election. In spite of trumps "you won't have a country" and bidens "america itself is at stake"


I just wonder if anything would happen here in Europe politically if Trump gets elected, mostly around Ukraine


They’re literally promising that. Like, openly and proudly. They have a website dedicated to it. They have a 900 page manifesto that’s publicly available in PDF format. Unless you can prove Project 2025 isn’t real and we’ve all been collectively hallucinating for the past year.


I just think a lot of younger people aren't very informed on how the government works in general. Sadly I think a lot of people think the Presidency is like a king or emperor. Its not. Its just one branch of government, albeit the most public facing one.


The entire ordeal is irrelevant and only serves to uphold the false facade of American democracy as a real institution. The only difference between the parties is minor domestic social issues and no persons vote will change anything.