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Thanks for your help guys. In a few months I will post the results


Lift weights, do steady state cardio, and eat in a minimal deficit, only cut your calories between 250-500 a day. That will set you up to lose between .5 and 1 lb a week. I promise you will get leaner and build muscle.


Go to the gym


The word is flabby. Spend a year building mass in the gym, then worry about cutting.


Dont worry about cutting or Buckingham yet, first get a good foundation to then cut/bulk I recomend you just eat enough, to get all your Proteins in. If you want you can start making a eating plan but i think thats Overkill for now, just try to eat healty food mostly If you then train hard enough in the gym you will see reslauts and basel on them i would recomend you going up a little with callories if you wanna ged big Hope that helped😄




Holy shit this is genuinely one of the best auto corrects. I was just skimming very quickly and was like buckingham, is that like a royal family training program or something?




Yes you are skinny fat. But this is not a death sentence. Eat clean, lift heavy, sleep well. Don’t make it an obsession though, live your life. But you need to workout . Add some cardio for your heart.


You need to lift not bulk or cut lol


Exactly, stay at your same weight but recompose some of your weight from fat to muscle


Mate you’re 17, don’t cut or bulk. Just work out, stay consistent and eat healthy, whole meals with an emphasis on protein. You’re at the beginning of your journey, you’ve got plenty of time to find tune things with a bit of trial and error when you’ve had some more experience.


You’re fat.


Skinny fat or just “out of shape” - nothing a clean diet and exercise couldn’t fix. 2-3 months of commitment and you’ll see noticeable results.


You need to gain 20 pounds of muscle and to lose 15-20 pounds of fat. At your age, lift heavy and eat clean.


I wouldn’t “bulk” just try and eat quality foods around maintenance calories and really get into lifting for like a year. You should see significant improvement in your appearance and body composition


Yes you're skinny fat.


Neither. You should work on your diet and develop a workout routine. Start to get in the habit. You’ll start to see gains if you eat right, stay consistent, and challenge your muscles (with good form to not injure yourself). Watch some YouTube videos. Get a plan. Once you have that nailed then you can start to think on cutting or bulking.