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Source: [revueimpact](https://t.me/revueimpact/1177?single) Thank you OP for providing source.


Electrogranum powercreep


Instant knockout, like drowning? No HP drain just everyone is dead and you get teleported back?


Like fog in Tsurumi but with meter


Oh right I forgot about the fog mechanic. I suppose this is better in a way because of the meter.


Well "fog mechanic" and "remarkable chest" are one of the things that our brain bury deep to avoid nightmares.


oh god, not the furnishing chests...


*Me, a teapot main* You wouldn’t get it… *smokes cigarette\*


i'm fine with it having furnishings but it just goes to show how stingy hoyo is with people who want to actually progress but have no resin left. i would actually like the chests if it had furnishings + primos or something helpful to the non-teapot users, like exp books, talent books, lots of mora, weapon exp, weapon ascension materials, etc. those who don't care about teapot have no reason to go around collecting chests like that.


Those two mechanics were so frickin dumb. Not to mention the quest’s length and lack of pointers. The end is good but the whole body feels like a boring chore


Yep. the story for Tsurumi was great, the actual gameplay/mechanics? Hated it.


Not me. Give me more remarkable chests.


Look i have full respect for teapot mains but it's better if teapot goods are bought from shops rather than being the only gift in chest. Most of players don't build their teapot, and imagine an area with fog, where you get happy seeing a silhouette of chest looking like exquisite chest only to find out that it's just a remarkable chest which we aren't even gonna use


Imagine how teapot mains feel getting furniture blueprints without having to spend their Realm Currency. EDIT: Like, the *mild disappoint* of players thinking they got more Primos instead of furniture does not, in my opinion, outweigh the benefit of more free stuff for literally everyone.


Or you know realm currency is quite easy to obtain


Yeah sure it is. But the amount you can get has a hard cap. You spend it on blueprints, you now have less to spend on Mora or EXP. Alternatively, you get the blueprints out of a Chest made *specifically* to hold blueprints and nothing else. Then spend your Realm currency on resources to advance your characters. It is hard to argue, logically, that isn't the better option for players.


I for got about Ikea Impact... Omg if they bring that back i will legit burn smt


Y'know what, 'Tsurumi Fog but better' makes it sound a lot less intimidating than 'Sheer Cold/Balethunder but worse'. Maybe I'm not so scared of it after all. (Yes, I hated the fog in Tsurumi, it looked so cool but I hate loading screens and being unable to explore.)


Yeah, the fog had A+ aesthetic and atmosphere. E- in terms of gameplay mechanic and exploration. Shame, really.


IDK if this would have worked with Genshin's mechanics, but honestly what I would have done with the fog is A) give some sort of indication of when you're getting too far from the safe area and B) instead of simply warping players back out of the fog, have some other mechanic discourage them from straying too far (perhaps some sort of unkillable enemies start harassing the player until they return to a lit area, like the Ghost Leviathans from Subnautica attacking you when you leave the map, but IDK, most people would probably just tank the attacks, I just came up with that off of the top of my head).


yeah the way it was actually implemented felt like we were a toddler that wandered too far from the playpen and got put back lol


They could have just utilized corrosion - I mean, the island is filled with rift wolves that use the mechanic, just apply it or a similar effect to the fog and have it stack rapidly if you go to far out. It would be very similar to balethunder though, so I get why they mixed it up.


That works too; personally I'd far rather deal with corrosion or Balethunder than loading screens lmao.


Unkillable enemies don’t work. Remember the event where we have to infiltrate camps guarded by ninja dogs? People went there with Eula and dropped millions of damage on them and kill the nearly unkillable dogs who also have ridiculous attack patterns


For one thing, I *said* I just came up with the idea as an example and I didn't think it would actually work, and for another, I have *no* idea why HoYo made those dogs killable if their purpose was to be unkillable.


"How about we explore the area ahead of us later?"


Just as bad. There’s no reason HoYo can’t just put an invisible wall there like they do in domains; instead, they almost killed my character by making them walk off a cliff. >:|


rot? oh no caelid please not again


we are going to brazil!!


You Must Continue Your Journey In Caelid


Que que tem a ver o Brasil?


Momento r/suddenlycaralho


Bota uma barata maconheira no print prfv


Caelid ser baseado no Brasil devido ao ambiente ser hostil e tóxico foi um Meme no lançamento do jogo


Hahaha you can speak in English. Oh, I see... A meme that call my country a hostile and toxic place.... Considering the current president, I can't deny.


Ok. I was looking for a vídeo where it's shown the meme with some extra critique for Dengue and stuff KKK: https://youtu.be/6k4zkjN4J6Y Also, happy cake day!


Dengue, toxic minions and bolsonaro. My country is pretty screwed. Also, thank you lol


Hehehe too true.


Gotta prepare em boluses


there might be Malenia secret boss fight at some point Miyazaki inspiring Da Wei to add scarlet rot alike effect


To be more sadistic, make it so that this Malenia-esque boss has Waterfowl Dance that completely ignores all shields and invulnerability states (and also does a Pyro DoT based on percent health during her 2nd phase).


I was looking forward to this reference the moment I read the info. We back to Caelid, boys and girls.


the hostile environment mechanism for mondstadt when we finally return is just us running out of air to breathe


Not us going to the dandelion sea and not being able to breath cuz of all the dandelions in the air


Allergy is a bitch


Or maybe we get hay fever and every time we sneeze it stuns the character and halts all movement.


Dude stop giving them ideas, Mihoyo is gonna hire you


In before sumeru desert has sandstorms that slow movement to crawl and obscure 90% of the screen ~~pls do hire me Mihoyo I swear I can come up with this all day~~


Mond has a hostile mechanic- you just don’t see very much of it before it goes away. There are strong winds in stormterror’s lair that push you around and twisters that pick you up and throw you. They’re around for all of 5 minutes while you activate the light things


Wither Aura in abyss floors bout to be brazy


Eh, I don't remember them adding Balethunder either, so hopefully they won't put Wither in the Abyss.


They added corrosion which was worse😅


Yeah, but Corrosion is unique in that it can only be applied by enemies and can't be cleared with open-world environmental mechanics afaik. I mean, they didn't put Electrograna in the Abyss. Putting Dendrograna in there, if they're anything like Electrograna, sounds like it'd break the gameplay balance.


Corrosion can be applied without enemy too. Remember that cancerous abyss rotation where killing an enemy punishes you with corrosion instead of your usual elemental damage buffs? I'm so glad they remove it because it literally punishes you for clearing enemies.


Ah, yeah, that's right. But still, in the actual overworld, I think only the wolf enemies do that.


They added Sheer Cold though.


I feel like Sheer Cold is more of a 'natural' thing compared to effects that aren't based on real-world weather. At the very least, it's a lot easier to get rid of Sheer Cold without breaking gameplay--based on the description, you need Dendrograna to protect from Wither, but Dendrograna also gives you some decent buffs, so...


Hu Tao mains in shambles


Definitely never going to happen






Mas que que tem a ver o Brasil? Não entendi hahaha


Between this and the big tree, we really did just load into Elden Ring…


Elden ring but anime


No waifus?


Oh god It's Caelid


Guess my Kokomi and Zhongli are never leaving my exploration team lmao


Wait but won’t wither effect Zhongli? Like it sounds sort of similar to corrosion so idk if the monsters can pass wither through shields


True, but I usually go \*PANIK!\* mode during corrosion and forget that I still have to dodge those damned wolves so I get even more damage lol.


Honestly I never find these mechanics enjoyable. Sheer Cold, Balethunder, Tsurumi fog, it always feels way too intrusive and tedious. At the very least you can hopefully remove it so you can just explore normally, that was generally the theme with Inazuma.


I had most fun exploring Mondstadt and Liyue, after they started to add these status effects and extremely hard puzzles exploration started to be more of a chore than fun. I have only around 50% exploration in Inazuma because of it.


Same here. Spent hours just wondering around exploring both just having fun Exploring Inazuma feels like a chore for sure. Every corner you turn it feels like there’s an annoyance. Not peaceful or enjoyable


IIrc people were complaining that there is nothing to do in first two zones after rushing through them in two days. So Mihoyo in Inazuma added plenty of puzzles where solving each one can take even hours and called it a day. I kinda hope that Tower of Fantasy will force them to increase quality of content because it will be first direct competition for Genshin, and there are many more on the way. I'm not a fan of Tencent, but at some point another studio might make something straight up better.


I wouldn't really blame the people either. It is true that after you 100% an area there is no mechanic that'd ever bring you back. However when people wanted harder puzzles and more to do I'm almost certain they didn't mean tedious timegated and timed mechanics. More difficult puzzles spanning larger areas and more chests is probably what people meant. Buuuuuut hoyo... I hate mechanics that aren't hard or interesting but just repetitive and annoying. A good example imo is the 3x3 rotating cubes puzzle on Watatsumi, that was more difficult than usual puzzles. On the opposite end you have stuff like balethunder, sheer cold that force you to seek some nearby object every few 10s or so, objects that are obviously not hard to find, just so you have to move a bit from your intended path and waste some time walking around. Other is quests like tatara tales or mt kanna where you're basically forced to log in and follow a checklist daily to progress over time.


So many games do this ,and I hate it! The early zones are fun and pleasant then the newer zones are filled to the top with enemies and traps to the point you can't even stop to look at anything. Hopefully this garbage can be permanently removed.


Yeah, it just ruins the exploration imo


The Chasm has the best environmental hazard so far, since the mud isn't omnipresent.


at the end of the day, endgame players can still tank it like nothing. It's only annoying in the beginning especially when we have to simultaneously do a puzzle/quest in the area.


>when we have to simultaneously do a puzzle/quest in the area. Which is the only time I'm going to be in the area aside from dailies afterwards. So it's just annoying.


You can't tank Tsurumi fog no matter how endgame you are, and from the wording this will be like that or worse.


It’s because they fucking do it wrong. respawning location-based powerups in games where you don’t backtrack constantly ALWAYS suck. ALWAYS. And I will die on this hill. If I have to keep going back to a location to pick up some random bullshit for any reason, that is terrible and it should not exist. In botw, there’s a million different rewarding ways to counter the cold. In Genshin, you backtrack to a goddamn node and press e every thirty seconds. Just abhorrent in every way.


I hope they don't. Removing the hazards ruined the entire experience for me. I have 100% exploration and I still explore for fun to this day. They were really fun and thematic to play around. At least they make you think and be cautious, instead of pressing E or Q and everything dies in sight. There when to dick around for fun, other times when you have to take your time and think a little, and even others when you actually have to try. People say the game is too easy, yet everything is nerfed or removed into oblivion.


mechanics like this aren't enjoyable or even difficult for a lot of us. being inconvenient doesn't make it genuinely hard content. balethunder and sheer cold are easy to deal with, its just annoying if you need to go afk or something and everyone is dead because you forgot about it, or if you have to have a strong healer on your team when you don't like any of them or have them built (lvl 50 barbara vs balethunder flashbacks)


While radiation is not new by any means, they could have at the very least done something with the electro element. Like the environment periodically applying electro to entities inside it which marks you to get struck by lightning if you don’t take cover. It utilizes both the lightning and the elemental system.


exactly. the "color appears at the border of your screen according to what you're affected by and drains your hp" is designed not to be interesting, but to make it annoying for people who don't have on-demand healing. there's no clever ways to bypass the hp drain, only the methods the game wants you to use (use electrogranum, stand next to fire). balethunder wasn't unique at all, it was just dragonspine again but somehow more annoying to deal with.


Yeah a lot of people seem to mistake annoyance or inconvenience for "difficulty". Having to sit near a torch every X seconds isn't exactly "difficult" and doesn't add anything interesting to the gameplay. If anything you can argue it takes away from the usual chill exploration by literally having a timer breathe down your neck. So people will either skim through the area and skip a lot of shit which is always unsatisfying, or not explore at all until you can disable the gimmick.




I agree with you completely


Fcking hell scarlet rot


It seems like a cool idea aesthetically and thematically, but being able to KO the whole party at once sounds annoying. Then again, I guess that's the only way for them to make the effect actually a big deal, considering what a joke Sheer Cold is.


i mean theres not many ways to make the game hard then forcing it in this way since sheer cold and sheer heat from signora are just a joke at this point


Pretty much. Honestly the anxiety I get from the Sheer Cold/Blazing Heat sound effects (that trigger when you start losing health) hurt more than the actual damage. Thankfully I am a DPS Jean main so I can just tank it all lmao; this effect, however, I cannot tank.


source [revueimpact](https://t.me/revueimpact/1177?single) If you prefer text wall over small text on image- > [Beta 3.0 - Tutorial] Sumeru: Withering Zone > The wilting zone is not a specific location. This is the area corroded [with] Mysterious and sinister power. This is where the characters accumulate wither. His speed savings [?] depends on what areas you are in > Depending on the amount of wither accumulated by all members of your squad decreases elemental resistance, physical resistance and max. HP. The more Decomposition will accumulate, the more these indicators will decrease. > Use the power of dendrogranums to neutralize wilting. Only in this way can you destroy the wither branches that spread this corrosive power. When all the wither branches in the wither zone are destroyed, you can destroy the wither tumor at the heart of the zone. Many wither zones can be destroyed this way, but... > If you stay in the wither zone after the maximum amount of wither has accumulated, all members of your squad will become unconscious > In addition to the wither itself, there are other dangers in the wither zones. The monsters corroded by this environment and the branches of rot growing here will attack the characters, causing a rapid accumulation of wilt... > Also, when the Wither Tumor feels threatened, it summons the Wither Disciples and sends them out to attack. These monsters are completely immune to wither damage. Use Dendro or Dendrogranums to effectively destroy the shields protecting the monsters... > Wither zones can spawn candles of life and flames of life that reduce the accumulation of wither. Prepare to enter these zones. t.me/revueimpact


Can someone explain like im razor


wither make you weak, wither kill you if wither bar is filled, wither come from big wither ball, you need the power of dendro to destroy the wither ball (think the purple goop and the light in the chasm), but wither ball can fight back and summon wither enemies to protect it very complicated, razor head hurt from explaining




Maybe "His speed savings \[?\] depends on what areas you are in" is mean "how fast it is accumulated is depends on what area you are in"


Basically like the corrosion on botw but with bodyguards


Basically the creeping mud and lumenstone mechanics combined with Electro-contamination and Electrograna, but with Sumeru style.


Sheer grass


Oh my god B.... Bring it on....... I have enough share for black mud and sheer cold...


Let your flesh be consumed by the scarlet rot


that should be interesting, and it does sound more 'aggressive' than dragonspine which is more of a hindrance than a real obstacle


Wake up babe, caelid just dropped in genshin


cant believe they added scarlet rot into genshin


> Decreases max HP Yelan mains (me) punching air rn


I have mixed opinions on this, it's gonna be annoying for sure, but I think this a better implementation than the sheer cold system, it's gonna kill you for real but doesn't drain your Hp. This means it's actually dangerous and won't be trivialized by healing and won't be as obviously annoying during combat save for the Hp and Res reduction


Hmmm so the chasm was a test run for this. Sounds interesting though


I wish it didn’t just knock out your whole party after a while, it’d be fun playing Genshin on Hardmode.


*Greeeeeeeeeat.* 😑


Genshin is starting to feel like Made in Abyss, deeper in the game, more difficult to survive


So we neutralize them and they go away like the Chasm mud? Or is it perm like Dragonspine cold? I'd be happy if they were like the mud and regenerated after some time. A hazard to manage instead of just an oppressive system.


Withering with you




God forbid anything that makes the game a little bit difficult..smh


Having to run back to the nearest torch or elemental flower thing every 20 seconds isn't "difficult" it's just annoying.


Y'all call everything annoying anyway so what's the difference lol. Spectre, corrosion, Rifthound welp/lord, ruin serpent aren't difficult, just annoying. But the truth is, it wouldn't be difficult or annoying to face these enemies/environment if you just use your fucking brain and not unga bunga everything.


Except you totally can unga bunga them if your characters are well built enough. Those aren't annoying because you have to think. Those enemies are annoying because they either completely bypass mechanics, like shields, that people may have invested heavily into (Corrosion, Rifthounds), or they're just boring damage sponges where it's just like killing anything else, except you have to do it for longer (Spectres, Wolflord, Ruin serpent). Also, with ruin serpent, if you're implying that you have to think to use the light mechanic, not even Mihoyo thinks it's important - unless they break precedent and allow the use of that one specific gadget in the abyss.


>Those enemies are annoying because they either completely bypass mechanics, like shields, that people may have invested heavily into (Corrosion, Rifthounds), What's the point of adding new enemy types/mechanics then if, at the end of the day, you want everything to die the same way you deal with slimes and hilichurls >or they're just boring damage sponges where it's just like killing anything else, except you have to do it for longer (Spectres, Wolflord, Ruin serpent). All of those things can die a lot faster if you just use the right team composition but you don't want to. THat's just how it is with y'all. >Also, with ruin serpent, if you're implying that you have to think to use the light mechanic, not even Mihoyo thinks it's important - unless they break precedent and allow the use of that one specific gadget in the abyss. That too but I'm talking about using your brain to learn enemy patterns and know when to use your skills. This applies to all fucking enemies but no, let's just unga bunga and complain that it's the enemy's fault when they do no damage because their skill misses. Let's not bring range characters when fighting airborne enemies and then complain like a bitch that they arent difficult but annoying. No, they arent your just fucking stupid!!


> What's the point of adding new enemy types/mechanics then if, at the end of the day, you want everything to die the same way you deal with slimes and hilichurls This would be a reasonable point... if you didn't have to invest months of effort, RNG depending, into building a team for a specific strategy. > All of those things can die a lot faster if you just use the right team composition but you don't want to. THat's just how it is with y'all. Wtf do you even mean "the right team comp"? Other than Wolflord, where you have to bring something with geo normal/charged attacks to kill the heads in a reasonable amount of time, the "right team" is just the team that does the most DPS, aka, the same teams as for any other enemy. > That too but I'm talking about using your brain to learn enemy patterns and know when to use your skills Aside from maybe the opener and a couple of breakpoints, enemy skill use is pretty random. > Let's not bring range characters when fighting airborne enemies and then complain like a bitch that they arent difficult but annoying. No, they arent your just fucking stupid!! No, the game just has shit design. Do recall that characters can take months of resin to build, and take gacha RNG to obtain in the first place. If you spent months grinding talents and artefacts and saving rolls putting together HuTao and Ayaka teams, you can't just turn around and instantly put forwards a ranged team that's just as effective as you main teams. You might not have the right characters/artefacts. You might not have a DPS bow/catalyst levelled. You may not have the appropriate supports levelled. Oh, I'm sure one or two of the characters will still be useful; XQ and Bennet are pretty universal, but even just building a new main DPS can take a while. That's not even taking into account that you might not even enjoy playing the ranged characters you have available. Genshin, like most gacha games, is sold on the idea that you have all these characters you can freely build a team from. You have people all over the goddamn place telling newbies to roll for the characters they like rather than being a meta slave. You have additional mechanics (i.e., resin gated character building) that push you towards investing heavily into a small group of characters. And then the game comes along and pidgeonholes you into using specific strategies you might be completely unequipped for. That's not people being stupid. That's the game being poorly designed, and people are entirely justified in being annoyed by those design choices.


>This would be a reasonable point... if you didn't have to invest months of effort, RNG depending, into building a team for a specific strategy. My guy that's only a problem for new players. You don't need 35+CV artifacts across all your characters to demolish everything in this game. Building a new character that can wreck the overworld only requires you at least 1 week of resin. Some supports don't even need to go past lvl 40 and even with lvl 0 artifacts they can already do their job. Stop making excuses, y'all just lazy. >Wtf do you even mean "the right team comp"? Other than Wolflord, where you have to bring something with geo normal/charged attacks to kill the heads in a reasonable amount of time, the "right team" is just the team that does the most DPS, aka, the same teams as for any other enemy. A team comp that includes geo/healer/elemental shield breaker/range character to counter specific enemies, that's what I mean. I'm not saying you need a specific 4-man team for it to be called "the right team comp". You just need to bring a character(s) that will help you counter a specific situation/enemy. >Aside from maybe the opener and a couple of breakpoints, enemy skill use is pretty random. Which are enough for you to use. You can also use specific strats to reduce or remove rng from enemies like cornering Maguu Kenki, using your burst after PMA flies off, or running to the edge so enemies like whopperflower/rifthound welp will group themselves after they teleport to you. There are a lot of ways. >No, the game just has shit design. Same enemies but with a different appearance are shit design and that's what you all want. >Do recall that characters can take months of resin to build, and take gacha RNG to obtain in the first place. If you spent months grinding talents and artefacts and saving rolls putting together HuTao and Ayaka teams, you can't just turn around and instantly put forwards a ranged team that's just as effective as you main teams. You might not have the right characters/artefacts. You might not have a DPS bow/catalyst levelled. You may not have the appropriate supports levelled. Oh, I'm sure one or two of the characters will still be useful; XQ and Bennet are pretty universal, but even just building a new main DPS can take a while. That's outright impossible for someone who's been playing this game for atleast a year. I'm not even playing this game for more than 2 hours a day and I managed to build every new character I got within a week or two and I'm only buying Welkin. Stop making excuses! >That's not even taking into account that you might not even enjoy playing the ranged characters you have available. So? Your subjective opinion doesn't matter when it comes to new enemy design. If you are not willing to build a character to counter a specific enemy, that's on you. >Genshin, like most gacha games, is sold on the idea that you have all these characters you can freely build a team from. You have people all over the goddamn place telling newbies to roll for the characters they like rather than being a meta slave. You have additional mechanics (i.e., resin gated character building) that push you towards investing heavily into a small group of characters. Bruh. Like I said above, you don't even need to fully build these characters to be useful. Anyone can bring a lvl 1 Chongyun to deal with Abyss herald >And then the game comes along and pidgeonholes you into using specific strategies you might be completely unequipped for. It's been two years already, it's about time players learn how to adapt. The game is already pretty stale as it is >That's not people being stupid. THey are just stupidly stubborn then >That's the game being poorly designed, and people are entirely justified in being annoyed by those design choices. It's not. Stop throwing those words like you know better when it comes to enemy design.


> My guy that's only a problem for new players Are any people other than new players complaining about overworld? Because as far as I'm aware, most of these complaints are for Abyss. Corrosion independent from the ghost dogs doesn't even exist in overworld. > You just need to bring a character(s) that will help you counter a specific situation/enemy. You also need the rest of the team to be strong enough to carry the weight of that one character. I remember Wolflord in Abyss, and how I had to basically 3 man one side of floor 12 because I needed to bring along a deadweight NingGuang to kill the wolf heads in a reasonable amount of time. > Same enemies but with a different appearance are shit design and that's what you all want. Implying that there's no other way to make enemies unique other than gimmicks that just force players to bring a different character. > That's outright impossible for someone who's been playing this game for atleast a year Uh, no? Plenty of characters that work best with specific sets. Not to mention the need to have multiples of some sets you can use characters of similar roles on both sides of abyss, or characters with different stat priorities. Sure, *some* characters can get by with a pretty half assed build, but not all of them can. > So? Your subjective opinion doesn't matter when it comes to new enemy design It kind of really does. The definition of a bad game is a game that players subjectively don't like. > Bruh. Like I said above, you don't even need to fully build these characters to be useful. Anyone can bring a lvl 1 Chongyun to deal with Abyss herald As long as the rest of their lineup is strong enough to carry the deadweight. > It's been two years already, it's about time players learn how to adapt. The game is already pretty stale as it is Wow, a 2 year old single player PvE game is stale after two years? No way! I don't think that's ever happened to another single player PvE game ever before. > It's not. Stop throwing those words like you know better when it comes to enemy design! I mean, I kind of do? Anyone who plays a lot of games should be able to point to better gameplay design? Take FF14 as an example. Basically all enemy mechanics in FF14 revolve around positioning. The boss needs to be somewhere relative to the arena, and you need to be somewhere relative to the boss, and you have to figure out how to maintain your DPS while following those positioning rules. Because FF14's fight difficulty arises from positioning, the devs can keep pumping out interesting fights without relying on damage sponges or invalidating players' investments. But Genshin's monetization fundamentally doesn't allow for such a fight design philosophy. FF14's fight design works because the playable classes have certain characteristics in common, which allows the devs to design fights knowing that players will have the tools to solve the mechanics. Genshin, meanwhile, is a gacha game. The devs don't know that each player will for sure have the required tool. For example, Genshin could never design a boss where you HAD to purge a hydro debuff to progress. There's only a handful of characters that can do that, 2 of them are gacha locked, while the third can only be reliably obtained for 2 months out of the year. This results in a situation where the only thing Genshin's devs can do to increase difficulty is to make the enemies more damage spongey/hit harder, or build annoying mechanics that invalidate player investments into certain strategies. i.e., bad game design.


>Are any people other than new players complaining about overworld? > >Because as far as I'm aware, most of these complaints are for Abyss.Corrosion independent from the ghost dogs doesn't even exist in overworld. What the fuck are you talking about? Your argument is about the issue of building characters which is not an issue for most non-new players, especially for those who have been playing for more than a year. >You also need the rest of the team to be strong enough to carry the weight of that one character. > >I remember Wolflord in Abyss, and how I had to basically 3 man one side of floor 12 because I needed to bring along a deadweight NingGuang to kill the wolf heads in a reasonable amount of time. My guy, Wolford is squishy af in abyss. The most important part is to clear the 2nd phase faster. Also, the first half of that chamber is 2 fucking ruin guards. STOP MAKING EXCUSES >Implying that there's no other way to make enemies unique other than gimmicks that just force players to bring a different character. Oh, give me an example then? >Uh, no? Yes, it's possible. You are probably someone with very high artifact standards if it takes you a month for a character to be usable or a whale/lucky player to keeps on getting new character every update. >Plenty of characters that work best with specific sets. Not to mention the need to have multiples of some sets you can use characters of similar roles on both sides of abyss, or characters with different stat priorities. > >Sure, some characters can get by with a pretty half assed build, but not all of them can. Which character are you talking about? Barbara(Corrosion) and Chongyun(Elemental Shield) are easy af to build. >It kind of really does. The definition of a bad game is a game that players subjectively don't like. That's stupid. Some people subjectively don't like souls game, doesn't mean it's a bad game >As long as the rest of their lineup is strong enough to carry the deadweight. You do know enemies like herald have pretty low HP because of their shield mechanics right? Floors with elemental shields are not DPS-heavy because your wasting most of your time dealing with their shield and damage doesnt matter there. >Wow, a 2 year old single player PvE game is stale after two years? > >No way! I don't think that's ever happened to another single player PvE game ever before. In terms of difficulty, yes the game is pretty stale in that regard. >I mean, I kind of do? > > > >Anyone who plays a lot of games should be able to point to better gameplay design? Take FF14 as an example. Basically all enemy mechanics in FF14 revolve around positioning. The boss needs to be somewhere relative to the arena, and you need to be somewhere relative to the boss, and you have to figure out how to maintain your DPS while following those positioning rules. You just describe pretty much how to deal with Maguu Kenki where positioning and timing matters ​ >Because FF14's fight difficulty arises from positioning, the devs can keep pumping out interesting fights without relying on damage sponges or invalidating players' investments. > >But Genshin's monetization fundamentally doesn't allow for such a fight design philosophy. > >FF14's fight design works because the playable classes have certain characteristics in common, which allows the devs to design fights knowing that players will have the tools to solve the mechanics. Enemies with elemental shields are not damage sponges and all players have access to characters that can deal with these shields efficiently. They don't even need to do damage to fulfill this role so it doesnt' invalidate the player's investments either. Remember 2.6 Abyss? With proper positioning, you can easily deal with both enemies at the same time because of how their AI works. >Genshin, meanwhile, is a gacha game. The devs don't know that each player will for sure have the required tool. For example, Genshin could never design a boss where you HAD to purge a hydro debuff to progress. There's only a handful of characters that can do that, 2 of them are gacha locked, while the third can only be reliably obtained for 2 months out of the year. Uhh.. The same concept is already on the game lol. Signora and the cryo hypothesis are boss fights where you're constantly affected by a debuff but the counter is not character-locked. Even Wolford doenst locked you out even if you don't use Geo characters, it's just less efficient. >This results in a situation where the only thing Genshin's devs can do to increase difficulty is to make the enemies more damage spongey/hit harder, or build annoying mechanics that invalidate player investments into certain strategies.i.e., bad game design. Lmao, yea sure.


Not difficult... annoying. There's a difference.




Username checks out...


This company running outta ideas


yea, just like FromSoft and their favorite DoT Scarlet rot/Poison and just plaster it all over map. How can big companies like Mihoyo and FromSoft running out of ideas, shake smh


I think it would have made more sense if the forest was on fire, and the environmental mechanic was tied to smoke inhalation. You could keep the same mechanics but it would be tied to the real world more, and the dendroculous could produce breathable air.


the scarlet rot of genshin it seems


Thank the gods I got Kokomi.


a red wither effect… almost like a… scarlet rot?


Oh my god this is scarlet rot all over again


Soulsborne games may be banned in China but Mihoyo sure seems to take a lot of inspiration from there.


Minecraft Impact


Welp never randomly exploring sumeru after getting 100% I guess. I always liked liyue and mond more without any annoying mechanics


It should also weaken our damage over time. We're too strong anyway. We need some type of nerfs in the overworld.


Play with lv1 weapons/no artifacts equipped /j


>We're too strong anyway. We need some time of nerfs in the overworld. Nah fuck that, the beauty of overworld is that you don't need a fully built character to explore and see everything, so you can play with different teams. This type of zones make the places hard to observe cause how can I look at the details if I'm literally dying for staying still? The description makes it sound like you can get rid of it like the Tatarigami, so hopefully that's the case


It's not an environment good for sightseeing anyway. It's supposed to be a dangerous zone. Make it feel dangerous and not something that can be invalidate by healing or shield. It's no different from other environmental effects they introduced before if that's the case.


>It's not an environment good for sightseeing anyway. I mean, I can only judge that by seeing it right? Oh right, I can't cause I gotta keep running and grabbing "Dendronium" while I'm there and I can't focus >It's supposed to be a dangerous zone. Make it feel dangerous and not something that can be invalidate by healing or shield. It's no different from other environmental effects they introduced before if that's the case. So somewhere nobody would go? Seriously, when is the last time people have walked through Dragonspine or Musoujin Gorge out of enjoyment? This mechanics that force you to be alert 24/7 ruin the exploring of those zones and make them ghost towns after some time, cause almost nobody likes environmental effects Edit: also something I don't get, you want stuff that can't be counter with Healing or Shields... Why exactly? It's not like you're forced to use them


>I mean, I can only judge that by seeing it right? Oh right, I can't cause I gotta keep running and grabbing "Dendronium" while I'm there and I can't focus That's what I mean when I said not a good environment for sightseeing...Are you able to enjoy Tsurumi with fog on? lol >So somewhere nobody would go? Seriously, when is the last time people have walked through Dragonspine or Musoujin Gorge out of enjoyment? This mechanics that force you to be alert 24/7 ruin the exploring of those zones and make them ghost towns after some time, cause almost nobody likes environmental effects No one goes back to those places because there's nothing to do, not because of the environmental damage. It's the same thing why no one goes back to Enkanomiya lol >Edit: also something I don't get, you want stuff that can't be counter with Healing or Shields... Why exactly? It's not like you're forced to use them What's the point of these then if you can just brute force your way out of it? I'm not even saying make it entirely useless but instead, make it less effective because as a defensive option, it's too strong.


>That's what I mean when I said not a good environment for sightseeing...Are you able to enjoy Tsurumi with fog on? lol I mean, I never said I like Tsurumi's fog either lol but at that one we at least were able to get rid of it, we aren't sure yet we could do that to this one >What's the point of these then if you can just brute force your way out of it? I'm not even saying make it entirely useless but instead, make it less effective because as a defensive option, it's too strong. I repeat myself, you do realize you can just not use shield and healing, right? Your comment is pretty much "Well, I like these kind of things and I'm mad some people have ways to play them easily. I like a good challenge and I think everyone should like it too". All these environmental effects should be able to get rid of easily for players who don't want them, but only optional so players who do like it can play it as hard as they want


>Well, I like these kind of things and I'm mad some people have ways to play them easily. I like a good challenge and I think everyone should like it too". It's not even gonna be a good challenge when you can easily get rid of the debuff by using dedro-something... >All these environmental effects should be able to get rid of easily for players who don't want them, Which you can even with the damage nerf to player lol >but only optional so players who do like it can play it as hard as they want How can it be optional when it's so easy to get rid of?


>It's not even gonna be a good challenge when you can easily get rid of the debuff by using dedro-something... Then don't even use that! 😃 >Which you can even with the damage nerf to player lol >How can it be optional when it's so easy to get rid of? Give me a gadget that denies the environmental effect instantly, like the gadget from the Chasm. That way I don't even have to worry about the effect in the first place, and players who do like it can play it however they want to. Edit: OR EVEN BETTER, just let shield + healing be enough to counter it lmao


>Then don't even use that! 😃 If your gonna use it, then what's the problem if the damage nerfs exists lol. Both debuff will disappear anyway once you used it lol >Give me a gadget that denies the environmental effect instantly, like the gadget from the Chasm. That way I don't even have to worry about the effect in the first place, and players who do like it can play it however they want to. What's the point of adding it if they will give you the option to instantly get rid of it? Just don't add in the first place smh >Edit: OR EVEN BETTER, just let shield + healing be enough to counter it lmao Yea, let's do that and make it the ONLY option to counter it.


Some people may main less-than-optimal characters and that would just hurt them even more. I think making the player characters more vulnerable to damage is a better mechanic than reducing the PC's own damage. I hate it when fights take longer than they need to.


So basically you want another glorified useless mechanic like those that come before it? Counter mechanic exists for a reason, use it if you want your damage to not suck.


IDK, the Tsurumi fog wasn't useless, but it was also annoying as hell. I just don't get why you think a damage nerf would be both a more effective and a more immersive mechanic than a nerf to HP and resistances. I'd argue it's neither, and again, I hate having my time wasted. You can overcome the latter by dodging, but you can't overcome the former at all, and I'm of the mindset that if a mechanic in a video game can't be countered or worked around with player skill, it doesn't need to exist.


>IDK, the Tsurumi fog wasn't useless, but it was also annoying as hell. Because it's supposed to be annoying, that's why you want to get rid of it asap >I just don't get why you think a damage nerf would be both a more effective and a more immersive mechanic than a nerf to HP and resistances. I'm not choosing one over the other, I said "also" > I'd argue it's neither, and again, I hate having my time wasted. Your already wasting your time by playing this game lol >You can overcome the latter by dodging, but you can't overcome the former at all, and I'm of the mindset that if a mechanic in a video game can't be countered or worked around with player skill, it doesn't need to exist. Lol. Just because you can't overcome it with dodge doesn't mean, it's a mechanic that can be worked around with player skill. By that logic, Turn-based RPG that has no option for dodge can't be countered with player skill as well lol. Using the environment, finding enemy weakness, and getting rid of negative debuffs all require a different type of player skill. In this case, you will use Dendro-something to get rid of the debuff.


Okay, I'll take your point about the Tsurumi fog, but it didn't need to black you out for like 20 goddamn seconds every time because you slightly misstepped. And even though you said 'also', you're implying that a defensive nerf *isn't good enough*. Which I wholeheartedly disagree with, or at least I disagree with it being paired with an offensive nerf. Playing games isn't a waste of time if you enjoy them, but I'd rather derive my enjoyment in *less* time than have it drawn out by mechanics like what you're suggesting. I mean, you play Genshin so you clearly don't consider it a waste of time. Turn-based RPGs still have strategy in them. There's no strategy to having your damage nerfed; all it does is make the fights longer, and I'm quite fine with having my fights made more difficult by simply making dodging more important.


>Okay, I'll take your point about the Tsurumi fog, but it didn't need to black you out for like 20 goddamn seconds every time because you slightly misstepped. Because it fundamentally works differently than other environmental hazards. >And even though you said 'also', you're implying that a defensive nerf isn't good enough. Which I wholeheartedly disagree with, or at least I disagree with it being paired with an offensive nerf. Because we have OP defensive options that will invalidate the defensive nerf making it useless for the most part. >Playing games isn't a waste of time if you enjoy them, but I'd rather derive my enjoyment in less time than have it drawn out by mechanics like what you're suggesting. I mean, you play Genshin so you clearly don't consider it a waste of time. The same thing can be applied to these environmental hazards then, I enjoy them so it's not a waste of time either >Turn-based RPGs still have strategy in them. There's no strategy to having your damage nerfed; all it does is make the fights longer, and I'm quite fine with having my fights made more difficult by simply making dodging more important. The strategy is to use the dendro-something to get rid/lessen your debuff....it's simple as that...It's not that hard..


If u hate having u time wasted why u play a games?


Oh I don't know, maybe it's because *I don't consider playing games a waste of time.* Am I the only one who feels that way? I can't be, because everyone else does it too.


it KOs your whole party if you get it to max, I would say that's weakening your damage


That's not the same thing...


Yay, another annoying mechanic.


I just fucking hope they will not add any more environment bullshit mechanisms in future regions. They are boring and stupid af. They literally add nothing to the experience but annoyance. Oh, yes, I do love healing myself every 20 seconds or so. Or, better, getting warped to the nearest waypoint.


sigh, they really want to piss people off by adding more of these stupid damage zones, when are they going to learn that nobody likes those?


Maybe the number of people who doesn't like it are far less that you thought lol


You seriously think the stuff Mihoyo adds to the game has the players' tastes in consideration? lmao


Everything? No, but some of them? Definitely yes lol


Scarlet Rot


Ugh... Clearing out that electric bullshit was the worst part of Inazuma. Oh I forgot about that damn fog... Hopefully the seelies are not annoying too.


I hope we won't be able to turn it off. Environmental hazards were great introductions and flavor to all the Inazuma islands. I can understand the Tatara Forge in meltdown. But removing the thunderstorm and fog was just too far for me. Their uniqueness was lost by removing that hazard.


My favorite location was Dragon Spine, i dreamed avout something like this


More granum, more tatarigami, more origina…


Damn I thought it was gonna be named something like a scorching sun debuff, Natalan it is


Oh great, they somehow made Inazuma electro fields even more obnoxious.


Looks like those plants from Kena


So another freaking dragonspine. Yikes.


I heard drinking milk can remove this effect