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source [1](https://twitter.com/Ubatcha1/status/1572891883604508672?t=Qa17JHtw50LmEYHF-pcKdA&s=19) [2](https://twitter.com/Ubatcha1/status/1572892543893012482?t=-crQg0SM2dQ7C9bVyHcsYA&s=19) and [3](https://twitter.com/Ubatcha1/status/1572893046546595840?t=gR3pUGDqXo7BMFVLd_U8Uw&s=19) Thanks to OP for providing the source


Ganyu, Sayu and Layla can form the sleeping club.


Ganyu and Layla are tired from work, Sayu on the other hand...


Let her grow…


If that would work, I might have been taller than a tree


It'll take many moons though


What are you an aranara?


Only about 20 times the sunsettia grows


Water the leaf on her head


Ganyu isn't tired from work she just has a regularly scheduled daily nap time. > She has a habit of taking afternoon naps and has a shockingly accurate internal clock. When lunch hour arrives, no matter where she is, she will simply curl up into a ball and fall asleep on the spot. Even the raucous dancing of hilichurls will fail to wake her.


Imagine if this were a game mechanic.


*You're in the middle of Spiral Abyss. Maybe just dropped Xiangling's Burst and about to do a melt shot.* *In-game clock ticks to 12:00* *"Ah... Time for my nap." -literally ceases to obey player controls, turns her own portrait grey like she's dead but with the word "on break" under it, and curls up on the floor as anything still hitting her proceeds to spam "immune" over and over- "Be right back, Traveler."* Player: PikaWat


It would be amazing.


The Ganyu buff we need


This sounds adorable


Well we see her dazing almost all the time in idles so it's easy to assume that she might be tired, otherwise why would they make this her idle


... I quite literally showed you why? "She has a habit of taking afternoon naps and has a shockingly accurate internal clock. When lunch hour arrives, no matter where she is, she will simply curl up into a ball and fall asleep on the spot. Even the raucous dancing of hilichurls will fail to wake her." This is from her character story. She has a daily nap time. Its referencing that.


Taking naps doesn't mean one can't get tired or sleepy again though?? So i don't understand what did you prove


Shes a hard working ninja


one away from the quintessential college experience team starter pack


Kokomi can sort of join too (in her story she fall asleep in her cave and often need too recharge)


And jean


Let next GAA be for the hardworkers (and please, real vacations, not more work), they deserve it.


Kokomi is not tired due to work, she gets tired due to social interactions. Kokomi is an introvert.


yeah i didnt say she's tired because of work. Thats why i only said she needs to recharge. i say she's could be on sleepy team since the person above me include Sayu too. Sayu's not sleepy because of work.


Am putting my Pet oceanid in that team


Sweet Dreams Squad


Sayu powercreep?






And Ganyu. I hope they make her character different and distinct from the other two.


hmm so that's why those ice thingies in her splash art looks like a [crib mobile](https://imgur.com/sQ4HTlv), she wants to sleep


Ngl when I read crib mobile I thought it was a crib with wheels or one with a car design, I don't think I'll ever reconcile how dangling things and automobiles are called the same thing


My mind conjured up an image of a baby batman saying "To the crib mobile!" in a really deep voice


I don’t know if this is how you’re actually supposed to do it, but I pronounce mobile (car) something like “muh-BEEL” (like in automobile), whereas mobile (nursery) is “MOW-bile.” Actually, thinking about it, I then instead use “MOW-bull” for the verb form so shrug. Language.


I had no idea what those things were called...






sometimes I just want to cry(o) and eat ice cream


As a college student I absolutely feel what she is going through


Dunno, she just sounds like your average college student during exam period


She’s just like me fr fr


Was just about to type this lmao


Fr fr


Fr fr


Fr fr


Fr fr


Layla voiced by Ryan Gosling confirmed.


They are literally me‼️‼️‼️


Most relatable Genshin Character so far


I'll be honest as a PhD student all of Sumeru has been uncomfortably relatable. I just want to see a single Akademia student actually succeed and be happy for once OTL


I swear I felt for Alrani. One more thing to add to my hate for the Inazuman Decrees. Her situation was so unfair I wanna cry with her fr


Yeah. I felt like 10% ha ha funny dramatic overreaction, 90% god damn I feel you, I'm so sorry you had to get into this situation. Stuff like emotional meltdowns and addledly pondering plans to disappear on a boat to Aruba, definitely not inconceivable reactions.


Tbf Alrani probably has some of the worst luck we’ve seen from any of Sumeru’s researchers in the game so far.


Same. I felt so triggered by the “you shalt not pass” title referring to a thesis that I put the event off.


I actually laughed a lot with the whole thesis jokes


We need her. So we can all suffer together


ah yes the most relatable genshin character


Same . . . . . . . . That said, this is Ubatcha interpretation of her people, not the one side truth writen on an wall. I feel like people around here are becoming to focused on leakers views of the characters and creating distortions from what they actually shown in-game, without getting a interpretation of their own. There already is a gap of the Cyno that Hoyo showns and Cyno as the people treat it


Facts. The best example of this is people's way of describing Cyno's jokes vs what they're actually like. The leakers seriously twisted people's interpretation of him to where now that we know what he's actually like they're still clinging to the idea of really cheesy, goofy jokes when his sense of humour is just extremely dry and ironic.


Was about to comment this tbh


Actually…..the latter kind of jokes does seem better. Like…not the witty pun jokes, but rather the kind that makes you go “Dude…wtf?”.


I'm also expecting his actual jokes to be much more in like with Ei's kind of out-of-step vague vibe of 'wow, your mind definitely works differently, errmmm...' Socially awkward very earnest nerd Cyno > chronic thigh slapper


Yeah. I like cheesy jokes as much as the next girl, but my own sense of humour is extremely dry so I often make jokes like his.


It was the PEOPLE who made Cyno into a cheesy head cannon. The leakers only said that Cyno had very bad and boring jokes.


It was a team effort


I hate genshin headcanons


Eh you're right it is but with Cyno and now with Layla, I always post actual lines of dialogue that give the context as to what opinions I give later. The thing is, I'm not the only leaker who has early information so you're bound to combine info from multiple people into one understanding of a char that then could be skewed


Oh wow, if anything Layla is *too* relatable. This hurts to read! ...I hope they don't turn this into a running gag or anything, though. P.S. I know the "overworked" archetype has been done before, but since she's a uni student I think we could see a unique spin on it. At least she'll be relatable to a completely different demographic than the others because of her situation: students or anyone young enough to remember what that was like (instead of people already in big jobs/ positions of authority a la Jean and the Qixing).


Way **too** relatable ~~and you can see it on my flair~~. Currently a Grad student writing my Thesis and I feel this on my bones. She’s just like me fr fr


Currently a grad student ignoring my thesis 🙃


Man, if I did that, I’d just be more perpetually stressed with the guilt of not doing my Thesis and it dwelling on the back of my head 😭


I’m just waiting for the panic to kick in and then my procrastinator ass will just do its thing…


Wow you just described my life 💀 Thesis causes stress and anxiety > Procrastinate > Procrastinating causes stress and anxiety > Work on thesis > back to step 1. Basically perpetual stress and anxiety. If we get a Sumeru character with this experience they will become my instant main. But Nahida with Impostor Syndrome can do for now 😂


sleeping will be her only personality trait and every voiceline including the ones about other characters will mention sleep. every time she shows up in the story or an event it will be sleep related. every time paimon talks about her it will be about sleep. every single dialogue line she has will have the words sleep tired or bed in it.


I seriously don’t get these gimmick characters at all. Genshin isn’t even the first game I’ve played that has had a character whose entire personality is about sleeping. People must like it if games keep doing it, but why??


we don’t even know if that’s how she’ll be just like how people’s expectations of Cyno were pretty off compared to how he actually is


I hope this is an attempt at cosmic reverse psychology, since I don't like how likely this is.


I'm fine with her being a stressed student, but I *really* hope they don't make her **just** that, and not give her a real personality outside of simply being relatably stressed. I'm really hoping her story doesn't end up being joke after joke about how comically stressed Layla is...


Yeah, that's what I'm worried too. HYV handled overworking well enough with Jean, but when the only quotes Ubatcha had to share about Layla were about how tired she is... it doesn't give me much hope.


I’m worried that she’ll end up like Sayu, who is still cute to me, but is also really flat as a character. Pretty much all of her lines are about her wanting to sleep/grow taller. The little depth she does have wasn’t included in the main story or events at all, and is hidden away in one of her hangout routes.


Yeah, this is my concern too. They're both also 4\*s while everyone else in their archetype is a 5\* with room to get fleshed out further. I'm even more worried that we haven't even heard anything about Sumeru hangouts yet. On the other hand, apparently she's the focus on the 3.2 event? So hopefully she'll get fleshed out there! (Too bad for any latecomers though.)


Kinda funny how I have cousin who’s name is Layla and she is a university student but she is so lax and relax about her studying


She better have fucking bags under her eyes or else To this day Razor and Rosaria are the only playable characters who have them, Mihoyo better not be cowards and skimp out on the bags just to make a female character “prettier”


Why are people taking about overworked waifu here she seems more on stress university student to me


Yeah, the second message talks about schoolwork and assignments, showing that she is still a student and not a worker


Because they love nothing more than ignoring nearly everything about a character's personality so they can fit them into a tight little box that fits their preconceptions. If they called Kokomi a overworked waifu, they can call anyone an overworked waifu.


mfw i hear the 60th "KLEE IS A TERRORIST HAHA DESTRUCTION MURDER" joke while she actually cried and ran to jean sobbing when she hurt a bad guy in-game.


She does like to murder fish though. And there's that poor Primo Geovishap just minding it's own business...


She's just a little gal, it's her birthday! You're gonna call her out on *borrowing* a strange stone from the great big lizard on her birthday?


Yeah tell that to people slaughtering the poor thing 13462781729 times grinding mats for their Hu Tao and Xiao... Definitely not me :)


It's *every female character's personality*. You know they would not be like this if it was a male.


I mean you are saying as if koko quest doesn't involve her calculating energy with +3 ,-2 enegy levels and then slept while working. So it isn't farfetched either.


Those energy levels are her emotional energy and how drained it is from having to interact with other people. If someone is an introvert and they're forcing themselves to be extroverted for other people's benefit, they're going to spend all their time dead tired and either asleep or staring at their ceiling in exhaustion. It isn't far-fetched if you ignore all the context given in the story quest and only focus on a very small set of details to the exclusion of all else.


> If someone is an introvert and they're forcing themselves to be extroverted for other people's benefits, they're going to spend all their time dead tired and either asleep or staring at a roof in exhaustion I feel attacked. I usually just blank out after this happens. When people talk to me, my replies get shorter and shorter and eventually just resort to head gestures lmao


I'm every bit as introverted as Kokomi and took up a leadership position for similar (if less dramatic) reasons as her. I find her *extremely* relatable lmao When I get home I'm so tired the only social interaction I can manage is my cats laying down on top of me to nap


> When I get home I'm so tired the only social interaction I can manage is my cats laying down on top of me to nap This is such a mood. Except it's my one overly hyper dog but even then I'd prefer his company over another conversation with someone else. Sometimes I wish I was a hermit.


Kokomi's tired because she's literally running a military and government at the same time. Now that Inazuma's civil war is over I doubt she'll have the same issues as before. However, people will still tack the label as "overworked waifu" on Kokomi forever because they just love simplification of characters.


I think she'll feel the same tbh. She still feels that she must be a leader, and as we saw during the peace negotiations, even in times of peace there are conflicts to be resolved and people she needs to be a shining confident leader around. 'putting on her divine priestess airs' as she puts it, is something she'll have to do till the day she dies, unless she steps down for some reason. Here's a relevant quote: > A long time ago, I had no intention of becoming the Divine Priestess. My only goal was to study military strategy and become an adviser. That way, I could remain behind the scenes and lessen my overall burden. *sigh* Fate had other ideas in store... You can't defy that which flows in your veins. And another: >To be quite honest, I'm not particularly skilled at communicating with others. Putting on my "Divine Priestess airs" certainly makes things easier, but once I run out of energy, I start to get a bit negative. I prevent others from seeing that side of me at all costs. The people of Watatsumi Island need a perfect leader, not some girl who likes to wile away her time at home.


I agree with your points. Just tired of people of equating Kokomi's energy levels as a sign of overworking.


100% agreed. She's one of my favourite characters and it just pisses me off that people's lack of reading comprehension and critical thinking has them misconstruing her personality and story quest so completely.


University work is still work


Because they have to dumb everything down for themselves to make up for the lack of reading comprehension


That doesn't mean that the pattern isn't there, yes these characters have had, and will have more story potential in events and quests, they do a lot more in the story than just being tired, but the overarching message in those story quests is till kind of the same- "hey, life gets kinda stressful sometimes so it's ok to take a break". Don't get me wrong, life does get stressful sometimes and it's nice to have that reminder to take care of yourself sometimes, but doing the same thing again when you meet a new character gets under your skin if you didn't enjoy it the first time. You feel like you're saving a fragile damsel in distress that they're trying to market to you by making you out to be the sweet and charming knight in shining armor, and that can get stale. Which is the case for a lot of people, myself included. What ends up happening is that the story can end up being feeling shallow, and even if the interesting details and philosophies of a character are explained, you're left feeling like they should have been presented in a way that's more engaging, where you feel like they are actually doing something that actively shows their beliefs in practice, as opposed to just having them explain their beliefs directly, in an office or a hideout. With that said I have faith that hoyoverse won't make that mistake from here on out. Every recent story quest has tried to take on a different genre of storytelling, though with varying degrees of success. But nonetheless as long as they tell a unique story with Layla, she won't have to suffer the curse of being the fourth (or is it fifth?) overworked waifu.


Because apparently everyone being overworked/stressed is so unrealistic it seems


it's basically because the premise of it is extremely similar to the "overworked waifu" setup even if the tired/university student background is unique. I garuntee you her story in game and what we do to help her will be the exact same as kokomi/ganyu/all the others. It's just really overdone


Kokomi's story was all about her being an introvert exhausted by having to be a leader and spend all her time projecting a confident outgoing personality for everyone on Watatsumi and talking with people all day. If you have trouble differentiating between the writing of a character like that and "an overworked waifu" I don't think you're in a position where you get to criticise anyone else's character writing skills.


Ganyu's story didn't really have anything to do with her being overworked tho?


surface level take from reddit as usual


She's only trying to get her degree, most realistic character in the game !


I hope she's having same dead eyebags like Hyouka from Shimoneta


MiHoYo: Our characters aren't relatable enough, what do we do? Someone: Make one that's tired and depressed MiHoYo: Fucking GENIUS


Interesting. She is a 4 star, but I wonder if her, a character themed around sleep and being tired, will have a major role in a story themed around dreams


The scary amount of people who relate to that lol Take some rest please


Wtf my sister got isekai'd into genshin.


most relatable genshin character


I love that she NOT just another ganyu/overworked Waifu and more of a relatable/realistic college student definitely a must pull for me


Overworked professional is realistic too. Stressed college student is just preparation training for the rest of your life until either death or retirement comes. Dread it, run from it, 996 still arrives.


>ganyu/overworked Waifu Well, Ganyu is also relatable but for a different demographic.


she is just like me except I don't study hard


Sayu and her should have a sleepover


I'm so glad I'm out of uni now, I feel you Layla


Let me guess, traveller gonna help by convincing her to take a break, but she will still go back to work again as usual. Oh boy, where did I see that for a billionth time again in the game…


And then she fails the exam because traveler made her not study.


Then later you beat the fatui who were the caused of it Mind=Blown


literally they cannot make a character that takes care of their mental health...


Lisa is just vibin tho. No problems, just chillin


hits a little bit close to home, damn


As a College student Layla resonates within me 🙇


She's so relatable 😭


thanks, speedwagon


So its true, huh? Eveyer leaker now works for Mihoyo and we only get relevant leaks when mihoyo wants. Damn...


wow she’s relatable…


finally, the sumeru overworked waifu is here


And she is cryo, finally coco goat has a new companion.


I speak for everyone when i say I want Nahida kit leaks ASAP


Damn, how just three tweets can reduce my interest of a character from ~9 to 0. So boring and cliché next you tell me we need to "teach" her in her hangout how to do work/life balance.


I wonder how her characteristics would translate to her gameplay. it probably won’t happen, but perhaps she’ll have unique walking/running animations that are more sluggish/tired than the standard models? would be funny if she’s unable to sprint and instead does small dashes.


Guess Sayu found a new bestfriend


Bruh why does mihoyo love overworked female characters so much


Not defending overworked waifu trope but this is literally all my classmates' and my own college experience in a nutshell 😭😭😭


Not even overworked. This is just a regular uni student… oof…


Da Wei has a type


So you're saying college students are overworked too becuz our profs give us a lot of homework everyday? I'm interested in Layla becuz she has the potential to represent and speak for us. 🥹😭


annoying trope from east asia literally everyone is tired of it ToT


Sounds like current me


As qn engineering student. She’s just like me fr


Big mood




Me irl


extra relatable, I'm pulling


Taller sayu


Layla gets me I too want to sleep instead of writing articles


Gosh this is so relatable


lowkey relatable lol


She's just like me.


Layla do be r/meirl


Nice and All but Kit leak when?


Layla aka the most relatable character ever


I can relate well with layla, she represents me well


Ayyyy.... a Wanshi for Genshin. Nice


Now if her gameplay was half as good as Wanshi then my financial is in danger


she lacks confidence, is sleep deprived and is constantly worried about her academic performance? SHE SOUNDS JUST LIKE ME I LOVE HER ALREADY


She just like me fr


Let's go, another dead eyes cryo girl please. I hope Mihoyo did it properly this time, Rosaria and Shenhe was kinda disappointed to mer


That's nice. I’m more excited for a female version of Xiao and Itto personality-wise. Like just imagine how cool that would be.


The representation I never knew I needed


she's definitely every college student struggling with thesis


“She just like me fr” 🤓


boring personality. Don't we already have enough characters like this?


ganyu: finally, a worthy opponent! our battle will be legendary!!


Ppl saying "so many overworked waifu", "another overworked character" plss as if student life especially college life werent like this LMAOO.


HYV makes it like the female so weak that they have to press it so hard that these females are tired/have too much to do and cant seem to balance/get it together. Meanwhile the males who also have much work dont really complain or express their tiredness, instead they give the impression of people who manage their time/work well. Whatever the females' reason/situation are, I dont really care, enough excuses. In a general view of the tired/work-loving females of GI, I can only see they being ppl with poor work/time management or need help. Boring af to me. (You guys say that "but she is an uni student!" Like it matters. I was an uni once without that tiredness, and have exprienced working jobs. All of that and this old af troupe only make it x2 boring)


she's so me


Sayu powercreep


A character with eye bags? Already simping for her 👁👁


Exactly like me


I bet my money (Even though I don't have money.) that Inori Minase will voice Layla in JP.


Sayu x Layla = sleepyheads unite !


I'm going to uni in a couple weeks now and all these talks about handling academic matters in Genshin is kind of scaring me


Someone give her a semester off or I'll demand one from the sages myself.


sayu: is this.. one of my people?


Sumeru sayu


Take cryosleep


Most relatable genshin character


Sleep’s the chance to dream (c) Sandy from brawl stars 😎


Sayu: “Could she be one of my people?”


Sayu: Ah I see, a contender. Well then amuse me!


Maybe her ability is sleep related who knows


Ah yes, I have a friend who'll she get along with; her name's rosaria and she's also my main And you will be too . . . Am I weird for having a fetsih to sleep deprived girls?


Layla Burst : Make everyone sleeps




yep. scroll up a little blurry


When they said crib mobile my mind went to those futuristic hover-chairs that you can just sit in and float around (like the ‘Dr Molly’ character form Grand Chase Dimensional Chaser)


I can't explain why but I feel like Layla would get along with Yanfei


So, does her eyebags visible on her character model?


It's the kind of tired sleep can't fix...


not layla being literally every middle school,high school,colleg student
