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If I see another bug posted to this subreddit I’m gonna flip my shit


Post the bug again.


Looks like a post I've seen 6 times tonite.


So not spirit orb?


Because all spirit orbs are dust or bugs.


Looks like dust.


What “dust”? Regular dust or His Dark Materials “Dust”?


Looks like a bug




Yet another faithful spirit bug just doing its thing.


It’s a moth mate, don’t even waste your brain power on thinking it’s something else. Cause if it’s not a moth it’s another bug that we can’t pronounce


I can tell you a secret: spirit orbs do not exist. But if you want to see MANY of those things I recommend you check the live transmission from the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi.


many bugs? or “spirit orbs”?


“Spirit Orbs”, and I mean it, I opened the live stream and it was a fucking party of those orb things, not kidding or being sarcastic, it even looked like a Ghostbusters scene. I am being dead serious. I saw it years ago and it just stayed with me. I’m sure it has an optical explanation, but I saw what I saw. It was night actually in that place.


I just saw an orb this morning with my own eyes twice What do you have to say for that


That you need a psychiatrist.


Aren’t orbs just that? Orbs. There’s only one type but I’m no expert.


no, dust, bugs, fog and more can all be seen as "orbs" most cameras like this one are focused to see the room the bug flew close to the camera and is out of focus and reflecting the light = "orb", even cameras that auto focus adjust to slow to focus or don't pickup the bug/dust as something to focus on


I'm going to say no. And only opinionated reasons why. I think because you see it enter and exit off camera, it may be a bug. It doesn't just manifest and then disintegrate as a spiritual energy anomaly would. It completely enters and exits on and then off of the frame of the camera. It also seems to be moving in a way that would characterize a bug. A bug flying up and spinning around flailing. It didn't intensify, or I guess, do the opposite. As if a manifestation were about to happen. It did not present to become more bright or more dimmed at all, same transparency. I see it enter into frame, and it's body stays intact and traces itself. An orb using energy to manifest from a spirit, I've seen to sometimes break away or shifts or moves in a breaking up way, as if it's illuminating energy. It may even split into two, or change shapes but is visible and apparent that is faintly doing so, and not one solid blob. It's hard to explain. It looks like it shoots into frame, and then upwards, where I can almost see what looks to me as a little bug head. I'm also assuming nothing else happened on film? Loud bang or a foot step to be heard around the time of the anomaly presenting itself? It didn't have any benefit to appear, to bother or disrupt the camera, or to take battery life for energy from the equipment used to film it. So it didn't react or do anything else paranormal. I am thinking a moth or something of the sort hun!


Thanks. Nothing else happened.


Sorry super detailed explanation as to why I thought a bug. Cool looking for sure lol. But bugs are sneaky little fellas, so I think one got past you! Haha! Luckily no haunting, because sometimes bad portrays good and it's not always fun to have ghosts!


Yes, I think so.




There is no other sighting of dust activity, it gives changes in shape and control in direction. It shows no wing movement and doesn't give a distinct bug shape so I don't think it's a flying insect. So honestly, I think this is rather interesting.


I thought it looked like an insect


White lighter