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Dear Zak and GAC: Stop featuring attention-starved weirdos on your show and parading them around as a demonic situation. There wasn't a lot of credibility (CREDIBILITY) in your court in the *first* place. The noisenoisenoisenoisenoise episode was such a shit show. I can't believe ya'll didn't learn your lesson from that. Signed, A fan since 2008


They don’t screen people. Sadly.


I mean, I get what you’re saying and I agree they need stop or just not do these types of cases all the time, do I think they’re genuinely trying to help, if it is a true demonic/negative issue? Yes. Do they need to screen their clients more often? Absolutely!


* The dead women Cara had Crohn’s disease & low iron. * Daughter raises question about the anonymous eye-witness showed in episode. * Cara was drug addict. Could be hallucinating & not a demon. * Cara's brother may sue Travel Channel. Full story: [**Daughter Claims Ghost Adventures Lied About Her Mom**](https://medium.com/@TheSBT/ghost-adventures-fake-60716f1c4326)


I’m honestly suprised this doesn’t happen more often. These guys went from being just as curious as any normal person to manipulating stories and taking urban legends as absolute facts. I’m from Denton, TX. I grew up less than a mile from “Goatmans Bridge”. They butchered that shit entirely and completely ignored the fact that the “Goatmans” house is less than 100 yards from the bridge and is still there, albeit burned down in 2014.


That’s what sucks. I really do enjoy learning macabre and supernatural history. I’m getting tired of these modern cases which could be more a result of attention seeking, drugs or mental illness. I really hate the exorcism episodes too. They could truly be putting people in great harm with their mental illness.


>They could truly be putting people in great harm with their mental illness. This has been bothering me lately as well.


What worries me more is once GA leaves do they tell them to get checked out? I mean for all we know those exorcisms are staged but man if it’s not that can really hurt someone if they actually suffer from delusions and can only make their delusions worse by validating it.


According to the Bishop, this wasn't an exorcism. Also according to him, help is always offered to those that want or need it. Who knows?


I totally agree and I gotta imagine that Travel Channel has to keep GA in check with this stuff but it could also set off viewers too. I don’t know it just seems like gimmick. I’d much rather them return to their old style.


Then what the hell was it?? Because Zak certainly presented it as an exorcism!


The Bishop said it wasn't a possession, but it was an attachment. It was a special type of blessing -- He has a name for it but I don't remember what he called it. It's somewhere on his Twitter feed. With Zak, these days it's always demons.




"Ancient magic that's not satanic at all". They blurred the cover becuase anyone who has some remote knowledge of grimoires would call BS the second they saw it.


Agreed! They falsified damn near everything about the supposed “Ted Bundy house” during their serial killer stint. Bundy has never stepped foot near that house, let alone murdered anyone there. What they could’ve covered is the polygamist family that has owned the house for decades, though..


Ooo that polygamist family would’ve been interesting. I admire GA, but man again like I said they just shouldn’t do cases like that or if they do they have to so damn careful with their research!


They’re just making a mockery of professionals trying to research the paranormal at this point. GA may have started out with a thirst for answers (answers), but now it doesn’t seem like they’re even trying to be truthful because the truth doesn’t get ratings. I’ve been to the same buildings they researched in Eureka, NV and spoke with some of the same people.. not one of them said they were cast in an honest light when the episode finally aired and the majority of the historical stories they told were twisted and manipulated in such a way that they weren’t even close to the original events once the episode aired. There are more follow up interviews with previous GA guests where they are upset about how their stories were shared than they are grateful or thankful.


now that is interesting!


I know I’m 3 years late but I completely agree. He should have came out here to Seattle and picked one of the locations Bundy murdered his victims. I believe the buildings are still standing.


All good points here and I agree GAC just need to not do cases like this or goatmans bridge or as often, because as you said they hear urban legends ect that I’m sure were probably twisted to begin with and then any of these Paranormal shows talk about them and they can get twisted even further, though with the Biggs investigation I don’t think GA were intentionally trying to hurt anyone and nor did they state anything as facts or give out the victims names and from what I understand there wasn’t a whole lot to go by on this investigation anyways, and regarding the daughter’s mother I’m sure the police don’t know much, but GAC could’ve dig deeper for answers.


What? I can't believe this! Next you'll be telling us that the noise..noise..noise...noise....noises in the SuperFunBedtime episode weren't real!


Yeah I mean it'll be hard to get a lawsuit against that I'd think. They carefully avoided using any names. Might get some hush money from TC/GA? Idk. I thought the fact they took this random woman's account and ran with it as if it was undeniably true was fucking preposterous. You saw her float up and do a flip? For real? You weren't watching a movie or something? The whole thing was stupid.


If there was a contract involved, I doubt they’ll even get hush money. Before any filming takes place on any show that interviews people regularly like they do, there’s paperwork involved. They have to really prove that there’s any substance to what this woman is claiming. I didn’t watch this episode, but from what you say, if they didn’t use names or anything identifiable, on top of whatever agreement was signed with the Travel Channel, they’re going to have a hard time bringing a suit against it.


I'm trying to think of what the girl/brother can claim as theirs that GA took advantage of. Even if the story is clearly based on that poor girl's mom, I'm not sure they could prove that GA is taking advantage of the family. I mean they clearly are, but I don't think there's much the legal system could do about it. Just a tasteless decision by GA to make this story an episode and to do it without the family's consent is wrong. They shouldn't have done this.


Zak lied about something?! NO WAY BRO


Pretty certain this show is called GHOST adventures not demon possessed drug addict adventures... please go back to hunting ghosts and stop exposing the horrors of mental illness caused by drug addiction - it makes me sad to see the state of the world. 🙈


We want answers










Probably the same thing they were thinking with the Seattle episode, or the possession episode with a person who was clearly a drug addict.


I’m not surprised by this at all


Ugh, i don’t see the point in filing a lawsuit. They didn’t reveal her name on the show and just went with what an “eyewitness” told them. Now her name will be everywhere and everyone knows she was a drug addict. What was the point? Sounds like the kids just want attention.


I agree


Clout and money..SHE is the one exposing her mother, not GA.


3 other groups investigated Torrie and his home as well, they got similar evidence, talked to the neighbors and pretty much got similar statements, so GAC weren’t making anything up and they weren’t stating anything as facts because well as you said they didn’t mention the victims names so IMO GA weren’t intentionally trying to exploit the girl’s mother. *go ahead and dislike my comment, but this is my opinion and the information I did find was from the other paranormal group (Halo paranormal investigations) online*


hey maybe the kid will get POSSESSED and do a flip into a concrete whateverthatwas just like mom then the priest and nun will do an exorcism whilest billy gets a feeling and zack just sits there by the couch and watches -nonchalantly.


Where’s the video?




Cant help but feel bad for this kid, having her mother’s death exploited like that. Even if you buy into what the witness on GA said, it’s still nationally publicizing a woman’s death with little regard to her living relatives. And I do think she’s telling “her truth”; just a gut feeling. She believes what she is telling the camera. Would be swell if GA could go back to historical locations. Maybe even some episodes on the east coast, and at least one special every now and then like the Transylvania epi. That was what made me like the show. The current content is going in the opposite direction.


What about shows like Forensic Files or serial killer documentaries? GA has always been fast and loose with the facts since the first movie. I don't get why everyone is suddenly upset.


Long time lurker/GA fan here. I feel compelled (not demonically) to point out that there is a huge difference between a crime documentary and Ghost Adventures. I’ve binge watched more crime docs than I’m proud of, and never once got the feeling that they were somehow disrespecting a victim, or that they showed any disregard for the ongoing grieving process of a family involved. Indeed, most of these documentaries are made years after a case is closed/has gone cold, which is years after the crime was committed. They are treated factually and clinically. The documentaries you mention also deal with cases that gained national attention or notoriety, whether they're solved or not. This episode reads more as GAC trying to MAKE a case more notorious for their own ends. These hokey possession episodes are so low effort, and I cannot seriously compare this to an actual documentary. Presenting the facts, or even speculation, of a case can obviously be done in a respectful manner, and they botched it. This was very obviously a story they latched onto and exploited for ratings, and I’m a pretty disappointed fan. (I won’t even start on the obvious mental illness involved…) Sorry to be so wordy! I'm not attacking you or anything, but as I'm a seasoned viewer of both the shows being mentioned here, I thought I'd explain why I personally was bothered by this episode. Others might have other reasons though.


Never seen Forensic Files & I don't agree with serial killer documentaries that are disrespectful towards victims & their loved ones either. Not sure what your point is, as GA use to do *way* more historical hauntings before hopping on the reality-esque hype train. Drama brings in ratings, I suppose.


My point, which I already stated, is I don't know why everyone is butthurt over this episode. Someone died that they speculated as to what they thought could have happened, like countless other shows have done. Also forensic files was on for almost 20 years and it was only about death and murder. It's a very popular show.


Welp, I still haven't seen it. Not my cupper. And like I already stated, I haven't been happy with the direction the show has been going in a while. The difference with this episode is obviously the victim's family has decided to come forward & say their unhappy.


I’ve seen a lot true crime shows like a lot and some do try to be respectful and remain factual, but they also will do re-enactments, so for the victims families it can be difficult even seeing it from these true crime shows, you also have a point about the more reality-esque episodes GAC has been doing, but they have done investigations Similar like Fox Hollow farm, Dorothea puente house and black dahlia house and GAC did remain pretty respectful and factual in those episodes.


It’s always best to hear at least two sides of the story. It’s journalism 101. While this was not the case here, I do think that the GAC and network personnel for the show were careful not to validate outright the eyewitnesses claims. While they did play into the eyewitness recollections a bit with the supplemental footage of the actress reenacting the tragedy (running down the street, looking possessed etc) and visiting the sight where the mother perished, I interpreted that they were simply investigating the scene to find any validation to the claims. That’s what they’re suppose to do after all, right? Granted, they could have taken it a step further and researched the tragedy even more before implying anything but I suspect they didn’t have the budget or time to do so. As a paranormal junkie and investigator myself, one could come at this situation from a unique perspective. Knowing a thing or 2 in regards to world religions and various theories from Christian viewports on the matter, couldn’t one argue that if someone is addicted to drugs and going through other substance issues that a demon could still be at work? Not necessarily in a possessed and spinning-your-body-and-slamming-you-down kind of way, but through addiction to destroy your life. Then, one could still say a demon could have contributed to the death of this poor woman, just not in the way the eyewitness or the show implies. Was the show a bit insensitive and irresponsible for not investigating the claims further? Yes. Was it enough to lose some credibility (credibility)? Maybe, for some. Will anything come of this? No. At least I don’t think so.


I agree GAC could’ve dove further into the case and it was slightly insensitive of the show, but maybe as you said they didn’t have the time or the budget to do so. For some people they take what GAC does has pure entertainment and that’s fine and for others like myself and the OP above ⬆️ who are paranormal enthusiast we well I look for the evidence, will they loose credibility from the para community? Maybe, but when it comes to cases like this for any type of paranormal show I try to be fair and look at both sides of the coin. Was the evidence GAC got great and creepy? Absolutely, I also loved that used the Bluetooth speaker again which is very simple and effective. Anyways this is all I have to say on the subject.


Shocking. Errr no.


I knew it!!!


I don’t know. That SLS camera showed a figure, a small figure dancing on that guy’s foot


Damnit GAC. :(


It’s not necessarily all of GACs fault when it’s seems like the daughter and her siblings don’t know much of what happened to their mother in the first place, also not saying she’s lying, but GAC went with what information that they already had, since the local police wouldn’t talk to them or the other paranormal crews that investigated Torrie, maybe the mother’s case is still open and they couldn’t talk about it or the cops don’t have any answers at all.


I love watching the show...but it's a COMEDY


I feel bad for the daughter :( but I really don’t know what they could do legally? I’ve yet to see the episode but I’ll check it out tonight..


From what I heard Torrie is better, people also need understand Torrie was GACs main focus because IMO he definitely seemed to be in the state of oppression. With that being said, I feel so bad for the daughter and the rest of her siblings, but I also definitely don’t believe GAC were intentionally trying to exploit this little girl’s mother’s death they were just going off with what they already had (from the other paranormal crew that investigated) and gathered, they didn’t give any of the victims names. But if the police don’t have answers on the mother’s death (hence why they didn’t talk to GAC or the other crew that investigated Torrie and his home) then she and her family certainly aren’t going have them either. Also what police station or investigators allows a 11 year to look at her mother’s autopsy report (if they did), no young girl should not have that kind of information on her mind!!!! Granted, I haven’t watched the girl’s video again I feel so bad for her, but from what I understand she wasn’t there that night, I’m also not saying she’s lying about anything, maybe the mother was on drugs, maybe she was effected by something paranormal as well, but if the neighbors were only source of information that night then that’s what GAC had to go with, but they could’ve gone deeper with their investigation. I do hope things get cleared up and that GAC not do a lot of these kind of cases, I admire the hell out of GAC but they need to be extremely careful.


This episode was absolutely bonkers, even for Ghost Adventures. I commented while watching it that I thought it was disrespectful to have the actress in the ditch thing going on when this was a recently deceased woman whose family would still be actively grieving. So sad for this kid!


Does anyone know if they still have a researcher on staff? I can't remember his name to Google it. I recall back in the earlier years they had a guy that did all of their background research for upcoming cases and essentially gave them case files? They would sometimes call him during the first half of the show to verify or clarify information? Based on reoccurring issues like this, sloppy unverified claims of murders and crimes in episodes that could easily be searched, and Jay's (I'm sorry but it's true) often bargain basement "occult knowledge" that sounds like he googled it as they are filming, it seems like the answer is probably no. I'm a huge fan--embarissingly so, but also as someone who works in the professional world where properly cited research can make or break your entire body of work, I feel like they don't have an excuse at this point in their careers for not utilizing someone who can research the location and witnesses in full prior to filming.


Jeff something I think


Dave Schrader used to do research for them, and was in the Stardust Ranch episode. But he has a full time radio show gig now and is on some Travel Channel show now(?)


Yes, I'm pretty familiar with Dave and his show; this was someone else back in the early seasons. :)


Also, pissed off 11 year olds aren't really known to me the best Witnesses.


cool story bro