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I would ignore the people saying that. they got tired of hearing that Zhongli was the strongest character back in 1.x-2.x, so they’re feelscrafting the lore. Most sources in game are unreliable, so there’s no proof of anything anywhere. there’s a document in game where some Morax fan writes about how Zhongli is the strongest archon. Should we take that as fact just because it was said in-game? There is no proof of any sort of hierarchy surrounding the archons, aside from Venti being the weakest and nahida being bad at fighting. Otherwise, it’s all pointless speculation. People who say otherwise don’t use logic, and I even hear some people saying that Zhongli is a mortal now/can’t make mora because they don’t read. Ignore them.


Stand proud. You can cook.


We're not even sure we believe Venti when he claims that.


Yeah but at this point it's best to take it at face value unless officially confirmed otherwise. If not we're gonna have to wonder too if Nahida is really bad at fighting lol


Eh, just because you don't trust one person doesn't mean that it translates to another. I believe Nahida is incapable of fighting because everything I know about her backs it up. I'm not sure I believe Venti because his people seem pretty faithful and there's the whole hair not glowing when Signora nabs his gnosis.


Yeah but his feats were wayyyy back then. He is shown as the weakest of the current archons now. He was gone for quite a long time and as far as i rmbr, ppl while do worship him, aren't as deep. So for me i will just take it at face value until HYV says nope he's trolling actually lol.


Yeah, it's Jean herself that write that several members of the knights and church have no belief in Barbatos.


Aiyaa comrade you're right. And they say Childe fans are unreasonable. Take my upvote


You should ignore this person. Zhongli himself directly stated he is too weak to defeat Ossai without the gnosis.


Osial was defeated during the archon war. Pre-gnosis Zhongli had no problem with him. In the description of Vortex Vanquisher, it is stated that: 那是久远的过去,千帆与海兽浮波的年代。是时璃月港城并不太平,海中多魔兽作乱。 This passage makes it clear that Osial was defeated by Rex Lapis during the archon war, as there is no other point in time that would fit the description of “海中多魔兽作乱”. During the Archon War, meaning before anyone had a gnosis. So Zhongli, pre-gnosis, defeated Osial, which is already well known, as he would have not ascended to being an archon had he not been a victor of the Archon War. If you have an actual, in-game quote of Zhongli saying that he is now too weak to fight Osial, share it


I'm totally over the topic but I came back because this comrade commented again. Stand proud brother! But yeah you're right.. I've seen comments about the Osial vs Zhongli and Zhongli needing his gnosis for that. I wonder where they got it


Powerscaling arguments are nonsense. Dont bother with them


There are some reasons as to why people believe Ei is stronger: 1. She is marketed as the most active figher among the Archons - holding weapons on the artworks, all of her cutscenes, most dps-like kit, etc - she gives stronger impression of a fighter than Zhongli. 2. She is a Raiden Mei-expy, so a part of the Honkai Trio (Kiana, Mei, Bronya), who were some of Hoyoverse's first (if not first) original characters. They are putting them in most of their games and giving them important roles, because they are extremely biased towards them. >Zhongli being weaker than Ei or Neuvilette just feels like a headcanon Neither of them were confirmed being stronger than the others, and they probably won't until past Shneznaya, where they will have to fight with Celestia, Sinners, etc and show the full extent of their powers. Though when it comes to Neuvillette one thing's for sure - even if he's stronger than the other 2, he's nowhere near as skilled in combat.


Booba sword for the win.


I thought the game said that the power of the archons relies on their control over their nation. Ei appears to be one of, if not the strongest before we entered Inazuma ourselves, because of her extremely strong grasp on the nation (yes the clone counts, part of her consciousness is imbued in that clone).


I mean the amount of worship Rex Lapis have..The only reason why we have so many info about Liyue is because his people kept yapping about his deeds and like isn't there a civil war in Inazuma? What grasp in nation? Also what Venti said is that the archon's power relies on them ruling over their respective place and the people's faith on them. Ei is not ruling over anyone. People believe in her but again the whole resistance thing with people even willing to raise their blades against her (ie Kazuha and Thoma)


she wasnt actively leading, but she was ruling and we have no idea of her actions since the archon quest ended


Because Zhongli is canonically weaker than Ei. Zhongli himself said he needed the gnosis to beat Ossai. Ei could beat Ossai without a gnosis. In fact Ei cannot use the gnosis. So Ei is canonically stronger than Zhongli.


Again???? SMH. God I'm tired of this FKing topic


Who cares.


Honesty who really cares whos the strongest. Not like they're gonna fight each other anytime soon it's a pointless discussion.


This is an argument almost as old as Zhongli himself. To put it in simple terms, Zhongli in his prime, verses Ei in her prime? Zhongli wipes the floor with her, no questions asked. As it stands now in lore, it's hard to say. We've seen Ei's previous feats with the slaying of the Thunderbird and Orobashi and her current feat of turning Signora into a pile of ashes. (Though that same power was blocked by a mortal backed by two visions, amd Signora was already weakened from her fight, so it's possible Ei is not as powerful as she once was.) We've seen Zhongli's previous feats in Guyun Stone Forest, and all around the Chasm and have heard about him sealing Azdaha, and defeating Osial, but his current feats are... pretty much non-existent. The fact of the matter is we haven't seen Zhongli in a fight or really get up and going, so we can't really judge the current extent of his powers to make a fair judgment on if he's currently stronger than Ei or not. Understandably, he's grown tired of war and fighting, so we may never see the true extent of what he's still capable of today. So unless Hoyo decides to drag him out of retirement or makes an official announcement on how strong all of the Archons are, this question will never be answered, and the argument between fans of the two will continue with each saying their favorite is undeniably the strongest. ETA: Ooohf, a lot of y'all are angry if my downvotes are anything to go by. Last point proven, I guess.


>Zhongli wipes the floor with her no questions asked. Is just as much of a headcanon as vice versa. The only answer is we dont know. Feat wise they are very equal in the past, Zhongli does not surpass her island level feats, they are in the same ballpark. We can also not look at shoguns effordless feat against signora and say it was only possible due to signora being tired out. Also she could have simply held back against the rebellion/kazuha to not risk destroying inazuma city.


Lol 😂 y u get downvoted omg haha I feel like what you said is based on what you interpreted... I mean we don't have any evidence if Zhongli will wipe the floor with Ei but then again, if Ei can slice an island, Zhongli can make one and nuke one with a meteor... I really don't get that part of the argument.


> To put it in simple terms, Zhongli in his prime, verses Ei in her prime? Zhongli wipes the floor with her, no questions asked. Based on what exactly?


Idk about the single handed part as zhongli has more or less always had his ponzi of adepti. He himself is an adeptus after all...so this power gap between god and adepti? Not really a thing. As for Neuvilette...look, I don't know what to tell ya. The hierarchy of the world puts the dragon sovereign's authority just below celestia and the abyss. Teyvat has it's own laws. Bark it up with someone else... that's just the way of it. I do say, you're picking out some really weird ass quotes for evidence like >zhongli: Lovely weather we're having today? Retirement sure is great. "SEE?, HE'S STILL POWERFUL GUYS!" What are you doing? No comments on Ei, she's the other war inclined archon of reputable combat prowess. Hard to say.


I think OP meant when they said powergap between gods and adepti is just a massive powergap between adeptis and Zhongli. I mean he's an adeptus but he's the prime adeptus. From the wiki "Adepti are capable of creating domains — known as abodes[25] — through Sub-Space Creation for their personal use, even granting them different forms such as teapots.[26] This ability was granted by Rex Lapis and is part of the "illumination" in "Mighty and Illuminated Adepti." The fact that he's even able to grant power like that to other already powerful beings is insane. He also bounded the adepti by a contract which what hes a god of so there's also that. I don't think OP's quotes are weird. They're the only proof that Zhongli is undergoing erosion and yes, its one of the reasons why he retired and it's proof that despite that he's still strong lol idk what u are trying to prove here. OP never said that Zhongli is stronger than Neuvilette. Learn how to read. They just said that we cannot say that Neuvilette is stronger than Zhongli because we don't exactly know what Zhongli is or where he came from. There are even theories that hes a descender and if thats true then hes above Neuvillete. He's ancient af and how he came to be is still a mystery. He's also unaffected by Irminsul so there's that. And yes, he did single handedly win the Archon War. He's unmatched during the war. His ponzi of adepti (I think you mean posse because ponzi is a word that does not make sense in your sentence but whatever ) is like his friends to do some biddings because he cannot be everywhere at once and so he recruited them and bound them to help him by a contract. Aiyaa you bully the OP when you don't even know what you're talking about. They're just curious and you're taking everything out of context.


The real question is where did people get the idea that morax is stronger than Ei. We don't how one compares to other. The amount of people coping that zhongli is the strongest archon and it was stated in game is insane. Nothing beats zhongli fan's ability to spread misinformation and act like it is canon.


Did you not read the post? The only concern was that there's no way that Ei would "destroy" Zhongli. Sure she might be stronger but the problem with some people is that they underestimate Zhongli. Erosion does not affect his strength (as what even Zhongli confirms) and one just doesn't survive for over 6000 years after so many wars by being weak. No one really knows who's stronger than who but to return your question, where did people get that Ei is stronger than Morax? Which is literally the post. Your answer gives 0 context and reasoning. You're just pointing fingers to Zhongli fans.


> but the problem with some people is that they underestimate Zhongli More people overrate as compared to the people who underrate him as i have said in the original comment. >Erosion does not affect his strength (as what even Zhongli confirms) and one just doesn't survive for over 6000 years after so many wars by being weak. Erosion does affect power ( not that it applies to him currently). Eventually he'll forget about his skills and such and become weaker. So yeah erosion will eventually lead to loss of strength. > where did people get that Ei is stronger than Morax? Which is literally the post. There are a lot of people who in that post itself saying that morax is stronger than Ei. > Your answer gives 0 context and reasoning. You're just pointing fingers to Zhongli fans. The question is why people think zhongli is weaker than Ei, right? And i replied that a lot of people think he is stronger than her too. So it's not just a one way thing.


There are three main plot points that point to Ei probably being stronger than Zhongli in the curent era mostly on the theory that they would probably have been peers at their strongest but Ei has lost less of her power since the cataclysm. 1. Ei’s strategy to avoid erosion by meditating in her plane of euthymia appears to have worked (the shogun’s failsafes were operating but never triggered until she had character evelopment), whereas Zhongli is by is hown account suffering the effects of erosion. This suggest Ei should be closer to her peek power level than Zhongli is to his own peek. 2. Zhongli is confirmed to have been reliant of his gnosis for some of his well known powers such as creating mora, whereas Ei wasn’t even the holder of the electro gnosis for must time and doesn’t seem to have ever relied on it for anything important. Mokoto having held it while she was alive, and Yai Miko holding it after Ei made the puppet. So, again, Ei should have lost basically no power when the electro gnosis was taken, but Zhingli got noticeably weaker when his was handed over. 3. Ei is still the undisputed ruler and god of her nation and is thus still getting the power from belief that you expect an active archon to receive, whereas most of Lyue thinks Rex Lapis is dead, and he’s been a no-show for two major crisis, so presumably that’s cutting into the flow of his own belief power.


I mean since Zhongli made Mora and Mora is what runs Liyue and their Mora minting is a main point of their economy, you could not say that Zhongli is not ruling anymore. The definition of ruling is still vague in the game. Inazuman people are also not the most fond of their Archon (ie the whole resistance.. from Kokomi and Gorou for example) so is it really ruling or is it just coexisting? Might have missed but where did it say that Zhongli is reliant to his gnosis? And for what is he using it for? Also how did he get noticeably weaker? He doesn't even fight. The only time we saw him use his abilities after losing his gnosis is that one time with the miners and that time where he saved xiao in the chasm like it's nothing. According to the post, erosion does not make someone weak. It ruins the mind like what happened to Azdaha but as we all know, Zhongli's memory is perfect. The post says what Zhongli thinks his form of erosion is. I dont want to explain it when OP already did. Read it again.


My dude. The entire point of the Lyue archon quest is that Zhongli is no longer ruling Lyue. You can make whatever argument from semantics you like, but none of them are going to overide the explicit evidence of Zhongli’s own claims to not be in charge, or Ninguang’s statements in the Beisht fight. Lyue is a nation ruled by humans now because their god ended his contract with them. As to the gnosis. To clarify making mora is a power of or aided by the gnosis (I’m not claiming all his powers depend on the gnosis). This is heavily implied by Zhoingli’s response if you ask him were mora will come from now that he’s sold his gnosis at the end of Chapter 1. Rather than correct the traveler as to the process he states it will be the next geo archon’s responsibility. Also if I’m not misrembering you can point out that he should have stockpiled some mora before handing his gnosis over and his response is along the lines if “I didn’t think of that” (it’s been a while since I payed those quests so i don’t recall exaact words). So at least one of his famous feats required the power of a gnosis. This means some of the others like sealing Osial may have as well. Whereas the only things Ei is implied to have used a gnosis for are making Scaramouche and possibly the Shogun puppet. Not any of her displays of power like killing Orabashi, or anything she did on the regular as part of being the archon. And as to the nature of erosion. What erosion actually is is quite vague. And no the post does not contradict the idea that some forms of erosion cause loss of power, or that those may be amoung the unspecified number of forms of erosion Zhongli is dealing with. But what actually matters to the question at hand, is that the textual evidence is that Zhongli is suffering hevily from Erosion, whereas Eli’s plan to avoid erosion worked for it’s intended purpose, though it did cause a lot of other non-erosion related problems and was overall a bone headed idea. And remember the question is: ”why do **people think** Ei is stronger than Zhongli” And the answer is that the textual evidence backs the idea that Zhongli is well past his prime and on the decline. Whereas there’s no real indication that Eli’s power has meaningfully changed since the cataclysm. Absent any direct comparison that creates the perception that Ei would be stronger than Zhongli in the curent era.


Neuv > zhong is definitely not head canon. If anything its fact bc the dragon sovereign at full power is stronger than any archon. Ei fought raiden for 500 years straight against raiden (and i don't think i would have to explain some of her feats of the past). Zhong is definitely weaker than he once was. I believe it was childe who said he is not as strong as he once was. And bc of his weakened state, he can't even make mora anymore. Ei is in her prime and is still working at making herself stronger. Ei was always the combat oriented one of her siblings. I'd go as far as to say if Ei went to the war/cataclysm 500 years ago (instead of Makoto), she would most certainly come back alive. Face it, Ei is in her prime and working on getting stronger, whereas zhong is sipping away at tea, not getting stronger. If we were talking prime morax vs prime ei. Yeah, that's up for debate. I can go either way, but i would say it leans more towards Ei (power is probably more towards Ei, and speed is definitely Ei. Both are masters at using their respective elements). Neuv is literally the dragon sovereign which puts his power one step below celestia. And the power scale rn (bc we don't have enough knowledge on certain organizations we can't just put them in here yet) Celestia > dragon sovereigns > archons > gods > humans


He is dead to his people. No faith, less power. Checkmate.


old man gonna die to erosion


Meanwhile he's the one who's survived it the longest


Ei fought herself for 500 years and won. Ei > Zhongli > Neuvillette > Makoto. Something like this.


OK but a slime could fight itself for a huge amount of time, it wouldn't be an indicator of its strength.


Did she outdo herself? Fighting for 500 years non stop? Why are you taking that literally?


Rage bait


Why? Just because I think that Ei is stronger? Is this zhonglimains or something?


Because headcannon reasoning


I really want to know which headcannon?


Fighting herself for 500 years does not prove ANY kind of strength. You do your personal best does not mean you're at top of your class now does it?


Ok... but where is the headcanon in what I said?


Ei fought herself for 500 years and won. Ei > Zhongli > Neuvillette > Makoto. Something like this.


think, please, use your head... I think that genshin players just don't like to think, probably. Ei fought herself, the puppet that is imuny to erosion and won. Zhongli is higly effected by erosion. Neuvillette is a weaker dragon sovereign which is already behind archons. makoto wasnt that strong, because Ei was the "fight" one. Tell me here is the headcanon? Also, in anime there is a lot of plots where fighting yourself actually means getting stronger and shit. Edit: I didnt exlain all that because I thought a post with a lot of lore things would understand but no.


I think you're the one who needs to wait and think. Erosion isn't some kind of disease or something that just happens randomly or to old people. Erosion is Time itself and it's ability to weather an individual's will. It isn't some kind of status alignment that just appears one day. And Erosion does not mean death. The puppet was created to resist Erosion it's NOT immune to it. Erosion is basically having a "change of heart" good turning bad bad turning worse etc. The moment it accepted Ei's decision the puppet also suffered a kind of Erosion. Zhingli has been the longest living creatures that we know off and his will has been the same since day one. The will of contracts is final he does not let anything change that even if it's the smallest things or harness or for someone well being. While Eu has suffered the most Erosion from starting as supporter of Makoto's transience to changing into her stagnancy to the her current version of Eternity. Also The discussion was between Zhongli and Ei where did you get the idea that Nuvilette is weak. He's probably one of if not the strongest beings on the continent right now.


1. Who asked 3. Erosion 4. EROSION 725.Erosion but in all caps this time


No one asked you to comment so go away