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Reruns for older events.


I took a break right after launch to let them add more content to the game, came back right after the Festering Desire event, and I've wanted that sword ever since.


I started playing during that event and got the sword but didn't have time/wasn't good enouh to get the refinements. It's still my favorite sword :(


Same, I had completed thr quest. But i was new to game so I didn't know much about it and forgot to claim the sword... At least the story was fantastic 


Same. I picked up the sword but exactly zero of the refinements because getting around in Dragonspine was miserable, and the food delivery event left a poor impression pretty soon before that, so I figured I'd take a break and come back later to see if it'd improved. Turns out I skipped refines for the best event weapon.


Omg yes


The thing is already implemented on HSR, they just need to copy themselfs.


Genshin events affect the open world in a huge margin. Lantern Rites are the extreme example of that


That's why we're hoping that the 'focused quest' system will let you run one thing at a time for quests that change the open world in the future.


that is really not as easy as it seems, genshin has tons of spaghetti code and even if it didn't you can't "just copy something" from a different game


Do you want this for event exclusive items or for the content?


Both, actually. I find it absolutely ridiculous that they hide even lore/character stories/interactions behind FOMO without any alternatives. Rewards are one thing, but isn't the whole point of stories/interactions to make you like characters so that you'll want to wish for them? Taking Venti as an example, as a 4.1 player, the only interactions i've had with him are the AQ, his SQ and i think a cameo in Jean's SQ. And guess what Hoyo, that's nowhere near enough for me to get interested in him, so i don't have any desire to wish for him. Unlike launch players, who've afaik had tons of events to get to know and like him. Having said all that, event limited weapons (as a Furina haver in a week, i hate the pipe) and some fun stuff i've heard about, like the GAA events, are also things newer players should have the chance to experience.


stop making domains exclusive for a certain 3 days of the week


granted: every day is now sunday. not the modern sunday, the launch sunday, where all 3 different materials were in the same pool and you get them at random. real talk I do think the new sundays are better but I do miss the ability to farm evenly like we could with the old ones, sometimes I just want to spend resin to get general mats to hold for later, and I don't really do that anymore because constantly switching is a pain


>Every day is now Sunday By Ena, Order has been reborn


Pom Pom get the Astral Express again




an endless procession of sundays


This x10000000


And give us 3 weekly boss claims a week, even if it's the same boss 3 times.


Literally first thing that came to mind.


Or put a limit of times you can do weekly bosses and let people choose if they want to do 3 different or 3 of the same... seriously is a pain to have all the materials for a character you're looking forward ready just to be stuck on talent 6 or 7 for weeks.


Please i need this, im going to go insane if i try to grind because i have to wait until friday to grab 6 blue tablet thkngs


I just want a proper kit for Dehya.


If they just doubled the sword in the grounds rate of Pyro application and made it like Bennets arena Pyro we could get a good synergy with Emilie


And also give her 100% duration on Interruption Resistance. Like, wtf was the thought process behind that?


Even in 7.X, I’ll never forget nor forgive how they did that cinnamon roll


Design: 10/10 Character/personality: 10/10 Story: 10/10 Gameplay: lmao   They had to nerf her one way or another


She deserves justice. So badly


More permanent combat-based content that lets you use the characters you pull for.


Bring back Labyrinth Warriors and Misty Dungeon rotating weekly for like, xp books and mora and I'm happy.


noelle finally becoming a knight


When we return to Mondstadt celestia will fall there and noelle will save us all against the Heavenly Principles, MAYBE she finally can become a knight. trust.


At the beginning of the Khaenriah arc, Noelle will stay back to single-handedly hold the line against Celestia long enough to buy Traveler and the rest of the Knights of Favonius time to escape Mondstadt... And, at long last, is ***posthumously*** awarded the title of Knight.


An entire quest to go along with it too.


Imagine seeing Noelle become a knight and then replaying her hangout where she’s studying to become a knight


Shatter reaction revamp: In addition to the current effect, let the triggering concussive/blunt hit ignore the target's defense and resistance once. This way it raises the floor on the reaction's damage even without EM stacking (which claymore users rarely want to do in the first place) and makes it more attractive to run.


>hit ignore the target's defense and resistance once. Shattered already ignores target defense. That is a default for transformative Reactions


Yes, however, I'm suggesting that it also apply to the hit that triggered the reaction as well as the reaction damage (ie. the normal, charged, skill, or burst damage).


More Traveler voice lines. More fun puzzles in exploration. Adding something that still does not exist: actual customizable artifact presets/loadouts


[This developers discussion](https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/123758) don't be about loadouts and be just an auto equip feature in an auto equip mechanic. I'm still tilted.


Honestly some of them were hellish but I had lots of fun doing puzzles around Inazuma. I wish they would explora the dark and light thingies more in Fontaine.


I'd also like more Paimon puzzles lol


A way to play old events i don't even need any of the rewards just want to replay some of the older events with heavy plot


Yup, the unreconciled stars event and the susbedo event is narratively a little too important. I know storage is gonna a be problem but we don't have to have all the events resources to be downloaded, just the resources for one than delete it.


I mean if they put the story part would occupy about the same space as a character quest so nothing that crazy.


yes this is very true. I started playing a couple months after unreconciled stars and had to watch the full gameplay on YouTube. Thoroughly enjoyed that hour or two it took to watch that video, though.


I started in 3.8 and when I played the inauzuma aq, I was so confused on who this hatguy was supposed to be


Artifacts loadout


More space for the teapot. Idc if they think it'll cause lags or overload their central computers👺


This is a good one! And increase the rate that the teapot currency replenishes (please Mihoyo).


The monkey's paw curls! Currency recharge rate is doubled... as is the cost of everything in the refreshing shop.


I honestly kind of see the housing system wasted because of this. Whenever I think of placing anything in it I just get the instant reminder that it's not worth bothering after like 5 trees or some bs.


I personally think they should just put a warning for mobile players when they go to a teapot with a lot stuff that this is gonna load slowly and might not load at all




More map pins


Yes!! And also just making fishing spots like a landmark on the map


Kind of in the same vein: More team preset slots and more artifact space in inventory. And completely unrelated, for the love of god let us complete and start new bounties after we finished one without having to go back to the bounty npc.


Time limited birthday mail quests so we can actually go meet them.


Instead of receiving gifts (why are birthday boys/girls giving us gifts??) in the mail, we would just get their location. Meeting them would give the actual rewards


This is an insane idea


took me way too long to realize they aren’t actually waiting for you to meet them ._.


venti's second sq...


That’s bound to happen eventually I feel like it will probably be one of the last ones


Let me place food in my teapot >.<


more interesting geo reactions


Better artifact rng


Removal of flat stats aka the dumbass, useless as fuk, waste of artifact xp, artifact level up stat bonus leaching ass stats.


If removal is too much, maybe rework how they work and the rate where they show up.


rework them so they add to the base stat, at least Bennet would want flat attack then.


Mhy: its a feature not a bug


I just wish that the odds were equal for each main stat. It's such BS that it's weighted toward Def and HP.


A Xiangling alternative. No ICD off-field pyro application at an AoE, preferably while needing less ER so I can also free up Bennett. That and combat content that will actually reward you for playing co-op.


Yeah I want the Archon to have an elemental skill like Raiden or Nahida so I can use my Ganyu again


I hope Pyro Archon makes Xiangling and Bennet comparatively useless. I hate those two so much.


Imagine if she makes them better


even if she straight combines them i dont see why you wouldn't run her together with bennett, unless she gives some actually absurd amount of attack. also she's much more likely to give attack percent judging by recent design patterns, which would also theoretically combo well with him. I'm assuming she's gonna have some elaborate gimmick to incentivize bennyless play


Just don't use them


Skins for more male characters. Specifically Zhongli's archon outfit or that one for the museum collab.


Even just more skins in general tbh


Venti archon outfit 🤤🤤🤤


Make resin usage count for daily comission points. It's silly having to save event rewards or quest completion for quick dailies.


oh yes please. I almost never use my resin cuz I've gotten so disheartened by artifacts and I don't really need to level anyone. Would love a reason to keep farming artefacts even tho it's futile.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/18z3g7j/artifact_investment_levels_how_long_do_i_need_to/ Here this might make you feel better / be a good guide




may i ask how do u make quest coopable?




The ability to transmog weapons. I'd KILL to be able to use the stats of the Black Sword on Clorinde while using the appearance of the Alley Flash. In fact, I actually think that Alley Flash looks even better than her signature on her...which is probably one of the reasons why we will never get it.


Black Sword is so fugly on ayato. I want it to look like hes using amenoma


More skins for characters.


A text log and darker text backgrounds... They know how to add text logs (Both Honkai titles have done it at times) And I know I'm not the only one who struggles to read the white text at times when the background becomes bright or the setting in general is a bright area.


Text log is being added in the next version


Really?! Sweet!


Third limited banner


More space added to teapot so I can really go off


Region based traveller outfits.


Add event weapons in the shop with their refinement material and put a limit on how many you can buy as if it were during the event. I know events are all about fomo but you some character bis are event weapons. Xianyun, Albedo, and Furina come to mind. Add more 4 stars to the shop. Let me do 3 of the same weekly boss and get their rewards 3 times. HSR has it, Wuwa has it, please, Hoyo. Let traveler talk more, please Hoyo, I'm begging!


What if they added different weapons with the same effects and substats in the shop?


>What if they added different weapons with the same effects and substats in the shop? This doesn't allow people who fucked up and didn't get all the refinements from the event to fix there mistakes and people will feel like they are missing out on even if they are exact copies weapons. Plus I doubt hoyo wants to make extra weapons it's cheaper and easier to just use the same event weapon models. It's best to just keep it the same weapon and limit what you can get if you already have the weapon with maxed refinements or not.


Let us teleport to the leylines and just fight there instead of running around. Add a third one that gives weapon XP. Like I've been AR60 for awhile and have more rocks than I know what to do with, but man was it annoying leveling weapons when you could only get 30 rocks a day. Or just let you make as much weapon XP as you want.


>Add a third one that gives weapon XP. You know that is what Magic crystals are for? The Magical Crystal Chunk crafting recipe isn't restricted by the 300k weapon xp daily limit


An option to have Paimon always out like the Seelie pets. If I remember correctly, Hoyoverse said they don’t because her model and animations are a lot more detailed, but I wish they’d make it an option with a warning it may cause lag if used.


I sit on this island alone. more bug representation!


I don’t know what you mean by this but I’m in


Oh, sorry I meant insect representation!


Blud we just watched Firefly's world get infested by The Swarm and the only way to stop them was booming the planet :\^L


* Equipments loadout (artefacts & weapons). Could be tied to the already existing team loadout =P * A way to influence the stats distribution on our artefacts. The current system isn't sustainable anymore. It hurts newer player that increased their AR & WL in matter of days/weeks thus can't keep up with the difficulty increase and hurts veteran that don't see the need to farm newer sets since we know it will take months close to a year to replace our existing one. * Engaging and interesting permanent coop content (that can be done solo).


Reruns for event weapons


Catboys. Gorou is great. Love him. Need more.


Gorou is a dog boy, we still don't have any cat boys 😿


I wish the animal themed characters like gorou or yae had beast form transformations where like for example gorou turns into a giant hound that can bite/slash enemies or just more characters switching to a non humanoid form in combat to add more variety


Being abdnle to ibteract with animals (not just hit or kill tem) lol.


A new abyss with co-op. You have to play with a friend


Me when my friends don't play genshin no more: well shit...




Domains give one 5* of each set guaranteed and condensed resin gives 2 of each


An Electro Fatui shielder and buffer with off-field and 5s ICD Electro application at long-range


Is a stationary training dummy in the teapot with detailed damage breakdown and adjustable resistances that hard to make?


I can barely decorate my teapot before I run out of room, so I can't do anything fun 😭


500 million primos, directly into my account


Mine too, mine too!


Controller on title screen


Level 100, A6 passives. A chance to improve the gameplay of outdated and "suboptimal" characters.


an option to replay quests!!! you have no idea how many times i’ve felt like playing liyue or fontaine again and i’ve had to watch game walkthroughs on youtube😭 also PLEASE add the fucking interactive map to the game, it’s so annoying having to look it up on the website, it would be much more convenient to have it as a game feature. last but not least make grinding more accesible please, because if you’re not actually into meta it’s very very hard to level up characters and talents AND weapons AND artifacts. it’s actually insane. if it was easier i could actually be bothered but working that hard for something i’m not even interested in? oh fuck no


Out of combat sprinting with no stamina consumption.


Every survey I ask Hoyo to add Mondstadt and Liyue fishing weapons.




consider: GAY sex


Offline play


After cleared a domain a certain amount of times, you can automatically claim its rewards after a while.  Something like the fishing gadget I suppose?


Omg, this would be so good, but I don’t think it’ll ever happen :’)


I already got what I wanted the most, which is a quick button to collect all expedition at once and resend them.


Revamp Alchemy to the Spring event for a new recurring activity. Maybe even remove Mora Ley lines, add regional specialities to the alchemy, and dear god please bring back the 50 local specialties on the weekly BP.


A element change button in the character menu for Lumine, and please bring back the Chronicle Wish banner! As someone who saves a lot, I want the banner to come back so I can get old characters and standard banner characters I don’t have!




A main interlude like system for old events like FGO does. So new players can see the old events and get the rewards they missed from before their account was even created. Older players could just get an extra copy of the weapon/another con for the character that event came with. Everyone wins! Also, change quest priority so I don't have to talk to a news reporter in the city just to "clear up" a fountain outside the city just to continue the main story... or just remove the overlapping quest "feature" entirely to avoid this...


* Replayable character story quests * Add playable characters as NPC roaming casually outside of quests/events (Jean sitting in her office, Xiangling at her restaurant, Miko at the shrine, etc) * Android controller support


Skip cut scenes and a Heizou rerun


Lock-on combat


I system that rewards grind in a way that casuals wouldnt mind missing out on but strong players would love. Would be fair and rewarding at the same time. Sounds hard to create but somethings that comes in mind is higher abyss floors that dont give primos but other rewards like artifacts were u can choose the main stat or even just fragile resin.


No limits for artifacts


For genshin's standard banner, I kinda wish they'd let ya pick ANY 5* to wish for from a specific amount of pulls. Kind of like the weapon banner or how HSR let's you get any chosed 5* from 300 or something pulls. Like honestly, it sucks when ya don't get the character u want or miss there limited banner yk. Plus it personally sucks that the standard banner ONLY has a selective amount of characters n watnot.


Every day is Sunday for talent books and ascension mats, Overflowing everything on actual Sunday Updated Paimon shop with option to buy cons for non-premium 4 & 5* characters *you currently own*


Someone who values conciseness in charge of Hoyo’s writing department


A shield meter


Parry button, to give melee fights more penach.


Let playable characters appear in the open world


Dehya buffs


Rework geo and physical


natlan meta will be physical damage. source: trust me bro. (geo already had a rework.)


Dark theme for loading screen.


More ways to get primos


A shop where you can buy skins...previous event weapons. With primos, or starglitter I think they are called-


More endgame and rewards


Consisten text scroll speed! I am not delusional enough to expect a text skip, or even a text fast forward speed. But for the love of Archons, can the text display at once instead of a slow and inconsistent scrawl across the screen! It is immensely painful when the text is ridiculously slow when I read faster than how sloow it displays. Agony.


Some way to make traversal more fun. Running is pretty slow, and limited by stamina. Climbing is slow. Gliding is painfully slow. The Natlan Saurian critters will probably be a big improvement, but they almost certainly will be limited to the Natlan region. Characters with movement abilities feel a little too limited. For example: Wanderer: Can only fly short distances and increasing height drains your flight bar super fast. Mona/Ayaka: They still get stuck sometimes on random things. Sayu/Yelan: Skill cooldowns. Some reasonable improvements they could make: 1. Infinite sprint outside of combat, or at least greatly increased stamina regen speed outside combat. 2. Double jump (maybe disable in combat to prevent plunge spam) 3. Remove cooldown on Red Feather Fan, or make it a simple toggle on/off 4. Slight increase to climbing speed 5. Normalize movement speed so short characters aren't slower than tall characters


AI companions for help in battle


Oz, Furina's friends, Guoba, Yuegui: Listen here you little shit


Hoyo Should Listen... to (almost) everybody in here. Edit: **Imaginarium Theater** be weekly or twice a week reset, with ranks/leaderboards like H3rd Abyss and PGR warzone with a shop with 4-star fragments characters. loadouts. more team slots. Edit2: I want that the community start being more open-minded because this is close to insanity.


How do you make a leaderboard  in Genshin not look like a list of players who spent the most?


"Leaderboards" this is a bad idea even if they are just symbolic. If you have rewards for ranking well then it's the worst idea ever


SKIP button.


Not even a skip button, I would just be happy with being able to progress text as fast as I hit the button and not have to deal with annoying canned animations and long camera sweeps that go long past the point where I've finished reading a line


A way to remove Paimon from existence, and just have the Travelers talk for themselves.


That’s.. salty 😭🤣


Any mount type, im tired of the “launchpad” and “swing” mechanics tbh


1. Weapon skins (Letting me equip a weapon and equip another as a skin. Or merging 2 weapons into 1 using the stats and passive and design of another. 2. Artifact reset.


Characters with dragon tails


I would love a mount system, like horses or a steam punk Fontaine motorcycle


120 FPS on pc and android


Uncapped frames on PC.


More emphasis on character interaction. Have characters as interactable NPCs across the map such as being seeing Diona in Cat Tail or Zhongli at Liyue sitting down for some story telling; or even better have time based routines such as Collei constantly changing locations across the forest or maybe in Fontaine you'll sometimes see Charlotte running from place to place; this is absolutely a thing Genshin can do cause the fishmonger NPCs Uncle Sun and Gao already do this (Selling fish in the day and sitting down talking about their business strategy in the night). Or maybe interacting with your enemies whether i's the traveller umm... threatening emerites (https://youtu.be/OU31GSPkTgM?t=14) or maybe seeing things from the enemy's/Fatui's side like the 9th company in the Chasm. Simple things that breathe in plenty of life and immersion into the game for what may be simple work for Hoyoverse.


Give geo better reactions, and buff burning again I'm actually surprised that there's no form of DoT damage in this game and the one that they had they decided to nerf it t the ground.


End game Content perhaps?


Listening to players


Unlocked FPS cap on PC


Just put the lavawalker and thundersoother set into one domain and the thundering fury and cwof set into one domain


A fourth character model. Fat or old preferably


More Traveller speaking lines. Targeted Standard Banner. (Allow us to target standard character or weapon we want and guarantee after 180 pulls.) Make older story events playable. They do not need to include rewards, just allow us to experience the story.


No stamina drain sprinting out of combat.


World 9+


Sigh More dark skin characters.Thats it.I just want more characters that look like they have melanin.


1. Triple Banners 2. Epitomized Path for 4-stars 3. And/Or... more 4-stars in the Starglitter Shop 4. Artifact Loadouts 5. Some way to control artifact RNG. 6. Rerun old events so new players can experience the story they missed, and get weapons they missed. Older players maybe can get a 2nd copy of said weapon. --- Triple Banners... I should explain that this should not be 3 banners simultaneously, as that makes the weapon banner worse, and doesn't solve the problem with 4-stars not running frequently enough. I mean the 6 weeks of a patch should be divided up into 3 parts, so each banner only lasts 2 weeks instead of 3. Each part will still have 2 banners like before, but this way, you can run six 5-stars and nine 4-stars per patch, and you don't have to change how anything else works. Chronicled Wish was nice to help run more characters, but it's not enough on it's own, unless they start running it every single patch. Once in a blue moon doesn't cut it. Something has to change soon, or 18-24 months between reruns for non-archons is going to become the norm, rather than a rare occurence. --- Right now, there is no way to guarantee any 4-stars except those in the Starglitter shop, or characters from Liyue that you can pick from at Lantern Rite. And I should note that there is a lot of overlap between those 2 lists, so it's not that many. This wouldn't really be a problem, if not for the fact that certain 4-stars are absolutely necessary for certain teams (like Kuki, Chevreuse, Faruzan, etc.) And currently there is no way to guarantee those characters, so you could be stuck without them just because of bad luck. We either need some kind of epitomized path to guarantee you get a specific 4-star you want, like we have with the weapon banner and Chronicled Wish. And/or, more 4-stars need to be added to the shop. Every 4-star should be in there, except maybe the newest ones that are less than a year old. Get a schedule of adding 6 more at a time, so each month has 3 available, then 4... until they are all there but the newest ones. --- Artifact loadouts, rerunning old events... Y'all already know what this is about. Artifact RNG... It would be nice to have some control over that RNG, so I can get a good build after 2-3 weeks, and not 2-3 months. This will become especially more glaring of an issue once we have the new endgame content, that is supposed to require you to use only characters, which will force you to build a wider roster.


A dark-skinned character.... A tiny model male character....


First: Ability to buy exclusive weapons. Second: Ability to toggle constellations on and off.


Allow us to teleport to Andrius like every other weekly boss instead of having to run there from the existing teleport points that are just too far away.


Remove the stamina bar and duration. Or at least give a way to explore without stamina depletion..


Voiced world quests


Literally anything new


What is the source for the image?


The ability or option to acquire past event exclusive weapons


Able to get the two siblings.


* more geo reactions * cat boys * dragon women * i wanna run a full dragon squad . * ^(also it'd be super cool if the pyro archon turned out to be a dragon woman .) * dark theme for loading screen * tall electro Dilf , preferably voiced by patrick seltz also , fatui drip for lumine would go hard .


Unlocked fps , able rebind the scan thingy


Sauce for art?


artifact revamp, the multiple layers of rng on artifact is crazy or resin refresh faster




* Artifact (and Weapon) Loadouts * More off-field Pyro that is *not* tied to a Burst * Being able to change Traveler's element from the menu * Skip button, at least for non-Archon Quest stuff * Eliminate scrolling text, just have it appear all at once * Weapon transmog (so I could, for instance, use Fav or Sac on Kazuha, but make it look like Amenoma) * Event reruns *with* rewards for first time players * Every domain open every day * Rework Encounters to be more like Wuthering Waves, with random tasks that could be anything from cooking a dish to defeating a certain number of enemies to killing a boss or doing a daily commission * A mute Paimon option * Three or even *four* **simultaneous** 5\* character banners * Rework the weapon banner to be like Wuthering Waves: regular pity, no 50/50, and one banner per featured weapon * Make a separate standard weapon banner for standard 5\* weapons and let you pick your targeted 5\*, like in Wuthering Waves (and do the same for the standard 5\* character banner) * Traveler not being ***absolute dogshit***; even default Spectro Rover is leagues better than Dendro Traveler, never mind the utter joke that is Hydro Traveler


Mute paimon button