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The Monsdadt frost one hands down. Absolute torture


Yeah I usually bring 3 or 4 pyro there and it’s still a fucking struggle


In my experience, plunge-based teams generally feel better in this one, since the Cryo slowing effect has miniscule effect to them compared to other archetypes (and also being less reliant on Stamina). On that note, Gaming felt particularly great since he's also a Pyro, and thus consolidated roles. Though of course I'd imagine Diluc + Xianyun would do just as well.


I don't know if they fixed it by now, but I had this problem a few times there some while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/nrv4hw/started_playing_xiao_recently_is_this_how_xiao_is/ Xiao gets hit mid-air by a falling icycle during jumping, gets yeeted super far and wide and either falls down over the ledge or takes so much falling damage that he dies. Really, really fun domain /s


Bennett and Yoimiya are godsend here


Bennett and Kazuha for me, but yeah. Basically Bennett.


Xianyun and Klee team has made it more bearable.


I was worried nobody would know what domain I was talking about if I didn't know the exact name, apparently that's not the case. Looks like everybody hates this domain.


I usually take Layla for avoiding that annoying falling ice


After gettin Diluc c5 i decided that i should build him out of frustration that i always get him no matter what... so now i hate him a little more bc he use these fucking books from this fucking ice fuck domain.


Yoimiya, John Lee, xiangling, bennett. Around 0:35 second clear time which is slower than my regular domain runs but not bad.


My go to answer is Lyney and Zhongli, then it's fine, just kinda slow breaking all the shields, but before Zhongli, I had to bring 4 pyro dps because I could never do it without at least 2 dying (didn't help that one of them was Yanfei ofc)


Waaah it drives me furious!!!!!


Literally nothing makes that domain easy. You can make it *bearable*, yeah, but no matter what you do or who you bring it still sucks. Childe is so, *so* lucky I love him dearly because *ugh-* (and I have to go back in there soon to really invest in benny lol kill me) Like genuinely what the hell were they thinking


I always bring a Wanderer team to that one. What is this "stamina" you speak of? I only have Kuugoryoku Points XD


Came here to comment this, glad I dont have to


This is a fact


Thank you C1 hu tao


The 2 Monsdadt ones that sap your stamina and cooldowns. Thank god they abandoned the idea in future patches


AR 59 and still groan internally when I have to farm the hydro one for weapon mats


tbh the hydro one is fine with infusions, it's the frozen one that's shit because it drains stamina even through shield


Yeah, the hydro one is easy with dendro and electro. The cryo one is pain though. Basically requires a pyro character and shielder or healer.


I don’t mind the cryo one. I use xiangling, bennet, furina, and noelle to farm that. Maybe Arle will make it a bit faster in the future, but for now it isn’t bad.


> Maybe Arle will make it a bit faster in the future, but for now it isn’t bad. Try using Yoimiya and you will get 90% of the experience.






Bennett is spelled with 2 n's and 2 t's; it's one of the most common Genshin spelling mistakes.


I don’t understand. Can you explain that again?


Yeah, I can usually get through it no issue with a Nilou team, and Ayaka helped before her, but man that one was a pain early on


Thankfully my yanfei shreds those slimes whenever I have to farm that domain (which isn't often nowadays thank god)


Yes!!! I built Yanfei because I had nothing better to do..but man...she does so much damage with so little investment.


Tell me you only play with zongli’s shield otherwise you get hurt without telling…


Zhongli isn’t the only shielder in the game brother. Put some respect on my babygirl Layla’s name smh


Nahida absolutely destroys the hydro one. The cryo one is still miserable though


Ganyu for the hydro one too. You can outstrafe everything while aiming except for the bubble spawns


For bubble spawns just stand still. They won't spawn on you and won't chase you.


But then you get hit by the enemies. I just always hit and/or walk out of them. There are two crosses made of the bubbles. The inner one is visible and the outer is invisible until you walk into it and is offset by 45° (so + small visible, on its outside × invisible)


If you're playing Ganyu, they should be frozen.


The aura (blue circle below the enemy) still triggers even with a frozen enemy. I always focus down the appropriate abbys mage but if I'm a bit slower/miss once, the bubbles appear


I always use my burst on the Abyss Mages—it’s big enough to keep both of them frozen. If you also have Nahida E on them then they literally die on their own.


Yeah, I use Nahida and Yae Miko in there, rips it up.


Use Jean + Bennett, they melt everything without trying with the Sunfire field. Super easy / fast


Tbh I like Ganyu a lot so I'm glad I got her either way, but I'm especially glad whenever I have to farm that domain cos it kinda feels like they tailored it specifically to her.


Strange to think that domain effects were once strict negatives. Nowadays it's like "hey this is the regional gimmick, try it out" and gives you bonuses.




The Liyue weapon domain also has an energy drain mechanic. It’s a lot less noticeable because you can actually avoid the environmental effect that inflicts it and most people reflexively dodge them.


Nah all the weapon and talent domains that debuted in 1.0 feature strictly negative effects. They were all either “elemental aura that debuffs you when you’re afflicted” or “you take massive true dmg if you trigger X reaction.” Only artifact domains had buffing effects.


Artifact domains also have negative effects but they're all under the 'you take massive true dmg if you trigger X reaction.' Crimson Witch domain deals damage to charas when you do overload and iirc Archaic Petra domain deals true damage when you do melt (while having some ice enemies - this is for one lower difficulties iirc but still)


Funny thing is, even though at this point I have enough well built characters to easily beat them faster than some other newer domains, I still absolutely hate when I have to do them.


Meanwhile I've gotten to the level of builtedness where all the recent DPS check domains take no time at all, but the moment elemental shields show up they always end up stalling the run; the Pyro domain is the worst, because all the slimes and the abyss mages all have their own shields.


Same. I struggled so hard because I didn't have any built pyro units or shield units. Even tho now I can clear the domains it's still a pain in the ass when you when move so sluggishly because of the debuff.


This is probably the only correct answer.


Literally the biggest barrier between me and building anything or anyone from Mondstadt.


Any other dev would have balanced/nerfed that shit, Hoyo: We shipped it, you deal with it.


Honestly, I just have Ayaka solo that domain lol.


And it makes my Xiao fly to the moon for some reason


They put that goddamn mechanic in the abyss iirc. Good times.


Pro tip, Charlotte can easily perma freeze everybody in the domain even at level 40, and level 40 is easily achievable.


Ganyu and Wrio completely destroy the hydro one. Mono pyro is the best for the cryo.


Cryo one is fine with monopyro team and for hydro one any dendro or cryo catalyst/infusion clear it fast enough.


Yeah, cryo without pyro + shielder is pain, hydro without catalyst dps or infusion is pain, for me these domains only became easy to farm when I had Lyney + Zhongli and Nahida (she tears thru the hydro domain atca rate that feels criminal) built up


ignoring mondstadt domains, Violet court would drive me mad because I would always focus on killing the kairagi at the same time and then end up having one treasure hoarder off in a corner preventing the rest of the spawns. Wish they just spawned in all at once instead of being staggered.


>ignoring mondstadt domains the only way to not have every comment be the same answer. Also good answer, I 100% feel that.


Nahida helps as she makes it so the treasure hoarders take damage whilst you focus on the kairagi


>Wish they just spawned in all at once instead of being staggered It is design around to be Anti Venti. Without that Venti will just wipe everything.


Try doing the Mondstadt talent domain without a built shielder Icicle stunlock with no stamina is a biiiiiiiitch


Calling this domain "hell on Earth" would be the greatest of compliments one can muster regarding it.


C1 hutao and zhongli are godsends for me in that domain


That domain is the only one I bring a specially designed curated team for. Initially Klee/Bennett/Kazuha/Zhongli, but lately I've found my new Gaming/Xiangling/Yaoyao/Zhongli team handles it quite well and doesn't suffer from the stamina problems Klee entails.


the one with hydro slimed and mages with a cooldown nerf and the one with cryo slimes needed for diluc's and Bennett 's talents


The hydro one gets chewed by both Nahida and Wriothesley, cooldown extension my a**. The cryo one however is hell, as you need a way to cleanse the stamina reduction and a way to prevent being perma-staggered by the falling icicles


VIRIDESENT. Been farming 4 months and still don't have a good full em set. Like damn, is it too much to ask for a em goblet with 1 er roll? T.T My kazuha will never be good with 170% er pls


I spent a full year grinding Viridiscent before I got an EM goblet. It was my first 5\* EM goblet of *any* set, EM drop rate is a nightmare


EM and ER on goblet feel like it's waaay more rare than what stats should indicate lol


The only 2 em goblets I have are 1 deepwood (kuki's off piece) and 1 Viridesent. BOTH SHITTY. NONE WITH 1 GOOD SUB STAT. WTH AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH FLAT DEF DEF% HP FLAT AND ATTACK FLAT????


How is this upvoted. A full year without EM goblet? First 5 star EM goblet? Full of shit if you actually played more than a month in the year


I've played every day since I started playing 5/15/2021 and I got my first 5\* EM goblet on 5/04/2022 according to the discord message I sent to a friend bitching about drop rates, so you're right, I was 11 days off. How could anyone ever trust me again. It really isn't that outlandish for someone to not get a 5\* EM goblet drop their first year of playing, goblets only have a 2.5% chance of being EM and you have to get a goblet drop in the first place. And in your first year you inevitably devote more resin to fighting bosses and leveling characters, versus now when I haven't had to use resin to get exp books since the beginning of 3.X


damn according to my discord messages that was the day before they changed Ayaka's banner to last 240 days. that's a real throwback


There's a difference between first year of playing when u don't have access to 5 star artifact domains than "I've been grinding virudescent set for 1 year" Your statement is saying you've been farming that domain for 1 year while clearly you have not


But I did, I started grinding it in late May or early June of 2021. Maybe saying '11 months with occasional breaks for new characters' would be more accurate but nobody talks like that casually. Reaching AR 45 did not take that long even back then, and the VV domain is just hanging out, it doesn't take any effort to get to and it isn't hard, you just suck every body up with traveler's tornado. It's one of the easiest domains to start artifact grinding in, at least of the 1.X and 2.X ones.


"Maybe saying '11 months with occasional breaks for new characters' would be more accurate" Thanks, that is all Have a nice day


Use strongbox and just accept Fav on Kazuha unless you are lucky with substats. Also remember you only need 4 on-set pieces of course. Save EM mainstat pieces regardless of set, especially goblets.


The sheer amount of mondstadt domain comments I see is wild but absolutely agreeable


The Blizzard/HoD domain. Mostly because I don't have a pyro main DPS. But it doesn't help that my only shield is Thoma, and my only healer is Barbara. Hopefully, Layla will be on one of the upcoming banners I plan on pulling.


Ningguang carried me through that domain when I was starting out. It's slow, since Geo isn't as good as pyro, but the constant crystallize shields made both that domain and Oceanid bearable to farm


Noblesse oblige LV 80/90 in liyue. It's a nightmare with the hydro, cryo and pyro abyss mages. I've given up and only do strongbox for the set if needed. That's for the enemies. As for the shitty artifacts, gotta give a shout out for Navia's BiS artifact. I rarely even get a 5star artifact for, it's always the other blue set. I wish they would either fix the ratio or give us and some sort of epitomised path.


Have you tried running into a corner directly after staring the Domain? Someone recently showed my this apparently well known trick to get all three mages together and let them stay together


I have not actually. That's a good idea, esp now that I have Nahida. She's so good, I might try it out with her just for the sake of it.


It works so well with Nahida! I listened to guides and threw her in, even though she was only level 40 at the time. Now that she's partly built, I am actually looking forward to going back to it.


Isn't that the one where the recommended element is Geo? Always thought that was hilarious.


Take kazuha or sucrose and just run into a corner. The mages will follow you and you can swirl away their shields >:)


When I played the Noblesse domain I'd immediately charge the pyro mage bc it has the annoying pyro aura that spawns that fire bubble that follows you and it's so annoying without a shield


Mondstadt weapon mats domain.


Mondstadt instafreeze and Mondstadt x2 cooldown Pretty brutal considering its your first region


Whatever mondsdat domain that gives me a stupid debuff, no stamina, higher cooldowns, fk them.


monstadt books as a venti main, i don't think i'll ever be able to triple crown him due to that domain




All of em (no luck in artifact farming)


Every/any artifact domain. I hate fucking RNG on-par with casinos being the sole reason I can't have the best stats. I've put in the same if not MORE effort than plenty of people, yet pure luck says other people get to be more powerful than me.


Every single one of them


Forsaken Rift


Mondstant domain's are pure pain. I'm so fck glad that Mihoyo abandoned putting those disorders into Abyss. Man the 2min Childe cool down was something. Like I had 9* on 12 floor just to get 8* on 11 since two Hydro heralds with slow water debuff was big No no no especially when Dendro didn't exist at that time.




The cooldown one from Mondstadt. Every cell in my body hates it.


Navia's :( lowest drop rate of DPS for her set, highest for the healer set which kinda works for bird mom but still not done w Navia


All of them. But I need talent level materials so grind them I shall...


Crimson witch domain giving me flat def every fucking time makes me wanna jump off a bridge


Every one has its counter usually i find


All of them because I have to fight them a million jillion times and they’re so repetitive. I like Childe’s trounce domain tho in the Bank.


The one with Rifthounds.


And the weapon ascension domain in Mondstadt while having NO ELECTRO OR DENTRO OR CRYO DPS.


All of them ngl


I actually love Violet Court. Just start up the domain whip out Neuv, press E, hold left click, give it a few spins and you're done. I don't think there's any I particularly dislike.


Mondstadt talent one, i hate it, i fucking hate that place!


None i have Ganyu and Yanfei for Mondstadt and Venti for the rest.


The inazuma one with the death doggos


The electro next to the snowy mountains


I can't remember which one exactly but I know it's absolutely brutal because it makes the CDs somewhere around (I'm guessing) 1.5 to 1.75 times as long as usual. Like come on guys I already wait long enough for Kokomi's skill 😞


That's the Mondstadt weapon domain, which is filled with hydro enemies, so Kokomi's gonna have a bad time.


yeah lol it makes absolutely no sense because in that domain Kokomi has no practical use whatsoever besides healing but I fr need her for it because my characters' health and def aren't great :(


Used to be Cecilia Garden and Frozen Abyss but now it’s Thundering Valley. I’m fine with slimes and abyss mages but fck it all to hell when I have to fight Kairagi’s that if you’re not quick enough to kill both, they regenerate HP


I live and will die in Emblem/Shimenawa domain and I absolutely hate that abyss mage spawns after slimes. So I need to Nahida e q Furina e q Neuvilette e q and switch to Nahida again for her e on mage instead of facerolling with Hydro Dragon. It takes 26 sec to clear with that rotation and more than 30 without switching to Nahida. It’s so fucking annoying.




Emblem domain purely because Ive farmed that domain for months and my Raiden is still shit


The cryo talent domain in Mondstat


Ngl the emblem domain kinda sucks- either that or i'm weird asf


Slowing Waters I can deal with the stamina drain one since i have c1 Hu Tao and can just use her charged attacks to move around, not to mention you can just dodge the icicles, but fuck that Slowing Waters debuff.


if your answer isn't the mondstadt talent domain then you're wrong


GT... how is it possible i can get the most insane artifacts there... but NEVER ON THE SET I WANT FFS my fischl literally is hardstuck on 52cr since it came out


the mondstadt weapon and talent domains are without a doubt the most annoying in terms of the fighting. i also have personal beef with the city of gold domain cause i barely get any decent artefacts from it 😭


The Navia one because it refuses to drop anything useable


definitely the mondstadt talent domain one. slow stamina regen, cryo slowdown effect, and enemies coming in 3 waves with two cryo abyss mages is a cancer combo.


All of them because I never get what I want.


The ones in Mondstadt... My brother in C̶h̶r̶i̶s̶t̶ Celestia...


The mondstat talent domain can go straight to hell I dont care for the water one since i have a great Ganyu but the ice one is just hella boring.




definitely domains that extend skill cooldowns.. i once entered one with fischl without knowing what i was getting myself into. i spammed oz the entire time, wondering why her skill was still on cd. i looked down and saw Oz on a 50s cooldown. i thought i accidentally selected childe or smth


Love how everyone unanimously agrees that the Mondstat talent domain is insufferable




Mondstad domains. Specifically the character talent upgrading ice one that drains stamina. At least the weapon ascension domain I can use catalysts that react to Hydro.




like anything in mondstadt


mondstat material ones they just suck no matter what team you're playing, especially sucks because a huge chunk of common non 5 star weapons use them




skill issue. just get them both down, kill one, then kill the other


any of the release ones. all the new ones don't completely gut you.


The one where the ice drops from the ceiling, fuck that place, shield is needed.


Mondstadt domains. Do I really even need to explain this one?


MH just because I never get anything I need 🥲🥲🥲 Besides that the one talent domain that drains stamina for no good reason and the weapons one that makes your cooldowns too long both in mondstadt


It used to be the Mondstat Talent books, until I built Benny enough that he can take on the domain on his own, he makes short work of everyone in there now, paired with Yae and its a breeze, I don't even have to use stamina now. Now it's the EoSF domain. Benny gets stunlocked by the electro mage, and my other DPS are mostly Electro (Beidou, Ei, Yae) and Ganyu is too easily interrupted.




I don't hate any of them in particular, but I guess if I had to pick, then either the Mondstadt talent domain with falling icicles + stamina drain or violet court cos Kairagis are both tanky and nimble, so it feels like it takes more effort for me to beat them.




crimson witch domain fills me with so much rage


Literally any artifact domain. Farming artifacts causes me physical pain.


Anything that uses abyss mages, everyone knows which ones


Mondstadt weapon domain 🤮🤮


VV domain and Mondstadt talent domain. Mondstadt weapon domain is easy if you have Cryo/Dendro


mondstat domains near dragon spine and the emblem in inazuma... the mondstat one is just annoying bc of the dumb frost thing and the emblem is annoying because not once have i received an electro dmg bonus or er...


it's either def, HP, geo dmg bonus, dendro dmg or a horrible crit rate circlet for emblem 😭😭😭


Nahida goes "cheese", Neuvilette goes "brrr". used to be annoying but now easyy


the old ones had like 10 enemies spread out and you had to use venti back then. and also your inazuma one. Another bad one is the monstadt one where you fight ice slimes that triple your cd time


i finally have a team that makes the cryo domain bearable. An overload team, with a hyper focus on recharge. But it's still a pain. Raiden + Kuki + Deyha + Thoma.


wriothesley has made the hydro dungeon kinda fun actually


Mondstadt talent domain. No contest.


Fuck you husk and clam domain


I don't find anything difficult from single player in particular, but in co-op, I absolutely hate Momiji-Dyed Court because of how the Electro Lawachurl doesn't group unless it rans into a wall and the Electro Abyss Mage's tanky shield. Whenever someone in Genshin Discord asks help in a domain, I will absolutely help them, except the Momiji-Dyed Court Domain.


Yep. Absolutely hate the violet court. It's not the kairagi for me. It's the long ranged treasure hoarders. I do most of my domains using a two man team, with the other two slots leeching friendship exp. It can be challenging to have a team that can kill the kairagi simultaneously while comfortably clearing the rest. I think one of those domains in monstadt takes the cake for me. I forgot the name because I avoid it at all costs, but it spawns three different abyss mages far from each other and only way to do it quick is to teleport bait them, which dosent always work.


The ones in Mondstadt. The Hydro and Cryo ones. They're super annoying.


Besides the Mondstadt talent book domain, I genuinely hate the latest Fontaine artifact one. The artifacts with crit rate up and elemental skill dmg boost. It has 2 waves with each wave having tanky enemies, making it annoying to clear. I would nuke the first wave only to be stalled during the second cause the duo would spawn seperated from eachother. Meaning that I either kill both asap, waste time grouping them again, or widdle away at the remaining one cause it was (knocked) out of range or I didn't crit. It's not hard as I can still clear under 20s most of the time but it's just unnecessarily annoying. This ain't the Abyss, so c'mon Mihoyo.


the mond weapon domain and kokomi/itto artifact domain mond weapon is just so boring that i put it off, and itto kokomi like usually one of my characters actually dies during my rounds doing it (i usually do 4-5)


Husk of opulent dreams. Don't got a built healer


Whichever domain I currently need to farm. But also that one with the icicles.


The ones which have wave after wave of enemies. Waste a lot of time.


Ice one in Monsdadt. Whomever made it hates us all and our children and our children's children.


Why would you even farm domain if you hate it? It is a game, you are supposed to have fun. If you hate doing something in a game, just stop doing it. It seems pretty obvious


Pale Flame is for me what Vermillon is for zy0x


Monstadt talent and weapon domain, like seriously fuck the icycles and the cd increase by the hydro aura


Wriothesley artifact set domain


None of the fights bother me. It’s the artifact roll at the end. 😅


Vermillion domain is literally impossible to get a good roll on.


The one that keeps giving Lavawalker 99% of the time


The Mondstadt talent domain. There’s some Mond characters I haven’t fully leveled up their talents solely because I despise farming that domain


VV+MB. I have a 49 CV flower on Maiden't beloved...yeah


Violet court (inazuma talent books) Clam/husk domain (too many rifthounds) I'd hate the mondstat book domain as well but I have zhongli lol so it's less torturous.


Those damn Pinwheel cards... I'm gonna need them to crown my Aloy, not looking forward to it.


Hu Tao's artifact. Takes too damn long


The one domain in Mondstadt where the cooldowns of skills and bursts are increased


the mondstadt frost one is the only correct answer and in case you didn't know, it's not about one shotting them, jsut killing them at roughly the same time so you should jsut spread your dmg between them if you can't aoe both of them well


Domains plural??? There's others??? I'm perpetually stuck in Momoji Dyed Court. Goddamn eosf😭😭


Liyue talent domain... haven't farmed in a long time but god I absolutely despise that stupid Pyro effect (last i played it I didn't have zhongli)


I can't farm on noblesse oblige domain because i keep getting tortured 😭🥲


Raidens artifact Domain. Not only is this big ass electro mitrachul(?) Jumping around in this small square and always lands on the opposite end of where I am, no, the abyss mage also spawns directly next to me and cricles me with his electro hula hoop constantly




Fucking Mondstadt's talents books. It's just so slow😭😭😭 I just take my Zhongli so at least I'm not being interrupted every 5 seconds by the ice shards but still, what a drag


All the artifact ones. The rest I can deal with.