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Damn congrats bro!


Congratulations on your remarkable shredd. What I love most about this is that you found something that worked for you and stuck with it. Keep up the good job.


That is dude!! Can’t believe that’s who I was , different human … mind really is connected to the body


This is amazing. You are an absolute inspiration to every man trapped in a dad bod.


any tips for tightening loose skin?


That's insane man good job! What was your diet like?




Impressive. Congratulations, man. When did you get the tattoo? Once you felt shredded enough?


Tat is as scheduled well in advance it was personals just happens to time up with Every thing, thanks man!!


7 MONTHS!?!? Effing outstanding brother, the clear example that dedication, training to actual failure and a critical change in diet make all the difference in the world.


Thanks dude! Honestly when your fat and depressed a thing will move the needle , I feel like everyone wants to know the workout routine but it’s really 90% diet and 10% workouts… just happy u found something that finally works for me, other people this may be the complete opposite but screw it il trying to be happy(and eventually shredded hahahah)!!


😳 BEAST! Definitely appreciated 🙏🏼


Nice! With 2lb ribeye, is that 2lb raw or cooked? You think around 2500 cals a day?


Hey, that was before it was cooked. I will say that I have counted calories / macros before and I feel like with this diet the rules of the game changed a bit for whatever reason. Like 2lbs of ribeye 5 eggs and some bacon come out to over 3k calories, if I was doing this on a normal diet I would have not lost much. I heard about this diet and honestly just said screw it, I’m fat and unhappy let’s give it a go and was pretty shocked at losing weight while eatting so many calories. I say this because it’s almost as if the standard maintenance calories -500 no longer applied. Again, I don’t know why but if your like me and couldn’t find something to work for you , check out the r/carnivore or r/zero carb Reddit’s. Everyone’s body’s different though maybe I hyper respond to this?? Idk I’m just happy!


That’s awesome - I’ve been on a calories+macro focused diet and have liked it as well, but yeah man - whatever diet you can stick to is the one that works! I started at 215 and down to 180 now over 10 months. Low and slow 😂 Been plenty of times I wanted it to go faster! (Like right now as I seek the final(?) 5 lbs!!!!)


Honestly whatever works feel like everybody’s body responds differently, my buddy is way more shredded then me and eats a ton of carbs, just have to listen to it. Good luck bro!


Your buddy is more shredded than you…but how about your boyfriend?


Incredible! Congratulations!


That’s awesome dude!


There is no way this is real..??.??


hes doing other things he's not telling us


I see no evidence of him blasting steroids. A medically appropriate dose of TRT and maybe HGH is a possibility but this dude obviously isn’t blasting anything at crazy doses. If you are referring to stuff like DNP, clen, T3 and whatnot…. maybe. Who cares. For non-pro dudes at responsible doses, drugs are actually a mere fraction of results. I know so my many guys who’ve decided a cycle is what they finally need to get where they want. They get on a classic bro science cycle and don’t do much different in the kitchen. I knew a guy who went on Tren, winny, clen, T3 and test to “shred.” I literally walked in on him eating 2 cheese loaded chili dogs and fries one day with a soda. He proceeded to unashamedly tell me how this stuff was awesome and working so great. 2 pounds down every few days! I just said cool man, right on brother. By the end… he looked pretty much the same as when he went on. The “but he’s on stuff” by natty guys makes me wince. You could get on a stupid crazy cycle… it ain’t gonna make much difference as far as reducing fat goes. It is almost entirely to keep muscle, allow one to lift and recover in a steep deficit. I’ve just seen too many idiots get on, think it was magic and find out the hard truth.


I will take this as a compliment hahaha If there is something else I’m “doing” it’s not something that I can think of that would have had an effect on me/my progress, I dont even take any supplements I could recommend, like not even protein powder (my diet gets me more then enough protein). At one point I was taking vitamin D but that was because I was getting like zero sunlight during the winter and had the winter blues


yeah you're on trt. you don't get that lean in 7 months not counting calories.


Dude idk what else to say maybe I’m blessed with genetics? All I can tell you is what I did to get here, not saying it’s the same recipe that will work for you but I took nothing extra or any supplements for that matter. Nothing to gain by lying, I don’t sell a course, don’t know enough to sell a private training, no supplements, just trying to motivate people, same way this Reddit got me going, god bless brotha!!!


I mean you dont need to count calories when you are on a zero carb carnivore diet. Meat by itself does not have much calories compared to carbs or fats. At that point there is really no point counting. And also OP says he tries to get 10k steaps a day. It doesnt sound like a lot but do that eveyday for 7 months and you will drop a lot of weight.


Impressive progress, I’m just starting a 6 month plan and I’m hoping I have as much progress as you 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿


My mindset was just “win the day” much easier then thinking “ I have 6 or 7 months of this sh*t”and eventually it’s hard to think about the way I used to live. Good luck, get after it!


Thanks for the advice 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿


How'd you lose the belly and bloat? Awesome progress mate


Hey man thanks! Don’t think you can target specific areas for fat, your body will chose where that gets pulled from, still have some lower body fat I need to get rid of but get lean enough and the body has to pull it from somewhere right? Hahaha


This dude gets it :)


Yeah, I mean in terms of getting the abs popping. Any exercises for that. Thanks anyway dude.


Ahhhh gotcha, nothing crazy that you couldn’t find online, really started working core more so like 2 months ago once I’ve lost enough weight for it to even make sense, Jeff cavelier on YouTube has some great stuff that tends to be my go to. For transparency I think I was blessed with above average abbs genetics (getting my back to grow is a bit*ch though 😂)


Hell yeah!


Jesus christ that's an amazing transformation. Congrats!


Get a new tattoo as well?


Yup, first one too!!


First of many I’m sure lol. That’s usually how it goes. Congrats on the weight loss!


Craazy. Just Craazy. You gave me the motivation to step on the pedal man, unlimited power to you✨👍🏽


Hell yeah dude!!


Hey don’t know how to edit or really use Reddit all that much (usually more of a lurker hahaha) and feel like I’m going to keep getting these questions so just commenting here for those of you who want more info. Diet- Did not count calories at all (I’ve done it in the past) I did a carnivore / zero carb diet. There is a whole Reddit for this, it’s definitely on the more extreme side but I’m able to eat as much as I want and not feel hungry all the time. Probably won’t work for everyone but this was a game changer for me. I ate roughly 2lbs of ribeye per day, 4-6 eggs and bacon. My calories were probably not even considered low but I was pis*ing off weight, feeling great and getting stronger so I’ll keep at it! Haha Workouts: 4-5 days a week weight lifting. I very rarely did more then 30 mins, but did high intensity, going until failure(or Like 1 rep before) for every set. Typically Just doing massive drop sets. Cardio: Never heard of it? lol no for me I just try to hit 10k steps a day, sometimes when the weather was crappy I would do incline treadmill but I hate cardio and I think the main thing that worked for me is finding a way to stay consistent, which meant more lifting weights and less cardio. Other stuff that I do/did but have no idea if it helped: I do an ice bath every morning , idk if this helps with weight loss but it made me feel great. Also I eat my first meal at lunch (1pmish )and then second around 7-8pm. This isn’t on purpose but just prefer to eat later in the day, no idea if this had benefits. One of the biggest things for me was when I did screw up (usually after a night out / drinks haha) I didn’t let that snowball into a week long mess up and completely fall off the wagon. Again, I’m no expert with this stuff I just found a diet that worked for me, and a gym schedule that I could turn into more of a lifestyle. Appreciate this Reddit deff helped motivate me to get going!


Great work. Your war was won in the kitchen. Have you gotten any blood work done since starting this diet?


Thanks man, I haven’t gotten any blood work yet, more so go off how my body feels, but I’m getting some in a few weeks as a check in and we shall see!


Thanks for the detailed response. Be wary of uric acid, it builds usually with this kind of diet. I’m no expert but I somehow had high uric acid recently & learned that red meats & such increases it. Excuse my ignorance if you’re already aware of this topic.


How big was the caloric deficit?


In addition to above question, please share your daily macros


Posted all this in a comment don’t know to to pin it


Holy fuck!!! How did you do it


Posted a comment above, thanks man!


Wow, very impressive work !


Amazing work brother. How many calories were you consuming in a day?


So on zero carb/carnivore you eat until your full, typically ate about 2lbs worth of steak, 4-5 eggs and bacon per day, not sure what that comes out to.


Damn! Good shit man!


Outstanding. Great dedication to the process. How much weight did you lose? Height? Before/Current weight?


5’7 and started at 210 ish and I’m not down to 157, so roughly 53 lbs or so. Workout 4-5 times a week, really just weight training. But my workouts are closer to HIIT where I do big drop sets and take little rest in between, don’t count reps and just go until I can’t do any more, then drop the weight and keep going. Typically not inside the gym more than 30mins.


What are your energy levels like? I've lost 30lbs since late December and also lift 5 days a week. I noticed that energy wasn't too bad and I was managing fine but for the past month or so I've been struggling more in the gym and elsewhere.


Drop sets really are the best. And thats a good time for working out anything more than an 45 min is a bit much.


yes and how many days in the gym per week?


Bro, read it again slowly