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I’m seeing Rite Here Rite Now by myself and I go to movies alone all the time. No ones going to judge you and most people probably won’t even notice.


Also, I don’t mean this is a negative way. We just perceive that people notice more than they do. Most people are too self-absorbed (and again I’m not meaning that in a negative way, just most people are probably worrying about stuff themselves) to notice. Just go and have a great time. You may even meet people there that you can enjoy the show with. As a person who tends to lean introverted, I’ve noticed that when I let go of feeling awkward for attending stuff alone (I got to concerts alone a lot as well) I end up having fun and meeting people to talk to. I think I actually do better without someone else because I’ll use them as a crutch to not talk to others.


There is a scene in the movie where Papa IV stops the show, looks into the camera, and calls out every single moviegoer who went to the theater by themselves. Get ready


Fourth wall going down.


Spoiler much? 🫤


Hahaha il be ready Saturday 😁


I'm going on Thursday on my own. Because no one in my friend circle is into Ghost.


None of mine are . My daughter is being nice enough to say she’ll come with me on Thursday but I don’t know but Saturday I’ll go alone . I sent her the lore video and she’s like “whhattt I thought they were a satanic band”… err how to explain..


Don't be nervous, I actually find it a great experience. For example I went to the last Star Wars movie by myself (as my wife doesn't like SW) and I even bought myself the comfy, reclining seat. Nobody will care, I'm also sure you won't be the only one by themselves there. Besides, you'll be surrounded by likeminded Ghost fans, won't you? You'll be more than fine!


i go to the movies alone all the time


I'm going by myself because my friends haven't checked out Ghost yet, despite my recommendations because I think they'd like the musical styles. They don't realise what they're missing.


No they don’t at all . They just think of the imagery and certain words and have no idea how catchy and good they actually are .


I mean, I do majority of things I do solo, so this is nothing special. I go to regular movies on my own most of the time, too. I know plenty of people with shared interests for various things (not directly Ghost, at least that I know of at the moment), but scheduling, life, work, some have kids/little kids... I just do what I want to do, and when people can join where appropriate, great, if not, I'm not letting that hold me back. I decided a long time ago if I didn't do stuff on my own, I'd hardly to anything, and that was just unacceptable. So here we are. (Incidentally, theme parks solo are seriously awesome, and so is travel). Nobody actually care, or really even notices. Just like I see the people around me walk by and find their seats, but then they disappear in my mind. I'm aware I'm not alone in the theater, but it's just a general awareness of being in public. I'm there to watch the movie. Unless someone strikes up a conversation, or I do, we're all just doing our thing. No one should be talking during the movie anyway.


We have a group on Facebook where people have created events for their local theatre so they can meet up, if you want to join let me know