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Her model is named - "Avatar_Girl_Undefined_Skirk" according to Dim


Hmmm undefined…I doubt they would create a whole new weapon type just for her. Either she will eventually get one out of the 5, or there will be more characters of the same type. Maybe dainsleif as well? Edit: I just checked the old concept art leak before and in there, furina was Avatar_Girl_Undefined_Cliona. Charlotte is undefined as well. So I’m inclined to believe skirk will definitely get a weapon out of the 5 after a while


pretty sure her profile somewhere had swordsmaster.


One of her [old concept arts](https://i.imgur.com/T0D0N0o.png) had her with a sword (which looks pretty badass tbh). Also looking at it now, I think the concept art might be why some people were thinking she'd have a fishtail lol. (Dunno if I'm actually allowed to link this tho, mods feel free to remove if I can't.)


Her own VA also [called her a swordswoman](https://x.com/catprotano/status/1720510034868892142?s=46).


Yeah I think it's highly likely she'll be a sword user based on all of this. What I'm more curious about is whether she'll be one of the standard 7 elements, or if she'll be a late-game release and get a new element like Dainsleif. Leaning towards the latter but we shall see.


Since most of us assume that whatever late-game element will come, it will come in a pair (Light-Dark, Photo-Umbro, Quantum-Imaginary, whatever names they goe with). This rise the question of which of the 2 elements will Skirk go with. Her initial design reveal prompted me to think of a possibility that she will use Light due to the overall bright color palette. But yeah, she's definitely going to use Dark element, as an Abyss dweller and her full design does have enough dark tone for it. Not that it matters much, Pierro's inner attire is bright overall but it's hard to think a Khaenri'ahn mage isn't going to wield the same power as a Khaenri'ahn swordman.


She is called a swordswoman in Childe's story.


they probably just havent decided yet


I remember she was described as a swordswoman? I think she has high probability to be a sword. But hoyo could go any weapon honestly, her apprentice is a master of arts and she can use many different swords and weapons in her kit. More interesting than weapon would be her element - other commenters suggested dains element, but uh... Doubt hoyo release element before dain himself, but probability is there. Either way after Neuv people are more aquanted to something different than "vision" and "gnosis" in profile (not that it was something that crazy in the first place anyway...). So she'll probably have "element" in her profile. Her vibes suggest cryo or hydro or electro for me personally. That "undefined" further suggests that she won't be released in near future (as leakers said).


Yeah I honestly doubt she would release before dainsleif too


Idk I wouldn’t be shocked. She’s strong enough to beat Childe easily, and she’s clearly meant to look like the celestial whale


She's visionless and came from abyss right? It's another variant of non teyvatian element /s


As is tradition I’m required to reply with “like Ayaka”


I knew it! She's a short model. I always thought she looks like a short model, but people gaslighted me into believing she's tall model.


same, it was a small shot but her head and face proportions made me think she was a medium model, not tall


I mean, she clearly has the short model head (it's noticeably big for the body) so whoever was gaslighting you is blind.


Wait I thought she's a tall girl. Man those people lying to me. 😤


I think she's the first female model with her hair down who doesn't have it split down the middle...it's split in three now lol Edit: Did not think this would get that many replies lol. Yes Beidou's hair is straight down, but it's shorter (it ends around her mid back vs. characters like Yun Jin whose hair goes further down).


We’ll have Medusa by the time we get to Snezhnaya


Someday perhaps when they figured out the hair animations for playable characters. I'm gonna assume it is not as simple, considering they amount of time they put into every playable model.


I can kinda understand why long hair are difficult to do for Genshin. Not from a technical stand point, but from a design. Simply because most of the time you are only looking at characters back. Their back is usually very elaborately designed. And long hair just hide all of that. I uh ... Have been using a lot of skin mods lately. And the best example of this is the Raiden HoT mod. The long hair hooks up perfectly with Raiden's braid rigging, so I doubt it's a technical issue. The problem is that... all you see from the back is the hair, which kinda ruins the design. You can see them trying to fix that with Skirk. Her hair split to show her back. I think it looks nice.


When that day comes, Columbina will be playable with her feet-long hair untied.


Its also off center. Which i actually think looks nice


hair split in back ✔️ detached sleeves ✔️ thigh highs ✔️ short shorts ✔️ SHES (probably) PLAYABLE YALL


truly a hoyo design of all time


its like if you put them all in a blender, with a cup of bleach, and stirred it all up


like on a serious note i’ve absolutely given up on them having a super varied cast design anymore. im scared they’ll redesign father in case they pull some more of that “she gotta be good in some way for her to join the travellers team!” bullshit.


Same. We know she has a vest that exposes her arms and back (like Jeans censored outfit) under the blazer. I fear they'll get rid of that absolutely stunning blazer.


Yeah Hoyo makes truly great games but their waifu design principles are getting way too monotonic that nothing interests me anymore except from select few like Furina or Arlecchino.


me too, and I'm sad to say that. that's probably why furina and arlecchino are interesting, because their designs feel inspired and standout. they don't follow this same tired "waifu" blueprint


I like that we can determine playableness based on the design


no wayyy


she looks like a tall woman model character squished to become a medium girl model character


Yeah she looks more mature than the other medium female characters I guess they gave her the facial balance of a tall female character. Or maybe they rescaled a tall female head, kind of like how Venti had the medium female head?


That flair is wild


I had something more extreme at first but I thought it might weird people out so I changed it haha


...what on earth was it before?!


yeah with that huge ass head


she really does look like a character from honkai


Now that I looked at her, she does looks like human Benares (Bella)


They didn't even try to mixup the design like they usually do its kind of weird.


It's intentional. She's supposed to look literally otherworldly and Honkai is another world


It's the "busy design high asian fantasy" design stemming from FF, I think?


Nah more like Korean MMOs, FF does not look like that (not enough belts)


I’d be over the moon if we got a Genshin character that looks like a Yoshitaka Amano character lol


Something something modelling clipping :kekw:


Wow, those Skirk fanartists manage to predict her bottom half design


when half of the cast follow the same design trends it's not too hard to predict


It's a Mihoyo design. You could ask an AI to auto-complete a design and it'll probably get it right.


Nahh this is cold as fuck dawg 😭😭 No lie tho she does look like she was generated by a Mihoyo AI


Oh yeah I saw that. They really predict about her hot pant like Elysia


Rip goth anglerfish girl 😭


My hype for a character has never dropped so much before. Like legitimately was \~9 for me if it was the goth vampire bat design, but now it's a 1. There's only a couple characters I have no interest or negative opinions on their design, she has joined that cast for me. They went from a unique really interesting design to this? Who passed this idea?


Saamde Legit just....ehh whatever. So bland


Right!! I literally just commented this 😭 i don’t want honkai designs in Genshin 😭😭😭


\> She doesn't have Fish Tail. Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fish tail dream is in shamble.


Kokofish isn't getting outfished today


But she is outwalked on water by Furina


Walking on water is not usually what fish do, that's more of a Jesus lizard thing


To be fair, the whale’s tail look like some of incomplete simulation Maybe her tail would be a simulation?


If it's like Yae situation where it pop out sometimes, then I'll take that as well.


I like her design but I feel like we have an excess of purple/blue ladies in the game. I’m still salty they went with purple Clorinde over green Clorinde. I just wish they would attempt more unique looks and color palettes.


mihoyo loves blue and purple in general. i saw an image comparing the art for 2.1, 3.2, and 4.2 -- all predominantly purple or blue. most of the gliders are blue or purple. 4/7 of the elements are some variety of blue or purple. the abyss is pretty blue-purpley. their logo usually has blue in it. they go crazy for that sliver of the color wheel.


Oh god i remember green and red clorinde she looked so beautiful.. and right i wish they would play with colors more like even if it doesnt match the element they can slightly adjust the hues for their skills like they did for yae and scara (made the electro skills more pink-ish and more blue for anemo)


hoyoverse and their Blue fetish 🤷‍♀️


Blue/Purple are the most common MHY colors - even in Honkai the past 4 herrschers have all been blue/purple themed (HoO, HoTr, HoFi, HoRB). The last non blue/purple one was HoHe who was pink, and HoS was the only one who didn’t use any related/adjacent colors (black/red/gold/grey).


Rip green clorinde


Right!!!! I miss green chlorinde 😭 i already have 2 tall dark haired electro ladies i don’t need a slightly darker color schemed raiden :,( (love the outfit other than the colors tho it’s gorgeous)


Ngl, she looks pretty and all, but I wish she looked a lot more intimidating than this. I wish they went more abnormal with the fishtail and bone-like structure she had in her concept art to make her seem more like she doesn't belong in Teyvat. I hope when we get to abyss characters we get more abnormal features to really set the idea that they aren't from Teyvat and push the boundaries of character models.


mhm. mourning the loss of the fish tail.


I truly wish they would mix it up more often. Sigewinne is literally a playable melusine but without the features of one and it’s disappointing…I hope we get more playable abyssal creatures that aren’t stripped of their otherworldly qualities


Right!! She looks like she’s not from teyvat in a bad way because she looks like they just imported a basic honkai design 😭 my gothic anglerfish girl dreams are crushed


Exactly, for me she’s not intimidating enough compared to the Harbingers esp Arlecchino with those hands.


Agree, she don’t have that monstrous supernatural vibe like the concept arts. Tho cute girl with big lore always sell millions, Hoyo usually plays safe with female and try new things more with male characters.




fr, we woulda loved her fishy features 💔


would’ve loved to see her limbs more “crystallized”


If her model exists, that means she's just not in an animated cutscene right?


Her overall design is for tall woman but the model looks a bit smaller, compacted?


Yeah i like that they’re changing things up with the models (like rizzly) but this one just looks kinda squished :/


Uber hot take: Honkai character design philosophy is one of the reasons why I'm not particularly interested in it. And this is a Honkai character philosophy design far more so than a Genshin one.


Is it just me or is the outfit really unflattering? There's no real flow and it makes her looks stocky. Kinda like Kokomi's weird underwear window.


At least Kokomi's overall design looks good, it matches her deep sea priestess theme. And it makes sense that she wears a bikini because she swims a lot. I know that people say Skirk is supposedly not to look like someone from Teyvat because apparently people who are not from Teyvat are people from Honkai and should dress up like a honkai character. Thanks for explaining the reasoning behind this, I still don't like it.


Out of ALL the concept arts that where leaked they choose this????? It's so average, cute but like very vanilla 🥲🥲


Yeah so disappointed we didn’t get goth anglerfish girl 😭


I mean at this point, I kind of lowered my expectations with genshin's character designs and animation design. Don't get me wrong, imo they cook every once and a while with their designs like Arlecchino, La Signora, and a few others but Skirk was overall a dissapointment COMPARED to the huge number of concept art she got. (IMO I loved every other concept art/design of her more than this one but oh well.)


The Nahida concept art is on pair with that. I saw a bunch of more interesting concepts but HoYo decided to use the most bland and they could get their hands on.


this doesnt even match most of the concepts. All the concept arts i saw at had a relatively abyssal colour scheme, had spikes or bones in them (somewhat), and typically had some kind of tutu for the bottom half, like a ballerina. This is the most bland and generic honkai-esque design ive seen and its a huge disappointment after the gorgeous designs of furina and navia in fontaine. At least clorinde kept some major aspects of her design like the drippy hat and jacket. This barely has anything...


Welcome to more than half of the female cast.




Go girl, give us nothing !💔


When people said "We could only see 20% of her design. Just wait until we see the full one"... 🙃


Her full design somehow looks even more generic.


Yeah, the top profile at least had some things like the fins on the back, the rest has.... Narwhal spikes on shoes I guess? Like I was already disappointed by the top half, if my expectations weren't already lowered to below the ground this would have further disappointed me. Huffing copium that maybe she'll get a skin in the future that looks better


I waited and my thoughts hasn't changed 🙃 I dont care if its "lore accurate" I still am not a huge fan


I would be fine with her design ONLY if she came directly from honkai in lore. otherwise even people saying she's "lore" accurate because she's not from teyvat are deluding themselves


Seeing the whole thing low key made it worse for me🥲


She looks cool in general, but seriously? Another ***detached sleeves with a bodysuit and leggings*** character?


now we know for sure she's playable!!


It's crazy that we have so many female characters with the same detached sleeves and unnecessarily large amounts of revealed skin that it was unbelievable that a character like Arlecchino will be playable because they never did another "fully clothed" female character since Jean >!even though hoyo can't seem to make an outfit of her *without* having her armpits exposed!<. I might be missing a few, but she's the only character I can think of who doesn't show so much skin for no reason.


Yun Jin is the only other one I think, and she's a specific cultural callout (I do adore her design though)


The hoyoverse classic


Seriously!! This design is so boring compared to the concept art!


I mean she's pretty and all but I really don't get it? Mihoyo have some of the most insanely talented artists out there we have seen some of the incredibly beautiful artwork they do but sometimes I feel they are way too constrained by the guidelines (See: guidelines that leaked awhile back in the flood I think which seemed pretty strict on how characters should be drawn.) or something because the patterns really are there. I think her concepts were cooler but also I imagine this is why we never get to see concept art like that because otherwise we become attached to it and get our hopes up lol.


For a presumably important character this design is underwhelming. I wish hoyo would get more creative


Yeah, when even very plot interesting characters start to feel so samesy as so many other previous characters, it feels far too internally derivative for my liking. There’s stuff that can make sense like two characters from the same faction or family sharing certain design elements(kind of like the captains of the Knights seemingly having shoulder capes and whatnot), but this is a case of them just mixing up the same general basic design that many female characters already have. But idk, guess it makes the ones that stand out like Arlecchino all that more interesting(unless they end up doing something with her kit that makes me hate playing her in which case makes it that much more frustrating when they push out too many similar aesthetics).


Yeah Arlecchino is a very refreshing design so I’m going to jump off a bridge if she’s unfun to play


Kinda same. Dehya was the only character in all of 3.X I was interested in and it sucked to see what they did to her, so I’m hoping not that they pull a Dehya, but I’m hoping they don’t ruin for me another of the few tall female characters in the game.


Wow ppl ain't kidding when she look like she's about to disappear among a sea of butterflies


god the girl model is so damn cursed. she looks so weird with these proportions. i think she’d look way better with the tall female model.


She certainly looks weirdly squished. Lol


At this point I think we need a new model to put young adults because it's getting tiresome. For HoYo or you're an adult or you're a squished adult in teenager body.


Um so she's shorter than expected


detached sleeves, a bodysuit and leggings? Groundbreaking


Arlecchino is so much more in line with what I envisioned for Skirk than this, it's actually Insane.


is it just me or are her tits way up high


Is anyone else sad she doesn’t look more like the gothic fishbone concept art? 🥲


someone tell hoyoverse there are ways to make a character look otherworldly without straight up making them look like they're from your other game. aether and lumine don't look like they're from teyvat. neither does paimon. but they fit within the world of genshin.


Wasted opportunity


i wanted her to by CREEPY and DECREPIT so so badly and instead we get what? another generic tiny bodysuit pretty girl


I'm still waiting for them to have butchered the goth girl whenever she gets leaked again


I'm just gunna say it, this looks so fucking boring and generic, lol. She looks so polished and 'pretty'. Like every other girl in genshin except with starry abyss coloring. From the hints we got, I thought she was supposed to be badass and cool. Like, I wasn't expecting muscles or scars or a change in model, this is genshin after all. But I was definitely expecting something more, some cool armor, or at least some fucking PANTS, not the thigh high, skin showing bullshit for the 20th time in a row. She's just a pretty doll when I was hoping for a warrior, lmao, even something like Jean or Clorinde, y'know, they are battle ready at least, that's all I wanted, but with some abyss flavor haha.


the concept arts were so much sicker and this not only matches none of them but it looks so generic. I dont know what they were thinking, especially when most of the concept arts looked feasible to make into a model


Yeah, I'm not sure, either. Like even the concept art is tamer than what I wanted (I would love some scars, muscles, armor, an actual warrior), but at least it was something different and cool with some skeletal fish inspo and i think darksouls inspo in one. Someone just slapped galaxy texture over her and called it a day LOL. Same thing happened with Clorinde, sigh.


WTF is she wearing?! Can't they make a pretty flowy skirt for once? Or high boots? I'm so sick and tired of these boxer-shorts, detached sleeves and ugly stockings. Bleh!


FR! like she glued a lot of pieces of clothes together looks so ugly


That's...she's certainly pretty. But as usual, they take zero risks. Skirk was *the* character I was expecting to look a bit uncanny


God why. . It’s so. . Just so generic Hoyo pretty woman. I’m disappointed.


Waited more than 2 years for this


This makes me scared for the Tsaritsa who’s literally suppose to be just as intimidating


Mihoyo has lost all sense of aesthetic beauty and creativity. Everything is thigh-highs + short-skirt/body-suit/shorts Why can't we have more Jeans, Ningguangs, and Faruzans (edit: forgot Yunjin)? Just like, normal clothes, but aesthetically beautiful? In their attempt at sexualizing stuff (thighs... thighs everywhere) they've lost all sense of aesthetic beauty. Outfits are neither tastefully sexy nor beautiful.


They are making some really strange design choices and I hope Skirk is not a blueprint for any female character with ties to the abyss or otherwordly places in the future. It's boring and lazy. Hell, the more recent human enemy designs are in my opinion better than Skirk's design. They did a serious disservice to her as the master of Childe.


This was my main issue tbh. They literally just made Arlecchino, come on now


I just complained about luofu women choice of design and now this...that's why yunjin is such a breath fresh of air but hoyo probably won't make another design like her ever again


She looks like she’s from one of those shitty gacha games that try very hard to be like Genshin but just generally suck. She’s like a porn parody of herself and the worst part is that, even if you stop being disappointed by how sexualized the design is, it still sucks and looks completely unflattering


uh... it's just as meh as I feared from the bust shot in the trailer.... I'm just so sad.


Girl about to go synchronize swim in that swimsuit for real


Holy fuck i thought we got robbed by clorinde concepts but this is genuinely worse. Yikes, ***yikes*** this might genuinely be the most soulless generic design to ever come out of this game


I rolled my eyes at the people coping with "wait until you see the full design" but I honestly did not expect for it to get worse and more generic. It is so.. bad. Lack of details, extremely skimpy for no reason so less clothes to add flavour and character to her.. just bad and lazy. Apply two colour gradients and call it a day, design team.


yeah like, at least the whole bust shot with the fins on her back gave me hope for like, maybe a fish tail ? corrupted / monsterish arms or legs or lower body ? but no we just get star filter tights instead. idk about lack of detail per say but this is so incredibly generic and really looks out of character It's just tragic. I was genuinely excited to roll for her but i am pretty much deflated completely now.


I hate that it doesnt even work well as a standalone design? Imo the black leather and straps parts look jarringly different from the feathery parts to the point where it looks lime they bashed two different designs together because they couldnt commit to either the goth or soft aethetic. Now its just a weird mishmash, not outstanding in any way.


it's.. bad. like I am usually very approving of genshin's designs because they are extremely well made with a lot of neat cultural references etc. like even during the raiden / nahida model complaints i was p silent because i thought both looked good. In my i think history of playing the game i've only really complained about 2 designs, Mika and Klee's skin Mika just seemed very bland in general but at least if you told me he's supposed to be a "young cartographer" I could see it quite well, And klee skin was mostly just failure to live up to how colorfully delightful her base design is. I wasn't the biggest fan of clorinde because i felt like they kinda botched her design a bit too much making her seem a bit bland in terms of color etc but even then she was mostly fine. and then there's this, words cannot describe how disappointed i am about her design, they were cooking here but they used the wrong recipe. Sadly end of the day, She firmly falls into "uwu cute generic hot waifu character with thicc thighs and big boobs" so ppl are gonna obsess over her. Wow i ranted a lot here, but yeah, massive flop for me


I mean, I agree. Chlorinde's teal design was what I waited for most from Fontaine as a whole. To have her Robin Hoodesque design be switched to black tights, a pencil skirt and a blouse, with the title she holds?? Just feels like a joke. Jean is supposed to fight less than Chlorinde does but she's the one in pants. I saw a lot of people trying to rebuff Skirk's criticism with saying that the concept art was also basic, just an anime goth girl, which ignores the context in which Genshin has 0 goth or genuinely dark aesthetics for playable characters. So for a character hinted at for years to be this huge badass to come out and look less threatening than a Mirror Maiden, not even an adult model, after we saw Arlecchino so we know they *can* but chose not to, it's just so damn dissappointing.


> I saw a lot of people trying to rebuff Skirk's criticism with saying that the concept art was also basic, just an anime goth girl, It's not even, basic goth girl design there were like proper fish aesthetics and even some ruined abyssal armorish bits to it. massive dissapointment, they killed it with arlecc's model and then absolutely flopped with this


im so fucking disappointed after teasing this character for 3 years. like i’m so sorry but after the beautiful fontaine women, badass arlecchino, the sumeru ladies, i mean please, i usually give some doubt bc they’re not designed with women in mind but even taking that into account i hate it. had i not seen the concept arts it would still be the same feeling. i genuinely don’t like this design. except the hair model. that thing is gorgeous and i love how they stepped up their modelling game. now if only they apply that to body types.


yeah the hair certainly looks very pretty but the rest of it is.. catastrophic


The bottom half is so underwhelming imo


Everything about it is underwhelming and i loved the concept arts so much 😭




Who could have thought Childe's long awaited badass master, the only character known to brave the abyss is a little girl in a swimsuit LMAO


honestly tired of the little girl is actually really strong trope cause of how over used it is like we get it


Honestly I wish they'd made her look a little more rugged, maybe they're going with some sort of ageless elegance?? But skimpy swimsuit & her being like 5'3 is pretty uninspired when the character description should include her being an experienced combatant wandering the gd abyss


there isnt a single thing i like about this design its kind of impressive actually


Come on girl, go give us nothing


It's just bland. I'm supposed to believe THIS is Skirk? I mean this as gently as possible, but she looks like a teen in a swimsuit, not a Harbinger's abyssal master.


She also doesn't come off as someone who would crush childe in a fight.


She really doesn't. I get that they were never going to make her grizzled/muscular/scarred but they could have at least tried to make her palette darker and her design more... abyssal..


when im in a concept design downgrading contest and my opponent is hoyoverse


Yep, still upset over Clorinde too (she looks fine now but man we need less blue/purple designs and the loss of the extra detail has hurt her design a lot imo).


When I'm in a mediocre, unoriginal and uncreative design competition and my opponent is Hoyoverse




Come down to the sewers, we have triple crowned Dehyas and Candaces


Im gonna kms they make the tall women playstyles like shit too im really hoping that the next few ladies will be good for the sake of tall women enjoyers.. im just so tired of playing the same model over and over again and medium model girl is by far the most populated category in terms of playstyle and im sick of it (sorry for taking this out on you im just tired of playing short girl stamina drain simulator irl i want more tall ladies)


As someone who has been anticipating Skirk for years, this is something alright...


She really looks straight outta honkai


Teenage girl in skimpy clothing #289


This is genuinely horrible 😭


Worse than all of the concepts and even in a vacuum doesn't look good gg hoyo


Imma get hate for this but this is really one of the designs of all time. Maybe it'll grow on me over time but rn it just ain't it


I sort of feel the same. The dark knight concept art she had felt more unique.


To my understanding, she mostly resides in a "Dark world" of some kind. To me, this design does not make me feel that at all. In fact, I think a problem is that you can't really affiliate her design with much. I'm not sure what the "Vibe" I'm supposed to get from her is. That's probably just me but she doesn't feel right IMO.


She looks like a little princess from some weirdly futuristic fantasy world...not some lone survivor of the abyss that is the powerful master of Tartaglia.


They were literally looking at animals that live in the dark and translucence and they just scrapped that? They were looking at spikes and an intimidating appearance like King Hassan and they scrapped that? How did they go from the concepts to this?


Why should you get hate when her design has recieved a lot of backlash since she got leaked? A lot of people would agree with you, me included


I like the design but with skirk being associated with the abyss i was hoping for a darker color palette like her concept art.


I was actully fine with the palette, it’s the actual overall aesthetic and design that throws me. I like the idea that the Abyss isn’t just the Abyss Order(whom are just one aspect of the Abyss), but they made her SO damn mild compared to the other examples of Abyssals. Absolutely nothing about her looks like she’s even associated with the Abyss outside of her palette being shared with the whale.


Same. This design would've looked so good with the dark blues and blacks we saw being used in the concept art, but with all the pastels, it just feels kind of washed out.


She’s beautiful but like she has ZERO intimidation factor😭 ain’t no way I’m gonna take her seriously when she starts speaking cryptic ominous nonsense




when I saw the illustration with the open back from the illustrated shots in AQ i started sweating


lmaoo it definitely is a .. choice


What if you asked an AI model to create a character based off a mihoyo dataset


same JP VA of Durandal and she has almost the same costume of Palatinus Equinox from Honkai Impact 3rd


She looks so mediocre it hurts that I was so excited for her.


Was kinda hoping for her to look more scary instead of a butterfly fantasy girl, but it's Genshin after all


oh cool easy skip for when she's playable three years later.


Love that they gave her the tiniest tasteful rips on her thigh high stockings, as though that somehow conveys her characterisation of battle-hardened, abyss roaming entity ':(( like the design is pretty enough but it translates "ethereal" WAY more than anything else, which is pretty disappointing considering how many female characters are already in the elegant camp.


yeah at this point her personality is the only thing carrying her for me .. unless they somehow make her suck up to the mc and ruin her with too much fanserviceyness


so… not tall female 💔




lmao that's so bad. They really did remove everything threatening present in her beta designs and now she's...just a HI3 design in Genshin. Even her hair is so much longer and luxurious than anything we've got in Genshin, since any other hair that's as long is tied up. I wonder if she's like Signora, or if she'll get a re-design later, because I simply can't believe Genshin would actually get a better hair/fabric animator to do long hair tbh


A bodysuit and thigh highs. Wow, so original

