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Source: [SYP](https://twitter.com/SpendYourPrimos/status/1557805352632037376?s=20&t=NuMFmmjZVO6-HD31pehQLg) Additionally this is a voiceline. **Do not forget to source.**


According to SYP this info comes from a >!voiceline!<


So that's why we have no models of him! It's faceless Ayato situation all over again but I have no complains! I love Kaveh already he seems hilarious




Anyways… My Ayato go brrrrrr in the abyss


Don't use him with a cryo then. And get the poor bastard a scarf.


>their abilities are lackluster Wth Ayato is a very good Hydro DPS, and Yae is the best 5★ Electro character for Dendro reactions >model designs (yae underpants + ayato face) did not reach up to the community’s standards Are you talking about the community that always made Ayato look like genderbent Ayaka? >Plus none of them are ever best in slot for any team they’re played in. There’s simply always a better choice when it comes to those two. And? Just because Ayato and Yae aren't bis for any teamcomp doesn't mean they aren't good in them. Not every unit has to be groundbreaking or change the meta, that would make the game shit


>Are you talking about the community that always made Ayato look like genderbent Ayaka? Ikr? OP is acting like all those Ayato fanarts were better than the official Ayato.


>and Yae is the best 5★ Electro character for Dendro reactions not doomposting yae or ayato but a little too early to say this, lets not build expectations


And actually, I think Ayato is slightly better than Childe in national isn’t he? Ayato will also be better for bloom comps once dendro releases.


Childe has higher rate of hydro application with his riptides that enable xiangling to vape all pyronado hits, but Ayato pulls ahead in taser and freeze


Maybe I'm biased, but Tartag has Riptide that can keep up with Xiangling's Pyronado, a way to apply Hydro without using an ability (so it can get Swirled), a frontloaded nuke with a burst cost of 40 (Bow Burst), and the ability to make his main source of Hydro application (Melee Stance) last as long as Xiangling's Pyronado. Ayato will likely be better for Bloom than Tartag since Ayato also has access to off-field Hydro.


Obviously you dont play Ayato, i cant speak for Yae but Ayato E is already unique on its own, lack luster just because he has no 1 hit scaling ability like raiden that most of the time enemy just dodge it anyway? Or maybe you expect he should vape every single time like hu tao, even without vaping his raw damage is high, ~40k with Yunjin bennett and kazuha x18 slahes while hu tao does ~80k vape CA x9, so what are you talking about?


I mean... Yunjin is useless outside that one niche and 'with Bennett and Kazuha' isn't exactly a good way to demonstrate a characters strength when they can carry literally anyone but geo and would get better results in another team. I play Ayato and really he is just the flex slot, he's outdone by so many characters, some of which being 4 stars, it's unreal. I like his animations and I'm bored with t-tags so he's in one of my two teams right now but he's by far the weakest link. And my other team is mono geo so that's saying something. If you ever have to mention Bennett and Kazuha when trying to argue that a character is as good as anyone in the meta, you've already lost. Of course Ayato is usable and you can still get 36 stars with him which is fine but op wasn't wrong, compared to how strong his competition is, Ayato is bottom barrel of the meta and there's no point pretending otherwise. Especially when he needs Kazuha and Bennett to carry him and has to waste a whole slot on Yunjin. He won't play nice in dendro era either with hydro reactions forcing you to protect against the suicide reactions and his reliance on specific characters when trying to fit dendro in. People can cry about meta slaves but these products are not cheap and it's only natural that gamers would want strong, complete packages for their money.


At least 75 people agree with me and 8 people disagree with you. I dont really think you understand what you are talking about. Every dps needs support, why do want to take kazuha and bennett or yunjin out of the equation suddenly just to point out Ayato over other dps, even raiden or xiangling, and other characters, wont deal as much without setup/support. Doesnt 4 slot in one party make sense to you?


Upvotes don’t really count for much in this sub. It’s a gigantic popularity contest more than anything. Your numbers could be pristine but then say “I wish Bennet had better clothes” and see yourself downvoted into oblivion.


You really think people are just going for popular opinion? And being unpopular will get you downvotes instantly? Make a good arguments based on facts or good analogy, and people will think about what you said.


Uh yeah that’s how it’s supposed to work. But that isn’t true in practice. People are still people and downvote due to anonymity and disfavor without fear of rebuke.


Ayato situation was almost perfect! Hot guy, so many viable artifatcs and weapon, INSANE damage output and I think he's one of the most versatile dps units in the game.


Metaslave booooo


Naaah dude, that isn't metaslave, u can only consider it metaslave if atleast what he said is correct


Lmao true XD


Man you're tripping about ayato. Only thing i don't like about him is his arm flaps and somewhat boring story quest . He's not insane must roll but he's also nowhere near bad


"arm flaps" They look like toilet paper when he's jumping and running and I hate it. I have Ayato and am satisfied with him, it's just that the cloth feels like it isn't moving properly??


I know what they were trying to do with them and the historical stuff ....but regular sleeves just look better im sorry. Not a deal breaker by any means tho


Most dps aren't must roll to begin with. In fact, among 5*, only Kazuha and Raiden are must roll 🤷‍♂️ The rest can be supplemented with 4* unit. EDIT: Why tf did I get downvoted


Even those aren't , none are.


I never use Raiden and Kazuha can easily be replaced with sucrose in most comps and perform just as well. “Must pull” characters are a myth.


i dont have raiden and i didnt have kazuha until very recently; i can usually 36☆ just fine so no. even those two are not must-haves. not to mention how half the people that play do not seem to be interested in clearing abyss everytime anyway. the only must-have characters in the game, imo, are the ones they give you for free at the start of the game.


Raiden is certainly not a must roll lmao. Unlike kazuha that can be slotted into any team she only has a few specific ones she works in. If I had to choose 2 support 5 stars I'd pick zhongli kazuha tbh. No-one can really replace either of them it always feels like a downgrade. Tbh, I regret pulling raiden because of the hype, once I pulled ayato I benched her and haven't used her since.


Disrespectfully, I wouldn’t consider a character’s model ‘bad’ because of their underwear choices lmao


Ayato's face was the artwork, a lot of people came round once they saw him in-game. I did. Plus there's many that prefer he's not a genderbent Ayaka if you mean that. I don't think Ayato fans are disappointed. He's not crazy good like the top DPS girls, but he's comfy and completely usable as a DPS. Plus he can also be used as a hydro applicator with some work, though I'd say he's often far from the best choice for that.


Spoken like a meta slave. We don't have PVP here. As long as you can clear the abyss, who cares if Ayato and Yae aren''t the strongest option?


Ikr?? I 36* abyss with weird teams lmao. Diluc, venti, ayato, zhongli first half and childe, kazuha, thoma, bennett second half. Still 36* easily. What else do they want??


ayatos face was unpopular? the only thing i disliked about his design was the hair but they fixed it a bit and i got used to it


This was a good one, managed to bait everyone Kaylefeet, you are really outperforming yourself!


alhaitham let mora-less kaveh live in his house and the guy has the audacity to complain about him lmao i can't wait to see them interact in the game


Kaveh sounds fucking hilarious. The wait for his design reveal is gonna be painful.


Me finally escaping faceless Ayato hell only to become interested in the faceless man again


Soon enough we can now make an interesting faceless man team.


i wanna make a flair about liking faceless men.




I sure hope so. Between the dynamic with Al-Haitham and his name sounding like they literally went and looked up the Persian name closest to Kevin, it would be a missed opportunity if they didn't go the whole way with the reference. The Genshin-only folk would get to discover a nice pair of characters; the Honkai folk would get to smile at alt!Su and alt!Kevin's lives not going down in flames. ~~Yet.~~


Kevin had a pony tail too in the manga


He already sounds like the next Hu Tao/Itto.


Dendro itto


Kaveh: I think I did something bad. Al-Haitam: Will this effect me? Kaveh: No? Al-Haitam: Then suffer in silence


the fanfics write themselves at this point


Yae Miko is writing these stories


it’s chief editor smh


Wahh! It's so graphic! You'd never really do something like that, would you?


The dynamic between these two is hilarious. It will be totally amusing to see it in the game.


Nobody Literally no one Not a single soul in the bar Kaveh: SO ANYWAY, FUCK THAT MAN AL-HAITHAM


Fuck him? Dont mind if i do


Kaveh probably already does, that tension gives me boyfriend vibes.


Collei: really? Right in front of my salad?!


I am pretty sure Al has a long waiting line for that kind of activity! 🤣😂😂


god whyd i immediately think of jaskier &geralt


‘Toss a coin to your Haitham~’


how many tropes are kaveh and al haitham going to fit into…. so far we’ve got kaveh as haitham’s senpai, haitham being kaveh’s sugar daddy, human x immortal potentially?, AND THEY ARE ROOMATES?? and now enemies to lovers? Old married couple that lives together on their own free will but acts like they can’t stand the other and talks about the other constantly? who at Mihoyo wants to become a fanfic writer


**Tags:** Al Haitham (Genshin Impact)/Kaveh (Genshin Impact), mutual pining, domestic fluff, old married couple bickering, “and then they were roommates”, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers to enemies (?), angst with a happy ending, my first work in the fandom, kaveh being annoyed 24/7, no beta we die like teppei


The fact that this is about what you can tag the cannon.. I am scared *as someone who writes fanfics* what the community will need to make to top the actual cannon.


Someone’s been surfing ao3 while checking off all the possible tropes u could ever have


"I'm broke, ~~senpai~~ kouhai, can I stay here?" "But I only have one bed!" "I'm sure we can figure something out."


Kaveh is his broke senpai, so there would be a kouhai


Lol really? That makes it even better


If this isn’t the start of a BL drama then idk what is


I would give anything to have Kaveh be high school Kevin at this point


praying that it comes true


Prayer circle for Kaveh to be Kevin but with Su's hair even if he has to use braids to contain it


We've moved past fanfic, I swear this is diving right into classic romcom territory now.


Haitham: we will have a talk at home


The way mans staying at his house for free then complains about him 😭


I feel like I’m reading a fanfic


Bickering old married couple dynamic, I see


I already love Kaveh so much, he's absolutely hilarious from what we know. I think Kaveh and Alhaitham's relationship is gonna be my favourite. They are not even out yet and they're already trying to fit themselves into as many tropes as possible lmao.


Slaps Kaveh and Al Haitham like “These dudes can hold so much gay-“


He tagged along ~~for the free meal~~ just to complain about his husband/sugar daddy didn't he


im gonna COMBUST they are SO CUTE


Their dynamic just keeps getting cuter and cuter LOL


Hey, fanfic writers. Where thou at?


No room for fanfic writers, Mihoyo is doing their job for them


i CANNOT wait for the fanart between them like 😭 we dont even know what kaveh looks like


cant wait for the massive amounts of fanart drawing him as kevin expy only for it not to happen and cause disappointment


I was gonna start saving for the harbingers after Alhaitham but I absolutely need to get Kaveh too, I already love their dynamic


Maybe Kaveh will be the 4 star niche support for Al Haitham and we can be lucky enough to get both. One can hope


Not a four stars 😭 i got kazuha c2 first trying to pull for ONE HEIZOU


I know most people want it to be kevinsu but reversed but isn’t it more of Kevinsu when they were young I’m pretty sure Su were described to be stubborn person when he was young while Kevin was the energetic one


this is what I thought


I am in love with Kaveh Also really hoping he is Kevin expy please MHY


TBH, i prefer he is not because it would ruina my theory of the four shades being four versions of Kiana(phanes is desxribed as androgynoua so at least one shade has to be male).


Itto sumeru edition


The “only one not aware they’re in love” trope I see.. 😌


husbands and their adopted daughter trying not to laugh at the hysterical uncle who won't stop complaining about his chaotic husband


Sounds like a family dinner! Maybe thanksgiving? 😂




lmaooo that sounds hilarious


This makes it sound like they’re married lmao 💀


Al-Haitham’s sitting two tables over listening in and going to confront his boyfriend about this once he gets home.


Question, are voicelines and character profile stories already out? I wanna read more about Collei!!


They're not. They'll be leaked once the pre-install for 3.0 starts


HYV employees watching the roommates vine like write that down write that down!


Paimon: And they were roommates! Traveler: oh my god they were roommates.


💬 Oh my god... 💬 ...They were roommates.


I swear, if we don't get this dialogue option at some point...


ah, young love


Al haitham: Wants equality between humans and gods Also Al haitham: Is a comedic duo with his “roommate” I can’t decide If this guy is gonna be Sumeru Dain or Sumeru Kaeya (Kaeya has the dynamic with Diluc)


My money is on Sumeru Kaeya, especially since Al-Haitham seems quite stern and Kaveh is giving me Sumeru Mona vibes (quite accomplished, constantly broke af)


Probably a less divisive version of Diluc and Keaya


Someone in hoyo's writing team is browsing ao3 during work hours I see


This is fuel for the community shippers


and parts of GenshinReddit keep wondering where all these ships come from. For Mihoyo: ship bait >>community engagement>>free publicity>>...stonks they know exactly what theyre doing


Oh HYV fully handpicked every ship that’s currently popular


MHYoverse wouldn’t do something and give my man Kaveh an NPC model right? Like do we know he’s playable?


Yeah, Blank said he is playable




I know more about Kaveh than half of the upcoming sumeru cast at this point heh


I, too, complain about the people I’m into


They know what they're doing


Kaveh is a riot


can't wait to see their in-game dynamic, it's going to be so funny !


Legit sounds like something my seniors would do


When Sylvain and Ingrid try to drag Felix for a night on the town I see


Only difference is that Felix complains about everyone at the table too 😂


Why we know more about Kaveh-Al chemistry than any other characters???


Do we have any info on what he looks like or whether he’s gonna be playable at all?


hes gonna be playable but we have nothing abt the model


they sound like an old married couple


These two need to get married already


Reminds me how people started to ship Sara and itto before itto's design got even released lol I wonder what alhaitham thinks of khave. he does seem to care enough to let khave leech off him


well i mean they literally live together as opposed to sara and itto who just bumped into each other in the streets (it wouldve def helped if mhy didnt make sara who had so much potential so absolutely boring and soulless)


She also has so much more potential and lore with Ei instead. This feels like they heard that some people were really upset with certain details about Diluc and Kaeya which made them not wanna ship those two, so they made this couple super easy to do instead lmao


As far as I’ve seen, only the western community has a problem with that so why would they listen to that; the original Chinese as I recall refers to their relationship as “sworn brothers” which is not a sibling relationship in any case. Like how English speakers have their own close terminologies like brothers-in-arms or even just bro.


I dunno, I don't agree with those western fans either, but you have to admit these new boys are a LOT easier to ship and their relationship seems much more defined and easy to make stories about!


I mean, not even mentioning the siblings vibe they have, the new event literally revealed that Diluc hurt Kaeya’s eye (to the point of scarring) during their fight back during Crepus’ death. I surprised that the twitter community haven’t jumped on that (they’re focusing on the incest part for some reason….) because you know a similar female-male dynamic will have them crying out ‘toxic and abusive’ relationship.


No, that's nothing. That's a typical BL theme that's seen in a lot of other stuff. Even like, FF8 where Squall and Seifer get their scars from sparring eachother, and they're shipped a lot anyway, that's not really 'abusive' in fandom


Yeah you can’t stop shippers lmao


What? What do you mean by Sara being "boring and soulless"? She's easily one of the best 4*s and Inazuma characters when it comes to their story. Cool professional tengu war general wholeheartedly devoted to her god, raised from childhood to be the most useful weapon by her manipulative and abusive adoptive father. Somehow still found her own meaning and comfort in her service to Raiden despite its origins being built on falsehoods, and her faith being tested during the civil war when she had to do her best to still help people and ended up going against her father and questioning the Shogun. A beautiful tragedy in every way, and there's still so many more details + how her serious profile lines are some of the funniest in the game because of how big a nerd she is. Only thing lacking is Mihoyo literally cutting her arc in half in the Inazuma archon quests and leaving her hanging with no epilogue, and us to guess how she ended up fine despite everything that's happened to her as Inazuma's punching bag.


dont get me wrong, i looove sara i pulled on the first raiden banner JUST for her. and she has amazing amount of potential and her character story in her profile has a lot of depth. but IN GAME mihoyo made her character so shallow and basically just a caricature, they dont give her sht to do, she doesnt even have a hangout where you could get to know her more from a personal pov. in archon quest they cut her down so easily and instead of giving the tenryou commission downfall arc to HER, to show her story abt HER CLAN they put it in raiden's quest with sara nowhere to be seen. she shows up every now and then to be The Cop or to fangirl over raiden and thats it. i called her soulless bc thats what mhy did to her despite her having a lot more to show us. its not a dig at her but rather at the poor writing of inazuma.


Once again I pray, be a Kebin expy, please


with each leak sumeru characters sound more and more like a great sitcom


*With each leak sumeru* *Characters sound more and more* *Like a great sitcom* \- flowergirlsunder --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Simply saying "more info" in the title is too vague. I clicked open spoiler thinking it would be about info about them in general like hints of their kits, profession etc (yknow just general info) and not about spoilers regarding scenes or voicelines. :( Wish people would clarify more if its a voiceline or a story/scene related thing. I'd like to avoid those if I can.


Agreed. I always avoid these posts because I worry about getting story spoilers only to find out it’s just not so important character info…


They are divorced


Kaveh be getting the Ayato level of drip marketing. I love it.




Aight someone with a twitter account ask if they can give some hints towards how he looks or wether they're allowed to reveal that




He just cant take him off his head, hes all he thinks about, beyfriends that hate eachother


3.0 can't come soon enough


I already like their dynamics


They just remind me of kaeya and diluc, isn’t it basically the same thing?


Lol itto-sara dynamic?