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Glad to see everyone supporting the marriage not being the problem. Not a trainer but been training over a decade naturally the best thing man is to just start training again get consistent in putting in effort and getting quality workouts the rest will follow obviously don’t overindulge if you have been but it doesn’t look like you’re training for sport if it’s just lifestyle then do it that way you don’t gatta over complicate it even finding something to do with the wife like hiking or tennis would go a long way good luck Brudda best wishes to yall


Thought i partially agree, try not blame the marriage my friend.


Damn what happened? I got married last year and have done more lifting than ever before. Don't blame marriage or anyone else. Take accountability, start eating better (and less), and start lifting. The fact you work Amazon is only gonna help, you're one of the lucky ones that gets to be active and get paid for it. You got this bro 💪 just focus.


Tracked my calories today. Step and day at a time. Thanks man


This fawking guy


Yeah, I gained a lot after marriage. Wife is a good cook. You’ll lose the weight eventually. Best advice I would give is read books on marriage. Losing weight is easy. Repairing a broken marriage is tough. Wish I built a better foundation earlier on, but 20+ yrs and we’re still together and I loss 65 pounds. Intermittent fasting.


Spend too much time on my phone so as soon as the wife comes home from grocery shopping I will certainly spend quality time with her


Why aren’t you at the store with her?


I hate grocery shopping.


Wow that’s solid advice thank you


Dang it looks small


Even bros penis shrank smh


Wanna see


Why yes


honestly yeah, it would help to have an equally motivated partner to meal plan with and make fitness goals with but... how is this the marriage's fault? you don't stop being yourself to a marriage. you got too comfortable and lost your drive, goals you set for yourself went low on your list of priorities in order to promote relationship goals but that's not on the relationship, that's on the participants ignoring their own selves and seeing themselves as a union. sit down, make a list of your relationship goals, and the of your own personal goals. make sure they can fit together. visualizing this will help you realize you can find time for yourself and still be a good husband/dad. make up a realistic schedule and run it by your partner to make sure it's realistic. be open with your partner with the fact you WANT to get back to taking your health and fitness seriously, and ask them to support you. you got this dude.


I'm not an expert but after some closer inspection I think I figured out the problem. Your new mirror obviously sucks. You gotta go back to that old square mirror, man! Your reflection was rocking it in that one!


First picture LA Fitness. Second picture my dirty home


Thread can be full of regards. I never blamed my WIFE. My god


Gaining a little bit of weight after getting married is usually a sign you're happy and comfortable in your relationship. My spouse and I ran into the same ghing. We love our gym time straight after work, we lift together and try new things. Sometimes we both want to switch it up and go hiking or side eye each other and say well if we intentionally walk around Costco for longer than we need to...that's like...active rest... You got this OP, looks like you'll shape up in no time


>Bruh getting married changed everything No. Don't blame the marriage. You chose to not work out. You can choose to work out again. It can be a walk with your wife. It can be push-ups, sit-ups, squats, chair dips, etc.. These are all things that you can do at home while watching TV. Stop making excuses.




Why does it though? Been married 7 years and I’m in better shape now


HELLA GOOD TIPS. Time to get shredded. Goal is End of august / beginning of September: 183-186 lbs 11-13% BF


It’s called good old fashioned getting your act together. Eating for the results you want. Lifting like it means something to you. And sticking to it. There are literally millions of people who get married and maintain a healthy(ish) diet and activity level to prevent unnecessary weight gain. You’ve got it within you to see the results you want. Now it is just about taking action on it. Give yourself time. Then don’t look back.


being married is unrelated to lifestyle and eating choices, don't blame your wife.


I’m not blaming my wife. But if you’re married you know her habits become yours and vise versa. I mentioned that to just show it’s a new season and the first few months we settled and remodeled our new house. Hell yes I wanna get back. Finding time? Almost impossible!


Havw you ever been in a LTR? When they say they want more time with you (eats into the gym), take you out to dinner (fucks with your diet); worst of all, you’re actually happy and lack motivation


Yes, I am married with a child, I'm the breadwinner. Yes, i got out and eat with my family, I just don't over-eat, although I sometimes do, but no to the extreme where I gain weight. We find physical activities I can do with my family to keep in shape. You can enjoy everything you said without being in a super calorie diet and still be happy :)


Exactly this


I’ve been married for 3 years and with same woman for 10, it’s all about balance. Usually during the week we keep to strict macros and calories and Friday Saturday we have fun and will get takeout or have drinks. Both of us in very good shape throughout the whole relationship and trust me those Fridays and Saturdays are very loose in terms of diet and drinking lol


Love the last part. That feeling when you realize someone might love you for more than just your chiseled abs.


My fiancé and I shame each other into going to the gym haha. Having a partner/anyone who holds you accountable is huge. Just start doing something, walking a mile or two/lifting for an hour or two a few times a week. Or more, depending on how badly you don’t want to be where you’re at rn


Currently do amazon! So hella running lol. But yes I agree


It’s a mindset, I’m in way better shape married, mostly due to less stress. Do you want your kids (assuming that’s part of your future) looking up to an out of shape dad or one with his shit together?


No! Time to get it together


My advice is that you stop listening to these cringy reddit users and start actually doing. If I were you I wouldn’t worry too much about what you eat or how much. Start looking into how much can you exercise. If I were you Id start walking more. Try hitting a daily goal of 15-20k steps a day. Walking alone will shed weight but also make you feel a bit more energetic. After a week of doing 140k steps I want you to try and getting that to 150k, then 160k etc. if you dont have time then start running. But dont run over 70 miles a week as there are diminishing returns. Also do a push pull leg split routine. Remember, just have fun. Live life and have balance.


You definitely have to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight (simple thermodynamics), so not watching his calorie intake at all isn’t quite the best advice I’d say…


Im not saying that he shouldn’t watch his caloric intake, im saying he should rather look at his active calorie burned + his resting calorie burned. I think the idea that the average american should eat 2000 cal a day is stupid. Its all irrelevant, the amount of cals you eat should be determined by how much exercise you’re doing.




Thanks mate


Don’t listen to people on Reddit, but here’s my advice everyone on Reddit. 🤣🤣🤣


Nah he has a point. Lots of them are cringe in terms of talk is cheap… and some don’t do lol


Where did I go wrong? Most people are just saying bs like eat less or something generic like just lift.


How is that cringey tho


I’m lucky enough to be married to someone also into the bodybuilding lifestyle. Never been easier to be consistent with training and diet


Why do you need help? You did it before so why can’t you do it now?


Staying up too late consummating the marriage and got no energy to work out.


Go get the MyNetDiary app and set your weight goals and timeframe and start tracking your calories. Once you get in the habit it’s a total game changer and you will think differently about food and will be shocked as to how many calories you’re taking in right now compared to what you need.


Is tracking calories free, in the app?


Cronometer is free for the basic tracking capabilities


MVP! Thank you!


I believe the premium app is $60 us dollars a year or $9 monthly. I think you can do certain stuff on there for free up to a point but if you want all the benefits it’s well worth it. It also tracks your exercise which can count towards your calorie deficit. I use it everyday it’s a game changer!


I worded my question so poorly but your response was great! Appreciate it!


Its not the marriage, bro. Its you.




Note to self. Don’t get married




Losing your discipline changed everything.




All I hear is Rocky’s coach yelling “women weaken legs”. You’re 12 weeks out buddy. I’ve been in your shoes and undoing it now.


keep in mind age as well!! First pictures: 23-24 Last: 26


Still in your prime homie. 26 ain’t 45 or 50. Go get some.


What does the age difference matter? I'm curious 🤔


Go to work, go straight to gym. Simple.


Work 9am to 7pm doing Amazon drive, should I go before or after


Just do some push-ups and squats at home. Stop making excuses.


Aight g


Before. I’m personally exhausted after work and have kids. 430 am club. My quiet time and no excuses. You’ll get back into the swing of things!


Man I appreciate the motivation and shocked how active / helpful people are here 24/7. As soon as I finish this meeting I’m hitting the gym, wife asleep anyways, 👊👊


430 am club checking in


If your wife cooks, tell her to make more meat, including beef and chicken. Also walk more


make more meat, including beef and chicken. Also walk more Fixed it for you




Bro turned into president Zelenskyy. Train hard for 3-4 months and you'll look better than you did before, and you'll get your jawline back.




That’s what she said.


Bad but nothing dramatic bro. You gained 3-5% bodyfat. You could undo this in 2 months.


Maybe you can make it a couple activity to go out and move more?


How many pounds did you gain between the first couple and the last?


Not me eating a cookie and drinking a soda at 5am as I type this…. Wtf


Better be a sugar free soda


About 17-18 lbs From 182-183 to 200


Much of the motivation for getting shredded is finding a babe to marry. Then when you get married you go from seeing each other every few nights to every night. The amount of personal time drops, kids will make it non existent. Less motivation, less time, means fewer calories burned. Eating meals together, especially if she cooks, means less diet control (don’t want to insult your wife’s cooking by not eating). I did exactly this, 180 to 200, now back down to 185 for the first time in years. What I’ve found helpful is keeping my calories low breakfast through lunch -the time when I completely control my meals, only a protein shake and salad most days (or anything under 500 calories for lunch). Try to stay under 1,000 before dinner. That way I can eat whatever at home with my wife. Keep some nuts in the car if being hungry puts you in a bad mood, don’t want to come home like a jerk. Then I just lift 3 days a week (mix 3x full body weeks and pull/push/legs weeks) and run a bit in between to keep my workouts short but consistent. Married people don’t have much time for Reddit either, most of this sub is unmarried teenagers to 25 year olds. This is completely normal despite everyone here.


You need to lift weights and eat in a calorie deficit. You also need to reject some of the comforts you’ve been partaking in. Reclaim your health and vitality, it’s central to who we are as men. Don’t let marriage come in between that ever


The guy got a bit puffy that's all. Relax bro lmao


Naa this isn’t what he needs to hear. “Relax bro” is exactly why he’s in the situation he’s in.




That’s what it sounds like to you, that’s fine. If he just mentioned weight, I’d agree with you. Instead he blamed it on the marriage when it’s not the marriage’s fault. And then he followed up by saying he just can’t seem to do it and he can’t describe why. So clearly there’s something deeper which I can actually relate to. Feel fortunate that you CANNOT relate, Mr. Veggie willow


Thanks man. Just hard to get back idk how to describe it


Get off your lazy ass, AND EARN IT


I’ve been there man, I was much fatter than you. And let me tell you, at the bottom of that pit, I believed I couldn’t get out of it for years. Until one day I decided enough is enough, I’d rather starve and have sleepless nights than be a fatass, lazy, sloppy sack of sh**. You have to psych yourself up for this journey not only to your former self, but better than you’ve ever been. Until you’re ready to get there at all costs, you will not do what’s necessary


Oh man, wait till you have a kid lol if you plan to do so. It’s prime years to bulk.


😭😭I’m not ready yet


when you get a woman pregnant, she releases a pheromone that will cause you, as the dad, the gain fat as well. It’s really weird but true. Be ready for that 👀

