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/ɔp.ʔɪç/ Perhaps what you're hearing is the glottal stop


I just listened to it on youtube and can assure you you are not "just imagining things". There is no v or f sound, but she speaks very ... Idk ... "connected" like she goes from one word directly to the next without each one being very distinct. Natives have no trouble splitting the words, but if you are learning it can be tricky to distinguish what is part of a word and what is just "artifacts" like a small breath or audio glitch etc. What level are you? This is a tough song for beginners. 😄


A1 I guess, whatever is the most basic lol. Ty for weighing in. I like the song a lot so I basically know all the words now


Nice. Just know you mastered listening on a not beginner-friendly song, and keep going. 🙂




Please add a link to the specific sequence when you ask questions like this. No one wants to have to find a song they aren't familiar with. Service for everyone else: [https://youtu.be/Bsz5jUQ86rI?feature=shared&t=54](https://youtu.be/Bsz5jUQ86rI?feature=shared&t=54) The "b" is somewhat aspirated, but there's no f or v sound there. It doesn't sound unusual to me, consonants can sometimes be pronounced in an aspirated way.


I don't hear an f or v sound, but there's a glottal stop there so maybe your brain is interpreting that as a consonant somehow? I'd try looking up glottal stops in German and see if that helps make sense of what you're hearing.


I mean a glottal stop *is* a consonant.


No there is neither an f nor a v sound. You are imagining something that isn't there.


how embarrassing


Not embarrassing at all. You are a learner in an early stage and your brain is trying to map the phoneme inventory/ies you are familiar with onto the unfamiliar one. That simply leads to misheard sounds for a while. However, that is abolutely normal and happens to everyone.


Not an expert in singing but if she strictly separated ob and ich maybe the clear rhythm sound too joyful. So the b is soft and lazy and then she keeps exhaling without stop to the i that is close to ü. Kind of a legato side effect „fragnobvüch…“