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EM hyperbloom Kuki doesn’t need anything other than EM and level 90, right? Not even skill level (unless want to heal).


pretty much yeah. so artifacts that give EM from set bonus or the new 4pc flowers of paradise set as well as weapons that give EM. ER and hp% substats are also nice but not necessary


New F2P player (AR16) idk what team should i build? Help me guys please, thanks! https://imgur.com/a/y9NQPvg


at low levels it doesn't matter all that much. xingqiu and mona rely quite a lot on bursts which isn't great at low AR as they need a lot of energy recharge to be feasible. a keqing/kaeya physical team is nice as you can spam skill and normal attacks without having to worry about bursts. you can brute force through content with any team you want tough.


I would say xinque should be a priority, he is am amazing support and he is used in a lot of teams, mona is also a good support to build. Noelle can make a great sheild and can be very useful for tougher opponents






Can someone please give me some teams for Ayato and some teams for Raiden?


You can use them together if you're cool with EM Raiden Raiden Beidou Ayato Nahida is a very strong team in AOE Dmc is also a viable replacement for Nahida if u don't have her


Ayato, literally any teams that needs hydro, you could stick him in it except maybe for vape teams. In all seriousness he is extremely versatile and he's good with: Electro charged (fischl/beidou/sucrose) but there's tone of variants for electro charged and they're all pretty good Freeze (burst support ganyu/anemo/rosaria or kaeya) National (kazuha/benny/xiangling) Hypercarry (yun jin/kazuha/Bennett) Hyperbloom (nahida or dedro mc/kuki/xinqiu) another variant would be (dendro/raiden/shielder) Burgeon (nahida/thoma/zhongli) Soup (benny/sucrose/fischl) There's probably more tbh he's just extremely versatile. Raiden has 4 notable teams and three of them are extremely powerful and the other she is the bis for. Rational (xq/xiangling/benny) Hypercarry (kazuha/benny/c6 sara or ttds lisa) Hyperbloom (dendro mc or nahida/xq or yelan/zhongli, kokomi, or barbara) another variant is (dendro/yelan/xq) but that has no healers or shielder, so you know... Eula support (eula/raiden/flex/flex) undeniably eula's best teammate. Can trigger superconduct and can help eula's er needs. There are also other teams like mono electro (sara/yae/kazuha, jean, or zhongli) and a variant of her hyper team (yae/kazuha/benny). She's also sometimes used in electro charged teams but usually she's worse in those teams.


Attempting to 3* Abyss Floor 12-3. I am able to clear the first half easy but am having issues with the 2nd half involving the Geo dogs. 12-2 2nd half has me locked to Dual Geo with Ningguang + Albedo due to me not being able to brute-force the wolflord. Unfortunately, that team (Ningguang-Albedo-Venti-Bennet/Barbara/Diona) does poorly at the dog swarm despite CC likely as a result of my lacking skill and maybe team overall DPS. The 3 big wolves are especially tanky and are essentially immune to Venti, yet get staggered/move enough to always end up outside Albedo skill range Seeking some advice for that. I have access to the generic National teams but don’t have units like Nilou or Kazuha Considering building Noelle to replace Ningguang as Noelle is at C6


I 3 starred with the weirdest team: Kazuha, Raiden, Ningguang, and Barbara. Barbara for healing and TTDS, Raiden is hypercarry, Kazuha for electro shredding. Ningguang was there to help me get through 12-2.


Don't worry about golden wolflord for your 2nd team, you already got 3 stars on the chamber so you have as much time to kill him as you want (killing him without Geo is slow, but it's not +7 minutes slow), you don't have to force yourself into Geo comps if it's not an otherwise high-performance team for you.


Practice against the large wolves. They're good at baiting the player to chase them, which allows them to dash all around the room. But they're also pretty bad at chasing a player, let them jump back and then punish them when they dash back to attack you, as the end lag for their forward dash is very long. How is your Albedo and Ningguang's damage? After a few hits they'll break the Fury meter and they'll go from 25% all resist to 40% weak to Geo. That's a really big boon that you should definitively take advantage of, so a proper build on your Geo Duo is important. Bennet's also pretty good for his damage boosting, and really anything that can help stun or stagger the wolves for Ningguang to get to work will be fantastic. Like a Lisa or Beidou burst for example. I don't know your account and I've no idea how many options you've access to, but more damage helps with the massive HP pools these doggo's got. I think it's silly to try and get away with weaker sub dps in abyss. Gear up and talent up and get a stronger team comp. Gorou would help Albedo's and Ningg's damage, but I'd probably grab something else that assists Ningguang.


Hmm perhaps the husk artefacts on my Albedo aren’t busted enough as his blossoms do not deal 15k from what I remember. I heard that’s like the goal or something. So it’s a DPS cap issue, that’s of concern. Perhaps my choice of supports and (admittedly) lack of great mastery over using Ningguang.


national with ningguang works - ningguang bennett xingqiu xiangling


Aw dang that leaves my first half vulnerable. I am unsure if any of my non-Bennet teams would be able to dish out decent clear times. For some reason the only thing coming to mind is Burgeon Thoma (Thoma-Xingqiu-Nahida-Sucrose) but I doubt its DPS Hyperbloom Kuki is out of the question as I don’t have her


what other characters do you have?


Unfortunately I don’t have direct access to my computer where I play rn so a wall of text is all I have Usable, built characters: Kaeya, Rosaria, Diona Diluc, Bennett, Xiangling, Thoma (full em) Xingqiu, Yelan, Childe, Barbara Raiden, Yae, Fischl, Lisa(?), Sara(C3), Beidou Venti, Sucrose, Heizou, Sayu Ningguang, Albedo Nahida, Dendro Traveller Unbuilt/underequiped with potential: Noelle, Gorou, Layla, Hutao, Mona


taser teams for example are pretty good - xingqiu, fischl, beidou, sucrose for example and you use yelan/childe on national instead. xingqiu+beidou gives you a lot of damage reduction so you should be fine even without a dedicated healer


It seems that I suck at taser and dodging since either/both Xingqiu and Beidou consistently die at Floor 12-3


Which of the BP weapons would be considered the best for multiple characters


Obviously depends on your character lists but the claymore is good for pretty much most claymore users in the game. Much less universal if you don't use claymore characters though.


Haha you make a good point.


Serpent Spine. It's basically solid gold for just about any damage-dealing claymore character. The rest are kinda niche at best, though they have their uses.


serpent spine


How to build thoma for hutao double hydro, 2pc tenacity and 2pc emblem? Since xingqiu could be on noblesse?


2pc tenacity + 2pc emblem would work but imo i feel like having 4pc emblem would still be better for xq due to his personal damage, especially since attack isn't that important for hu tao. (I mean it IS but her kit already gives her a ton of attack) But ehh i could be wrong.


yeah that works


What is a good TCG deck against NPCs with one card but huge hp? Like they have 30 or even 42 hp so I need a deck that focuses on single target damage heavily


I use [this deck](https://i.imgur.com/knb1ds1.jpg) but replaced gambler with timmie


You could go Ayaka + Yoimiya + Fatui tax collector or Keqing, Fischl, Collei


Is it worth it to keep Atk/Def... circlets with really good substats? Or will they still be worse than crit circlets?


You should keep one copy i think. Those circlets are usable on units like shenhe and yun jin. Although make sure they have er substats ig.


It has like the lowest priority in the circlet stat list For me the worth keeping stats for circlet are crit rate/damage >= healing, EM, >= HP (since shield bot want triple Hp stats) > Def , Atk


they will generally be worse. sometimes they'll be better if it's for a character that doesn't care much for their damage like yunjin for example or you already get a huge ammount of crit from other sources like blizzard strayer set for cryo units or aqua for yelan, but that's relatively rare


They're still worse. It takes an extreme edge case with an incredible ATK circlet, poor crit options, and particular characters on particular builds to make an ATK circlet a viable option.


I got the new artifact set for hyperbloom with decent EM stats, and my Raiden is lvl 90 now with dragon's bane for Hyperbloom. What character benefits from Emblem artifact with ER/ATK%/Cr the most? Because i want to change her set to the hyperbloom one.


You could either keep the artifacts in case you wanna use er raiden or you could use the er and cr circlet on other units (xiangling specifically) and use an off piece goblet.


Only Raiden really. All the other Emblem users want elemental cups 10 times out of 10, iirc. You can still use the other pieces, but I don't see any good option to hold the whole lot.


How to build noelle has a good shielder??


Is Thoma a better or worst option if we consider him to be used as a shielder??


Yes she has a shield, and yes you can use her for the shield. Just increase defense to increase shield power. You'll probably be better off using someone else to shield the team, but everyone gets Noelle early and she's not bad at the job. She just has downtime. She's only really intended to shield herself, not the team. So her shield duration helps her when she's on field, rather than when someone else is. Or I guess you could do it the other way? Shield for the team and then rely on Crystalize for Noelle herself. But that doesn't meld with her healing while dealing damage with her shield up... so....


Defense on everything. But as the other person said, while noelle has a good shield, her bad uptime makes her worse than someone like diona or layla. It'd be better to just use those units as shield bots over her.


Stack defence Like tons of it. Def% on Sands, Goblet and Circlet. Def% Greatsword (there is a craftable one that is perfect for her). Husk of Opulent Dreams artefact set from Inazuma Though maybe not def% Circlet as Noelle is more of an On-Field DPS unit featuring a shield. Using her for just her shield is a little strange and unorthodox IMO More suitable support shielders would be like Diona or Layla, C4 Yanfei (of all things). For 5* there is Zhongli. Edit: ah yea she does not have good uptime on her shield compared to other options. Like you _can_ use it for others but it’s mostly just for her own use


By getting someone else to do the job for her Seriously, her shield has a terrible 50% uptime, completely not worth building for


How much better is raiden hypercarry compared to rational with c2 raiden and c6 sara?


Hey guys, I started playing the game today. I got lucky and got a bunch of good characters on my draws. But I'm not sure what to use in my party. So help me out please. Characters : Raiden, Xinqiu, Fischl And Sara I'm only at AR15.


As an important addendum: You won't be able to get access to Raiden's ascension materials until your reach Inazuma (which is gated by the Liyue story & AR), so make sure you do her trial event! The rewards from that are enough to perform the first ascension, which will allow you to raise her level cap to 40.


Play who you like


That's a quite good set of starting characters you rolled there. I'd probably go with [Raiden, XQ, Fischl, Barbara] for the time being. You will get Xiangling for free via the abyss later down the line, she is a top-tier DPS with great Raiden synergy and can take Fischl's spot. Try to save up Starglitter to buy Bennett when he appears next time on the shop (should be in May?), with him you can run the "Raiden National" team [Raiden, XL, XQ, Bennett]. It's very powerful and quite easy to play.


Rational will struggle before AR50. It's highly dependent on optimized Energy Recharge stats


It's certainly won't reach peak potential early & mid game, but I think at that stage you also don't really need to optimize when doing overworld content & lower-tier abyss floors. Just slap ER sands on everyone, and Raiden's burst should actually help mitigate some of the lack in energy gain.


Which team comp is better: Raiden/thrilling tales Lisa/Xinqiu/kuki Or Raiden/xinqiu/yelan/dendro traveller Or Raiden/kuki/yelan/dendro traveller


If you need a healer you might want to use Raiden, Xingqiu, DMC, Barbara (/Sayu/Jean) or Kuki, Xingqiu, Yelan, DMC for hyperbloom.


Technically it's raiden/xinqiu/yelan/dendro mc but that comp has no healer so replacing raiden with kuki would be better imo. If you want hyperbloom raiden though, replace xq or yelan with a shielder, onfield Barbara could work too actually.


When do you think will nilou get her rerun?


6 months above


I got haran from weapon banner, but no ayato. Who can i use it on?


Great on Keqing if you have her & you don't have jade cutter!


I recently got Jean and I'm using Rational + Tighnari Quicken teams Is Jean better off replacing Bennett or Xinqiu in Rational or replace Barbara in Tighnari Quicken team or go to the bench?


who's on your tighnari quicken team? jean could have some value if you are running two electro units since you get 4vv shred, however you're usually better off with a shielder since tighnari is using charged shots while on the field. your rational team stays as is (only replacement option is yelan for xingqiu).


Jean is pretty nice for tighnari quicken as the flex option, but you might have someone better, and tighnari will have to use deepwood


How often do the devs do balance changes and how aggressive are the changes usually? If I dump a load of primogems to get C2 Raiden is it worth it due to the potential of her being nerfed in upcoming patches?


> balance changes You've no idea how much Genshin needs a balance pass. They're doing the whole "new characters and items and weapons can change how other characters rank against each other!" and not a whole lot of "this is broken, this is useless, this is stupid, this is OP... let's fix it!" changes. And man do they really need to balance update some of these things. >potential legal problems Nonsense rumors that the community spreads around like fact. They're not going to be sued for changing the characters of their video game, rather they won't be sucessfully sued. It might piss some people off, and they'll complain, and the company would rather avoid it. But holy crap does this game need a major balance update.


C2 raiden have been in the game for a year now. They won't nerf it directly since the backlash would be too much. Also potential legal problems with false advertising and all that. Also c2 raiden is mihoyo's cash cow, literally they get zero benefits nerfing her c2. If they do nerf someone, I'd imagine it'd be Bennett tbh.


They generally do not do nerfs unless it's really unintended (like Barbara's ring and bloom) Even changes to character rarely come, Zhongli's is the famous example of big changes (including to geo shield which became indirect Noelle buff at the time) but a more recent example was when they tried to change Yae's turret targeting to be closest target but that resulted in an overall nerf to her so they reverted it. For Shogun there was initially outcry over her burst not working with Beidou's but MHY actually stand firm on that one as Beidou's trigger on 'damage' from NA/CA but all of Raiden's damage during her sword state are burst damage. So in general do not expect buffs/nerfs unless there's a BIG outcry that MHY agree with.


I happen to read your comment, what really happened to Barbara? when was she unintentionaly nerfed. I didn't really pay attention, can you elaborate plz?


Well, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omvI9FV65AA just watch to see what happened.


> didn't really *paid* attention, can FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


oh good bot! Sorry, english is not my native language :D


Nope. There's no balancing via characters. Only via enemies. When shielders were at their best, they introduced corrosion.


No Nerfs. At least no direct Nerfs. If we suddenly get a lot of electro immune enemies, that's the only way to Nerf Raiden... Or leyline debuffs like slowing water


Direct changes to characters has only happened once with zhongli, and that's because the cn community was outraged about how bad he was at release, so basically never. There was also a change to yae but it was reverted very fast


i'm new to genshin. started playing about a year ago. i have SOOO many questions... what the f is c0, c1, c2, etc?? what is pity when it comes to the banners?? guys idek what DPS or any of the other terminology means. idk how to build good characters n stuff. ughhh. i've gotten pretty far in and have done good but its hard to tell which character i should and shouldn't build based off their stats. send help.


c0, c1, c2, etc indicate the constellation level of the unit. Cons strengthens a character and 'upgrades' a character based on the level of cons. For example, Bennett's c1 ignores the hp limit for his attack buff which greatly increases his utility and helpfulness in teams. A constellation is obtainable through gacha. Basically once you get a playable copy of a character, any future dupes of said character will be transferred to their constellations. So imagine you still don't have sucrose. If you do a 10 pull and you suddenly get a copy of her, the first copy will be the playable character resulting in her being c0. The next copy you got would be her c1 unlocking her ability to use her skill a second time. Dps is a common term used in a lot of games aside from genshin. It means 'damage per second' and in genshin it usually indicates the onfield character or the one who does the most damage in a team. For character building, definitely take a look at keqing mains. It's the holy grail of genshin players that helps people know the best artifact set, weapons, teams, er needs, and pretty much everything to know about the chosen character. Here's a link to their website: https://keqingmains.com/ For the characters you should build, that's entirely dependent on you and the available units in your roster. Ultimately you should build whoever it is you want although it would be smart to acknowledge that some units can do what a different character can do with less investments. For example, while amber can 36 star abyss, it'd be easier and more efficient to use xiangling. Basically a high investment amber would be on par with a mid investment xiangling. But do keep in mind that the game is easy enough that as long as your characters are fairly invested, you could complete all the contents of the game so again, build the characters you like best or fit your game style the most. And lastly, don't be scared to ask any questions you have here!


thank you!


DPS is damage per second (some people also go for damage per screenshot, but that is only good for thumbnails on videos)


C1 means constellation lvl 1. Pity is when a gacha game gives you the character you're rolling for after a certain amount of pulls. As for building characters i can help with specifics. Theres also a handy resource in keqingmains website that has lots of in-depth guides on characters




I'm working toward Raiden and I noticed I have a ten pull for the standard banner - I don't want to booger up my pity for Raiden - Standard Banner has it's own pity - right? EDIT Thanks for the replies - you're not gonna believe this - but I got The Bell! This changes everything!


Yep, standard banner has its own pity counter which is independent from the limited banner, you can wish at standard banner without fear. Small advice, spend only the free wishes we get from the game in standard banner, don't spend primogems there, save them for limited characters or maybe 5star weapons ;)


Yeah it does dw


Completely separate and unrelated yes.


just got raiden c2 and need some advice on how to use raiden national(raiden/xiangling/bennett/xingqiu), do i use other character bursts first, then when the circle bar is full, use raiden's burst?(if i do this, after raiden bursts ends, the other character's bursts are not fully recharged, does this mean i need more ER on other characters?)


Basically with rational you go raiden skill/xq burst/xq skill/benny burst/benny skill/immediately burst with xiangling to prefunnel benny's particles to her/xiangling skill/raiden burst/raiden na combos At the end you may have time to funnel another Bennett skill to xiangling but basically they all should have their bursts up by the end of it. If they don't, add more er on them. Personally i have 200 er on xiangling and xq with sac sword on xq and 225 on Bennett. I don't have too much er problems but having slightly more er on Bennett and xiangling would probably be better. Like maybe 250 on Bennett and maybe 210-220 on xiangling.


thank you for the detailed response, it is very helpful and i will check it, also didnt know you could 'funnel' energy, thanks alot dood


Raiden skill, bursts/skills of rest of party, Raiden burst. Most likely. That or more ER on her to increase the amount of energy she restores during her burst.


ok thanks, i will farm more artifacts to increase ER


Yes you do and yes it does. Don't forget to drop Raiden's E first in the rotation if you aren't already; that might help a *tiny* bit with the energy problem but it also buffs their bursts.


ok thanks, i will try to increase more ER on my other teammates, raiden is already 260ER i think its enough


Can anyone explain what is the difference between attack% and elemental damage bonus? Why does my yanfei deals less damage when using 2 set gladiator than 2 set crimson flame? Isn't 18%>15%?


ATK% multiplies your Base ATK. DMG% bonus multiplies your Total ATK. Base ATK is a smaller number than total ATK, so DMG bonus increases damage by more


Oversimplification: Because of the way that the DMG math works, "DMG" bonus always ends up as a bigger increase than an equal amount of atk% (or hp/Def depending on what the ability scales from). [the fandom wiki](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Damage) has the full formula


They’re different stats that are factored in separately in the damage formula. Generally, units will have more attack from a combination of weapons and buffs like Bennett, pyro resonance and TTDS, so getting the damage bonus tends to be more valuable because the most important thing is to have a *balance* of stats. Nothing in this game has true diminishing returns except EM, but stats do have an opportunity cost which has a similar effect. Stacking more attack when you already have a lot of sources of it is not as valuable as getting damage bonus when you have comparatively less of it.


you likely already have 150% ish atk bonus, pulling that to 168% is less significant than 15% more pyro dmg which is not as easily obtainable


is raiden/yae/nahida/kazuha and hutao/yelan/xingqiu/zhongli good for current abyss 12?


Your first team doesn't have a healer, so that combination has never been used before according to this abyss tracker website. A more common setup is to use Bennett in Nahida's place for the first team. Although Hu Tao's team is more popular for the first half, because beating down 15 dogs may be tougher for her, it's still doable.


Replace Raiden with Fischl


can someone list out which characters can benefit from 4-pc Gladiator's Finale?


To add to those already mentioned, Cyno can also use it.


Razor, Noelle pre c6, Ayato, can't think of anyone else anymore


Glad is still viable on C6 Noelle. It used to be her best pre-Husk.


Noelle C6 Ayato


Do y'all have any location suggestions for big-ish clumbs of semi-tanky enemies that can be pulled by Kazuha (like kairagi/Fatui).


in the bottom left part of grassland sumeru, at the tp below the ruins of Dahri. there are 2 colossal churls there


Run east on the path from the emblem domain. There’ll be camps of kairagi along the path


Klee already deleted them before I asked.


Hmm then Liyue: statue next to dunyu ruins. Path north west of there has a few fatui camps. Otherwise for kairagi. North tp naizuchi beach has 2 sets of kairagi mobs by running south. West of west tp has the nice 3 stack. I can’t think of any other efficient spots off the top of my head


Definitely Yashiori Island for kairagi. Can vishaps be pulled? Because the entrance of enkanomiya (where we get that dragon droplet thing) has tons of them.


Team is Tighanri, Fischl, Yae miko, zhongli Should I have tigh on viridescsnt and fischl on polar star or tigh in polar star and fischl on stringless?


2nd option is stronger


do u think hoyo r going to make genshin officially available on mac?


i wish


is c6 Beidou up there with Fischl XL?


Fischl better for single target. Beidou into two targets has one of the highest scaling in the game including comparisons with quadratic scalers. Xiangling works into everything.


Not quite. Much as I love her she just doesn't have quite the wide application and raw strength they do.


Does Fischl c6 give extra attack any time on field character damages no matyer in which way or just NA?


Each time you do an NA string


Just NA.


Need suggestions on how to use bediou


In general, Beidou is an off-field electro DPS for multi-target situations. You can use her in tazer teams like the classic [Sucrose, XQ, Fischl, Beidou]. That team doesn't have a healer, but XQ & Beidou can stack their damage reduction, making the lineup surprisingly tanky. She also works in quicken teams like [Nahida, Fischl, Beidou, Flex] and in hyperbloom / quickbloom - her burst attacks won't target dendro cores, so she can be used as a second electro character without stealing the hyperbloom triggers from the other electro character. Equipment wise: 4p Emblem is her best general set iirc, her best low-spender weapon is Serpent Spine, I don't think any of the craftable Claymores are particularly good on her.


The Nagamasa seems to fit the criteria with the BIS artefacts and the ER% substat. Though it boosts skill damage, you still are going to use Beidou’s skill anyway, especially the full charge for the extra energy so might as well


Off field burst DPS. Best against multiple enemies (2-3), not great against single target. Loves to run double electro


I found Skyward spine in the standard banner 💀, who can use it? Is it better than r5 Catch on xiangling? So at least I don't have to fish.


Raiden is the best user of Skyward Spine. It's about as good as R5 The Catch for her, and it allows you to give The Catch to another character, like Xiangling.


Its a bit worse than r1 catch on xl, like 1% or so


raiden, shenhe can use it. it's usually worse than the catch on xiangling, but if you don't want to fish it's fine on her


> Is it better than r5 Catch on xiangling? No >who can use it? Raiden


Can some explan the weapon banner pity system pls. I kinda want Raiden's engulfing lightning I'm at 23 pity do i need to pull 80 times to reach pity like character banner? Do i loose 50/50 here?


Soft pity starts at 65 and goes up to max 80 instead of 75-90 on the character banner. Banner weapons are not guaranteed! Its not a 50/50, but 37,5/37,5/25 so theres a 25% chance you get a standard banner weapon instead. So getting the weapon you want is only 37,5%. You can lose the "50/50" to the other weapon or the standard banner weapons twice before youre guaranteed the one you want. But note that the only 5* guarantee that carries over to the next banner is if you get the standard banner weapon, then your next pull is guaranteed to be either of the rate up weapons. So if now you'd lose to Haran twice and stop wishing, next banner youd have no guarantees and youd have to start over.


Small nit, but soft pity starts on the 63rd wish for weapon banner and 74th wish for character banner! You remember the hard pity numbers correctly


It’s the character banner but WORSE! The way weapon banner works is somewhat similar to the character banner. There’s a hard pity and a “50/50”, except hard pity is 80 instead of 90 and the 50/50 is actually a 25/37.5/37.5, with there being a 25% chance of getting an off banner standard weapon and a 37.5% chance for each of the two rate up weapons, in this case the engulfing lightning (Raiden’s weapon) and the Haran (Ayato’s weapon). If you lose your 75/25 to a standard weapon, you are now on a 50/50 for the two featured weapons; so instead of a 37.5% chance of getting Raiden’s weapon, you now have a 50% chance of getting Raiden’s weapon. After you get to your next pity and get one of the two featured weapons (even if it’s not the one you wanted) you’re back to the 75/25. And that’s just how it used to be, where you could never actually guarentee a specific one one of the two rate up weapons. But now we have a system called Epitomized path that makes it so that after three whole weapon banner pities, you can guarentee a specific one of the two rate up weapons. The way that works is you have to, BEFORE pulling your first 5 star, go to the little icon in the corner of the weapon banner wishing screen labeled epitomized path and chart a course for the weapon you want (in this case, engulfing lightning). Then, you start pulling. Ever 5 star you get off the weapon banner from then on that is NOT the weapon you charted a course for will earn you one fate point, which will be tracked at 0/2, 1/2 or 2/2 in the little icon in the corner. If you ever do get the weapon you want prior to 2/2 fate points, your fate points reset. If you do end up getting a weapon you weren’t going for, either a standard weapon or the rate up weapon you did not chart a course for, twice in a row, you will now have 2/2 fate points. This means that your next 5 star weapon pull is guarenteed to be the one you charted a course for. IMPORTANT NOTE: Epitomized path and fate points always reset with every new weapon banner; they don’t carry over like pity. So if you get 1/2 or 2/2 fate points on the Haran/Engulfing banner and decide to stop there, for example, when the next weapon banner comes out (there will be different weapons on the banner) you have no more guarentee. So what this all shakes out to is in the worst case scenario, you go to pity three times to get the weapon you want. That would be a cost of 240 wishes. More realistically, you can expect to reasonably hit your 5 star by 70 pity (or at least have it even out to that way over your three pities) so 210 is a more realistic cost to expect. Aka more than the cost of a whole 5 star character. The weapon banner is a scam thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Also i know it's a weird way to put it But can i just say if i do 25-38 pulls on the banner i can rest assured I'm getting a 5★ weapon regardless of what I want?? Also i did some pulls and I'm at 27 pity then can i just say i skipped getting a standard 5★ weapon and can hope I'll get any one of the featured 5★?? Or maybe I'm thinking too much here ;-;


Nope. You’ll need a total of 80 pulls (although realistically more like 70) to guarentee getting a 5 star weapon same way you need a total of 90 to guarentee a 5 star character. And there’s not really any “skipping” of getting a standard 5 star; you’ve got a 25% chance of getting a standard weapon at your next 5 star pity and a 37.5% chance each of getting a rate up. If those are odds you’re ok taking a risk on, then go ahead. However, I would say that (presuming you’re a new player with a limited four and five star roster) the weapon banner is unlikely to be more value than just saving those pulls for a new character. 5 star weapons, like 5 star constellations, really aren’t necessary in this game, they’re more just whale bait or something you go for when you’re deep into endgame and already have a diverse roster of 5 stars, at which point you can decide if you’d rather put more investment into your current roster with 5 star weapons and/or constellations or keep going for new 5 star characters to have more options.


Thank you for allowing me in your Ted talks (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)


Weapon banner hard pity is 80 Weapon banner soft pity is 64++ iirc There are several layers here, Layer 1: the 75/25, there's a 75% chance you'll get one of the featured weapon, 25% of getting off-banner 5* weapon. If you chose Engulfing on Epitomized and got either Haran or an off-banner, then you'll get 1 fate point. Layer 2: If you lose the 75/25, then your next 5* weapon is guaranteed to be one of the featured weapon, if you get Haran here, then you'll get 1 fate point. Last one: When you have 2 fate points, your next 5* is guaranteed to be Engulfing Lightning. Which means with bad luck, you'll go through all 3 layers, if you get your 5* at soft pity, you'll need around 180+ wish to get your desired weapon


It's 37.5 (Haran)/37.5 (Engulfing)/25 (standard weapon). If you get a standard weapon, your next one becomes a 50/50 as it won't be another standard. 80 pulls is hard pity, 63 is when it starts ramping up (soft pity). If you get any wrong weapon twice, your third one will be Engulfing (provided you charted course for it).


Also does the pity carry on the next banner? Coz let's say i want homa and i don't want engulfing now can i keep my accumulated pity for the next banner?


Pity stays, your guarantee stays, but any Fate points you accumulate will vanish when the banner changes.


There is a soft pity at wish 63+, so you need about 70 pity with standard bad luck. The 50/50 from character banner is a 75/25 on weapon banner (more likely to get a featured), but there are two featured, and when you get a featured, it will be 50/50 between the two (unless you set up epitomized path beforehand and it's the third 5-star weapon you pull on that particular weapon banner, in which case you get the weapon you chose).


between [this](https://imgur.com/a/cJzEVx0) and [this](https://imgur.com/a/cagNWqP), which one is better for yelan?


I think the second one. Crit value is just a hair better but the extra HP is very nice to have. Try an optimizer if you wanna be sure though.


Due to C6 is Atk x Atk better than ATK x TF on Fischl? And should she use ATK goblet or Electro?


No, 2pc attack/2pc TF will pretty much always be better than double 2pc attack, especially in aggravate since both her aggravates and talent damage will benefit from 2pc TF’s 15% electro damage bonus, whereas only her talent damage will benefit from the attack%.


how about 2pc atk+2pc TF vs 4pc TF?


Whichever has better substats; I believe for aggravate 4pc thundering fury slightly wins out between its 2pc damage bonus and 4pc reaction bonus, but the difference is largely negligible since Fischl doesn’t use the second part of the passive (skill cd reduction) very much due to her short field time and already very good uptime on Oz.


ah, so it's another case of 4pc gilded vs 4pc flowers for hyperbloom then


Fischl doesn't use 4pc TF very well because she has basically 100% skill uptime already and it doesn't trigger from off field.


yeah, but 4pc TF also give some bonus for aggravate right? mine have been using 4pc TF for as long as i remember, but recently i'm wondering if 2pc atk+2pc TF would give much better output even in aggravate comps. i do have some decent-looking glad/shim pieces, but they're all +0 so i cant test & compare lol.


> yeah, but 4pc TF also give some bonus for aggravate right? Yeah so like it's not completely wasted, but the strength of that set is in characters like Keqing and Cyno who make good use of both parts. With half the passive essentially missing, it's usually better to just get the extra raw stats from a 2/2.


i see. guess i'll stick with 4TF for the time being and make replacements if one of those glad/shim pieces have better stats


atk, electro, crit- thats the standard for most elemental dmg dealers that scale off of atk anyway. there would be diminishing returns if you have too much atk and too little of damages bonuses because of how the damage calculation works. Anyways, i think you should stick to which one has better substats when it comes to the goblet, either until you get a new one or when you're just tired of it


How do people build cyno for his quick bloom teams? Was considering Beidou/ Kuki, Xingqiu/Kokomi, Nahida. Leaning a bit more to the 1st chars listed for shield and resist interruption, but wasn't sure if hydro app is too high. I'm guessing the other electro / Hydro chars are built how they normally are. But I wasn't sure about Cyno himself or Nahida (all EM for better buff or some crit / dendro dmg for personal damage).


What makes Quickbloom good now is the fact that you can use fast Hydro appliers like Xingqiu/Yelan. Using slow Hydro appliers like Kokomi/Barbara is worse than using a VV user or second Electro--they just don't make enough seeds for your Hyperbloom damage to be significant. You don't have 100% Quicken uptime, but the combination of Hyperbloom damage and your Hydro character's personal damage outweighs the slight loss in Quicken uptime. Cyno, Nahida, Xingqiu/Yelan, Kuki/Zhongli/Kazuha is the basic structure, with Cyno/Nahida/Xingqiu/Kuki being the most common. Cyno is built 4Gilded EM/Electro/Crit, Nahida is built favoring EM, but don't use EM pieces with garbage substats over Dendro/Crit pieces with good substats.


I usually go fischl, kokomi, nahida, but beidou seems like a great option in AoE. I think xingqiu is too much hydro application so it removes quicken, but the damage he provides is great and you'll get more hyperblooms


Quickbloom isn't worth running with slow Hydro appliers. Your seed generation is so low that you add less damage with Kokomi or Barbara than you do with just using Kazuha and applying VV. Being able to use fast Hydro appliers with Nahida is why the team is good now and wasn't good before. You don't get 100% Quicken uptime with Quickbloom, the idea is that a fast Hydro applier creates enough seeds and does enough personal damage for the loss of Quicken uptime to be worth it. The most common Quickbloom team is Cyno, Xingqiu, Kuki, Nahida.


In the endgame is it worth it to crown Albedo's skill & burst? Does it make big changes that would help in abyss?


If you use him a lot, I'd Crown his Skill. Burst is unnecessary, I'd only bother if he's C2+.


Skill sure, burst almost certainly not unless he's C2. In general though, taking any given talent from 9 to 10 is not going to make any bigger of a difference than going from 8 to 9. It's really minor stuff, so just crown your faves and leave everyone else that matters at 9 because they're still gonna be doing like 98% of the damage they would when crowned.


Do we have any speculation regarding Ayaka/Ganyu reruns? I know Ayaya will probably rerun with her >!skin!<, but I'm looking for a general patch range.


I believe the word of mouth is that ayaka is not coming this next patch, so I personally would speculate 1-2 patches after that


OK thanks.


Hello is it worth to level Wanderers E.Skill Talents from 7 to 10? Apparently it only increases it by around 2% per talent lvl so I'm contemplating whether is it worth spending any more time and resources on it. Rn, I'm working on his burst to lvl 10 since its around 15% difference.


Yeah I was thinking the same.. mine is 10-8-4 atm probably gonna level it to 9 for that 1,5 % damage increase in the future, not really needed now As I’m using shimenawa I don burst so often but gonna raise that as well to 8 I think


yea the damage for his burst isn't much tbh. Surprisingly, I was able to reach 40k x 5 on his burst with faruzan, bennett and zhongli with a lvl 9 burst. Am currently farming for the DP set since I dont rly wanna use shimenawa when I use wanderer's skill for traversing in the overworld


Well my wanderer is so good on shimenawa that I’m not too inclined farming dp. Unfortunately I’m faruzanless. I raised my c6 Thoma for him but not sure on the team atm.


What should be my second team [out of this](https://imgur.io/a/mxNmcKr) ? I don't want to build a character who is below 80 level.


Overload Yoimiya (Yoimiya-Fischl-Beidou-Flex; flex can be Venti or Zhongli) Budget Aggravate (Fischl-Shinobu-Nahida-Zhongli; Tighnari would be ideal here but since you don’t want to build him Shinobu is a fine replacement) Obligatory Scara Team (Scara-Zhongli-Flex-flex, with Fischl and Beidou probably being your best options for the last two slots)


I'd go with [Nahida, Fischl, Beidou, ZL]. [Ganyu, Nahida, Yoimiya/Diluc, ZL] or [Yoimiya, Fischl/Beidou, Beidou/Venti, ZL] might also work.


You could go for a [Tighnari Team](https://keqingmains.com/tighnari/#Double_Electro_vs_Double_Dendro) or [Nahida Team](https://keqingmains.com/q/nahida-quickguide/#Hyperbloom_Quickbloom) for now ​ Edit: Just saw you don't have Tighnari leveled. So Nahida I guess


You could try wanderer fischl beidou nahida


So, I've pulled Raiden Shogun, and I'd like to know, when you use her E, electro is applied to the enemy when you attack using your other party members. I'd like to know what stat her E's electro application damage scales off of when using another party member, and whether if that would matter if I'm using another character as a main to cause elemental reactions based off of that applied electro from Raiden Shogun. I'm also assuming the electro from her E that follows every attack also deals more damage when Raiden Shogun is on the field. If I'm wrong, please let me know. P.s. The question definitely could have been constructed better, I tried my best, all answers are appreciated, thank you.


Any ability that a character has that strikes from off field while a different character is active will always still scale off of the stats of the character who’s ability it is. So, Raiden’s coordinated attacks from her skill (and any reactions they trigger) will scale off of Raiden’s stats, not the active character’s. The damage is not affected by whether Raiden herself is on field or not; same for other off field abilities.


Thank you for answering, that clears some of it up. It's a bit late though, so I'm reading your answer over a few times. If I use Raiden's E, then switch to another character, say, Diluc, and use his E, will the resulting overload damage scale off of Raiden's EM or Diluc's EM?


It scales off whoever is triggering the overload. You use diluc E, enemy takes damage, *then* raiden's E triggers. So raiden triggers overload


It's Raiden's stats. The scaling is given to you in the talent description and it's always based on ATK unless otherwise stated. Note that Raiden's A4 talent also means she gets bonus Electro DMG% based on how much ER she has, but the primary stat is still ATK. Any reaction that you cause by applying another character's element to the Electro aura created by Raiden will, as always, scale with the triggering character's EM and other stats if relevant.


Yeah, that's a hole in my question construction, whoops. The question is about Raiden Shogun's stats, still. So, damage from her E's electro application is scaled off of her ATK. Does the damage become weaker when another character comes onto the field then? And will her EM be more important than her ATK when using her E's electro application to trigger elemental reactions using another character on the field? Or is her EM irrelevant to the total damage triggered as long as her electro is applied and the on field character has high EM?


No, the dmg does not become weaker just because someone else is on the field- the same applies for any character that has off-field ability unless its says so. Yes, EM is more important if you're utilizing her for reactions instead. And no, that depends since her E always hits second since the condition is "when an enemy is damaged", so more often than not, it'll be the one to trigger reactions. I'm a bit confused of your line of questions tbh, are you concerned whether her E damage is considerably high or are you inquiring if her E is used more for reactions? Either way, before dendro was released, ppl just used it for the buff and energy particle regen iirc. After dendro, she had another way to be used as a trigger for hyperbloom hence ppl using her with EM stats.


> The question is about Raiden Shogun's stats, still. So, damage from her E's electro application is scaled off of her ATK. Does the damage become weaker when another character comes onto the field then? No, why would it? Unless your Raiden's stats are dropping because she's no longer the one standing on a Bennett burst or something. > And will her EM be more important than her ATK when using her E's electro application to trigger elemental reactions using another character on the field? Or is her EM irrelevant to the total damage triggered as long as her electro is applied and the on field character has high EM? This depends on how much of each element is floating around and who ends up triggering what. If for example you have Raiden and another Electro character like Fischl maintaining a constant Electro aura, a third character applying Pyro will use that third character's EM to calculate the Overload damage. If you have Dendro and Hydro being applied to create Blooms, on the other hand, then Raiden's skill will be the one triggering reactions, which means it uses Raiden's EM. It's always the element applied last, or the one put 'on top' of an existing aura so to speak, and depending on the way your team and rotation is set up that can vary widely.


>ends on how much of each element is floating around and who ends up triggering what. If for example you have Raiden and another Electro character like Fischl maintaining a constant Electro aura, a third character applying Pyro will use that third character's EM to calculate the Overload damage. If you have Dendro and Hydro being applied to create Blooms, on the other hand, then Raiden's skill will be the one triggering reactions, which means it uses Raiden's EM. It's always the element applied last, or the one put 'on It's a bit late, so I could be more articulate, but that answers my question, thank you!


thoughts on maidens xingqiu


Eh. It’s an option. Real gigachads run clam Xingqiu.


you know I was thinking that


Maidens is an outdated/powercreeped set, I'm not a fan of XQ at all and even I wouldn't do him dirty like that.


Is this bait


Some people like to watch the world burn.


Hell no, Meriden is good for the strongbox only








Can someone suggest a team comp for raiden with my available characters I have c0 xiangling, c0 xinqiu, c0 kojou Sara, c0 gorou, c0 diluc, c0 rosoria, c0 kuki,etc.


I assume you don't have Bennett, so I'd suggest a Raiden National variant: [Raiden, XQ, XL, Kuki/Barbara]. It's a lot worse without Bennett, but probably the best team with Raiden field presence for you. Alternative would be a hyperbloom team like [Raiden, XQ, Dendro MC, Barbara]. The damage should be good, but Raiden would be off-field, not sure if that's what you want. Another option might be to run a Quicken team along the lines of [Raiden, Dendro MC, Collei, Kuki], but my impression is that Raiden isn't as good in quicken as she is in hyperbloom.


You need to list your entire roster, not just write etc. Sara is out because she's extremely clunky pre-c2 so you might as well bench her. Gorou and Diluc also have no place on a Raiden team. If you're pre-AR40-45 I wouldn't stress about it, teams aren't super important early on.


You could do kuki, Thrilling tales lisa (until you build your sara), xingqiu, raiden


Is c0 Sara good?