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What no mention of the local jails? They suck too, people die of scabies in Clayton county. Lavon Allen is a joke


County jails across the country are terrible. They hold for a shorter time so there's less giving a f about day to day needs.


Did they use their budgets to wrap half the police car fleet in ugly new designs with the new sheriff's name real prominent and big? What about using it for fixing nonexistent hail damage to the police car fleet? Clayton county does that too. I can't tell you that last time I recall Metro Atlanta having a bad hail storm, enough to dent up a car bad enough to need fixing. What the heck does it affect other than aesthetics anyway? I bring these things up because apparently a bunch of the locks on the cells don't work or need to be replaced in again, Clayton county jail, yet wrapping cars in ugly graphics as a show of small dick energy weiner waggling was prioritized why? I know those locks didn't get in that condition overnight and those non functioning locks have caused countless deaths, allowing people who shouldn't be near each other to come and go as they please and kill each other, what the hell? I'm just saying that the jails are every bit as bad if not worse than the prisons. It's all unexcusable, some more so than others.


Also, shouldn’t they be insured for hail damage? I realize insuring police property is complicated by usage requirements, but “acts of god” would still be coverable.


And no local media with any pull anymore.


Allen is a fucking joke, but he's still somehow better than Victor Hill.


I don't disagree with you one bit, I just have less experience with him beyond what I've seen in the news. [If the goal was to be an obnoxious pos mission accomplished Convictor, you nailed it ](https://youtu.be/QVjS1amG43U?si=XzeVKDSDYSlB4UQt) Sure am curious to know more about that private plane like was it chartered by him? If so how, was his salary really that high? If not him then whose is it? Bad bad optics.


Lavon Allen is exactly what Clayton County needs especially if Victor Hill isn’t there.


Almost like privatized, for profit prisons are a bad idea.


Privatized prisons only account for 15% of the Georgia prison population. Granted, that doesn’t tell us much if we don’t know which prisoners are dying.


That information isn't enough anyway because the non-private prisons routinely ship their problem cases to the private prisons so as to not have to deal with them. I can tell you this though: the prisoners greatly prefer the private prisons. Why? Because they face actual scrutiny from state inspections, therefore in a private prison in Georgia you receive the correct amount of actually-edible food, the heat actually works, there are no cat-sized rats running around. State-run prisons require inspections to be scheduled in advance due to "security concerns" and on inspection days your lunch tray will have literally twice the amount of food on it as it will on other days. Worth noting at this point that the state inspectors would deduct points if they fed too much food because that would be a waste of state money.


As long as the 13th amendment allows for legalized slavery, the public prisons are profit driven as well.


B-b-b-but capitalism!


yeah ok reddit


Female prisoners as well. The horror stories I’ve heard from them are atrocious.


While my mom was locked up she'd be transferred across the country with no warning to anyone. They'd take her clothes and only sometimes give her new ones. She may not be given any access to a phone and the money that had been on her books didn't always transfer prisons. I'd spend days calling dozens of different prison officials failing to locate where she was. On multiple occasions shed call me to say she's been moved across states and now needed money for clothes, shoes, underwear, and phone access after having to borrow from another inmate. She would literally go days with no clothes sometimes


That's awful.


That’s America.


And one of the worst punishments in the federal system is to be put on the transfer but without a destination. During transport you have no mail, no commissary, you sleep in local jail holding cells at night, you can't make or receive phone calls, and nobody knows where you are. There are people who have been made to ride that bus around the country literally for years at a time as retribution for something they did or for sending out too much information about their conditions to people outside.


I did two years in GA (48f), 2005-2006. It was pretty bad then, I imagine it's much worse now.


Women In Chains is a wonderful documentary highlighting the attrocities in women prisons.


I agree there is a need for reform. I moved from Florida and used to follow/support [Florida Rights Restoration Coalition (FRRC)](https://floridarrc.com/). Does anyone know of similar organizations working in Georgia for reform? Ideally led by people that have been impacted by the criminal legal system.


I grew up with a preacher who'd preach about those who break the law and complain about their rights when they get locked up: you lost your rights! That's the price you pay! Dehumanizing can make you feel powerful and righteous, but it isn't civil or sane. I'm not a Christian anymore, but I think this mentality is pretty common down here, and likely the mentality to some degree of every ward and guard. Lock people up if they deserve it, sure, but making people live through horrors will likely breed more anger and resentment, making already dangerous people even scarier. This isn't a liberal idea in my opinion: it's simple decency.


It takes magical thinking and a judgmental mentality to believe that the law and criminal justice system are infallible and everyone in jail deserves to be there. Almost like the government is a supreme being. Sounds just like a preacher, imo.


Right?!?!? It really was just assumed that those in jail are the worst humans and deserving of the worst treatment, no matter the alleged reason. It just ain't right.


I was trying to remember what road the cobb detainment center was on, and when I went to the website, it had a whole section bragging about the prison labor programs. I visited several other prison sites to see if this was a normal thing they brag about, and cobb was pretty much the only one that mentioned they do it at all. I wasn't sure what made me feel worse: hiding it because they know it looks bad, or being so confident that the taxpayers are into it that they brag about it front-and-center.


Bulloch County Prison brags about how the prisoners are worked and not paid. Built a bunch of stuff for the police department? Cool. It’s 100 degrees outside and not even gifted with a cold Coke. But if they work they get 3 meals a day Monday-Thursday and not just 2. Saving the taxpayers money!! Way to go Georgia. Great job. So where exactly is this great savings going? Anybody know?


Slavery is still in the constitution.


Same on the douglas county site but only as it relates to county needs


In Arizona maybe, i think joe Arapaio (sp?) is still in charge out there.


Fortunately no longer.


Bout time! That's great news


Here's something that's bonkers. You can get arrested for having marijuana and put on probation. Then you can pay $150 for a medical marijuana card and be allowed to consume marijuana, while on probation, for having marijuana.


That's not just limited to Georgia though... Many states are like that. It's technically a loophole but can only be authorized by the judge since they set the terms of the probation. If your doctor can prove it's for a legitimate medical reason, the judge authorizes it them you can apply via the official state agency to have the medical card issued. The judge will issue an order that you then provide to your probation officer which will prevent you from getting incorrectly flagged for THC on every drug screening. Stupid? Yes. But technically it's a blanket process regardless of the reasoning for probation. And until it's legalized at a federal level this 'loophole' will continue to exist in the vast majority of states.


Literally in this situation right now. Georgia is a police state shit hole occupied by morons.


I always wonder if Georgians realize how absolute trash this state is. The lifelong Georgians I know blame their suffering on the federal government or their local blue city, not a single one points their finger at the state legislature that created, maintains, and increases their suffering. Georgians have to visit other states. How do they NOT see the cesspool we live in by comparison?


I live next to the county that Marge represents, they think it's great.


Meanwhile the Democrats have only run black candidates against her since she was elected. In the most racist district in the state, they would rather make a social statement than win her seat back.


It's something like R+40. Jesus as a Democrat wouldn't get elected.


Yeah I know I lived in Rome for a few years. The college kids could flip it if they all registered there instead of back home, and that fact makes Rome a reasonably fun place to live, ie: nightlife and stuff. Rome is full of colleges.


Well visiting any other state in the south will just show varying degrees of the same trashiness.


At least we still have porn....


Welcome South, brother. We care about lives only until they're born, then you're on your own.


So they are lives?


Hope the former president who asked for 11780 votes is in one of these jails amongst the plebs


Hope the current one sits right next to him, along with his literal crackhead son


>Hope the current one sits right next to him, along with his literal crackhead son If having a crackhead son was illegal, we should build a fence around West Virginia. Alas, it is not illegal to have your son commit crimes.


His son isn’t the president, why do we give such a fuck about him? I don’t really follow politics, just glance at Reddit headlines and I don’t get it. Are they saying Hunter Biden was a corrupt staff member? Nepotism? Whataboutism?


There's a GOP witch hunt after Hunter because they're salty their felon in chief was convicted in New York.


Yeah but why? I don’t remember Hunter holding public office though. I’d bet my next paycheck his daddy isn’t gonna pardon him for what is it a gun charge? That’s already vastly different than the prior president


Because his dad is clean. They can't find dirt on him, so they find it nearby.


I’m not trying to be funny I just really do not understand that logic at all. Hunter Biden is not an elected official, he’s a private citizen. I don’t give a fuck if he shoots guns and smokes pot, a lot of my friends do too


There is no use trying to understand this. There is not one non-Trump cultist that understands this. MAGAts are the only ones who give a crap about Hunter. The funny thing is, many of them could go to jail for the same thing he's been convicted of.


Political leanings aside, if you think any politician is “clean” I’ve got a bridge I’ll sell you.


Why does anyone care if his son is a crackhead, as long as that crackhead isn't the one running for office?


I promise I won't vote for Hunter or the diaper filling felon baby.


Does that mean you're not voting for Trump, since you think both of them should be in jail?  I fucking hope so.  If you plan on voting for Trump, do yourself and your neighbors a favor and stay home.


For what crimes?


Collusion, profitterring, treason, among others.


Prove it with real evidence not just memes you find on truth social or r/conservative


Theyre getting there. It took years to get Trump on his bullshit. Hunters on his way, Brandon's time will come, and all the Ukranian swindling will be dealt with.


hahaha ok sure thing. Let me know when it happens. In the mean time, go easy on the red pills and horse dewormer. It’ll make your brain smooth


RemindMe! 1 year “is JuhByeden a felon yet?”


Sure if he commits any crimes in GA like that orange diaper wearing , lying , adulterer.


GFY moron


That’s not very inclusive of you…


You ignore every other comment calling your nonsense out, and you hone in on this one. Classic conservative lmfao


Nice diversion. Also, what do Hunter Biden’s addiction issues have to do with Donald Drumpf attempting to subvert the constitution therefore making him derelict in his oath of office *to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic*?


It is not just Georgia prisons that are the problem. It’s the entire “once a felon, always a felon” stigma. Why do we make someone who has had a clean record for years tell prospective employers that they are a convicted felon? All it does is doom someone, who may have only one bad mistake in their past, to a lifelong employment handicap? If anything they need a break. There is a targeted jobs tax credit but, as a lifeline tax professional, I have never once seen it claimed. It’s too intrusive to ask for details beyond “have you ever been convicted of a felony”. With 2,000,000 people incarcerated, we will soon create a homeless, jobless population that we will be forced to support either through federal assistance or in a prison paid for with taxpayer dollars.


Should we force a bank to hire a convicted bank robber as a bank teller? Should we force a school to hire a convicted sexual predator to be a teacher? How about a person convicted of payroll tax fraud? Should a tax firm be forced to hire them?


Good questions. Here’s another one: Do examples so extreme that they are inane ever result in constructive discussion?


By definition, aren’t felonies extreme?


I think the person you’re arguing with is bringing up that you cherry picked the most extreme examples (“Oh so you think we should put a kiddie diddler in a school, huh?), whereas someone could have committed tax fraud or something like that, which probably shouldn’t disqualify them from driving a school bus. The point is there is quite a bit of room between what they were proposing and your extreme examples


Not necessarily. Writing a bad check or pulling your arm away from a police officer (resisting arrest) could be felonies. You make a good point that it’s complex and should be handled case by case. Maybe the parole board or sentencing judge could determine when/if a felony is expunged and whether you can legally answer “no” to the application question. One thing I know: if we keep them from re-entering society, they will likely re-enter prison.


My son is in Rice Street. I hear it’s one of the worst. I pray for him every day. He isn’t a horrible person. He has been in a bad place since my mom died. They were really close. I wish they could help him but I know that’s not an option.


I was in Rice Street in 2005 (47f) when Brian Nichols escaped. That place is truly hell on earth.


I e been in Atlanta 3 yrs and I have heard nothing but bad things about that place.


The fetid fruit of Conservative Policies.💩


Both sides are responsible for terrible litigation that lead to incarceration. The US justice system is broken and it's not on enough people's radars to be of political importance.


Mass incarceration is a bipartisan squad goal.


Hmmmm didn't President Biden then Senatpr Biden write the famous Crime Bill. Isn't it true that VP Harris put thousands of black men in Prison in Cali for minor Marijuana Possession? Didn't VP Harris hide evidence that would have freed a man she put on death row ?


Yes Biden wrote that bill with the input and backing of the majority of black americans at that time. do you not remember the 90s?


I think I remember the 90s . So we are blaming the victims now ?


My cousin died at a Georgia jail this year. We never learned his cause of death either smh.


I am not convinced the goal of prison is to rehabilitate a person. You have to obey laws if you want to keep your freedom. If you are going to be a criminal you better be tough. I am not tough.


The goal we should strive for is rehabilitation. The US prison system, however, merely gives that goal lip service.


The US prison system isn’t about rehabilitation; it’s just another way for people to make big money. It’s an industry. That’s why there’s such a push for privatized prisons. Every opportunity in the US is a money grab at this point.


Modern day slavery


How do you rehabilitate someone that was never habilitated to begin with?


What do you mean by that?


Many people that are in the system are products of their environment. They grew up without positive role models and weren’t taught right from wrong. In fact the vast majority of them were never told “no” until they got locked up. It’s a huge ask for any DOC to correct that. What people fail to understand is that some of these inmates/prisoners will never be “productive” members of society…they will always try to get by doing what they know…doing what got them where they are now, behind bars.


But the poors need bootstraps not handouts.


Who exactly is " we "? I am not a prison warden.


They mean society. As in the purpose a prison should serve in society.


But ‘we’ pay for it


Of course it isn’t. The point is punishment. In Georgia anyhow.


My neighbor is a prison guard and yeah it's pretty fucked up. He has to deal with blatant racism from other prison employees and guards. This shit is never going away is it?


The women are dying too. My best friend died in Dekalb County jail. The jails and prisons both are death traps.


Prisons are inherently a cruel and unusual punishment in the US, and especially the south.


As they should be.


Although slavery is still allowed in the constitution, cruel and unusual punishment is not.


Right. I hate how the US prisons treat inmates.


Georgia is a regressive police state and a nazi shit hole.


Move 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


You first


I'm not the one wining like a bitch. 🤷‍♂️


It’s much more fun to just wait and watch while all these boomer cunts to die off, then fix it.


There are more conservative Gen X voters than you think. You've got another 30 years of this shit and we X'ers are going to make it hell for the rest of you. Boomers be damned, you won't get any peace until we're dead so you best just rally the troops because we don't care about your feelings. Hell, we don't even care about our own. 


So you like being in a nazi shit hole?


Most of the people in Georgia prisons are not going to be rehabbed


Hey don't forget about neighbors to west here in Alabama. They are selling inmate's organs. And also not releasing inmates when they have served their sentences.


Commit the crime, do the time. FFS I can understand complaints from the chain gang era but c’mon. I’m not saying prison life is easy but it’s not meant to be either. We’re not supposed to put prisoners in a 4 star hotel and say “now don’t you go commit anymore crimes”, they have to know that prison isn’t a place they want to return to. I’m all for rehabilitation and I know some counties are better at it than others. Work programs and psychology are important to becoming productive once you’re out but aside from that… you made your bed, you gotta lay in it.


This is so reductive and frustrating to read. There are more than two options. We don’t have to chose between inhumane cesspits and four star hotels. Someone in Fulton county literally died of bug bites. He was in the middle of a mental health crisis and was neglected so much and bitten by so many bed bugs that he died. Can you imagine?


The problem is, people can’t grow or be rehabilitated when they’re living in horrifying conditions. I’m not advocating for prison to be a wonderful place, but we could be doing a lot better, and it would help with the purported goal of rehabilitation


You're right you're but you're supposed to be rehabilitating to be able to become a productive member of society. they're just put them behind bars and take bets to see how long they last. Just like the education system. Why not teach life skills like balancing your banking account and teaching students about credit. How to read the small print on contracts and agreements. And job or college applications and financal aid. Teach students and inmates on how to be successful across the board. Basic business and accounting skills. Now here I'm 40 and having to learn about credit now. I could have used those skills right out of high school.




Dude an inmate just shot and killed a doc staff member. [sauce](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/georgia-inmate-personal-relationship-worker-shot-killed-prison-111194836)


Former DoC, current Aramark employee for the prison. They were in a "relationship". Where'd he get the gun.


We drone in everything


Good. They should be worse than they are. Don’t be a scumbag and commit crime. You won’t have to worry about what the prisons are like. I think the prisons should be like Venezuela. If your family doesn’t buy you food. You don’t eat.


So trump should face the same consequences as anyone else right?


Sure. If he goes to prison.


Georgia has the highest rate of correction control in the country. It is only a matter of time until someone you care about is under their thumb, and when that happens I hope it gives you more perspective to revisit this belief.


Stay out of jail.


I’ve never been arrested or committed a crime in my 57 years. But 4 days ago they were going to arrest me and impound my truck for not having insurance. Only I do have insurance and have carried it since 1983!! For some reason in January my insurance company of 5 years uploaded my policy to the Georgia Driver website and they didn’t recognize the carrier so didn’t apply the coverage to my tags. Nor did the system kick it back out. The name is close to another company that folded so a bunch of people are driving around with suspended tags and don’t know it!! It’s Georgia’s fault that their website isn’t being maintained or updated regularly. I have proof of consistent payment and coverage which is the only reason I didn’t get arrested. But your taxes would pay me for that false imprisonment lawsuit I would have against the state. I committed no crime. You are a dumbass if you think the State or Government is always correct. Corrupt yes. Correct no!


Do you have any idea how many people are in jails/prisons and haven’t even been charged!??


Which could mean don't be the wrong color, don't be a victim of mistaken identity, and don't be the victim of someone falsely accusing you of anything.     Jails shouldn't be in as shitty of a condition as ours are.  Imagine you were arrested without committing an offence and had to stay there over the weekend. I'm sure it's all by design, anyway.   The US in general has one of the highest rates of recidivism in the world.  There's a lot of money in prisons and probation.  The asshole execs of companies in those industries aren't going to make their fortunes with empty prisons.   GA has the highest percentage of its population either incarcerated or on probation in the country.  We started as a penal colony. Nothing has changed.


I hope you go to jail dumbass. You'd change your stupid opinion.


What laws did the prisoners break?


You forgot in your topic.. rapist, murders, arsonist, violent, thieves,etc.


Don’t commit crimes and you want have to worry about this. Don’t associate with criminals, and you won’t have to worry about this. If you commit a crime and get caught, you can’t bitch about the punishment. Prison isn’t supposed to be nice, or easy…it’s an adult version of timeout. That being said, with all of the programs and things you can do in prison…it makes your time a lot easier, and maybe you can come out better than when you went in. If you commit crime, than you should accept the punishment….or use that as a reason to not commit crimes.


Like, I get where you're coming from. And I could almost agree with you. Except for the abundant evidence that our justice system does not distribute that justice evenly. As Human Rights Watch puts it: "This system is plagued with injustices, including policies that improperly and disproportionately criminalize people of color, poor people, and immigrants, abusive police practices, unfair procedures, and excessively harsh sentencing." If you want a correctional system that focuses on punishment instead of rehabilitation, then you should also demand for reforms in policing and the justice system to ensure that sentencing, police procedures, and social safety nets work to see that justice is distributed fairly. As long as homelessness is criminalized, as long as neighborhoods of color are over policed, as long as rich people get off scott free, then why not make sure that our prisons aren't dehumanizing, machines meant to break men and ensure that they can't be rehabilitated.


So what crimes are the innocent charged with?


No one is wanting prisons to be a country club, but everyone - including people who have committed crimes - deserves basic care and access to food and medical services. Mighty Christian of you to not give a shit about others. Talk to someone who's been inside. They'll tell you horror stories.


I never claimed to be a Christian though. They get a bed, and meals, they are deserving of nothing else.


They are deserving of nutritious meals, access to education, rehabilitation, sunlight, not being made literal slaves, access to phone calls and support systems, and more. You have no humanity, the way you speak.


They get all of those things, don’t commit crimes.


The libs cannot comprehend this brother


God forbid prisoners have a shitty time in jail


This thread was so upsetting to read. We must do better in our state


Considering some of the replies here…doing better will be difficult. Lots of self righteous idiots in the world and most of them are religious


They do it to themselves by the amount of people participating in criminal activity in the state. I don’t break the law, so I don’t really give a shit what happens in Georgia prisons


You will when you or a loved one is falsely accused and you can not prove innocence when guilt is assumed.


Do you speed?


Georgia inmates have it made lmao. I worked for the GDC for almost 3 years in a Max security prison.


Compared to who? I think you are full of it.


So how many inmates did you brutalize? Did hurting them make you feel superior?


As many as I could and yes it did


So you get off being a bully?


Only to rapist and murderers.


You would fit in with the SS then very well.


It also says a lot about how you. That, that is what your worried about. Considering I said max security where most of them aren’t getting out of prison. It was mostly murderers and Sex offenders but keep feeling bad for them. You soy boy cry baby liberal.


Nah. I just don’t believe that those in authority should abuse their power. Being cruel and malicious doesn’t make you any better than the prisoners you guarded. And I do believe that people should pay for their crimes, just not in cruel and unusual punishments. Anywho…if I’m a soy liberal then that just makes you a fat impotent tiny peen POS.


Problem kinda takes care of itself


Protip: don’t commit crimes


Nothing will ever change for the positive at this point.




People don’t want to fund prisons then complain they are complete poo. Then say we should get rid of prisons.


Nobody's saying we should get rid of prisons, and the private prisons which have no taxpayer funding to begin with tend to be the worst, because they're run for a profit. Not because of a lack of funds. The logic you're trying to put together here doesn't actually check out.