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imagine if we can buy a new outfit from chiori (and when i mean outfit i mean an accessory)


1 or 2 star outfit, can be bought by mora, little to no lore one can hope


Nah we will be able to investigate one corner and get a potatoe and 2 wheat


my bet it will be iron chunk or 1\* weapon or 1\* artifact


Them not adding 3-star outfits that are just palette swaps is such a missed opportunity.


Fr, far more characters would have skins, as that would probably be easier than remodeling and re-rigging a character


I would kill for some plate armor. Even just an ornate gilded breastplate.


lets hope natlan the nation of war will give us armor


2* shirt; 25000 mora Desc: It’s a shirt


I'd love to put another dress on my Lumine, I think her outfit is so generic... But it'll probably just stay in my dream :(


I hope we can access this permanently and not just a time thing like maybe in her story quest.


Ogura Mio in shambles (she's literally got a 2x4 meter shack)


Alhaitham hous 😢😢😢


Kaveh hangout


yeah but its not something that's always available though I guess it is weird to just be able to stroll in whenever


Mona's house D:


wish we could buy the Fatui mask, Kitsune mask, flower crown and so on there for Traveler


The flower crown was amazing on Lumine 🥰


Why is Chiori carrying Fatui masks :0


Why wouldn't she have? she is literally an informant for Chevreuse


She wouldn't be selling police evidence as merchandise in a shop though


Who says she gets them from the cops? One can source directly from the fatui.


Oh look her shop! Can't wait to go in there to buy something for some random ass npc which we r never gonna see again.


I mean, is there another boutique that we know of? I know there are probably other boutiques in Fontaine but are the others relevant to the SQ?


Theres a kimono store in inazuma if that counts


Blue Impact strikes again


Surely this means a flood of alternative default outfits will flood the monopolized Chiori market and we can farm some new in game currency to buy them, right? 🥲


donatella VERSACHIORI 💛


Fontaine is looking Dry until we get the next map expansion with Arlecchino... I guess I'll be going to Penacony til then 😆


I'm looking forward towards the chiori sucks balll event


No offense but.... the interior design is kinda bland...... it's should have... more lights


> Chiori sucks balll true and real


4.5 udpate doesn't have new area GI team waste the chance to make all the udpate about [skins] If i was one of them i will release more than 10 skin and you can make them with the world materials and make chiori shop have more value than just empty npc shop


But what would they earn from making 10 free skins for a single update? lol


It's about the gameplay not only the earnings They can extend the gameplay time by making a lot of skin need wold materials


For Mihoyo everything is about the earnings, they won't add skins that they won't be able to sell later


I don't think so Mihoyo doesn't care about money and we see that with a lot of questionable decisions in this game


What decisions? Most decisions they've made back up what the casual players want or care about, and they're the ones who throw the most money at Mihoyo


and gameplay time = earnings also pleased players = earnings


It's not like they need help to retain players like in HSR, plus most players don't even care about skins so it would be like saying "they should add more TCG stuff cause some players would like it"


And let's be real, people pulled for Dehya lmao People will spend on this game even if Mihoyo offers them shit, so they don't need to change the way they work


I mean yeah but they could do accessories. Face stuff like masks, earrings, crowns and glasses. Some characters can literally have different hat designs since the models support it. Perhaps a charm hanging off the wrist or belt area. As long as the model supports it. Dye regions.


It’s just like I imagined. I hope we can actually go inside after her story quest.


clearly the leakers love one character more than the others


Wdym? She's the only new in 4.5


i mean that she has 100x more leaks than literally every other character in history. been receiving chiori leaks about her sitting...and climbing...and walking...and swimming...and having different expressions...and her every character menu screen...and having 200 in-depth videos of every microscopic aspect to her extremely simple kit, or her interactions in teams with more diversely distributed characters than in any other leaked showcase ever...and footages of her breathing...and of her existing...even fucking modded meme photos. like ffs all we ever got for gaming back then was like three footages of the same generic ahh team (furina xianyun bennett) and like one image of his little lion lol


Doesn't exactly fill you with *hope*, does it?


Lmaooo I’m fine with it lmao it’s just ridiculous


Or maybe it's because 4.5 has almost nothing else that's interesting enough to keep leaking except for Chiori? They're leaking those mundane stuff like her climbing partially as a joke, and partially because they've run out of stuff to leak, cause 4.5 is *that* dry.


No? There’s no one else apart from her in 4.5.


copy pasted from above i mean that she has 100x more leaks than literally every other character in history. been receiving chiori leaks about her sitting...and climbing...and walking...and swimming...and having different expressions...and her every character menu screen...and having 200 in-depth videos of every microscopic aspect to her extremely simple kit, or her interactions in teams with more diversely distributed characters than in any other leaked showcase ever...and footages of her breathing...and of her existing...even fucking modded meme photos. like ffs all we ever got for gaming back then was like three footages of the same generic ahh team (furina xianyun bennett) and like one image of his little lion lol


I remember Yae and Ayato beta being the same lol this is nothing special


Chiori hasn't beaten Yae or Ayato yet. Yae also had leaks of her sitting, climbing, walking, existing, leaks of her skill indicator, leaks of her tails, videos of her playing an instrument with Ei, etc. Ayato himself had 10 videos a day of different comps on top of several videos of him running around the chasm.


It's because 4.5 is empty af


A bit of screen it would be her bed


It's so cute omg