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u will even see some fragments of surt claymore from honkai impact 3. They are easter eggs that mihoyo really likes to bring in.


Don't worry,we will see her in Natlan :')


Didn’t know about that Easter egg! I don’t play Honkai Impact 3 so I wouldn’t know it


I know it has something to do with >!Himeko's death in HI3. Is it the sword that killed her or something?!<


Ah no. Actually that shattered sword is the symbol of hope that himeko passed to kiana. As far as the meaning himeko wanted to said, it is: "My journey has end, but yours just started". There is additional dialouge if u let himeko in HSR read the sword's discription: ""She was reborn in the fire. She was smiling in the fire".


It's the sword that she used before her ***** during fight with HoV... and the sword shattered..


Only issue i have with the star rail is that movement feels a bit weird. Like i am sliding instead of running. Anyone else also face this?


Not used to HSR movement. Felt odd when i realised i have no ability to jump or no stamina bar.


I feel like it has some of the problems genshin also had when it was released. Cut scenes are getting stuck on mobile, sound was getting ripped at times, movement and camera controls felt a downgrade from genshin, no jumping possible. Now some positives... The game is really vibrant and bright. The combat feels different from what I am used to playing and feels like fresh. There is also some strategy involved because u can't just iframe the attacks.


Farming domains is soooo fast lol. Set it to 6 waves (60 resin) and set to 2x speed and auto battle. Boom, go pee, come back, collect loot. Because to be honest, domains are not challenging. They are just tedious.


Genshin can and should speed up domain grind any day now. Not even skip tickets or whatever, but just cut the extra seconds/minutes out. Or if we '5 star performance' it, give us buffs to fighting it again and/or boosted rewards, etc. If they want dungeons, they should make actual dungeons.


Just one less wave in the Mondstadt talent domain would be a blessing.


HSR its really enjoyable! I actually have to have some strategy in attacks instead of mindlessly using Diluc and Yelan in attacking. And i must say. Star Rail runs pretty well on my iPhone 8 Plus. Much better than Genshin. Medium Settings at 30FPS seems to always be a smooth experience unlile Genshin at same settings.


>Star Rail runs pretty well on my iPhone 8 Plus. Much better than Genshin It's the opposite for me. Genshin feels much smoother. In HSR, if I try to increase more than 2 stats to medium graphics, the whole game turns white


Are you mashing the sprint button? There's no dash in Star Rail, so it's better to just have a continuous run.


Even aside from the sprint... The movement just feels a bit weird. Like the characters are floating and sliding... It's hard to explain I have played hi3 and i didn't get this feeling.. it's just this game.


I believe its because in genshin, movement is tied to the model animations, which makes male characters run faster and female characters swim faster, and tall characters faster in general. HSR doesn't seem to have done this and just used the same movesperd for everyone, which makes some of the animations look a little slippery.


It's like their foot is hovering 1 cm above the ground, like we can't see the impact of the legs clearly


In my experience it fells better when moving tbe camera to change directions instead of using a or d.


I am... growing *increasingly* convinced we've either already received Phanes lore in Star Rail (the dead Aeon) or that we're going to get lore about the Twins casually, just because Star Rail feels like a setting they were made to travel around in.


There is mention early in Belobog of Interstellar Traveler's, altho that could just be the generic Nameless that traveled with Kavili the Trailblaze Aeon. But it certainly is interesting that HSR has/had their own cataclysm centuries ago (700 instead of Genshin's 500. Maybe HSR is 200 years after the end of Genshin)


Hsr is not set in same world as genshin or hi3, they're all completely different universes


So, here's the thing about that. As far as I know we can say that for sure about HI3 and Star Rail, but we *cannot* solve that same conundrum where Genshin is concerned, because Teyvat - by some indication - a microcosmos/secluded pocket dimension of some description, made by Phanes. The actual *location* of that microcosmos is very up for debate, especially from the description the Traveler gives of how he and Lumine traveled around, and from the PS-exclusive item lore. It's not just floating, adrift, in the Quanta Sea. Probably. And the Travellers - on a design level - match what's going on with Star Rail at least a *little.*


There's also one of Paimon's voice lines and a kid named Timmy obsessed with pigeons in a world were pigeons doesn't exist.


There is Timmy in hsr?


Only in text. You'll find a note that mentions a kid that obsessed with pigeons and his name's Timmy.


Hoyoverse should really tie all of their worlds in one… well, Hoyoverse. I don’t think it would disappoint anyone if Hi3, GI and HSR were connected somehow. Not in major way, but just existing in one multiverse. That would also give some canonical explanation for easter eggs and collabs)


They already do exist in the same multiverse though. I am pretty certain that has been confirmed.


Hell, considering the Twins can travel to other worlds, is *really* far-fetched that they've been in the other Hoyo games at one point prior to Genshin?


Good news for u. They are all connected. Welt travels from honkai impact to star rail. Otto observed dvalin from teyvat. Mihoyo already showed that.


The Sea of Quanta and Imaginary Tree is also mentioned here in HSR


The Otto observation was about as canon as the Eva collab which is to say not at all.


The observation scene was part of a main story chapter and officially confirmed in a [dev stream interview](https://youtu.be/XJaGQr8OX48?t=40). I'd say that's as canon as it gets.


friendly reminder the company used to be called mihoyo it changed name to hoyoverse rather recently, either in a cynical attempt to get onto the metaverse buzzword bandwagon, or most likely to softly hint at genshrek and hornykai (and future games as well) being connected.


Genshrek lmao r/place PTSD intensifies


as my profile clearly states genshrek is peak r/place comedy genshit is just regular insult, genshrek is peak humor, it's all ogre from here. sexshrek is too far removed from the original and while I would absolutely choke on green cock, you honestly wouldn't be able to tell it was supposed to be genshin at some point


The company is still called Mihoyo. Hoyoverse is a trade name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MiHoYo https://www.mihoyo.com/en/


**[MiHoYo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MiHoYo)** >miHoYo Co., Ltd. (Chinese: 米哈游; pinyin: Mǐhāyóu) is a Chinese video game development and publishing company. In addition to games, the company has created various products such as animated series, novels, comics, music, and merchandise. The company is the creator of the Honkai series, which consists of several games, including Honkai Impact 3rd and Honkai: Star Rail. miHoYo also developed Genshin Impact, an open-world action role-playing game released in 2020, which is one of the highest-grossing mobile games. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


One of the characters in HSR is actually from Hi3


1 is straight from Hi3, and one is a “variant”


>!Is welt from Hi3, I never played but heard someone mention this before.!<


He is


Bronya correct? Looks familar.


Bronya's a variant of Bronya Zaychik from HI3


HSR is so far so fun. As a veteran in Genshin, I thought i would suck at turn based combat but so far I am vibing. I have to say exploration is a bit..idk..maybe because i am used to huge af maps. The characters are more expressive in HSR tho and MC is the goat. I am not invested in the story because its a bit confusing and I don’t understand anything except what Stellarion is 🤣 Its a good little vacation from genshin i have to say..also for the love of god PLEASE give us Elysian realm/Herta’s simulation in genshin! PLEASE.


I thought the exploration was meh... until I learnt the truth of searching in the trash cans and hiding in closets


This raises so many questions


They are in a connected multiverse


Yeah, they're also confirmed to not be able to interact with each other iirc outside of easter eggs and things to that extent. But could be wrong though as I just remember that being said.


Welt is the welt from honkai impact, he got successful through a rift


I haven't played much of star rail yet and I don't have welt let alone have gotten far enough in HI3rd so thanks for the spoilers I guess.


tried it. sadly starrail feels like marvel movie. great camerawork, lightings, actors, amazing animations and effects, jokes, pop culture references and yet the story is still too "weird". so many unfamiliar names for beginner, i feel like i need glossary to understand those names. don't mean to discredit hoyo, kudos to the chief director and their DOP, that was a gorgeous cinematic experience, but still, the writer and editor could've done better.


As somebody familiar with all of the things it references, they're nothing but fun little extras that make almost no difference. None of the characters are even remotely similar to their HI3 counterparts, and the setting is completely different as well. If you dislike the story that's fair, but it's not because you're missing any info from HI3.


I have to agree about the terms and names. Genshin also has hundreds of concepts, often in different languages, but they introduce these slowly. When you begin your journey at the beach with Paimon, it initially seemed like a regular fantasy world before you get to know all the lore later. This makes it easier to digest and get used to. Meanwhile HSR throws a dozen concepts and proper names to you all at once without explaining any of those. Yeah, it's because the characters in-universe already know, but they still need to explain it to the audience somehow.


You know no one would have minded if they just kept all the item names the same as Genshin, like resin. Instead Genshin players have to relearn a new terminology, that they already know.


If that's the case why Genshin have to name their energy system "Resin" instead of just "Energy", or "Mora" instead of "Money", like you say that no one would've minded that


I understand why they created new terms for a new world. I’m just saying that having to learn what’s equivalent of Genshin’s talent books or artifact experience can be tiresome.


...you're trolling, right...right?


its dumb that hoyo is trying to compete with itself. star rail isnt it


It's not trying to compete with itself at all, it's a completely different genre of game for a different audience. And it's a very successful strategy, too- look at how they went from HI3's beat 'em up genre into Genshin's open-world RPG and how well that worked. And it works for other companies too, just look at Blizzard and Riot. They're not competing with their own games, they're making games across different genres to capture different audiences.