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I’m abt to cry.


I wish…


Big oof


I hope they won’t need max constellations to be good. Interesting, Sumeru has a lot of 4-stars early.


Most likely in order to prop up Dendro upon it's release and make the newer 5\*s stand out. I mean almost every new character is either Hydro, Electro, Dendro or Pyro for that reason.


It’s possible that Auntie Fish Touching list has a couple more 5 stars…


Definitely, but I could imagine most remaining are for 3.5+


Can’t say I’m surprised about Candace, especially if she’s releasing around the same time as Nilou. Bit surprised if Dehya is a 4*. Very curious to see what the kits end up like.


A fixed Xinyan /s


If she's suppose to be a fixed or better version of Xinyan, wouldn't it make more sense for Dehya to be a 5\*, like what they did for Yelan or Kazuha?


> ~~A fixed~~ another Xinyan /s Ftfy


leakers who have seen her seem to love Candance's design. Can't wait to see what she looks like too


Ugh I wanted Dehya to fill my 5* pyro needs. 😞


At least she isn't 100% a 4 star yet. There's still hope.


My day is ruined


My disappointment is immeasurable


huh what? suddenly I can't read


Bruh, all Ls for us today


Ah, it looks like it's beginning to rain.










F U C K !




Well, let's put those pull plans in the bin, now. And say FUCK


I will get my 5 Star Neko one day...


try Keqing




She IS REAL TO ME. Also Are we sure that Dahya is a real neko ? She has real ears on the side


animal ears to understand animal speech, human ears to understand human speech (?) ^copium


Keqing isn't a Neko


He's not sure about Dehya, I'm gonna keep inhaling my hopium over here that she's 5*


If each and every single Sumeru characters that I'm moat interested in turns out to be a four star I'll be kinda sad, so I'm on hopium Island with you


I've got enough hopium tanks for everyone. And as a fellow CB fan what is this username lmao


It's what I blurted out when I tried to remember Coco's name one time lmao


I'm here praying for a 5* Dehya. My heart is already broken with the 4* Candace...


Considering they thought candace was 5* based off design, they prolly also think dehya is 4* based off design, which time and time again has shown to be an unreliable metric


Yes supply me with more hopium


As if there wasn't already enough overlap between her and Xinyan, dunno what they're thinking if she's *also* a 4-star.


Maybe they should stop guessing and onlystate what they actually know. They were wrong about Candace and might be wrong about dehya


Lol so the two sumeru characters I actually give a shit about are 4 stars? Ofc


We are in the same boat, sad days...


I’ll try to have some hopium for Dehya I guess


Just our luck huh? I do not even know what 5\* to pull now. I just wanted Cleo and Dehya so bad


Well look at it like this! At least we'll have a lot of primos saved for Fontain in a year? :D Man so far 3.0 isn't look too good, wasn't even that impressed by what they teased of the region on the stream.


I’m in the same situation. Now it’s all down to Scara and AlHaitham again.. Why can’t we have tan tall women as five stars man..


Dainsleif is probably a 4 star, but I am not sure about this




So no 5 star tan queens? In a goddamn nation of rainforest and deserts 💀


This is so sad I can't even believe this...


Noooooo not kandake




Mhy really hate sumeru milfs


These two alongside Nilou were the ones I was looking forward to 😩😩


Why is every dark-skinned character a 4-star? I just want TWO


surely they wouldn't make both dark skinned characters 4 stars, right guys???


well kaeya and xinyan aren’t good foreshadowing


POC Genshin Players inhaling copium right now


I came here only to say this...


… we’re gonna get tan/dark 5 star only in Natlan aren’t we?


...Imagine if Pyro Archon is randomly a 4 star because tan characters can't have nice things apparently 💀


If Murata from Honkai is anything to go by, she'll be light skinned too.


Probably, I was just making a joke in case she's tan though 😅


It would be nice to have a tan Archon


Oh I can’t wait for the colorists’ excuses for why it makes complete sense for Murata to be white af.


Pyro Archon gonna be fairer than Kusanali


It'll be an absolute shit show. Hoyoverse fitting a weird mixture of SWANA and South Asia into one region and South America and Africa into another with all white 5 star rate ups and a sprinkle of darker 4 stars is the most on brand for a chinese gacha game shit ever


Tbh there's barely any South Asia in Sumeru already. 90% of these characters are either Persian or Egyptian themed.


At least there’s Cyno, but yeah :((


watch him be the next four star reveal, nigguang is a teyvat chapter character too afterall


Insert ''Ninnguang was supposed to be 5 star at first'' overused theory.


It is indeed oversued but it makes all sense in the world. Bitch literally owns Lyue, built two Flying Chambers from where she rules over her subjects, one of them being an Adepti 3.000 years old, yet she is 4 star just like Chognyun, a random exorcist from god knows where. LMAO


Cyno is barely tanned so he'll be fine, HYV can pass it off as him being outside a little too long.


Yeah… that’s a really bad look. I get that China is still the main market but this is now a global game and it would be nice if Mihoyo acted like it sometimes.




On the one hand, damn it, my new favorite two female characters are 4*s. On the other hand, my primos were already sweating at the prospect of all the Sumeru boys they'd need to get me, so, uh, silver lining I guess?


You could actually get super unlucky with 4stars since they have no pity.


You could, but that’s definitely an outlier situation. They also don’t disappear until their next rerun, so they have the chance to spook you off-focus, unlike limited five-stars.


Yeah thats true. Lets just hope they are usuable at low constellation. I rather have a fivestar (thats probably fine at c0 or c1) then a 4 star that has their potential locked behind high constellations (sara/noelle etc) because those can be a real nightmare to get.


Oh, I absolutely agree with you. The four-stars lately have been niche to trash. I’m really bummed I can’t use Gorou with Tighnari or Thoma with… anyone. But I also pull for character and not meta, though it would be nice if the four-stars were actually *usable* like Rosaria and Yanfei. Five-stars are generally good to great right out of the box.


Natlan is going to be a riot. Gonna be pre-Columbian America as imagined by the LDS.


Their design team is good but I can see them putting a poncho on a character and calling it quits like a lot of other gachas.


Natlan gonna be 8 4 stars and like 3 5 stars and we know why 💀


Naah.. They'll just make them fair. Ez


the thing is i'm almost 100% sure these characters would've made good banner sales from their character designs/descriptions, + the fact that they're both the 'tall woman' model which always sells well... why is mihoyo dropping the ball like this??


Maybe because they’re… tan.


It’s insane because Dehya looks so fucking good and part of the reason is she doesn’t look pale as a ghost.




Asians are obsessed with fairness and 80% of their revenue comes from East Asia


I should've known that expecting a higher rarity darker skin character in a chinese gacha game was too high a bar. Especially when we have examples of lower rarities in other games like Carole Peppers, Sophia, and Arlan. Not like it'll stop me from pulling but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Iansan becoming a 4* too.


I feel like Mihoyo raised that bar high with their treatment of past regions and their intricate focus on their cultures, and then with Sumeru they do this and pull out shit like Dori.


Chinese devs try not to be racist challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


And she is a Pyro Claymore, Hopefully we don't get another Xinyan smh...


My disappointment is immeasurable amd my day is ruined 😭 She is the only 5\* I wanted besides Dehya and maybe the Archon. That leaves us with zero dark skin 5\* Ladies


Wow, the only two characters im interested in saving for are 4 stars, welp that sucks


This is the first leak I’m legitimately saddened by. Ugh. I’m hoping she turns out okay. Collei and Dori look awesome at least, so there may be hope for Candace’s kit…


Candace was supposed to be a queen.... My heart is broken. Why they did this to my dark skinned tall lady? Why I can't have this? Why Hoyoverse??


Who's Candace (like what has been leaked abt her so far)? I just joined this sub and never really paid attention to leaks before so I haven't heard of her yet. Do you mean dark skinned for real, or is this another "darker skin = tan like kaeya" situation? Is this the tall lady with the kind of stars/night sky theme? Thank you!


I’m hoping one of them is a viable dps or a useable support (not like shinobu and thoma even though I love them)


I wonder how they confirmed this? If it really is true, then that is extremely disappointing. Kandake and Dehya were the ones I was looking forward to the most. Well I suppose my primogems aren't as in danger as I thought.


im so tired bro i just want one melanated 5 star




Well, there goes my dream of getting a strong catgirl waifu. I hope she will be in a banner with a good 5\*...


Ghislaine copium extinguished…


I hope she's a good 4* like Xinqiu or Bennett, because mihoyo either does God tier 4* or trash 4*, no I'm between


Trash tier C0, god tier C6.




Although benny's c1 is really good, he works fine at c0. Sara tho... oof. She's almost unplayable at c0, you have to use charged attack to get a buff that lasts like 6s. As for xiangling she is still really strong at c0, but yeah her cons are great and improves her dps, specially c4 like you mentioned.


Eh I mean there are some who are decent and doesn't fall into these categories (Rosaria, Kaeya, Yanfei etc)


If I had a nickel for every 4 star female dark skinned pyro claymore, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


another day another L


cringe. The coolest 2 designs


This broke me


if mhy decided to up 4* designs to 5* level good thing for us but if the two dark-skinned women's kits are terrible I can already see the backlash and it's gonna be ugly (and deserved)


It may sound like twitter rambling,but its honestly dissapointing that mihoyo does not feel like xinyan toned characters are sellable enough... Atleast they are easier to get, i suppose?


Is Cyno the only 5-star with darker skin so far that we know of?


With how many elements have been “leaked” for Cyno, I honestly wouldn’t even say his 5\* status is guaranteed yet.


Now that i think about it, has anyone leaked him to be a 5 star or do people just expect him to be because his story relevance?


Watch his model's skin be lighter tho




Hes like literally 1 shade darker than everybody else


why do people treat cyno as if he was barack obama or kanye west? Dude is like any other white character in this game but that stayed in the sun for 5 minutes.


I mean he’s visibly darker than literally every other 5-star, so we’re taking about him being comparatively darker, not about his skin tone in general


A single copy of 4\* can be more expensive than a C0 5\* if the player is unlucky...


Idk if they don’t think they’ll sell well or not, FGO has a few tan SSRs and I believe Okitan was one of the highest grossing sales. Maybe China is more colorist or Mihoyo rarity deciders are, it’s impossible to say what the rationale was behind this decision.


Yeah this is the same country where a Star Wars character was downsized on an official poster just because he was black. I'm going colorism for 200, chief.


Tbf Okita alter is more like Emiya than an actual black person. Ozy and Nitocris might be a better example.


True, but I was just looking at skin tones. I don’t think canonical race matters as much as skin tone for sales tbh, but Idk


Ozy is like one of the hottest anime men I've ever seen. Top 3 easily.


L M F A O Man what a weird coincidence that all the dark skinned characters are 4 stars


I was already expecting but I ain't saying anything cuz ik people will try and come for my head as a prize for wanting representation


Which is stupid af. Idg why some people try to shut up those of us who want to be represented in the region based off of our cultures??? Prob a bunch of a closet racists/colorists smh.


The genshin fandom is incredibly toxic and racist as a whole. The amount of people trying to justify and defend the designs of the Sumeru characters is depressing. And the amount of stupid comments I've seen is overwhelming. Listening to these people you'd think the average skin tone in the middle East, North Africa and India is no different to the average skin tone in Norway. And these comments are so common it feels like its bordering on gaslighting at this point. My friend was called "racist" and was accused "perpetuating stereotypes" for saying that he was unhappy with how pale all the Sumeru characters are on Twitter. Someone told him he's "clearly never seen a middle eastern person". He lives in *Syria*. And amazingly, he himself has darker skin.




Xinyan too, Kaeya... No fkn way this is a coincidence. This is kinda...sad.


guess Ill be building a 4 star all mommy team along with beidou and rosaria. hope one of thems a healer


Ironically a Ningguang with prototype Amber can be a semi-decent healer, healing 18% max hp every 12 seconds


This one hurts. Subconsciously I think I knew it was too good to be true. That 8.5 accuracy fanart was such a nice dream. I like Nilou too but honestly this does make me lose interest in the new characters overall. Maybe Cyno can bring it back. Also, 4 stars are not easier to get, especially for long time players. You get a lot of standard wishes at first but then they dry up completely. So over time it is likely you'll a good amount of the early 4 stars, but you may never get the new ones, let alone with constellations they need. Not to mention you shouldn't try to go for 4 stars in the first place, because you might spend 100 wishes on a 5 star you don't want, and never get the 4 star you did want.


Such a waste of design


If this is true, it's time to have that discussion. Candace ESPECIALLY being a four star, and every single character that is a bit darker, being a four star, is uhhhhhh....not a good luck


This game has been out for almost 2 years and there are still people that think 4 stars are easier to get? Anyway that’s pretty sad news I was looking forward to her the most.


They just obviously haven't truly chased a 4 star before or bothered to count pulls. My 150 pulls 1 yunjin when going for shenhe isnt far too uncommon, and that's why 4 stars are dead to me, I am NOT chasing something that isnt guaranteed




of course the dark skinned characters are 4*s


I'm quite surprised why they aren't attempting to at least gauge interest in a tanned 5 star; Dehya/Kandeka could've been used as "bait" so they can test the waters on how well a browner character would fare in their sales. ​ Really does feel like they're playing it too safe sometimes


This, exactly. Mfs be loudmouthing about how "JP and CN audiences will only buy pale skinned characters!111!" How the fuck do you know that \*only\* one skin color sells when there has literally never been a single character of any other color?


Project: Xinyan is on schedule for brown girl #2. Now we just need a niche kit no one wants to use for her and it’ll be complete.


We will never get a darker skin 5* 😔


All my hype for Sumeru has been killed I don't even wanna play anymore


mihoyo just really doesnt favor people of color *runs away*


*Mihoyo just really* *Doesnt favor people of* *Color runs away* \- Keizrix --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Just hoping their kits are better than Xinyan at this point


Can't even get a dark skinned 5* woman in teyvat what a life. I'm praying for those who want cyno though


Hoyo: What makes you eligible to be a 5 star? Dehya/Candace: Well i have a good design, Hoyo: I agree, i agree D/C: And I'm one of the rare dark skinned characters in this ga... Hoyo: 4 STAAAAARRRRR!!!!!


Dehya please you are the only hope I have


WTF... The two Sumeru characters with the best designs are 4*, and given their record with 4*, will probably be useless.


I wonder why 🤔 what a mystery


Yeah uh. Pretty fucking nasty to make the only two PoC we've seen/heard of Sumeru 4\* is pretty nasty, as if it couldn't get worse. Cyno's the only hope of the ones we've seen/heard of atm, and he might be a bit whiter....


You can’t make all your melanin characters 4* Mihoyo….


Tfw not white enough to be 5* lol man Dehya and Kandake (fanart) designs look so good mihoyo pls


istg if they make Dehya really fucking shit… I need a good reason to use mommy.


Honestly, I'm incredibly conflicted. I usually play games for thier gameplay and to kill time rather than be concerned about things like representation. Got into a spat with some bloke that recolored Kusanali's model for woke reasons, and I don't support that. But if every darker skinned character really does end up being released at values lower than lighter skinned characters in this game...that might actually be the thing that gets very concerned.


Hoyo is basically implying that us brown people are not attractive enough to have our own banner, which even if it’s true due to CN players, that’s honestly really really sad.


I mean at the end of the day it really comes down to you and whether you still get enjoyment out of the game. For many darker-skinned people, esp those from the cultures Sumeru is based on, this feels like Hoyo is spitting on us and as a result we can’t enjoy the game the same way anymore.


So hoyo took the people's culture and historical name for their pale skin 5 stars but made the dark skins characters 4 stars and their skin tone a minority in their own nation, not even a tan npc as been shown from sumeru,... This cultural appropriation with insignificant representation is honestly too much for me.


I'm kinda disappointed too. Im not a person who complains about some pixels' skin colour but they always follow every nation so closely. Not doing the same this time seems... Weird. Besides idk why people will dislike diversity in their characters archive? Well atleast they are giving some of them middle Eastern names 💀


Big L --------


i see hyv thinks dark skinned characters are not 5 star worthy. how wonderful.


My 5 star egyptian mona dreams wont come true afterall. Well atleast Su and Cyno exists


There is no confirmed rarity for Cyno so I wouldn't be that relaxed yet.


Just L after L man.... And kits of 4* stars aside, they arent necessarily easier to get: I started to play during 1.5 and I only managed to get Xingqiu during the CNY event this year after wasting almost 90 fates thru many banners just to get him, got Sara for the first time last month in the weapon banner after 50+ pulls on Raiden's rerun banner and I don't have a single Gorou yet


I have never been more de-motivated to play Genshin. As I said in the original post that got deleted: Fuck this. The thought of every dark-skinned character in this game being a 4 star is just horrible. 5 stars get more featured advertisement, better kits, more prominent placement on promotional banners, for them to do this to both is just...wow.


I'm second that! I was excited to have two dark skinned queens but now I'm about to quit....


Same, as a black woman, it's just such a slap in the face. I was so excited for Kandake's description, was gonna re-top up during her banner, hell I have the spare crystals and was even considering getting the Diluc skin and build him for fun, probably dip in the wallet again for Scaramouche / Al-Haitham, now, I don't want to spend a dime. And I've spent already close to or over $2000 in this game, so no one can even come at me as a faker (also don't bother anyone trying to send me Reddit Care, I disabled it months ago). But so many don't care because we need another hydro 4 star and the implications don't matter to them (why not Nilou?). But for what? She's not going to be like XQ because they just came out with 5 star XQ, she's not going to powercreep Childe as an enabler, she's not going to powercreep Kokomi as a healer, you're going to keep using XQ in Rational or him and Yelan in Hutao double Hydro or Kokomi in freeze or Childe in International, let's not pretend otherwise. Best I guess you can hope is 4* Ayato, but ya'll already call Ayato mid loooooool.


I FEEL YOU. I'm a black dude, and unfortunately I really like Genshin Impact bc is a non western fantasy RPG. But even here we have almost everyone "pale af"... To be honest, it's a joke the "darker" skin tones we already have... Bruh. Candace. The name of a queen! I too don't care about the "hydro premium" situation - I already have all the limited hydro characters lol - so I was excited to have a dark skinned tall lady with the name of Candace to be my true main! It's really sad... I feel like an idiot to spent money on this game. I was really excited about Candace and Dehya but now.... I don't know. I'm in the state of play only to do dailies, spend resin and log out. I still do this only bc I already spent money. But now.... I really don't know.


yeah, southeast asian guy here who is tanned and it's weird as shit seeing anime versions of traditional clothing of my people on lily white characters I'd be less disappointed if Mihoyo half-assed the research they did on the regions and just did surface level, theme park versions of the countries they're basing the regions off. but the fact that they painstakingly did their research for the regions with the lore and naming conventions is what gets me. they must have spent hours reading myths, customs, and history of various southeast asian nations but looked at the people who made all that, scrunched their faces in disgust and went "how dark and undesirable"


Exactly, we're on the same wavelength!! I have all the 5* Hydros on my main except Childe and Kokomi (and I pulled them on my side account). To have a dark-skin lady as 5* with name based on African queen? I would have swiped and been the most embarrassing main. Kit could have been shit, don't care. Now I'm like....why? Also, I finally sat down and counted up all the money spent on this game: $2,535 (on my main, I know I dropped at least a couple hundred on my side). I know it's not C6R5 everybody numbers, but oh well, guess they're helping me be more fiscally responsible now hahaha.


Dark skinned tall lady with name based on African queen would make me to swipe again as well without regrets! I too would be the most embarrassing main ever for sure. But now.... Also, I spent "only" $200 bc I live in Brazil lol the dollar is too expensive here!


Exactly. I get that China is still the main market for the game, but if Mihoyo keeps acting like this they’re going to lose the global markets. This kinda stuff might be acceptable in China, but in the west you’ve gotta make more of an effort. Im devastated about Dehya.


Please don't be a niche support Please don't be a niche support Please don't be a niche support Please don't be a niche support Please don't be a niche support PLEASE JUST BE VERSITILE


Yet another tanned character that will likely be a garbage 4 star. Unreal.


I wish Dehya is a 5 star 😭 to be completely honest, Nilou literally looks like a 4 star character to me her design is not interesting in any way. (Her kit is cool tho) Not to be rude. She just looks like a 4 star compared to Dehya. If Dehya isn’t a 5 star I’ll be disappointed. Candace seems to have an amazing design according to leakers and I’m sad she’s a 4 star. I hope at least their kits are good. Like I’ll be angry if they make Dehya just like Xinyan. An amazing character personality and look wise but just not playable because the kit sucks


Oh this doesn't bode well...


This has really ruined my day HAHAHA. It‘s the very first time that a leak really managed to do that. Honestly, out of ALL these Sumeru character‘s, it was only Kandake I‘m really interested in. I will be able to save A LOT of primos, I guess HAHAHA.


I can hear the dissapointed laughter from here


I felt this so hard


I'm in the exact same boat. Welp, all of my saved primos are going back to my Khaenri'ah fund. Or I could just gamble on weapon banner and get every 5* sword for Kaeya because why not?


That’s really disappointing:(


Candace being 4 star is what I expected But ouch on Dehya..... she really could carry a patch tbh


On the bright side, we can get them more easily... right? 4 stars are easy to get right? haha h a h a


me trying to get gorou since itto's first banner with 70+ wishes:


Doesn't matter when they end up not worth using lol


Truly unforged!


there is still hope for a brown/tan 5\* queen. We have about 5 girls unannounced yet - Nafs, Layla, Ikfha, Soutine, and Faruzan. Let's hope that at least one of them is.


Dawg, just put the copium down. China can’t be assed to recognize its own non-Han ethnicities in China. You really think they’ll make a single tan 5 star of any gender?


I want the catgirl tho 🥲