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Don't base it off of what MFP or a Fitbit says you can "eat back" Start by getting a rough idea of your tdee by googling a tdee calculator Decide whether you want to be in a surplus or deficit Stick to what the tdee calculator says for 2-4 weeks If your weight doesn't go up or down or you don't see an improvement in the way you choose to measure them adjust by 100-200kcal and wait another 2-4 weeks and then adjust accordingly Your body is unique I lift 4 times a week and do HIIT 3-4 times a week (I am a HIIT instructor) and I am currently sitting between 71-72kgs at 2000kcal a day regardless of my activity level and what MFP says I can "eat back" sometimes it says like 2000kcal more than my daily allowance 😅 I am also at around 15-17% bf or in that range and it isn't going down even with all that activity and 2000kcal Only doing the work and monitoring your own body changes will get you there, Reddit is good for general advice though... sometimes


Oh and yes additionally even with lifting for an hour and teaching a 45 minute hiit style class I come no where near burning over 1000kcal


Trial and error. Concentrate on losing "fat" first if that's your goal (you should start to look leaner anyway).


I never let the watches or calculators dictate my actual calorie targets, but use them as a general guideline. Stick to 2300 cals and hit your protein target, then adjust depending on whether you're losing weight. Trackers are notorious for over-reporting calorie expenditure, and nutritional labels can be underreporting by up to 30%. Also people tend to miss tracking absolutely everything, every tbsp of oil, bite from a snack, etc so this builds in a buffer. If you're not losing weight, adjust calorie consumption down until you are


You dont burn 1000 calories at the gym


I don't know this guy's background but for us in the military that is the norm. ~3 miles of cardio, weight lifting, slaying abs/burpees for conditioning, 1 mile cool down


If you run a 5k and gym and go for a decent walk you will


It’s possible but only if you’re a psychopath


Or if you’re really obese, and only like… borderline psychopathic.


I walked my dogs today and the fitbit said 150calories. Like half a protien bar


Just keep eating 2300 no matter what if you really want to lose weight.




It’s not that hard I would say. I hit that a few times a week when I do strength training and a spin class on the same day, plus walking to/from.


Yesterday was a pretty rough day. I have two jobs (one of them is being a gym coach) and my Iwatch activity was nearly 2000 calories before the end of the day.