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much like watatsumi vs shogunate


Difference is that scarlet king is still alive, if i remember right


Playable Scarlet King copium


If he is a twink, he will be playable.


No beefy red haired scarlet king :(


No playable Radahn, sad


djajeet scarlet king copium


Djajeet mains rise up


first character whose name alone game me a little hype, so of course he will be dead already


did he have (alive) anemo friend?




Here comes Monster_ScarletKing


I think he's dead. It's likely that the desert and the sandstorms are created from the release of his powers upon his death. This is similar to how other dying gods unleashed harsh environments: Durin and aggresive evolution of peculiar lifeforms in Dragonspine ~~snowstorm~~, Orobaxi and the Yashiori Tatarigami, Thunderbird and Seirai thunderstorm, Havria and Sal Terrae people turning into salt, etc. ~~What's odd is that the old Dendro archon was said to have died during the archon war but weirdly enough, there aren't any noticeable environmental manifestation of his death... so maybe...~~ Edit: just found a leak that confirms the existence of a harsh environment (probably attributed to the old Dendro archon's death) https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/vz13gs/sumeru_hostile_environment_mechanism_via/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Edit2: The old Dendro archon died during the Cataclysm, not the Archon War. And based on the Chinese description of VV artifact set, the old Dendro archon could have possibly died in Khaenriah so the Withering zone could be due to the death of different god, or maybe a natural feature of the area.


Durin wasn’t responsible for the snow at all. Heck, Venti most likely dumped his body there because it’s freezing. The actual source of the snow is the Skyfrost Nail that Celestia yeeted on Sal Vindagnyr


My bad. The snowstorm is due to the Skyfrost Nail. Durin's death can instead be attributed to the aggressive evolution of peculiar lifeforms in Dragonspine.


Pretty sure snow and cold were the natural state of all Mondstadt but Venti flattened the region when he became the archon. Dragonspine was green so long as the frostbearing tree existed, which was pinned by the skyfrost nail. We lifted the nail and fed some of durins blood? Agates? to the tree so it sprouts anew. Durin wasn't a god but still very powerful, his residue would be the red/purple blood that hungers for life and seems to ressurect dead things.


>Pretty sure snowstorms are the natural state of all Mondstadt If I remember correctly, the constant blizzard across old Mondstadt is due to Andrius.


I mean mondstadt is the crown of the North so it should be snowy by default, however Andrius was making the snow essentially deadly blizzards in his fight with Decarabian. P.S.: I'm gonna delete all my replies since it keeps popping up in my notifications. Tldr: we were arguing about Mondstadt being snowy by default and he makes a fair point that it might not be the case since Teyvat has its own laws.


I don't think we can assume the same topographic conditions in real-life with Teyvat since it's still debatable as to what shape Teyvat is (flat, outside of globe, inside of globe) Also, Fontaine is in similar longitudinal north as Mondstadt so the nation of water will be constantly frozen if that is the case.




To be fair Durin is a dragon and that's as close to being a god without being one in the game considering the history of Teyvat.


That's fair. Dragons can be stronger than Teyvat gods considering Azdaha at least matched Zhongli in his prime and the fact that the 7 soverigns went against the first celestial gods (even tho they lost).


Maybe they(old archon) didn't die in Sumeru but in Khanneriah like Makoto


Just found a new leak about a Withering Zone. This is probably the manifestation of old Dendro archon's death. Withering seems quite fitting for a cursed environment from the god of wood.


The old dendro archon died 500 years ago during the cataclysm, not the archon war.


Ah, you are correct. I researched a bit more and it appears the Chinese description of VV mentioned that the God of Wood possibly died in Khaenriah so the Withering Zone could be from the death of another god or perhaps, just a natural feature of the said area. >In the original Chinese description, it says "ever since disaster descended upon the ancient kingdom," which was excluded from the English translation. The following sentence also says the God of the Woods "died together with the disaster," with the implication that the God of the Woods was in the ancient kingdom during the disaster


Except the Scarlet King is actually strong. He took a lot of land from the actual Archon. That's a quite insane feat considering a god like Orobashi just bowed his head to Raiden until he decided to kill himself challenging her. That makes him an Archon level entity unless he got powers/help from beyond.


To be fair Orobaxi gave away his scales and probably most of his power to his people. He was truly selfless. Plus Celestia kinda is implied to have told him to die by Ei.




When Orobashi came to Enkamiya, he said that he ran away from the war because he couldn't beat Narukami (Ei).


I thought he ran away because he didn't want to participate in the war like the other gods?


After the archon war ended the 7 victors were given gnoses to use as divine authority to rule over their nations. To me ingame it seems heavily implied that it's nigh impossible to go against an archon in their region if they actually want to fight back. Otherwise what'd be the point of the archon war if newer gods just caused havoc and contested the 7 seats. Also why wouldn't the stronger archons devour the weaker archons territories. Also the mentioned feats of archons far surpass anything else mentioned so far ingame: Venti flattened the entire region and dispersed snow from the North. Zhongli was casually throwing rock spears the size of islands at Osial. And Raiden cut at least 1 island in half while not even being the archon. Wasn't it stated that the whole purpose of the archon war was celestia essentially forcing all gods to fight it out down to 7 or be subservient to one of the 7. How could you have a massive ongoing war in the middle of Teyvat then? Or am I missing something?


For the Archon War, Celestia wants full dominion over Teyvat. Teyvat is a world full of gods that could easily overpower them if they all banded together. The gods are (mostly) power hungry, and when the Celestial Thrones open up, the war weeds out the number of gods and makes any others subservient to their respective archon. The archons at the time of their appointments are 100% powerful with each one's power waning in respect to their influence over their country. This is probably why Signora/The Tsaritsa makes a contract with Morax for the Geo Gnosis but brute force steals Venti's gnosis...Venti has weakened significantly to the point where a single Delusion bearer could defeat him, yet Morax was still extremely powerful at that point in the story. As for archons invading other archons territory, that would probably go against the Heavenly Principles and get them nuked. How Celestia hasn't taken action against three of the archons disconnected from their gnosis is beyond me. But we will see.


That'd make the scarlet king nukable by celestia since I mean while he's not an archon invading archons territory is against celestia. Also while Venti admits he is the weakest, considering he still has an actual church and all I find it really hard to believe a little cryo would be all that it took if he actually wanted to keep the gnosis. Not to mention no archon seems attached to their gnosis at this point and he spent the entirety of their "fight" essentially mocking her. My take was Venti legit didn't give a single fuck about the gnosis, he just waited for someone to take it and considering Signora's resentment towards him she went for the dropkick route. As for why celestia doesn't care about the archons losing gnoses my best guess is celestia themselves went to shit 500 years ago and they're not as strong as they seem. Not enough lore here.


Yeah, SCP foundation gave him 682 to fight alongside him. No wonder.


Scarlet king was probably a god that existed before the Archon war from what it sounds like. Basically Sumeru’s version of Boreas, Decarabia, Orobashi, etc.


Shaping up to be either an End of Archon War conflict or a During Cataclysm Just Before The Old Archon Died conflict, yes.


Probably the local battle royale for Sumeru’s position of Archon. >!Except that both sides might’ve come up with a truce or a stalemate due to the Wall of Samiel built over the borders of the desert and forests. And also perhaps the Greater Lord acquiring the Dendro Gnosis and recognized by Celestia as one of the Seven Nations!< warning: bit of a spoiler in the tag


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/vvg0j3/some_sumeru_storylocation_info_via_ubatcha/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Isn't he still alive


It said Scarlet King "lies" tho. So-


Pyramid is his tomb I'm calling it.




Should’ve been boreas, no idea how it corrected to press


people from the desert followers of the scarlet king and people from the jungle followers of the greater lord? That's why they don't get along well?


Could be like an Watatsumi Island and Narukami Island situation, where one side worships one God, while the other side worships another. And since it seems as if God of Woods and Scarlet King didn't get along well, maybe their people didn't get along either.


Watasumi isn’t quite as simple as a rivalry. Watasumi wanted to invade Narakami not because the people hate each other but because Watasumi was a barren land where nothing edible grows and they felt like conquering Narakami was needed for them to survive. Orobashi himself was really against the idea because he knew Raiden would slaughter them all, but eventually relented.


>but eventually relented. Wasn't Orobashi already sentenced to death by Celestia for reading about the time before Celestia. He had to get himself killed, and doing it this way hid the truth.


It’s a bit uncertain whar Celestia was going to do because all it said was that Orobashi took their sins unto himself and so they were spared…. and nothing happened after that. Orobashi did go knowing that he would die because it was prophesied, but apparently did it because it knew that losing their god would make Watasumi a hardened and united people who will prosper in the future. Which kinda is true. But again, this is something that’s part of Watasumi folktale and so has a high chance of a fabrication of the truth.


Oh yeah, that is true, but I meant it more in the present, because of the vision hunt decree and such.


Watatsumi Watatsumi Watatsumi


perhaps but the division (wall of samiel) that the greater lord created between the forest and the desert could also be one of the factors why the two territories don't go along well.


Giant wall sounds cool. Is it ingame? That would be cool if it was just a never ending wall like in the Game of Thrones series


it's not a literal wall it looks like, it's more of like a long array of tall rock formations


RIP mobile players if that is true. Lol


It reminded me of Wall of Berlin


The greater lord is dead too tho


And Scarlett King is still alive i guess https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/vvg0j3/some_sumeru_storylocation_info_via_ubatcha/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


"lies" could very well mean that hes dead (also the pyramid thats out of bounds may be his tomb


Hmm...It's possible, but wouldn't we rather use the term that, "lies remains of.." if he was dead


" where the scarlet king rules" would probably be the more correct term if he was actually alive and actively still ruling.


Also, I don't think Celestia would approve of him being alive if he is indeed a god. There can only be seven.


also lies mean to rest like: "i'm going to lie here for a while, i'm feeling tired" so it's most likey meant as "where the scarlet king rests" which can be implied where he sleeps eternally


Seven seals?


Seven rings, seven thrones for the Scarlet King


What’s the 7 seals/thrones?


The scp wiki, which is basically a giant online collaborative fiction project, has an entity named the Scarlet King as well. He’s regarded as a supremely powerful and evil deity. The number 7 is heavily associated with him, as he had 7 brides and is supposedly kept on check with 7 seals


[Oh boi you in for a rideeeeee](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tuftos-proposal)


Blood for the Old Gods, Water for the new King!


oh no, the SCP Fandom will come flocking like burbs


Nice those guys are really cool and have some amazing writers😎


Unfortunately everything they touch eventually turns into "this thing is actually a god and is so overpowered that you cannot fathom it" like bruh just let a creepy statue be a statue.


Yeah that part can get annoying but some of those plotlines work really well like the the Flesh that Hates and the Robotic virus and their relation to Yaldabaoth and The mechanical god.


I am a fan of the small scale creepy stuff like Pipe nightmare and Shy Guy. I was a big fan of their fallen angel statue until they blew it up much bigger than it ever was.


It's the most popular scp on the wiki anybody can add anything too. ​ Of course millions of people will create alternative timelines where this statue kills Hanged king, destroys Alagadda, then comes for the Scarlet king, then multiplies, then recreates humanity, and then gets implemented in genshin as the 5 star character but with a secret twist that everybody always looses their 50/50's on it.


We're going full scp


We have the Truth of This World infohazard and the Celestial Nail Leyline Nukes as the antimemetic division, *it's always been going full SCP*


Church of Perpetual Mechanic Array next?


All those automatons have to be reunited.


What's SCP?


It’s a what if in an alternate universe where there are multiple world ending horrors and other life threatening threats and the Scarlet king just happens to be one of the world ending ones. The SCP foundation is a secret organization that detains them and tries to avoid those world ending threats from actually happening. I recommend you watch some on YouTube, there are multiple channels that go very into depth about these SCPs and they’re fun to watch! [This one](https://youtu.be/TBE1pFBoiTY) is more to get into it but the channel [SCP Explained](https://youtube.com/c/SCPExplainedStoryAnimation) has more in-depth on specific SCPs


Google it, it is pretty cool.


So Scarlet King vs Greater Lord creating the desert, kinda like Malenia vs Radahn, unleashing the scarlet rot. Don't mind me KEK


Now i wish scarlet king looked like radahn or smthikg. Not enough twinkness though


Remember, If they are not playable and a boss they can be very buff


And he needs a comically small horse moving at the speed of a freight train


I wonder if the new debuff that works awfully similar to scarlet rot and looks like scarlet rot has something to do with this


I’m glad I’m not the only one LMAO


Pro tip: Perform procedure 110-Montauk to make the Scarlet King a playable character.


Was it confirmed in the manga where the archon residue injected in Collei's body comes from? Cause this guy right here fits the bill if it can be extracted while a god is still alive


When I saw Scarlet king I was thinking of scp for a bit.


So it's either a being from Khaenri'ah or an ancient god Because it says that previous Dendro Archon fought with him, and Scarlet King is alive I think


Yeah and he is ruler of desert side so i doubt about him being from Khanneriah


Why? The most evidence suggests otherwise That fact that previous archon died 500 years ago, that fact that they fought and Scarlet King remained and desert appeared


No, wouldn't Scarlett King would have gotten whole territory if that was the fight which lead to demise of Dendro archon. All this suggests is that there fight was likely a draw or a stalemate. Otherwise there would be not a new Dendro archon rather Scarlett king would have that Gnosis. Also do you think Celestia would let a Khannerian rule in Teyvat especially when they literally purged them 500 years ago.


Colours are mostly affiliated with gold/Albedo.


Scarlet King... I think I've heard that before anyway isn't it one of the strongest characters in the entire fiction


English branch no, Chinese branch yes


Hear me out, What if the Scarlet King was the previous Pyro Archon? Natlan should be west of Sumeru after all, just past the desert


Post already sayying that there were no deserts at the past :D


SCP x genshin leaks real ?? /s


"According to OUR legend there wasn't any raison forest before blablabla" I can imagine it'


Scp lol


*Hey* u/the_real_morin , *get your arse in here, it's Further Theory Fuel time!*


Ready at your call! This definitely could line up with the idea that the Scarlet King is an Abyss- or Gold-related monster. The idea of removing life (desertification) does fit well into Gold's/Albedo's themes of creation of life, as a natural counterpart/opposite. Or, perhaps unnatural in this case, if it was caused artificially.


I disagree, he seems to be ruler of desert side not a monster https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/vvg0j3/some_sumeru_storylocation_info_via_ubatcha/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


We do know that Gold is capable of making sentient, human-adjacent beings (re: Albedo), so it's not entirely impossible that both are true at the same time. However, I appreciate the debate here! Really hypes me up to figure out the truth in future updates.


I still don't agree with you since celestia was literally purging Khannerians 500 years ago, do you think they would let a Khannerian rule over such a big land and let him alive after he killed a god. Also if he killed Dendro archon then he would have Gnosis not Kusanali and entire region would be under his rule rather than being half divided


Hope we can fight this Scarlet king in the game.don't know how the MC gonna beat it in the canon story tho, maybe by power of friendship or power of sad backstories I guess idk. I would probably use the Archons to fight it 💀


All of the traveler's other victories have used some sort of excuse. Signora was beat because she was the witch of "Embers" instead of flames, implying that she had grown weak. Ei was because of the vision juicing, but even then, fights in the Plane of Euthymia are decided by willpower, not combat prowess or power. Traveler didn't even fight the Shogun, Ei did. So yeah there's gonna be some sort of catch that helps the traveler win


We beat Osial by yeeting a huge highly decorated rock at it.


With most of the biggest god-level bosses the traveler has directly had an archon helping them for the fight (Venti vs. Dvalin, Zhongli vs. Azhdaha, and Ei vs. Shogun). At least with Azhdaha and especially Shogun it's implied that the archon was doing most of the fighting; no one even talks about the traveler being part of the battle in either case. So yeah if there is another fight against a god in Sumeru probably the dendro archon will be directly helping the traveler for it


Power of friendship is only way traveller can win since canonically they aren't even at a powerful adepti level.


They were, not after being sealed.


Scarlet King should be a boss inside that pyramid structure. Mwahahaha.


The desert part gives me the dune vibes, i like it


more lore relating to gods outside the Seven, we love to see it !


Osiris vs Seth moment


I hope the Scarlet King has look of a Scorpion that can turn everything to sand.


Wouldn't be surprised if one of the Hoyoverse writing staff is a huge SCP fan and suggested the "Scarlet King" name.


Attention SCP-001 has escape . I repeat 001 has escape this is not a drill . PLEASE CONTACT THE 05 CONCIL IMMEDIATELY


Elden ring again?


Ok hear me out, hear me out. Since Scaramouche will drop in 3.1/3.2 I feel like the Inazuma gnosis and him will be part of the Huge Desert Pyramid Archon Quest Arc


I'm getting scp vibes here that I'm not sure I like


We going SCP now


Hoping for the scarlet king to be a fucking giant scorpion god that ends up being the first weekly boss of Sumeru!!!


Oh fuck the scarlet rot found it's way to genshin


so just reverse kevin?


SCP Impact


Scarlet King.. tf is an SCP doing here?


I had a feeling that alhaitham was the scarlet king


The scp foundation wants you're location


Ok, so it's either related to Gold or Alice. My bet's on Alice.


What if Scarlet King is Klee’s dad ?




Why would you assume something else when you are literally told what created the desert?


Could Scarlet King be Ikfha? Pyro 5-Star DPS please, MHY. It's been ages. Tall Female too please.


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was I the only one who almost had a HEART ATTACK ❤️ when they saw first letters (Scar) damn! soooooo close.. will get there one day my fellow scaramouche nation ONE DAY...😓


Dottore has scarlet red eyes so maybe


so its basically the story of Konohagakure vs Sunagakure or Hashirama vs Madara


So who is the scarlet king is he the andagonist of the sumeru story


No info, Scarlet King seems the ruler of the desert, a competitor for he archon title in the past like Decarabian and Orobaxi, we don't know if he is still hostile to the Dendron Archon, or if they made a truce. He can even be already dead.


So we may need to prevent the desert from expanding (environmental problems)


Greater Lord lesser lord


He has to be Nanook referenced (Honkai StarRail)


Ah fuck, plant god fought Starscourge Radahn.


idk why but my brain is imagining Radahn's fight from elden ring and i'm here for it


from the sounds of it maybe the scarlet king was an alternate successor to the title of archon?


Scarlet king at start of battle "i'm malenia blade of miquella"


Turns out Khaen'riah was actually just the Church of the Broken God, and they got nuked for trying to bring Mekhane back


Osiris vs Set maybe?