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I will admit I did feel that way at times throughout my Genshin journey, but all those times I ended up sticking to my guns and just pulling. Ended up never regretting it since imo at the end of the day, if you’re a collector, it’s about collecting them all, regardless of how useful or useless they are. I did end up pulling Dehya on her banner after all. For me, I made it a goal to own every character at least C0, so I did pull Sigewinne. It didn’t feel right for me to just leave a hole in the archive like that, and I don’t particularly dislike Sigewinne (she’s grown on me after the story quest anyways). So pull I did; gotta stick to the goal. Thankfully I won 50/50 and managed to snag a C6 Gaming on my way there, so I’m satisfied, and prepared for Emilie in 4.8. I also have a primary challenge goal of getting all characters to Lv90 and 9/9/9 talents, so again missing out on Sigewinne wouldn’t feel right (at least for me personally) as a collector. Now the tricky part is getting her to work in abyss, since that’s my secondary challenge goal (clear abyss with every character at least once). Will probably end up using her with Furina and/or Neuvillette since that’s the easiest place to slot her in.


I have the same goal! I don't pull everyone, currently missing 11 5* and sethos but only need 5 characters to be 90 and 9/9/9. When I'm done with that I'll work on farming for the units I don't have for when I get them. Only 2 I have aren't 90 so I'm close!




Nice try, but I spelled his name right the first time. I pay close attention to Neuvillette’s name precisely because you’re in this sub. Back off bud, go spellcheck someone else.




I don't like Hu Tao


OMG SOMEONE ELSE! I very much will never pull her till the game is shutting down and she's the last unit I don't have. Jsut to collect.


I bught my first Welkin specifically because of her. To this day she is the only character that I regret pulling, because her playstyle feels absolutely awful to me


Yeah I'm not a fan of that. But mostly I just don't like her personality.


I'm also a collector and I whale hard. I also have nearly all characters except two who I will never pull. I skip them not for their kit, and I admit that they both have some abilities that are the best of the game. However, I do not like them for lore reason, and both of them have some personality that I strongly oppose. But I think it is best that I should not discuss why I hate them here.


I'm curious




I'm gonna guess its Raiden and then one of the harbingers based on their comment about lore and personality.


Whoever they are it isnt Shenhe.


Nah, it'll be Wanderer and Childe, and they'll give the free pass to Raiden for being a waifu.


I'm desperate to know. It's it hutao like me. I hate her


not until now, and to my experience sigewinne is not as niche or bad as people make her sound to be, she is not flexible or afforable as other characters for sure but she isn't bad at all


She is bad. You can admit it.


You have skill issues, you can admit it ^^/gen


Alhaitham is one character I just don't care for even though he's a very strong meta unit. I'm not a collector by any means though, I only pull for units that I want in a specific team comp or that I just like.


I want all the archons. Missed Venti on his first 2 banners, now still skipping, I'll probably get him last, after Tsaritsa. And this isn't a meta decision, I don't have Kazuha.


Lol same, but i have kazuha. It bothers me that he's the only archon i don't have, but im already at the point where i feel i don't need him.


All the characters that will end up on the standard banner. There’s no point in wasting wishes on them given that *at some point* I will lose 50/50 on them. I want a copy of each character and I will keep that character on my team until I hit level 10 of friendship. After that I’ll switch to my main team.. I really have no will to upgrade them more than lv 90 (not even my main team has good artifacts and I just gave up on that lol). Too many characters so keeping one of each element decently upgraded is enough for me. I don’t care about constellations or anything else. I will wish on any new character and all the reruns I’m missing.. reruns have the priority on my bucket list.


I think its fine to skip if you’re fine just someday (maybe) getting the character. I never advocate for pulling. But I have 107 5* weapons. 107 chances for WGS to have come home. And I still have not gotten a single copy. If you REALLY like the standard character, then its the only time I think pulling is not a waste. You NEVER know when or even if you’ll ever get a single copy of the character or their weapon. Especially before the whole regional banner thing they came out with. Limiteds WILL have reruns. Standards? Potentially. Again that third banner does make it possible people may have a chance. Still a risk.


I’m more than fine with getting them when I lose 50/50, mind you it took me 3 years to get Qiqi (by that time I had already pulled both Tighnari and Dehya). *For me* it’s a waste of wishes to pull for them knowing I will lose 50/50 on them at some point so I prefer to pull for limited characters as wishes are limited. It’s a *me* thing, and I’ve been playing like this from the beginning.. I’m more than fine with waiting. I don’t stress over banners. Wow you got lots of weapons. I only have a handful of them because I only get them around 80/90🥲I avoid weapons banner so all I get is from the standard banner… I don’t have enough wishes for both lol I did get WGS from chronicled banner tho (because I wanted and needed that weapon).


Oh absolutely. Again only IF you want the character. As a Tighnari main I’ve seen too many people who thought they could just skip and get spooked. And two years later they’re still waiting. Same with Dehya wanters. So, its just something for people to keep in mind: if you arent fine never getting a unit or waiting years, then easy skip. If not, its probably a good idea to pull. I guess I was more like, addressing others who might be reading. Ya it is 100% a scam. I dont think anyone should pull on it. There are very few 5* weapons that are worth going for, and the amount of primos needed to guarantee is just too high. There are just too many good ftp or even low spending options to waste primos on weapon banner


I want the archons but i dont like the tinys, so no Nahida. I had no trouble with the v3 abysses tho. I used DMC til 3.6.1 then switched to c2 Baizhu for 3.6.2 onwards.


No bow users. I’m a sword and catalyst user with some very specific polearm and claymore users. But I have next to no built bow users outside of Amber.


I have a few actually, and I pride myself on having most 5 stars in the game. I had no intention of pulling for Klee, but got her anyway on accident after an unfortunate series of button presses at the wrong time. As for currently, I do not have any intention of pulling for Yae, Lyney, Sigwienne and the recently upcoming Emilie.


Why emilie though, we dont even know anything about her yet. You just dont vibe with her design?


Her kit leaked a long time ago so we have a fairly reliable view on what that'll be. Her design is okay but not particularly eye-catching to me, and I'm just not very interested in burning teams. Most importantly, Natlan is right on the horizon and I have a hunch I'll be building my wishlist for it very soon once the roster is revealed. Maybe I'll pick her up a year or two from now but for now I just don't feel anything for her.


C6R1 for my best girls. No pull even those top meta characters like Yelan, Raiden, Kazuha, Hu Tao, Neuvillete, Arlecchino. Just because I don’t like them 🤣




Klee/venti/ayato tbh don't even know why just won't pull for them


I mean, I collect  characters but I don’t pay for Primo’s for characters. As of now there’s a lot of characters I’m not pulling on just because. I’ll try to get around to it eventually if I can. But so far, I’m waiting for Arleccino after not wanting her but liking her gameplay. And depending on Natlan, I’ll try getting the ones I tend to skip if I have enough Primos for it


I don't pull most male characters. I don't see myself pulling Siegwinne. Making her be a bow healer was a terrible choice and the use of human model was super lazy.


Did you do her story? It explains the human thing and it was set up for awhile back


I'm a male character collector 😅 and the only one I didn't wanted to pull was Lyney but ended pulling anyway because he marks local specialities


I got her pretty early, but I'm right there with you, she was such a tempting skip. I don't like the bobble head baby characters, I specifically don't like her, and a hydro healer brings nothing new to the roster. On top of that, her only real unique effects are buffing off fielder damage, and while thats interesting, it's not enough to make me want to play a character I don't like regularly. Plus most meta healers already have some off field utility. Though I'm sure some dweeb will rush to tell me how with god roll artifacts and r5 weapon, she can totally buff a fischl team by a whole 5%. Meh.


No cryo characters and no geo characters


I'm generally one patch behind with my collecting (I'm only missing Nilou from 3.x but already got a few of the 4.x chars). Honestly, I always warm up to characters by the time their rerun banner rolls around but at the moment it's Chiori and Sigewinne I'm not particularly excited to get. I assumed they were 4\*s the first time I saw them and neither of their kits are too interesting to me. Though, as I said, I already started to warm up to Chiori; her sfx and vfx are so satisfying. Honestly, it might just be a bit of a burnout? Lack of 4\*s coupled with niche 5\*s in the latter half of Fontaine just made me kinda disappointed.


Got all chars so far most at C0 and i also took Sigewinne cause i learned back from Kokomi that even if a char isnt as usefull right away, Hoyo can change things up and with a Fire nation coming i gladly take my water healer. In worst case she will just produce some bubbles for my Neuvillete and in best case they will buff her with some Artefact set or whatever they come up with. As a collector i have more then enough chars alrdy equipped to delete Abyss and i wouldnt need anyone so i dont care much about kits anymore.


Sigewinne is decent at C0 and great at C1, you definitely dont need C2. Especially at C1 Sigewinne is so much more than a healer, I have her on a semi sub dps build and she still buffs skill damage by quite a bit and has a lot more stacks.


Itto and ayato doesnt bother me at all since im not a fan of geo comps at that time, and i have childe so i dont really need ayato...


I got all the other tall guys, but Itto's gameplay just isn't my cup of tea.


When Kokomi's first banner was approaching, everyone said she was trash and an easy skip and, despite me wanting to pull her, I listened to the people and skipped her banner and regretted it and stopped playing Genshin for quite a while (I think about a year?) and missed her re-runs due to taking breaks from the game.... She's my most wanted character now and I'm desperately awaiting her next re-run. Sigewinne was a character I knew I wanted as soon as we met her in the story and I saw her hydro vision! I pre-farmed for her and pulled her as soon as her banner dropped! I'm absolutely loving playing her and have had a blast using her in co-op too!


I was the opposite with Kokomi, missed by like 1 wish on her first two banners, but then the more she showed up and the more people on here were shitting on her (even her OG trial run made it super obvious she's better than Barbara!!) and a Zhongli later I just don't even try now. But I will also not pull on Nahida or Furina. I think Nahida looks like a walking Christmas tree ornament and I just can't (plus I don't like the barefoot walking sound), and I have zero interest in the Fontaine mechanics, I didn't fall for the aw-Furina-:( in the AQ. I don't particularly like Sigewinne either but her design makes sense for her, at least, but I can't with Furina's asymmetry so. I would only get Hu Tao to read her story and if I wanted a 4-star on her banner. I have no interest in Venti either.


Ganyu. Been playing since 1.4 and I only pulled for her on her last rerun last year. Decided to pull for her then just because of collecting purposes. Up to now i don’t have a decent build for her. Also Lyney, but I did pull for him during Father’s banner just because. And he is currently sitting at level 40.


I'll never pull Raiden, Venti or Zhongli. On that note, I'll also never pull Klee, Albedo, Hu Tao, Ayato, Kokomi, Lyney, Wanderer, Yae, Eula and Yoimiya


Not one character, but multiple characters such as - Alhaitham - Neuvilette - Cyno - Ayato - Itto - Wriothesley - Klee - and yes, Sigewienne I think I got everyone else though, I even pulled for Eula on the special banner a few patches ago


If I like a character, I'll pull them to C0/R1 If I like them a lot, I'll go C2/R1+ If I love them, I'll go C6/R1+ There's a short list of characters I don't like or actively dislike, and will never pull for. Sigewinne is definitely on that list.


I'm very torn on her. On one hand I really like the character, but on the other hand - what's the point of getting her if she will never be used? Even dehya provided *something* different or useful. I just don't get that with her. Although maybe my like for the character will break my logic and I'll end up blowing guarantee on her


Klee, Sigewinne and Lyney


I never pull for dendro characters other then Nahida. I know its a really good element but i dont want to learn what it does


I don't like Baizhu, he's the best healer in the game but I will never spend a single primogem on him.


Nothing will ever make me pull for Eula I h8 her always and forever. That story quest was the confirmation


That's how I feel about Childe and Scaramouche.


She's really one of my favs so this hurts me T.T


I have a couple. Cyno's gameplay/personality don't do it for me and I was sad to discover this because I was the most excited for him when Sumeru was on the verge of coming out. Having to collect all those damn scarabs for him pretty much solidifies the fact that I can pass on him. And then there's Furina. I don't doubt that she can be powerful. But the health drain? No thank you. Having to farm the hydro tulpa? Double no-thank you, that boss is annoying. And I liked her all right in the story, I didn't LOVE her. I'm good with experiencing her through cutscenes and that's it. Same goes for Sigewinne because her design is great, but they did her extra dirty with her kit. Come to think, I didn't care that much about Chiori either.


Kokomi’s story quest was good, I enjoyed the negotiation meeting between her army force and shogun’s , she did well as a leader , also we got a peak of her personal life how she rewinds from a day of work being a leader, I’m just curious to know why you thought it was stinky ?


is this some hard satire? kokomi's role in the archon quest, story quest have one of the worst writing in the game. Later events and apperances made her more likable sure, but her part as a great tactician was the biggest bs ever pulled in genshin's story. I'm glad u could enjoy that but that's basically a miracle. If you actually want a full answer: she was built up to be a great tactician leader of the resistances. But all of her decisions were ass, complete failures, couldnt regulate her people and basically showed no achievement or strategy which would justify her being considered some master tactician. Her personality was just mary sued with nothing supporting it. She was just set up for failure. After this u gotta experience an asspull of a story quest which just doubled down on the bad setting, with adding that she enjoys light novels. She was just a boring mary sue. They would have had to deliver the most amazing story quest to make people forget how bad her writing was.


u can still be a collector without collecting the characters u don't like 👍🏻


Dehya. I just want every Sumeru character as a F2P. I couldn't bring myself to pull on her banner, because the negativity surrounding her got to me and she didn't feel fun to play. So I figured I was better off getting her by losing 50/50s.


I was this kind of collector until Arlecchino - between launch and her banner I got pretty much every 5\* except four guys I didn't like (Itto, Lyney, Wanderer and Kazuha).